Record and Guide.
November 16,1890
: st, n 8, 200 e Amsterdim av, two five-.story
1 flats,'A'ixST, tin roofs; c(.st, $-.'2,000 eacb;
traub, 140 Rivington st; ar't, P. Ebeling. Plan
Bheriff st. No. 87, flve-story brk and stone flat,
2.5x88 6, tinroof; cost. $2<t,()00; Fay Sc Stacom,
837 Pleasant av; ar't, C. Rentz Plan 1831.
Willett st. No. 13-2, six-story brk factory, 18.6x
55, tin roof; cost, f6,000; Aaron Sc Isaacs, loU
Suffolk st: ar't, H. Horenburger. Plan 18'J8.
lethst. No. 217 W., flve-storv brk flat, 2?ix80,
tin roof; cost, ?1?,000; J. Boekell, 54 Bond st;
ar'ts. m'ns nnd c'rs. Boekell S: Son. Plan 18(9.
24th st, Nos. r)2S-.i33 W., frame lumber rack, 70
x12, tin roof; cost abt $1(0; Kertscher & Co.,
530 West 24th st. Plan 1829.
a5th st. No. S2(» E., frame Fhed, 18x33, tin roof;
cost, $150; T. Green, on premises. Plan 1827.
87th St. n 8, (Kt w tith av, three-storv brk build¬
ing, 40x99.3 and 80, tiu roof; cos*:, $13,000: W. S.
Ridabout, 37 West Tdd st; ar't, G. H. Griebel.
Plan 1835.
5th avenue.
72d st, 8 8, 263 e 1st av, two five-story brk flats,
25x88, tin roofs;cost, $:i(i,000 each; J. F Gallagher,
435 East 120tb st; ar't, A. Sp- nee. Plan 1811.
72d 8t, No. 43") E.. one story brk stable, 25x46,
tar and gravel lOof: cost, JsTuii; Mary A. Daly, on
premises; ar't, J. Daly; m'n and c'r, J. Devlin.
Plan 1813.
72d st, s s, 548 e Av A, one three-story brk
stable, 28x72.8, and two five-storv brk fiats, 27x
62, tin roofs; totnl cost, $46,000; A. Klempt, 5:^8
Fulton st, Brooklyn; ar't, E. Wenz. Plan 1837.
90tb st, Nos. 421 and 4.3 E , one-story frame
shed, 12x1(1, t'n roof; cost, «6<i; lessees, T. and M.
Murphy, 425 East ^^.'d st; ar't, T. J. Sheridan.
Plan 1819.
119th st, a s, 150 e 3d av, flve-story brk flat, 2.5x
86, tin roof: cost, *-.':;,on(); F. 8. Moore, 204 West
129th st; ar'ts, Ogden & Son. Plan 1^510.
8th Avenue.
W. Rankin, W>d st and Nortb River; ar't, J. W.
Cole. Planl8:j9.
76th st, s s, 1j5 w Columbus av, flve four-story
and basement stone d'vell'gs, 20x5."i, with exten-
8ion8, tin roofs; cost, 125,000 each: P. Farley.
1990 Madiion av; ar'ts, Thom & Wilson. Plan
R3d st, n «!. 200 w 8iVi av, seven three-story and
basement stone dwfll'pf:, 18x54, with extension,
tiu roof; cost, $1('>.00() each ; J. LivinL'Ston, 130
East 71stst; ar't, F. T. Camp. Plan 1815.
107th 8», n s, 1< 8th >t, s s, cOO e 10th av, three-
atory brk stable. 68xi" 1.10, tin roof; cost, $8<>,000:
Bernheimer & Schmid, lOMh st and V»th av; ar'ts,
Lederle & Co ; m'n, A. Brown, Jr. Plan 1816.
I17»h st, n s, 200 w 8th av. two five-story stone
flats, 2.5x80, tin roofs; cost, $1 s.000 eacb; E. Cun-
ningbam, 395 Manbaitau av; ar'c, H. Davidson.
Plan 1836.
West End av, e s, bet i»7i h and 98th sts, eleven
three-story and basement brk and stone dwell'gs,
two 19.1lx(M)and 8 I, nine IHji.'o and 66, tin and
tile roofs; total cost, $114,000; E. Kilpatrick,
1060 Madison av; ar'ts. Boring & Tilton. Flan
132d st, 8 8,125 e 5tb av, three flve-story brk
and terra cotta flats, two 25 and one 35x80, tin
roofs; total cost. 186,000; Lizzie T. Wilkes, 2011
7th av; ar't, C. Baxter. Plan 1826.
28d and 24th wards.
Bamuel st, s s, 75 w Mapes av, one-and-a-
ha'f-story frame stable, 18x16, shingle roof; cost,
$80(1; Mrs. A. Kaine, on premises ; ar't. J.
McCord; m'n. J. Fisher; c'r, M. J. Kaine. Plan
I42d st, s 8, If 0 w 3d av, four flve-story brk and
stone flats, 25x75, tin roofs; cost, $22,000 each;
Cotter Bros., 630 fiast 138tb st; ar't, J. C. Bume
Plan 1818.
Creston av, w s, 178.9 s 182d st, two-story and
attic fra-ne dwell'g, 18x36, shingle roof; cost, $3,-
000: ow'r and b'r, T. T. Petersen, 2235 Creston
av;ar't, A. Bockmer. Plan 1812.
Webster av, e v, 175 n Southern Boulevard, one-
stcry frame building, 12x16, tin roof; cost, $200;
leviee, J. P. Sonnebom, Berry st, n Anthony av.
Plan 1820.
Kingsbridge road, n e cor Hawthorne st, In¬
wood, two one-ftory frame dwell'gs, 25 and 21x
82. ^gravel roofs: cost, $5tj0 each; H. H. Dreyer,
816 West ll6th st; ar't, H. Davidson. Plan 1838.
Kingsbridge road, n s, 1' 0 w Arthur av, three
two-story frame dwell'M, 25x62, 25x49 and 25x42,
gravel roofs; cost, $2,(X10 each; Margaret Stone¬
bridge, 2301 Monroe av; ar't, S. H. Price. Plan
Tiffany at, e s, 179.4 s 169th st, two-story frame
dweli'g, 22x40, tin roof; cost, $3,600; ow'r and
c'r, L. Falk, 777 East 105tb st; ar't, C. C.
Churchill. Planl84<>.
Webster av, e s, 108 s 176tb st, one-and-a-half-
story franne 8ta(>le and shop, 25x55, shingle roof;
cost, abt $3,000; Northern Gas Light Co., 1845
Vanderbilt av; ar't, H. S. Ihnen. Plan 1833.
Flan 2248—Bay st. s a, 100 w Columbia 8t,'one
one-atory and attic frame dwell'g, 16x90, tin roof;
cost, $«U0; H. Murphy, 143 Coi^oYer fA>; art, H.
2249—Chauncey st, n s, 100 e Stuyvesant av
six two-story and basement brown stone dwell'gs,
16.8x45, tiu roofs and wooden cornices; cost, eacb,
$4,.5( 0; Weldon & Sweet, 588 St. Marks av; ar'ts,
S. W. & C. J. Dodge; c'r, R Sweet.
2250—Macon st, n s, 110 e Lewis av, four two'
and-a-half-story and basement brown stone
dwell'gs. 20x45, tin roofs and wooden cornices;
cost, esch, $6,000; Q. H. Stevens, 542 Monroe st;
ar't and b'r, J. S. Stevens.
2351—Thatford av, e s, 200 s Belmont av, one
one-story frame shop, 12x20, tin roof; cost, $50;
Adelheid Quehl, Thatford av; b'r, E. (^ehl.
2252—Riverdale av, n s, 75 e Watkins st, one
two-story frame dwell'g, 28x20, tin roof; cost,
$2,400; Mary E. Cook, Ridgewood Heights; ar't
and c'r, O. S. Totten; m'n, I. Swabler.
2253—North 7th st. No. 270, one one-story
frame ofiQce, 25x18, tin roof; cost, $100; A. C. J.
Wolf, on premises.
2254—Seigel st, No. 25, one four-story frame
(brick fllled) store and tenem't, 25x80, tin roof;
cost, $9,000; Paskusz & Feldman, 35 Moore st;
ar't, H. Smith; b'r, not selected.
2255—Seigel st. No. 15, one four-story frame
(brk filled) store and tenem't, 25x80, tinroof;
cost, $9,(X)0; ow'r, ar't and b'r, same as last.
2256—Palmetto st, s s, 100 w Knickerbocker av,
eight two-story and basement frame (brk flUed)
dwell'gs, 17x45, tin roofs; cost, each, $2,500; ow'r
and b'r, James Leonard, 61 Ralph av; ar't, F.
W. Ames.
22.57—Scholes st, No. 246, bemg 250 e Bush¬
wick av, one two-story frame shop, 18x36, tin
roof: cost, 11,500, Chas. Frese, 246 Scholes st.
2258—Scholes st, n s, 75 e Bushwick av, three
four-story brk storage house, maibine house and
boiler house, 65x50, tin and corrugated iron roofs,
brk cornices; cost, $28,000; Emest Ochs; ar'ts, C.
Stoll & Son.
2259—'Kent av, n e cor North 9tb st, one three-
story brk oflSce building, 46.3 and 45.11x63, tin
roof and brk and terra cotta comice; cost, $20,-
000; L. M. Pahner, 47 North 4th st; ar't, G. B.
2260—Vanderbilt av, e s, 110 s Flushing-av, one
two-story brk stable, 40x18, tin roof and brk cor¬
nice; cost, $7( 0; ow'r and ar't, Rol)ert Roberts,
119 Vanderbilt av.
2261—Bedford av, w s, 90 n Prospect pl, one
two-story brk stable, 60x73, tin roof and wooden
cornice; cost, $14,0()0; R. W. Gleason, Hancock
st, near Nostrand av; ar't, G. P. ChappelL
2262—6th st, n s, 197.10 w 5th av. five three-
story brk tonem'ts, 20x45, tin roofs and iron cor¬
nices; cost, each, $4,000; ow'rs and ar'ts, Allan
Bros., 371 Fu'tonst
22ti:j—Flushing av, s s, 84 e Clermont av, one
two-story brk stable, 27x41, tin roof and brk and
stone cornice; cost, $10,000; City Brooklyn; ar't,
G. Ingram; b'r, J. J. Cashman and M. C. Rush.
32&?—Flusbing av, s e cor Clei mont av, one
three-story brk and freestone police building, 48
x60, tin roof and brk and stone cornice; cost, $28,-
000; ow'rs and b'rs, same as last.
226.5—Loraine st, n s, 140 e Columbia st, one
one-story frame dwell'g, 20x40, tin roof; cost, $500;
K. Carmedy, Dikeman st, cor Dwight st; ar't
aud b'r, C. M. Detlefsen.
2266—North 6tb st, n s, 300 w Kent av, one
one-story frame sbed, 95x79. gravel roof; cost,
$1,000; Brooklyn Cooperage Co., No-iih 4th st,
cor Kentav; ar't, V. Wtlz; b'r, not selected.
2267—Dean st. s s, 225 e Utica av, one one-story
framedwell'g, 20x28, tin roof; cost, $300; John
Lander, 1621 Bergen st: b'rs, Wm. Ryerson and
Mr. Veit.
2268—Meserole st. No. 271, one two-story frame
wagon sbed, 14 and 25x40, tin roof; cost, $175;
And. Abel, 273 Meserole st; b'r, L. Hetzels.
2269—Willoughby av, n s, 2<K) w Evergreen av,
one one-story frame gymnasium, 50x50, tin roof;
cost, $3,000; Brooklyn Labor Lyceum Assoc.,
67 aod 69 Myrtle st; ar't, J. Harden; b'r, G. Auer.
2270—Irving av. n e cor Greene av, two three-
story frame (brk filled) store and tenem'ts, 35x57,
tin roofs: cost, total, $9,50<»; ow'r, art and b'r,
C. H. Dillmann, Knickerbocker av, cor Har¬
man st.
2271—54th st, n 8,180 w 4th av, one two-story
frame (brk filled) dwell'g, 20x43, tin roof; cost,
$2,000; John Nielson, 8d av, cor52dst; ar't, T.
Bennett; b'r, W. Spence.
2272—Spencer st, Noe. 144 aud 146, being 112 s
Myrtle av, one two-story brk blacksmith shop,
37x64. tin roof, brk cornice; cost, $4,000; owt
and b'r, Theodore B. Kolyer, 148 Spencer st; art,
E. Van Voorhis.
2273—Hicks st, n e cor Poplar st, one five-story
frame brk stores and flat, 2ox73, tin roofs; oost,
$15,000; Ida Edwards, 183 Montague st; art W.
M. Coots; b'r, J Edwards.
2274—Sth av, s w cor Windsor pl, four three-
story brk stores and flats, cor 31x6:^ and others
26.4t68, tin roofs, iron ooraices; cost, oor, $7,000,
others,-each $5,000; ow'r and b'r, Thomas Brown,
Garfleld building, room 70; ar't, W. A. Fischer.
2275—South Oxford st, e a, 20 s Lafayette av,
one flve-story and basement freestone tenem't,
44 and 89x79, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $40,000;
Wm. Hubbard, South Oxford 8t,cor LfUfayette
av; ar't, M. W. Morris.
2376—Macon st, n s, 200 e Patehen av, flve two¬
story and basement brown and red stone dweU'gs,
18x43, tin roof^ooden oomioe; cost, each, $4,000;
James Miller, Westchester Country, N. Y.; m'n.
F. MUler.
3277—Douglass st, n s, 410 w Franklin av, five
four-story brk tenemte, 36x55, tin roofs; coat,
each, $7,000; ow'r and b'r, Thoa. H. Robbina,
Kle7port,.N. J.; art» g. VjoUwtBiler.
2378—Atlantic av, n s, 309.11 e Nostrand av,
one two-story brk shop, 20x50, gravel roof,
wooden comice; cost, $2,.500; ow'r, ar't and b'r,
P. Gardner, 1287 Fulton st
2279—Ralpn av, e s, 86 £rom McDonough st, one
one-story brk store and dwell'g, 14x40, tin roof,
wooden comice; cost, $1,000; ow'r and ar't, J. L.
Pitt, 297 Stuyvesant av; b'r, not selected.
2280—3d av, n w cor 53d st, two two-story brk
stores, 80x68, tin roofs, wooden comices; cost,
eacb, $4,000; George H. ParshaU, 173 53d st; ar't,
T. Bennett; b'r, not selected.
2281—Humboldt st, e s, one one-story frame
stable, 13x13, gravel roof; cost, $50; Otto Kerer,
1 MetropoUtan av; b'r, G, W. WUUams.
2382—Sutter av, n s, 50 e Hinsdale st. three
two-story and attic frame dweU'gs, 30x33. tin
roofs; cost, $2,500 each; John F. Smith, 83 Sned¬
iker av; ar't, O. 8. Totten; b'rs, M. Smith and
J. Swabler.
3283—Eastem Parkway, Vesta and Sutter avs,
two frame open stands, 116x34; cost, $4,(XX);
Ridgewood Land and Improvement Co., G. W.
Chauncey, president; ar't, W. M. Coots.
2281—18th st, n s, 163 e 5th av, one tbree-story
frame tenem't, 32x32, tin roof; oost, $3,800; C.
A. Knight, Berkeley pL
2285—4th av, w s, abt 78 n Prospect av, one
two-story frame stable and workshop, 23 and 23x
40, and one-story extension, 33x10.6, felt roof;
cost, $600; ow'r, ar't and b'r, A. D. Osbora, 333
Prospect av.
2286—Powell st, w 8, 175 s Glenmore av, one
two-stonr frame dwell'g, 30x43, tin roof; cost,
$1,300; Lucinda H. Jones, Osborn st, near Blake
av; ar't, K. F. Schmidt; b'r, T. Jones.
2287—Bryant st, No. .50, e s, I>et Thames and
Grattan sts, one two-story frame (brk filled)
shop and dwell'g, 25x25, tin roof; cost, $2,000;
Frank Blumm, 158 Graham av, F. J. Berlenbach,
Jr.; b'r, not selected.
3288—18th st, n s, 176 e .5th av, one three-story
frame tenem't, 32x42, tin roof; cost, $3,400; C. A.
Knight, Berkeley pl.
2289—Somers st, 8 s, 300 e Stone av, one four-
story frame (brk filled) tenem't, 19.6x55, tin roof;
cost, $4,000; ow'r and b'rs, Robert Given and Fur¬
ber, 55Cantonst;ar't, H. Loefller, Jr.
2290—58th st, s 8,60 w 3d av, one one-story
frame stable, 30x17, tin roof; cosu, $150; H. D.
Hesse, on premises; ar'ts, H. L. Spicer & Sons;
b'r, G. Edwards.
2291—North 5tb st, Nos. 116 and 118, one two¬
story frame shop, 4Sx28, gravel roof; cost, $1,800;
Mr. Tovisch, on premises; b'r, D. Boyle.
2392—20th st, n «, 75 w Oth av, three three-story
frame (brk flUed) tenem'ts, 25x£^, tin lOofs; cost,
each, $4,000; David Atkins. 339 15th st; ar't, R.
Dixon; b'r, D. Atkin.
3293—Madison st, s 8,100 e Hamburg av, one
two-story and basement frame (brk fllled) dwell'g,
30x45, tin roof; cost, $3,000; ow'r and b'r, George
A. Craig, 127U Madison st.
2294—10th st, n 8, 97 10 w Sth av, flve three-
story brk flats, 20x56, lin roofs, wooden cornices;
cost, each. $7,000; ow'r and b'r. J. F. Ransom. 616
lOih st; ar'ts, I. D. Reynolds Sc Son.
2295—Stb st, n s, 147.10 w 6th av, eleven two¬
story attic and basement brk dwell'gs. 18.2 and
18.4x45. tin roofs, wooden cornices; total cost,
$5J,000; ow'r and b'r, Wm. Brown, 380 7th av;
ar't, W. M. Coots.
2296^Bay st, s s, 100 w C!olumbia st, one one-
story frame shop, 25x40, felt roof; cost, $175;
Henry Murphy, 143 Conover st.
3297—Pennsylvania av, w s, 1.50 s Glenmore av,
three two-story and basement frame (brk fllled)
dwell'gs, 16.8x38, tin roofs; ccst, $8,000 each;
ow'r and b'r, C. F. Maguire, 155 Liberty av; ar't,
J. H. Maguire.
229S—Van Pelt av, n e cor Humboldt st, one
one-stcH7 frame lumber sbed, 100x16, board roof;
cost, $75; ow'r and b'r, Cbas. £ngert, 183 Mont¬
rose av.
2299—Hull st, n e cor Sarat<^a av, one fonr-
story brk store and tenem't, 35x85, gravel roof,
wooden comice; cost, $12,()00; Warren G. Fow¬
ler, ParkvUle; ar't, O. £. Hoffsea.
2800—Myrtle av, s b, 30 w Tbroop av. one one-
story brk ofiBce, 20x45. gravel roof, iron and
wooden comice; cost, $2,500; E. B. Tuttie, Bed¬
ford av, near Morton st; art, W. H. Gaylcn-;
b'r, T. Gibbons.
ISOl-Myrtle av, s w cor Throop ar, one two¬
story brk store and dwell'g, 20x45.6, gravel roof,
irtm and wooden comice; cost, $5,000; E. B.
Tuttle Sc Ckx; ar't and b'r, same as last.
3302—Throop av, w s, 60 s Myrtle av, three
one-story brk stores and stables. 18.4x80; gravel
roof, wooden comice; cost. $l,0iDO; ow'r, art and
b'r, same as last.
380&—Bainbridge st, n s, 115 e Saratoga av, ten
two-story and basement l»t>wn stone dweU'gs,
18x4^, l^n roofs, iron oomicos; ooat, each, $4,500;
ow'r and b'r, J. M. Kirby, Park fd and Flwudin
av; b'r, not selected.
2804—llth st, s 8, 380.5 w 8th av. three four-
story brk flats, 25x65.6, tin roofs, wooden cor¬
nices; ooat, each, $6,000: ow'r and b'r, Thooma
Smith, 800 llth at; art, B. Dixon.
33U5—Albany av, n w cor Butier at, one three-
story brk store and tenomt, 31.8x80, tin roof,
wooden cornice; Taber & Caae, 304 Mtmtague st;
arta, A. HiU Sc Son.
3306—Arlington av, a e cor Hendrix st, one
two-story frame stable, 18x18, tin roof; cost, $800;
Isadora Warren, 3583 Atlantic av; ar't, A. J.
2307—Central av, s w s, 35 s e Habey at, one
three-story frame (brk fllled) store and tenemt,
35x60, tm roof; cost, $5,500; ow'r, art and b'r,
Codne Sc Gaacoine, X2S& and 1335 Bushwick av.
3806—Halaey at, n w a, 135 a w Evergsrean av,
pDet«04tof7 ftame (hrk fllM) dw«il%, W«(P9,