Published Weekly by
PJAL ESTATE ^^^^"^'*
©338 year, in advance...........S8 00
AH communications should he addressed to
WiiiTiNQ BuiLniNO, 313 AND 347 Broad-wat.
In the case of James O. Lloyd against Ed-
Av;ii-d Matthews, reported in the last volume of
the Court of Appeals—the Court of last resort
in this State—the following principles were
laid down touching the right of brokers to re¬
cover commissions for selling real estate :
1. To entitle a real estate broker to com¬
pensation it is sufficient that a sale is effected
through his agency as its procuring cause; and
if his communications with the purchaser are
Ihe means of bringing him and the owner to¬
gether, and the sale results in consequence,
tho compensation is earned, although the
broker does not negotiate or is not present at
the sale.
2. It is not necessaiy that the purchaser be
made known to the owner as the broker's custo¬
mer, zJAe e* so m/ac«. The owner is entitled
to know that the broker has been instrumental
in sending the purchaser; but when advised
by the latter that he has received the informa¬
tion of tiie purpose to sell and the price, it is
the owner's duty to inquire whence the infor¬
mation was derived.
3. Where the owner has placed his property
iu the hands of two or more brokers to sell,
notice to oue of a chauge of purpose does not
affect auotlier, nor is the latter's agency re¬
voked therebv.
Nov. and Dec.
1 Crosby st. (Nos. 61, 63, 65, and 67),
e. s., 4 houses. T. Clarkson and
W. Potterton agt. J. B. Young ... S2,693 94
1 Clinton pl. (No. 83), n. s. Claek-
son & Potterton agt. J. B. Young. 461 24
ington av., 67x102. Charles Kin¬
kel and George F. Gerrish agt.
Nicholas Haas................... 508 00
4 Elizabeth st. (Nos. 218 and 2-30),
e. B. Anthony Conboy agt. Wm.
Handley and Richard Lee........ 348 73
29 Fifth av. (No. 617), b. s., com. 55
s. 50th St. Ferdinand Scholz agt.
------Meyers..................... 90 00
29 Fortt-seventh ST. (No. 546 W.), s.
s. John Cobeer agt. Jacob Weeks 46 25
3 Forty-seventh st., n.e. cor. 1st
av. Adam and John Klein agt.
Henry Eisner..................... 10,550 00
3 Fourth av. (No. 467), e.:s. (Cont'n
to Dec. 4,1874.) Nolen, McGrath
& Co. agt. Julia Schmitt......... 56 00
4 First av. (No. 354), e. s. James
Corsaur agt. Morris White........ 28 87
5 Hamilton st. (No. 31), w. 3. (Con.
to Dec. 9,1874.) Michael Harrison
agt. James Costello.............. 110 00
4 Ludlow st. (No. - 32). George . .
Schapley agt. Joseph Cassel...... 253 00
29 Mott st., w. s. 172 n. Bkoome st.
Leander Stone agt. Lorenz Weiher 1,600 00
Madison av., ?/■. s., 80 s. 45Tn st., '
2 houses.......................
4 Forty-seventh st., s. e. cor.
Lexington av., 30.5x100.5......
Matthew Niigent agt. Anson B
Birdsall and Edward S. Innes___ 95 00
1 Ninth st. (No. 417 E.), n. s., com.
225 e. 1st av. Frank Schaeller agt.
Mrs. Patrick J. Hanbury......... 3.35 00
1 Same property. Hugh Roberts
agt. Patrick J. Hanbury.......... 700 00
1 One Hundred and Twekty-sixth
St., s. B., 300 w. 6th av., 8 houses.
William Bell agt. John S. Day.... 356 00
1 One Hundred and Fourth st,, k.
s., 150 w. 2d av., 13 houses.
Thomas H. Farrell agt, Sigmund
T. Meyer........................ 10,000 00
1 One' Hundred and Seventeenth
8t.,n.s., 200w. Istav. Wm.,Thos.
R. A. and W. Henry Hall agt. Kich¬
ard Walsh....................... 405 00
3 One Hundred AND Fifty-sixth ST.,
bet. llth and 12th avs. Leon Mar¬
cotte and Adi'ian Herzog agt.
Helen N. Grinnell................ 10,230 CO
3 Pearl st. (Nos. 325 to 337, inclu-
sive, and extd'g to Clifi st.), w. s.
Henry W. Kelly a^. Harper Bros. 2,090 00
3 S.1ME propertv. Henry W. Kel-
ley agt. same.................... 3,030 00
29 Renwick st. (No. 20), e. s. Raeold
& Tostevein agt. U. Hellmers .... S-20 00
28 Seventh av., n. e. oor. 26th St., 50
xlOO. John .J. Bo-\ves & Son agt.
Maria & F. Stoessel.............. 83 00
29 Seventy-ninth st. (No. 168 E.), s.
s., bet. Sd and Lexington avs.
Reinhard Schade agt. Doris and
M. A. Buddensiek............... 185 00
29 Second av., s. w. cor. 120tk st.
Peck & Wandel agt. James O'Shea 3,640 80
2 Second av.,e. s., extd'g erom 122d
to 123d St., 10 houses. S. D. Sea¬
man agt. Valentine Vandewater.. 141 84
3 Sa3ie property. (Cont'n to Dec.
3, 1874.) Louis Mohl agt. same
party............................ 300 00
28 Thirty-eighth st. (Nos. 435, 435>^,
and 437), n. s., 300 e. 10th av. W.
D. Schoonmaker agt. W. Doyle
and Mr. Petrowsky.............. 405 00
29 Twenty-eighth st., n. s.,284 e. 9th
av., 5 houses. Ai-nold & Co. agt.
Solomon Gayten................. 1,77109
4 Thirty-seventh st. (No. 213 W.),
s. s. Hem7 H. Huih agt. Mr Plck¬
hardt ............................ 57 '25
29 Vandewater st. (No. 1). (Cont'n
to Nov. 30,1874.) Andrew Clancy
agt. John Towhall............... 235 00
1 Same property. (Cont'n to Dec.
6,1874.) Watrous & Wilson agt.
same party....................... 1,005 00
1 Sasce property. (Cont'n to Dec.
4, 1874.) Keleher & Morrissey
i agt. same party.................. 2,474 15
i 4 Same property. (Cont'n to Dec
I 7,1874.) Timothy Harrison agt.
I same party...................... 775 00
I 4 Same property. (Cont'n to Dec.
; 4, 1874.) Andrew Clinchy agt.
i same party...................... 433 00
Nov. and Dec.
8 Db Kalb av., s. s., 300 w. Yates
av. ,100x100,5 houses. Wm. Twible
agt. James M. Ashton............
8 Hamilton av. (Nos.. 48,50, and 52),
B. B. A. Balz et al. agt. J. Grouse
and Aldama Ghins...............
25 Willoughby AV., s. s., 2.50 vr. Le-vvis
av., 100x100. Jas. Kiley agt. Robt.
I Seward, Pat. Kilduff, and Kenard
Buxton.......................... 144 00
23 Sixteenth st., s. b. cor. Uth av.,
I 97.10x40. J. R. Glover agt. John
I Phillips, E. J. Beach, aud Patrick
and Mary McEntire.............. 613 18
I 1 Penn st., n. s., 134 w. Lee av., 113.7
xliJO. John Coffey agt. Edwin G.
Booth............................ 296 00
2 Wyckoff av., w. a., 100.1 n. Starr
St., 25x98. Michael Schlegel agt.
Fredk. G. Butzgy................ 300 00
2 Same pro:^erty."" C. G. Covert &
Sons agt. same................... 150 00
3 That portion of DE.iN bt. bet.
Bedford and Nostrand avs. Pat¬
rick McCai-ty agt. Abm. Johnson,
Sophia Baywright, D. 0. Calkins,
W. S. Haskell, Mr. Whitney, Mrs.
HofEman, and Mr. Orgllle........ 1,000 00
3 South 2d st. (No. 300), s. s., bet.
Sth and 9th sts. Thos. J. Doran
agt. A. V. Cannon and Geo. Bell.. 114 75
3 Broadv/ay (No, 6S-3), s. s. Thos.
J. Doran agt. A. V. Cannon and
John Bennabean................. 127 70
26 Sackett st., n. s., 80 w, Henry bt.,
80x100. P. and J. Shori; agt. Mich¬
ael Shearman and H. L. Clark___ 172 50
28 De Kalb av., s. s., 375 b. Throop
av., 5 houses. Ellery & Garrison
•agt. Isaac C. Debevoise.......... 78 39
28 De Kalb av., s. s., 175 w. Yates
av., 100x100. J. J. Fariey agt. I.
C. Debe-voise..................... 354 59
29 De Kalb av., g. s., 375 e. Thboop
av., lO'DxlOO. Same agt. same___ 354 80
1 Same property. Ralph P^bb agt.
same............................ 932 50
1 Sajue property. R. G. Phelps &
Co. agt. same.................... 1,059 51
1 Same property. Patk. Kilduff
agt. same........................ 828 00
1 Sajje property. Noah Wheaton
agt. same........................ 4,117 00
3 Same property. Gill, Baird &
Co. agt. same.................... 3,284 55
26 Bedford av., s. e. cor. 3d st., 60x
67. Alfred Griffin agt. Jos. flop-
kins and Julia Emmons.......... 181 00
29 Stockton st., n. s., bet. Tompkins
and Marcy avs., 18x100. Terence
RUey agt. Geo, Braeder and Sarah
Frazier.......................... 75 00
23 Woodbine.ST., e. s., 190 e. of curb
on Broadway. Alex. Craig et al.
agt. P. W. Higginson, Ellen and
C. L. IngersoU. 3 liens amtg. to . 164 50
29 Woodbine st., s. e. s^, 170 n. e.
Broadway-, 40x100. N. Wheaton
agt. P. W. Higginson and Louisa
A. IngersoU...................... 620 30
1 Bushwick av., e. s., 50 s. Nimrod
St., 40x— to Evergreen av. H.
Henright agt. C. L. Terry and
Peter Kinzie..................... 155 57
3 St. Marks av., n. s., 345 e. Carlb-
ton av., 120x131. Patrick Mc¬
Carty agt. G. H. Chamberlain and
Geo. W.Kidd............;....... 436 62
26 Carroll st., s. s., 135 w. Clinton
St., 37x100. Hobby, Leeds & Co.
agt. Jno. McCool and Helen M.
and N. D. Morgan................ 723 55
26 First pl., n. s., 160.1 w. Clinton
St., 77.11x133. Same agt J. Mc¬
Cool and Matilda C. Merritt...... 500 00
26 Carroll st., s. s., 172 w. Clinton
St., 118x100. Same agt. John Mc¬
Cool............................. 4,000 00
29 Java st., s. b. cor. Oakland st.,
45x110. T. P. Richardson agt.
$74 20 JohnMcCartau..............____ C60 40
1 Db Kalb av., s. s., 300 -w. Lewis
. av., 25x100. S. R. KimbaU & Co.
764 00 agt. Frank McAuliffe............ 185 50