Real Estate Record
Vol. XXXI.
NEW TORE, MAT 5, 1883.
Published Weekly by The
Real Estate Record Association
ONE TEAR, [a advauee.....$fi.00
CommunicationB should be addressed to
e. W. SWEET. 191 Broadway
J. T. IJNDSBY, Buaineas Manager.
No. 790
The following are the sales at the Exchange Salea
room for the week ending Iday 4:
• Indicates that theproperty described has been bed
in for plaintiff's account:
ISC—y. O. IS an abbreviation for Quit Claim d^ed
Ihe'o^alf^ â– " ^"''^'' "J^""" "'i""- titYeandinZestof
ran% ^« conveyed, omitting all covenants or war-
â– 2d-C.a. G. means a deed containing Covenant
against Grantor only, in which he covcidnts that he
^.'^1 do'wa"!/ act whereby the estate conveyed may
be impeached, charged or incumbered.
130th St No. 47 W., u s, 20x99.11, fourstory
brick: Ifitnnn frnnti ^m^iii'™ n tz, vi
{stone front) dweil'g. C. F. D.
9th av. No. S03, w a. 19.0x64. four-story brick
store and tenem't. C. N. Allen...........
Chatham, No. IS2, nws, 24.1x133 6x37x134 9
fourstory brick (iron front) building and
store, leased at $3,500 per year and taxes â–
said lease has 7 yeara to rua witli renewal
of 31 years. David Kellogg
Division st. No. 2iB, n s, I9.53:lUIxl7.4s93' Iwo-
atory brick store and dweU'g. Charles
•S6th at, No, 407, w n s, 25s98.9, flve'-storV brick
store and tenem't. Patrick Carroll. (Amt.
due abt 86,300)....... n'"
, llOth at. Nos. 303 to SITE., n s. I'sOsioo l6' eight
four-story stone front tenem'ts. Keuben
Ross. (Amt. due abt 561,000)
laSdst, No. 4(2 E., s a, 18x100.11, four-storv
bnck tenem't. Richard OumminEs (Amt
due abt $8,900)......... e . ^a.m6
*145thst. ss. 125 1;. Whitlock av.50xi6b"Lucv
CK â– .J-^ *S ^'^^^^ ^°- <Aint- due aht SU751
6lh av, Nos. 358 and 3(i0. n e cor aad st 51 9x
62. three and one-story brick and fraiue
nouses with store
SSd St. No. 61 W., n a, S3s98 9"x"irreg!,' 'three¬
story stone frent dweil'g and two-story
bnck atable lu rear..
John O'Neill..........................
2Iat St. No. 309 W., n s, a4.10x9e:9Viwo-story
framedweU'g, Wm. S. Wright..........
April 27, 28, 30, Mat 1, 3, 3
^^l^'T'of^^f- 5^°^- ^^-l^"' « s, 100 a Riviugton
st, I0Us75, four five-story brick atores and
tenem ts. Martiu Grosaman to August Rev-
her. Mort. $18,000, April 30, *66 000
Attorney st, e s, ICO s Rivingtou st, 3.5x75. Au¬
gust Reyher to Elizabeth Koop. Mort Sl2 -
(JOl). Mayl. 17 500
Attorney st, e s, 125 3 Rivington sti, 25x75,
August Reyher to Emma L. Naumann. Mort
$12,000. Mayl. 17 500
Attorney st, e s, 150 s Riviugton st, 35x75.
August Reyher to Elisa Eickhoff. Mort
$ia,000. April 30. 17 500
Attorney st, e a, 175 s Rivington st, 25x75.
Auguat Reyher to Hermann H. Blohm
Morta. $10,730. April 30. 17750
Beekman at. No. 50, n s, 120.1 w Gold st, 2(> Sx
8b.7x26.2x86.7, four-story brick store. Re¬
lease of dower. Mary F. Wheelwright
widow, to Mary D. W. Felt and Alice h!
Wallace. April 37. nom
.?J'^^%-^^' ^"- ^'*'^' ° 3' ^-4 e Marion st,
^ 3x70,3x24.10x71.4, three-story brick house
Partition B. F. Romain, Jr., ref., to Geo.
Thum, April 28, 14 300
Broome st, No, 400, u s, abt 50 e Marion st, 25'3
X 100x25.3x112.3, two-story and attic brick
100 6 Oth av, 100x102.2. W. H.
T. K. Steveul
V. K." Steven-
V. E," Steven'
76th St. n a
Guion, .
77th at, s 6 cor 9th ay, 10x102 2 Y'K'k'tf,'
vensoQ, Jr.............. ' "
77th at, B s, adj., 25x103.3.
son, Jr...............
77th at, 3 a, adj., 35x103.2.
son. Jr..............
77th st, 3 a, adj.. lOOxIM.3.'
son, Jr......
135th St. Nos. 149 and 161 E..ns', 50i99.'ll,'threel
story frame (brick front) dweU'g. George
G, Greanell. (Amt. due abt «5,700) ....... 38,800
nth av, n w cor I BOth at, SOx abt 14 the block.
Uu-ee-atory frame houae and stable. W E
b. Huut................
nth av, n e cor 190th st
W. E, S. Hunt ...
12th av n e cor 19 tb at, 33s abt ^ the black and
one gore lot on n e cor Kinesbridse mart
and IBOth St. 26.2x10x28x10. W, E. g. Hi^t
66x130.3x93. l(j]:i 36!
BKUOKL¥iy. «. ¥.
In the City of Brooklyn, T. A. Kerrigan, have
made the followhie sales for the week ending May 4;
*^°^'M°Kte^kn^°°'' ^^"'^^ ^*' ^^^^^- "^^'"^
*^**?lanten^' ^^ ^ Carroll'st," 30s66;"john'R.
^^7hJb V°- ^^'i' ^ \^° w sUnerav. 20xibb,
Ee7ri ' dweil'g. 'Thos. A!
^*^ Buiir^J^.^. ="*' 'i^:' 19-9i!™.' 'Rice" O.
*19tb st, n e a,' ioS^T-'a e Bth'av' 7 lots 'eaph 1^7
X103.3. John P. O'Neill. Kcv?' *^°^ ^^-^ 7
^'S'er''pa'ln%r?:^ ^ ^'^^ -'â– '^^-^^ '
house. Partitiou. B. f: Romaine, Jr., to
John (Jallahan, April 30, 15 400
o'??,?'!,/^,' ^'^- ^^'^' " ^' ^^â– ^â– S 6 Hudson st,
22.bxH43, two-story briclt dweil'g. Johu Mc¬
Curdy, New York, aud Jacob S. Warden
Jersey City, N. J., to Maurice Ahern ?j
part. Mort. *5,.500. Aprii 2S. 7 uoO
Sams property, ^ part, Michael Murphy
by John C. McCarthy, guard., to Maurice
Aheru. April 3a. 3 500
Same property. Release of dower. Mary F
Murphy, widow, to aame. April 2S, nom
Broad st. No. 108, u w cor Water st, 31.6x
74.3x3 is(i8.5, flve-story brick warehouse
Rofawt A. Chesebrough to William R. Mar¬
tiu. Morts. S4S,000. March 23. 57 500
Broad at. No. 68, n w cor Beaver st, 49.8x66 11
x53x6y.l. four-story brick stoie. Lloyd As¬
pinwall et al., exrs. W. H. Aspiuwali to
Edward M. Brown aud Edward A. Seccomb
as tenants in commou. Aprils,'). 135 t;oo
Broad st. No. 61, s e cor Beaver st, 25s70.10x
ay.3x66.10, four-story brick store. Daniel D
Lord, Hempstead, L. L, and auo., trusteea, to
Catharine T, wife of Henry R. Kuuhardt
March 24, 85 000
Barclays!, Nos. 36 and 38,ss, .50x100, flve-story
brick (stone front) fetore. Elizabeth Opdyke
widow, Emeline O. Btrobell, widow, MaryE'
wife George W, Farlee, Wm. 8,, Chas W '
George F. and Henry B, Opdyke, heirs g'
Opdyke, to Louis Beuziger, Tompkinsville
S. I. April 27. ^ 130,000
Caunou st, Nos. 31 and 33, w s, 125 n Broome
st, 50x100, two two-story frame (brick front)
dwell'gs and two-story frame stable ou rear
Abraham R. Strang, Torl^town, N. Y to
Edson Horton. April 14. 9 .500
Columbiast, No. 753^, ws, 60 n Riviugton st.'
Av D, No. 35, w s, 133 s 4th st. 33x90.
Christie st. No. 13. w s, 35x77.8.
3d av, e s, 75.3 n 42d st, 35.1x80, ^ of this.
Charles D. J, Noelke, Jersey City, to .lohan-
na Noelke. Ailtitle. All lieus. April 2T. nom
Columbia f.t. No. 109. w s, lOU n Stanton st, 35x
â– lOU, flve-atory briek store and teuem't. Fer¬
dinand Becker to Philipp Weber aud Katha¬
rina his wife. Mort. §8,000, May 1. 18 000
Clinton pi. No. 63, n s, 1110 e 5th av, 25x93.11,
fourstory brickdwell'g. Charlea A. Klau-
°ftlri ^^-^.u.T^^" ^^-^ ^ ^""^^^ "'Ss west
f ;m8 q^^h^ ^^-'t "" "l"'^> ^^-^^ *° Canal at, x
east 18,9, three-story bnck store, Joseph B
aud Henry MiUer to David W, Bruce et al
r«n=f -T ^^ "^^^^^^""^ ^- "^olfe. April 87.30,000
'Ii \%S ^?- ^^*'' ^ "^ ^^'^ Chapel st, 21x52.6x
d^x47.4, three-story brick atore and dweli'g.
Canal st. No. 388, runs south 55.6 x southweit
7.4 X southeast 5.7 x northwest 1.6 x north¬
east 7 x still northeast .53.9 to Caual st X
west 21, three-atory brick store and dweil'g
David B. Miller to Jaue B. Sill. All title.
*^'i?S(,pl'/"-'J'^\^''* ^'-^ - p---' 'i;
W .JxKO, three-story bnck dweil'g. Charles
Edel, exr, Emma J. Chovey, to Louis D
Sproat. April 30. ^' 9™
Cherry st u s, 30.3 w Market st, runs north 95
X west 15 X nortb 25.6 s west5 x south 12! 7
tip f/'^'V^'^,?"^"^ 20.3, three-storv brick
tenem't. Eliza M wife of and Thaddeus A,
Suively to Claus H. Klee. Taxes, assessment
OijC April ^, t p-n,\
^^fi'Rjrl!*'r^i°««^^I:/\^''*-*«Cathariue slip, "
16.8x63.6x16.8x63, three-story brick buUd¬
ing with store.
"^ 25'"ffi' ^°' ^^^' ^ ^' ^^^''^ ^ Catharine slip,
Cherry st. No, 147, s s, adi, 13.6x00
Cherry st. No. 1471..^, adj, 13.6x60.
thrte three-story brick dwell'gs
Johu Leveridge to Dominick Healy. May I.
Dey sfc, No. 13, s a, 113.3 e Church st, 34x91^^**
four-story bnck store. Contract. Lewis O
7"^on to Ferdinand Fish, Plainfield, N J
April 30, og tAQ
East Broadway, ss, 140 w Markefc st 25x75 S
Cherry at, n a, 20.3 w Market st, runs north
95 X west 15 X north abt 25.6 x west 5
south 131.7 to Cherry st, x east 20 3
^9th at, a s, 175 west 10th av, 55x98 9
Wilhani H. Crosby, trusfcee Eliza M, SuivelV
formerly Crosby, to Eliza M. Suively. uom
East Broadway, No. 167, s s, 52 3 e Rut'^ei-^ ^t
26.1x100, three-storyb^ick'dwen^Be^ujamf,;
C. LBveridge to David Korn. torfc. $7,600.
Apili ..a. It; Qt;u
East Broadway, No. 197, a s, 71.4 e Jeffersou
st, 24x87.6, three-story brick dweli'g Cath¬
ariue B Fish, widow, Scarsdale, N. Y to
Henry Meyer. April 3(1. ,'o o„n
flL'u'v^fi "â– .""â– '^^^Hsste'â– st, 19.3xI00'x
19.6x100, flve-sfcory bnck tenem't and five-
story brick teuem't on rear. Leopold May
to barati Levy. Mort. $7,OU0. April 38 17 000
Essex st, No. 14 30,6x105. ReleLe mort
Augusta Rosenthal to Leopold May. April
50x100 No. 11, fcwo-story frame dweli'g and
three atory brick shop ou rear; No. 13 fcwo-
story frame store and dwell gaud three-story
bnck shop aud frame stables on rear Chris
tian Bronnemann to Ernest Von Au, Brook¬
lyn. Api'il 30. p.i oc/i
Franklin st, u s, 158.11 w Varick st, 3 5x87 3
George F^Slade aod Laura H. Slade, widow
to Jacob Wendell. C.a.G. Feb. 8. nom
Foisyth st. No. 74, e s. 150 n Hester at, 35x100
fourstory frame (brick front) teuem't and
four-story bnck teuem't in rear, Conrad
Weber to Edward Zolluer. April 30 l^nnn
Porsythst,No. 117, w a, 100 n Come st ix
IO(J, three-story brick dw.U'gand three-story
bnck teuem't in rear. Maria E, Kissam auH
auo., exrs. R, V, Kissam, RooseveT and
Adrian Kissatu, Anna wifeof aud Louis C
Blake, and said Adrian Kissam, as trustee
Mlrch2f' '^''' '° °^°^^^ ^^^i"^^"^-
For.sytli st,' No. 59, w s, 35 a Hosier at, rS'^
west 50 X scuth 26 x east 50 to Forsvth st x
north - to beginning, four-story bricli store
and tenem'fc. Pauline Coheu wifeof Samuel
to Harris Jacobs. M. §10,:^00. May I. 14,9(
n a. 35 w Cannon sl.
berg, Waterbury, Coun., to Charles L. and
Caroline L. Vath. }4 part, Q. C. Aprii
21. 2,500
Clinton st. No. 50, e s, 175 s Stanton sfc, 2.5x
100, flve-sfcory brick sfcore and tenem't, and
four-atory brick tenem't on rear. August
Bergener to John J. Pfeiffer. Mort. $12,500
^May l.J 2ti,000
-------- M. §10,:^00. Mayl 14 9(0
Grandat, Nos. 5.J6 and 53a, n s. 35 w cLunon sl
25S/5, two three-story brick stores and
tenem'ts. Michae Cavanagh to John Stein
gester and Heury F Quast, April 27. 15 000
Grand st. No. 490, u s, 50 o Willett st, 35x100
two-story bnck front slores and dweij'gs'
Lr«,^'"^',''i5-?';-/- L- Sni-th, to CharlesV.
Parfitt. Api-il 16.
Sameproperty. Isaac P. Sraif.h, Juliet H. wife
of Qeorge K Smith, New York, Ada J. and
Emdy C. Smifch, Brooklyn, 'heirs EL
bmith to same. C. a. G, A.pril 16,
Grand st, Nos, 413 and 418. n s, 64 w Attorneir
I St, 39x100, two fchree-story brick stt^ 3