March 2^, lg§'?
1 he Kecord and Guide.
Chas. Kaeppel, on premises; ar't, Richard vom
Lehn. Plan 585.
22d st. No. 228 E., one flve-story brick dwell'g,
16x75, tin and iron roof; cost, $13,000; Eduard
Willis, 315 East 23d sfc; ar'fc, Bernard McGurk;
m'n, uot selected. Plan 551.
24th st. No. 331 W., one four-story brick and
brown stone flafc, 25x40, wifch extension 21x17, tin
roof; cosfc, $20,000; James Elgar, 317 West 24th
sfc; ar'fc, G. B. Pelham. Plan 552. "
28th st, s s, 125 w 10th av, four flve-sf ory brick
tenem'ts with stores, 25x83, tin roofs; cost, each,
$17,000; P. I. Walsh, 26 East 28fch st; ar'ts, A. B.
Ogden & Son. Plan 544.
44fch sfc, befc 1st and 2d avs, rear of No. 225 E.,
one six-story brick factory, 18.6 and 23x48, tin
roof; cost, $6,000; Philip Reidy, 212 North 17th
st, Philadelphia, Pa.; ar'fc, J. W. Bates. Plan
45th sfc, No. 356 W., one flve-sfcory brick and
stone tenem'fc, 25x87, tin roof; cosfc, $20,000; Wm.
Rankin, 253 West 51st sfc; ar'ts, Keister & Wallis.
Plan 538.
52d st, No. 161 E., one flve-story brick flat, 12.9
and 16.6x88, tin roof; cosfc, $10,000; A. T. Doyle,
351 East 58th sfc; ar'ts, A. B. Ogden & Son. Plan
54fch sfc, s s, 100 w 7th av, one flve-story flafc, 25x
83, tiu roof; cost, $26,000; Samuel McMillan, 327
West 42d st; ar't, F. A. Minuth. Plan 494.
9fch av. No. 752, one five-sfcory brick apartment
house, 25 and 23x88, tin roof; cost, $22,000;
Charles Gahren, 177 Wesfc 63d sfc; ar'fc, F. A.
Minuth. Plan 462.
9th av, w s, 75.5 s 52d sfc, one five-story brick
tenem't, 25x85, tinroof; cost, $20,000. Theodosius
Secor, Jr., 318 Lexington av; ar't, Geo. B. Pel¬
ham. Plan 553.
10th av, Nos. 305 and 307, two five-story apart¬
ment houses, 25x86, tin roofs; cost, each, $40,100;
James Brooks, 373 Wesfc 50th st; ar'fc, F, A. Mi¬
nuth.. Plan 554.
5th avenue.
72d st, s s, 113 e lsfc av, twelve five-story brown
stone tenem'ts, 25x84.6, tin roofs; cost, each,
$17,000; J. V. & S. J. Qonvan, 401 West 27th sfc;
ar't, Geo. M. Walgrove. Plan 509.
lllth st, s s, 75 w Madison av, four flve story
brown sfcone tenem'ts, 25 and 19x82.6, tin roofs;
cost, each, $16,000; James Healy, 207 East Ibbih
st, and Joseph Handwork, 176 East 112th st; ar't,
Bart. Walther. Plan 496.
119th st, Nos. lil and 113 E., two flve-story
brick tenem'ts, 25x83, tin roofs; cost, each,
$14,000; P. J. Mathers, 243 East 53d st; ar'ts, A.
B. Ogden & Son. Plan 485.
123d st, No. 245 E., rear, one one-story brick
laundry, 14.4x41.4, tin roof; cosfc, $650; J. & W. C.
Spears, 245 East 123d sfc; ar'fc, W. H. Beers; m'ns,
J. and W. C. Spears; c'r, W. Elderd. Plan 497.
1st av, w s, 5U.5 n 119th st, two five-story brick
tenem'ts, 25.2x67, tin roofs; cost, each, $12,500;
ow'r and ar'fc, B. W. Warner, 132 Broadway.
Plan 508.
90th st, s s, 82.2 w Park av, six three-story and
basem't brick and brown stone dwell'gs, 17x52,
extension 10x12, tin roof; cost, each, $12,000;
Walter Reid, 123 East 82d st; ar'ts, A. B. Ogden
& Son. Plan 464.
99fch st, s s, 200 e 3d av, four fivestory brick
tenem'ts, 25x85, tin roofs; cost, each, $22,000;
Hugh McQuade, 1070 Lexington av; ar't, J. C.
Burne; c'r, day's work. Plan 534.
106th st, s s, 300 e 2d av, one five-story brick
tenem't with store, 25x85, tinroof; cosfc, $22,000;
J. A. Benson, 1139 2d av; ar'fc, J. C. Burne; c'r,
day's work. Plan 533.
67th st, s w cor Av A, one one-story frame
shed, 100x16, felt and gravel roof; cosfc, $aOO; Ed.
Scanlon and Jas. Hughes, 306 East 78th st. Plan
I22d st, n s, 225 w Pleasant av, two five-story
brick tenem'ts, 25x85, tin roofs; cosfc, each,
$20,000; Arthur Kenny, 131 Broome st; ar'ts,
Babcock & McAvoy; b'r, not selected. Plan 502.
123d st, n s, 58 e 2d av, one two-story brick
dweU'g and store, 24x34.6, tin roof; cosfc, $4,000;
lessee, P. McGovern, 2400.2d av; ar't, A. Spence;
m'n, day's work. Plan 545.
Av B, e s, from 83d to 84th sts, eight four-
story brick and Connecticut brown stone flats,
corner 25.10x71, others 25x66, tin roofs; cost,
corner, $18,000, others $14,000 each; L. and J.
Brandt, 1491 3d av; ar't J. Brandt. Plan 523.
Lexington av, s e cor S6th st, one four-story
brick and Belleville brown stone grammar school,
96x155, tinroof; cost, $140,000; Mayor, Aldermen,
&c.; ar't, G. W. Debevoise. Plan 539.
Madison av, n e cor 84th st, one five story brick
and brown stone apartment house,62.2 and 68.6x71
and 28, charcoal tin roof; cost, $45,000; ow'r, arT
and b'r; Robert B. Lynd, 45 East 62d sfc.. Plan 500.
4fch av, n e cor 122d sfc, four -five-sfcory Philadel¬
phia brick tenem'ts with,Ohio stone
25.11x86, three 25x72, fire-proof materials; cost,
each $30,000; John Early, 54 Wesfc 46fchsfc; ar'fc,
James Henderson. Plan 550.
8th avenue.
64th st, n s, 150 e 10th av, six (one tenem't,
others private dwell'gs), one five-story, others
four-story and Dasem't brick, one 24x80, others
18x52, tin roofs; cost, one $20,000, others $10,000
each; H. W. Smith, 129 West 126th st; ar'fc, A.
Spence. Plan 515.
103d st, n s, 382 e 10th av, seven three story
and basement Connecticut brown stone pri¬
vate dwell'gs, 17.3,17 and 16.6x55,tin roofs; cost,
each, $15,000; George S. Miller, 113th st, n s, bet
lOfch and New avs; ar'fc, R, S, Townsend; b'r, not
Bialectied. Plan5iQ.
lOfch av, n e cor 93d sfc, four five-story
Philadelphia brick flats and stores, one 25x64,
one 16.9x58, one 25 and 25.2x64, one 29 and 25.2x
90, tin roofs; cosfc, total, $120,000; Michael Stein¬
hardt, 354 ;West 56th sfc; ar'fc, Geo. B. Pelham.
Plan 488.
10th av, e s, 73.8 n 95th st, one fivestory brick
flat, 27 and 23x85.6, tin roof; cost, $30,000;
David Christie, 413 Wesfc 57th sfc; ar'fc, F. A.
Minuth. Plan. 491.
95th st, n e cor ICth av, one five-story brick
apartment house, 35x73.8, tin roof; cost, $30,000;
ow'r and ar't, same as lasfc. Plan 492.
95th st, n s, 40 e 10th av, three five story brick
flats, 20x60, tin roofs; cost, each, $20,000; ow'r
and ar't, same as last. Plan 493.
82d sfc, s s 325 w 9th av, two four-story and
basem't brick dwell'gs with terra cotta fcrim¬
mings, 20 and 17x53, lin and slate roofs; cost,
each, $20,000; N. W. Riker, 998 6th av; ar'ts.
Lamb & Rich; m's, D. P. Kennedy; c'rs, Morton
& Chesley. Plan 468.
82d st, n s, 100 w West End av, five four-story
brick, brown stone and terra cotta dwell'gs, total
size, 100x50, tin and tile roofs; cost, each, $15,000;
C. I. Berg efc al, 170 West 23d st; ar'ts, Berg &
Clark; m'n, C. T. Wills; c'rs, Steele & Costigan.
Pian 479.
Boulevard.'n w cor 92d sfc, five fivestory brick
and brown sfcone tenfm'ts, 25x82, tin roofs; cost,
each, $18,000; W. E. D. Stokes, 37 Madison av;
ar'fc, J. H. Taft; m'n and c'r, not selected. Plan
60th sfc, n s, 200 e 9fch av, ten five story brown
stone tenem'ts, 35x87, tin roofs; cost, each,$22,000;
Charles Riley, 315 West 58th st; ar'fc, J. C. Burne:
c'r, day's work. Plan 532.
84th st, s s, 300 w West End av, one flve-story
brick tenem't, 25x85, tin roof; cosfc, $22,000; Hy.
Chenoweth, 423 East 91st sfc: ar't, J. C. Burne;
c'r, day's work. Plan 531.
IICth and 125th streets, between 5th and 8th
roof; cosfc, $3,600; Chas. Heylman, n s Buckhout
st, Fremont; ar't, C. S. Clark. Plan 527.
Fulton av, e s, 106 s 170th sfc, one two-story
frame dwell'g, 21x40, tin and shingles on mans¬
ard; cost, $2,500; P. Bundstein, 373 East 10th st;
ar't, C. E. Hebberd. Plan 470.
Lincoln av, n w cor 134th st, one four-story
brick store and dwellg, 20x60, tiu roof; cost,
$10,000; Geo. Shepherd, 322 Wesfc 22dsfc; ar'fc, J.
M. Dunn. Plan 471.
Lincoln av, w s, 20 n 134th st, six four-story
brick dwell'gs and store, 17.6x50, fcin roofs; cosfc.
each, $7,500; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan
Motfc av, n e cor 149fch st, six three-story brick
dwell'gs, one 18x50, five 16.6x42, tin roofs; cosfc,
each, $6,000; Thomas S. Ormiston, 224 Wesfc
72d sfc; ar't and b'r, G. Van Cleve. Plan 476.
Highbridge road, s s, 50 e Av B, abfc 189th st,
one two-story frame dwell'g, 28x42 6, shingle roof;
cost, $4,000; Susan A. Berrian, Fordham; ar'fc,
P. D. Miller; c'rs. Miller & Thompkins. Plan
Ackerman st, w s, abfc 1,000 feet n Kingsbridge
road, one two-story frame dwell'g, 17.6x27, shin¬
gle roof; cost. $1,000; A. E. Putnam, Spuyten
Duyvil; ar'fcs and c'rs, C. M. Piper & Son; b'rs,
Sage & Wilkins. Plan 503.
140th st, s s, 100 e Willis av, runs east to Brook
av; 139th st, ns, 100 e Willis av, 1.50 feet front;
139th st, n s, 325 e Willis av, runs to Brook av;
fifty two-sfcory and basement Philadelphia brick
dweU'gs wifch stone trimmings, 16.8x50, tin roofs;
cost, each, $4,500; ow'rs, m'ns and c'rs, Wm.
O'Gorman and H, Stursberg, 252 Willis av; ar't,
W. O'Gorman. Plan 501.
116th st, n s, 300 e 8th av, four five-sfcory brick,
stone and terra cotta tenem'ts and stores, 25x84.4,
tin roofs; cost, each, $20,000: National'BuUding
Co., 261 Broadway; ar'fc, G. W. da Cnnha. Plan
7fch av, n w cor 122d st, four flve-story brick
flats and stores, corner 40.11x76, others 20x64, tin
roofs; cosfc, corner $35,000, others $14,000 each;
A. B. Duff. 321 East 86th sfc; ar'ts, A. B. Ogden
&Son. Plan 541.
122d st, n s, 80 w 7th av, one five-story brick
and brown stone flat, 20x70, tin roof; cost, $15,-
000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 542.
127fch sfc, s s, 48 w 6th av, one one-story brick
blacksmith shop, 37x25, tin roof; cost, $800; L.
J. Fitzpatrick, n e cor 6th av and 125th st; ar'fc,
M. L. Ungrich; m'n and c'r, day's work. Plan
Depot lane, n w cor Ridge road. Fort Wash¬
ington, one one-sfcory frame stable, 44x28; tin
roof; cost, $1,500; R. von Horrum Schramm,
Depot lane. Fort Washington. Plan 499.
127th st, Nos, 111, 113 and 115 E, three fivestory
brick, stoue and terra cotta apartment houses,
25x84, tin roofs; cost, each, $20,000; C. W. Kurtz,
111 East 127th st; ar'c, Geo. W. da Cunha. Plan
7th av, n w cor 126th sfc, three five-sfcory brick
tenem'ts with stone trimmings, one 38 ana 32x90,
one 55.6x80 and one 44.5x73, tin roofs; cost, total,
$75,000; D. J. Dwyer, 312 East 57th st; ar't, J. H.
Friend. Plan 482.
llth av, Boulev£ird, Manhattan and 127th sts,
one fivestory brick stores ani apartment house;
56.11 and 120.11 and 137.6 on the st, tin roofs;
cost, $90,000; Beverly Ward et al., 515 Madison
av; ar't, G. E. Harney; b'rs, Jeans & Taylor.
Plan 546.
141st st, s s,' 150 w 8fch av, six tbree-story and
basem't brown stone dwell'gs, 16.8x50; tin roofs;
cost, each, $9,000; ow'r and b'r, A. McReynolds,
149 West 131st st; ar't, W. H. Boylan. Plan 474.
7fch av, w s, extending from 133d to 134th sts.
199.10 on av and 100 on each street, ten houses on
the av, one on each street, twelve fivestory Phila¬
delphia brick dweU'gs and stores, eighfc 19.10x64,
two 20.6x76, two 20x66, tin roofs; cost, each,
$14,000; Walter S. Price, 232 West 132d sfc; ar'ts
Cleverdon & Putzel. Plan 463.
7th av, n e cor 135fch st, one fivestory brick,
stone and terra cotta tenem't, 24. il and 38x100,
tin roof; cost, $40,000; WiUiam Whifcehead, 312
West 58fch st; ar'fcs, Berg & Clark. Plan 478.
23d and 24th WAIU3S.
Bainbridge av, n e cor 184th st, ten one-and-
a-half-story frame dwell'gs, 18 and 12x44, shin¬
gle roofs; cost, each, $2,500; ow'r and ar'fc, S. P.
Saxe, 208 East 127th st. Plan 498,
Fleetwood av, s w cor 176fch sfc, one three-story
frame dweU'g, 28 and 14x48, slate roof; cost,
$3,500; P. W. Martens, 177th st, cor Anthony av;
ar'fc, J. J. Vreeland; c'rs. Bowers & Vreeland.
Plan 489,
Washington av, w s, 52 s 166th st, one two-story
and basement brick dwell'g, 25x40, tin roof; cost,
$3,500; EUsabetha Reis, 947 Washington av; c'rs,
Kramer Bros. Plan 490.
,164fch st, s s, 150 w Delmonico pl, one two-story
frame dweU'g, 16.8x40, tin roof; cost, $3,000;
Mary E. McCarthy, 848 East 161th st; ar'fc, Fred¬
erick McCai-thy. Plan 528.
Prospect av, e s, 200 n Woodruff av, one two¬
story frame dwell'g, 20x28, shingle roof; cost,
$2,000; J. B. Denicke, 1905 Prospect av; ar't, C.
S.Clark. Plan 526.
Washington av, ws, 100 s 180th st, twotwo-
8tQry»frame dweU'gs, 20x36, extension 18.6, shingle
Plan 420—South Sfch sfc, n s, 50 w Bedford av,
one four-story brick store and dwell'g. 25x60, tin
roof, iron cornice; cost, $16,000; O. L. Fedden,
South 9th st, cor Bedford av; ar't, E. F. Gaylor-
b'rs, T. Gibbons and J. Fallon.
431—Hamburg av, e s, 75 s Prospect st, one
three-stoi-y frame (brick filled) tenem't, 25x50, tin
roof; cost, $4,100; ow'r and ar't. John Miller, 17
Hamburg av; b'rs, J. Rueger & B. Guensche.
432—Arlington pl, s e cor Macon st, four three-
story ani basement dwell'gs, 20x45, tin roofs and
iron cornices; cost, each, $7,000; ow'r and b'r, Hor¬
ace Russell, Hancock st, cor Bedford av; art, G.
P. Chappell.
423—Flushing av, Nos. 795-799, 7i w cor Hum¬
boldt st, three three-sfcory frame (brick filled)
stores and tenem'ts, 25 and 33.9x56. tin roof;
total cost, $15,000; Mrs. L. Unsold, Johnson av,
cor Graham av; ar'fc, Th. Engelhardfc; b'rs. J.
Frisse and M. Kuhn & Son.
424—Schaeffer st, n s, 100 e Evergreen av, one
two-story frame (brick filled) dweU'g, 20x35, tin
roof; cost, $1,750; ow'r and b'r, Samuel Grinyer,
872 Macon st; ar't, T. S. Goodwin.
425—Buffalo av, w s, 100 s Sfc. Marks av, one
two-stor/ frame dwell'g, 15x39, tiu roof; cost,
$800; ow'r and b'r, John Robson, on premises;
ar't, E. Roberts.
426—Lafayette av, n w cor Sumner av, one
three-story brick store and dwell'g, 20 and 21 8x
70, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $12,000; Jacob
Erickson, adj above; ar't, Th. Engelhardt; b'rs,
S. J. Burrows and G. Pease.
427—Halsey st, n s, 127.6 w Throop av, six
three-story and basement brown stone" dwell'gs,
16.3x43, gravel roofs, wooden cornices; cost',
$7,000; ow'r and ar't, J. L. Young, 763 Madison
sfc; b'rs. Young Bros.
428—Hull st, n s, 295 e Stone av, one one-story
frame barn or stable, 16x20, board and felt roof;
cost, $170; Wm. H. Miller, Broadway, cor Sned¬
eker av; ar't and b'r, O. S. Tofcten.
429—Jefferson st, w s, 175 n Atlantic av, one
two-story frame dwell'g, 20x30, tin roof; cost,
$1,700; George Grimes; b'rs, W. C. Anderson and
H. M. Smith.
430—Park av. No. 836, s s, bet Throop and
Sumner avs, one four-story frame (brick filled)
tenem't, 25x60, tin roof; cosfc,$5,000; Nicholas Hart¬
man, 63 Moore st; ar't, H. Smith; b'rs, Loeser &
Schneider and Bruckhauser & Doenecke.
431—7th av. No. 389, n e cor 12th st, one one-
sfcory brick stable, &c., 20x20, tin roof,
wooden cornice; cost, $935; Henry Meier, on
premises; b'rs, R Fincke and G. Wilders.
432—Melrose st, Nos. 67 and 69, n s, 150 e Cen¬
tral av, two three-sfcory frame tenem'ts, 25x55,
tin roof, brick cornice; total cost, $8,000; Christ.
Hunken, Broadway, cor Grove sfc; ar'fc, Th. Engel¬
hardfc; b'rs, H. Stocks and C. Wahlen.
433—7th st, n s, 347.9 w 7fch av, four two-story
and basem't brown stone dwell'gs, 18.9x42, tin
roof, wooden cornice; cost, each, $),000; ow'r
and b'r, Charles J. Petersen, 174 39fch st.
434—Woodbine sfc, n s, 100 w Bushwick av. five
two-story and basement frame dweU'gs, 20x38,
tin roofs; cost, $2,800; Geo. Jackson, on pi'em¬
ises; ar't, H. VoUweUer; b'l-s, O. Duffy and G.
435—East New York av, n s, 150 e Rockaway
av, one twostory frame tenem'fc, 25x43, tin roof;
cost, $2,000; Albert Rohrer, near premises; ar't,
L. J. Long; b'rs, P. J. Kennedy and Pinch &
436—Cook st, n's, 150 e White st, one three-story
frame (brick filled) store and tenem't, 25x55, tin
roof; cost, $4,300; E. Karutz, on premises; ar'ts,
Platte & Acker; b'rs, D. Klreuder and M. Hoff¬
437—Floyd sfc, No. 395, n s, 175 e Sumner av,
rear, one one-story frame stable, 9x12, tar roof;
cosfc, $100; Chrisfcian Weisenberger, 295 Floyd st;
b'r, W. Kessler. ^
438—Puiajam av, n s, 25 e Sumner av, three
tbree-story and basement brown stone dweU'gs,