ecord and Guide.
March 2,1^96
H E Stevens & Son agt D C Jaoobua and
Alexander Mitchell. (Feb 1^, 1895)...... 60 38
3dav.No]90.w B, 23 n 17th at. 23x100.
B W Payne & Sona agt Carl Goerwitz and
PeterClana, (Jan 21,1895),,..........1,891 60
February 27.
Delancey st, No 313. Louis Oldaheiu agt
Beitv Gluck and Hynian Galet, [Dec 31,
1891)........................................200 00
Saroe property, Hyman Galef agt Beitha
Glnck. (Dec2i.l894)....................360 00
Same property- Jaeob Friesner agt aame
aud John Altstein- iJan 23, 1895)........104 00
Feeruary 28,
59th st, Nos r.l and 63. n s. 100 w Park av,
40x100.5. Ideu & Co agt Mary M Stew¬
art, Sophia and Nathan Schwab, (Jan 27,
1893}........................................394 30
;34thst. Noal45 and 147, n s, 275 e 7th)
av, 83,4x—..............................>
35th st, a 3.y75e7rhav, 120,10x—......>
Eaton & Prince Co agt Oscar Hammer-
etein, Johu B. Will A, Benj A.Jennie G,
Kate and Benjamin Aycrigg, Anuic Fuller
andJohuH S'ell. l.liUv la, iy9.J)......4,900 00
Clinton st. No43,w a, 100,2 s Stanton st.
Minnie Felfletein agt Morris Goldstein
and Sarah Lese. (Dec 13, 1894|.......... 43 05
March i,
i4th st, Noa 268 and 370. a s, 300 e Av E.
UoxluO. John McGuire auri ano a'gt M
Rosendortr & Son, (Sept 22, 1893)......1,385 00
165th et, n a. 2j e Tiffany st. Carmine
Traechion agt John Layden and Timothy
Cabill, (Feb2o,lS95).................... 22 25
Same property. Uuisenpe Ulii agt eame.
(Feb 20, 1895).............................. 10 80
Same property- Veto Carolueci agtsame,
(Feb 30, 1895).............................. 9 30
Same property. Antonio Macchiorone agl
same, (Feb 20, 1895)...................... 8 25
Same property. Gennaro Di Bartolomeo
agt aame- (Feb 20,1895).................. 15 00
29th at, No43,n s, 122 w 4th av, 22.10x—-
Kendall cS: Lee agt HartweU & Co and
Constance C Hafrison, (Oct 1, 1894) ..,,265 24
'Dlsoharffcd iiv depoait.
! Discharged by bond.
The first mime is Ihat of the owner ; ar't stands for
architect, m'n for mason, c'r for carpenter ando'r
for builder.
When character of roof is not mentioned il is fobs
understood Ihat the roof is to be of tin.
A haudsomo bound volume of over 250
pages, containing, (1) The New York Huilding
Law, with Headings, complete Index. Margi¬
nal Notes and Colored tllnstratiou.s, sbowing
tbe heightsaud tliicknessrs of walls I'or all
kinds ol bnildiugs; (2) Regulations of tbe
Buildiug Denartment: I Jl Tenement and Lodg-
ine House Laws; (41 LawLimitinetheHeifcht
ot Dwelling Houses; 15) Laws for Extinction
and Preventiou of Fires, etc.; (6) Regulatious
of the Departmeut of Public Works; 17)
State Factory Inspection Law: 'iSl Mechauic's
Lien Law; l'9) Complete Directory of Archi¬
tects, for New York, Brooklyu, Newark and
Jersev City, This valuable book is for sale
at The Record axd G^uide oliKce, 14 and 16
Vesey st. Price. £2,00,
254—Columbia st. No 86 } two 5-sty and
Cannou st. No 87 S basement brk
dais and stores, 25x88.7; cost, each, $20,-
000; Lonis Lese, 2;U E OOtb st; ar'ts. Horen¬
burger tS" ytraub.
257—rhompsou St. Nos 2012-33. two 5-sty
hrk tenem'ta and atores. 24x58; cost, $12,-
500 eaih; Esther Silberm.an, 125 E 79tb st;
ar't. Max Muller.
290—Charles st, Nos 97 and 99 ^ 3-sty brk
Perry st, Nos 100 and 102 5 and gran-
it© stable, 47.7x1916; cost, $4n,000; Mich¬
ael Giblin. 143 W SOth St. and .lames W Tay-
h.r. 33 W 90th st; ar't, G F Pelham,
2S2—Fultou St. Nos 102 and 104, 7-8ty hrk
and iron .litore and office bnilding. 49.9>;80,11,
eravel lOof; cost, $20,000; -lobn Pettit,
Bennett Huilding; ar't, JamesMFarnsworth;
h'r, C L (.iofttcbius,
2S:{—Dutch st, Nn 14, S-sty brk and iron
store and office bnihiing, 22,3x72,5, gravel
roof; cost not given ; ow'c, ar't and b'r, 8.amo
as No 28'.',
2SG—Pier 15, Nortb River, foot of Vesey
st, 2-s!v btecl andiron freigbt anil passenger
sbetl, .'i6,6s640, tin and copper roof; cost not
giveu; Cily cf New York, The International
Navigatioii Co lessees. C A Gri-scom. Jr,
agent, 303 W841 il st; ar't, Jos T Richards,
326—Broadway.No 722,9-8ty brk, iron and
limestone store and lofts. 23x108, tin or
gravel root'; cost, $65,000; .Tohn Keller. 46
Hart st, Brooklyn ; ai-'t, F A Miuutb.
^08—Henrv st, n w cor Scamuiel et. S-sty
aud baseinciit brk flat. 25x63 ; cost, $25,000;
Bernbai-d Galewski, 170 Henry at, and Abra¬
ham Nelson, 38 E 126th 9t; ar'ts, Schneider
& Herter.
309—Henrv st. No 170, 6-sty and hasement
brk and brownstone flat. 26,3x88,6; cost,
$30,00(1; ow'rs and ar't, same as above.
322—Maiden laue, Nos 37 and 39,1 l-sty hrk
aud limestone store and oflice huilding,
47.10x127.6, asphaltum roof; cost,$150.00C ;
Reformed Protestant Dutch Cburch, Albert
Lorsch, lessee, 59 E 60th st; ar't, Louis
825—Washington sq. No 52. 8-sty brk and
terra cotta huilding. 25x69. tin or tiie roof;
cost, $48,000; Memorial Baptist Chureb,
Geo W Murray, secretary, Moutclair, N J ;
ar'ts. McKim, Mead & White.
274—Broadway, e a, 44th to 43th st, 5-aty
brk aud limestone theatre aud concert hall,
203.9x100,2x134.8, composition roof; cost,
$518,000; Oscar Hammerstein, 44 West
120th st; ar't. J B McElfafrick.
273—26tb st, Nos 323 and 323 W, two 5-sty
brk and brownstone flats, 25x88; cost, $25,-
000 each : Thomas J McLaughlin, 636 Park
av; ar't. John H Knnhel,
249—SOth st, s s, 250 w Oth av, three 5-sty
brk and brownstone fiats, two 28.6x88, and
one 28x88; cost,$23,000 each; Geo Hessels,
436 W 47th St. and Thos Cowman, 59 W
119thst; ar't, I^onis Ungrieh,
263-1 Sthst, Noa 44-48 W, lO-sty brk aud
Indiana limestone hotel, 60x97,5, tile roof;
cost, $200,000; Albert G Hyde, 21 E 45th
st; ar'ts, Clinton & Kussell.
294—43d at, s s. 300 w 8th av, fonr 5-sty
hrk aud brownstone flats. 25x89; cost, $22,-
000 each; ow'r and b'r, William F Rohrig,
Mt Vernon. N Y; ar't, M V B Ferdon,
292—10th av. No S59, 5-sty hrk flat,25x
87,6; cost. $18,000; ow'r and h'r, Tbomas
Stillman, 224 Greenwich st; ar't, M V B
327~42d st, u w cor Madison av, 14-8ty
hrk and Indiana limestone hotel, 120x119.5,
asphalt and alate roof; cost, $1,000,000;
James J Beldeu, Syracuse, N Y, William S
' 1 awk, 5 E 48th st. and others; ar't, H J Har-
denberg; b'rs, Marc Eidlitz & Son.
277—87th et, b s. 63 w Madison ay. two
5-sty brk flats, one 31x89 and ono 19.2x89;
cost, one $27,000 and one $18,000; Charles
Gulden, 15 E 83d at; .ar't, A B Ogden & Son,
2(37—93d st, n e cor Lexington av. 4-sty
huff brk aud brownstone trim flat and store,
20x57,4; cost. $18,000; John Jord.an, 303 W
29th st; ar'ts. Thom & Wilson,
262—121st st, s -s 225 e Pleasant av, 5-sty
brk and' brownstone flat, 23x90; cost.
$18,000; Margaret Taylor, 407 W 47th st;
ar't, James W Cole,
248—Lexington av, No 729, 1-sty brk store¬
room, 17.9x8; cost, $150; Herman Aus¬
pacher. 103 E 92d Ht; ar't, John F Miller,
268—Madison av, u e cor 107th st, 5-sty
brk and stone trim flat aud store, 25,11x78;
cost, $24,000; John Frame, 216 E 70th st;
ar'ts, Thom & Wilson,
269—Madiaou av, e s, 25.11 n 107th st, two
S-sty brk and stone trim flats and stores, 25x
06 ; cost, $18,000 each; ow'r and ar'ts, same
as No 268,
270—Madison av, o s, 75.11 n 107th .st,
5-sty hrk and stone trim flai aud store, 25x
66; cost, $18,000; ow'r and ar'ts, same as
259—3d av, u w cor 112th st, two S-sty hrk
flats, one 25.5x96, and one 25x90 ; coat, one
$35,000, and one $22,000 each; Jacob
Schwarz, 171 E 113th st; ar't, M V B Ferdon;
b'rs, L& K Ungrieh,
284—74th st, n s, 100 w Av A, S-sty hrk
dwell'g and sLablo, 25x98; cost, $16,000;
Joseph Tauher, 422 E 118th st; ar't, Edw
Wenz; b'rs. Geo Hollerith & Sons,
289—SOth Bt, No 305 E, 2-stv brk stahle,
25x70; cost, $3,000: Johu Kriete, 311 E
SOtb st; ar't. Chas H Dalbauser.
295—90th st, s w cor Madison av, 7-sty brk
aud brownstone flat. 40x83.9, Gohling's fire¬
proof material root; co-t, $10(t,000; Wm C
G Wilson, 217 E 94th st; ar't. Edw Weuz.
287—109tb St. n e cor 1st av, 1-sty
wagou-shed, 10x12 ; cost, $15; .lohn Brady,
2272 2d av ; ar't. Arthur V O'Connor,
288—113th st, s e cor Sth av, two 5-sty brk
and brownstone flats, oue 25.5x96 and one
25x86.6; cost, one $.5,000 and one $18,000;
Morris Steinhardt. 648 Madisou av ; ar'ts, A
B Ogden & Son,
323—9Kth at. s w cor Madison ay, four 5-
sty brk flata, one 25,6x70, two 2ox70 aud
one 25x91; cost, one $32,000 and tbree $22.-
000 each ; Francis J Scbuugg, 1 E 94th st;
ar't, Lonis Entzer,
261—Central Park West, w s. 75 u 97th st,
5-sty brk and bruwnstone flat, 25x90; cost,
$20.00(,); William Ranhiu. 119 W 77th et;
ar't. James W Cole,
251—Olst st.s s, 17o 0 llth av, flve S-sty
hrk flats. 25xS9: cost, $16,000 each ; Johu li
Siuith, 14 E 7Sth st: ar'ts, Webster & Thomp¬
252—SOth St. u s, 150 w Amsrerd.im av, six
5-sty brk and brownstone flats, 25x88.4;
coat. $20,000 esch ; Henry E Stevens, Jr, 280
W86tbst; ar't, UF-Pelham.
253-87tb St. n s, 150 e West End av, 6-stv
brk stahle. 50x95; cost, $40,000 ; Florence B
Poole, 770 West End av ; ar't, G F Pelham,
260—103d st, n s. 175 e Mauhnttan av, two
S-sty brk and brownstone flats, one 27x88,
and one 1Ks88; cost, one $20,000, aud oue
$17,000 each; John Rankin, 322 W Slstst;
ar't, .lames W Cole.
271—120th St. 8 s, 100.1 w Manhattan av,
eight 3-s(y aud basement brk and Connecti¬
cut brownstone dwell'gs, fonr 17x56. three
16i66, and one 16.11x56; cost. $9,000 each;
Abraham A Teets. 505 Manhattan av; ar't, J
272—120'th st, s s. 233 w Manhattan av. 3-^
sty and basement brk and Connecticut brown-T
stone dwell'g, 17x56; cost, $10,000: ow'r and
ar't, same as above,
278-Boulevard, n w cor Dist at, 5-sty btkl
aud limestone flat, 24.8x96, star roofing; costJ
$20,000; Samuel McMillan, Morris Heighta jl
ar't, Wm J Fryer; c'rs, Samuel McMilleu A. Co.j
293—97th st, n s, 300 e Amsterdam av, tw(
S-sty brk and brownstone flats, 25x89; cnslj
$22,000 each; ow'rs and b'rs, John Curry, 57^
W 91st at, and James Ferguson, 216 W 104th]
st; ar't, M V B Ferdon.
320—Boulevard. 8 e cor 105th sfc, tbree 5-]
sty brk and Connecticut brownstone flats,^
one 37x115, one 31.11x105.9 aud one 32x::
87,3; cost, oue $50,000 and two $35.000:
each; Morris Steiuhardt and others, 648
Madisou av ; ar't. Henry Anderson,
276—116th 8t. 8 s, 57 w7thay, sis5-stybrt
flats, 27x86.8; cost. $19,000 each; Thomaa S
Walker, 171 Broadway; ar'ts. A B Ogdeu &
297—115th st, n.s, 275 w 6th av, four S-sty
brk and brownatone flats, 25x90.11; cost,
$25,000 each; Hirsh Kahn, Germauy; Louis
Kahu, agent. 10 W 75th st; ar't, J C Burne.
298—116th st, s s, 275 w 6tb av. tbree 5-sty
brk flats. 33.4x90.11; cost, $35,000 each;
ow'rs and ar't, same as 297.
312—7th av. n e cor 123d st, 7-8ty brk and
brownstone flat and store, 60x101; co,'it,
$150.000; David Steinfeld, 217 W 12Sth st;
ar'ts, Kerby &. Co.
313—7th av. e a, 60 n 123d et, 5-sty brk flat,
40.11x95 ; cost. $45,000 ; ow'r and ar'ts,
same as-No 312.
314—123d st, n s. 105 e 7th av. 5-sty
brk flat, 20x90.11; cost, $20,000; ow'r and
ar'ts, same as No 312.
301—8th av, n e cor 113th st, four 5-sty
brK fiats, one 25,5x96, two 25x87 and one
25.5x87; cost, one $25,000 and three $17,-
000 each; Adolph M Bendheim. 109 E Slst
St. and Josepb Scbwarzschild, 1030 Sth av;
ar'ts, A B O^den &. Son.
275—127th at. n a, 215 e Park av, two 5-sty
brk and brownstone flats, one 26x87 aud one
18x89; cost, oue $26,000 and oue $18,000;.
Mary Cabill, 117 E 127th st; ar't, John
265—133d st, n s, 300 w Lenox av, three 5-
sty brk ahd Connecticut brownstone flats.
33.3x89.11; cost, $2 7,000 each; Tbomaa
Moloney, 251 W 122d st; ar't, Thom &
2611—131st st, s s, 100 e Am.sterdam av, 5-
sty brk and Connecticut brownstone flats,
25x88; cost, $22,000; ow'r and ar't, same as
No 265.
258—135th st, Nos 4 and 6 E, two l-sty frame
wagon sheds, one 50x20 and oue 14x60;
cost, one $50 aud one $150; ow'r aud b'r.
Jamea Everard, 697 Sth av; ar't, M V B
230—147th st, n s, 125 w Western Boule¬
vard, six 3-8I1'and basement hrk and lime¬
stone dweU'gs, 16,8x52; cost, $9,000 each ;
John Jetterson, 322 W 145th st; ar't, Henry
247—Amsterdam (10th) av. w s. 50 s 131st
at, 5-.stv brk flat, 25x90; cost. $15,000 ; Will¬
iam C Lesster, 232 W 52d st; ar't, J H V.alou-
299—156th st, u s, 200 w Amsterdam av,
two 5-sty brk and Indiana limestone Hats, 25
x70,4; cost, $20,000 each; Hartley Haigh,
1944 Madison av: ar'ts, Ralph S Townsend.
311—St Nicholas av, s e cor 126th st. 7-sty
brk flat and store. 96x68 aud 97; coat, $225,-
000; Geo Finck, 145 Broadway; ai-'ts, Kerby
& Co.
264—Bathgate av, e s, 54 n 178th st. three
3-stv frame tcnein'ts, 18x50; cost, $3,800
each; ow'r and c'r. Rowland W Thomas, cor
Cliuton av aud Elmwood pl; ar't, Wm H
Hopkins; m'n. R Kelly,
255—Eltou av. w s, 50 n 159th st. 3-sty
frame tenem't. 21,6x56; cost, $5,000; Will¬
iam Hudson, 3225 3d av; at't, .1 J Vreeland.
256—Elton av, w s. 75 u ISOth st, 3-aty
frame tenem't. 21,6xr.6; eost. $5,000; Henry
Gi-imm. 1427 3d av ; ar't, J J Vreeland.
300—138th Bt, ss, 58.4 w St_ Anus av. lour
5-sty brk flats aud stores, 2o\81; cost uot
given; .Stephen J Egan. 848 E 138th st; ar't,
J C Burne,
279—147th et, s s, 200 w St Auns av_, two 5-
sty brk and brownstone trim flats, 2dx83.1 ;
cost, $25,000 each; Cbas J aud Geo E Hetzig,
814 E 147th st; ar't, Herrm Horenburger.
296—153d St. s S, IOO e Courtlandt av. 1-
sty frame stable aud wagou shed, 50x15.
gravel root; cost. $200; Louis F Haflen. 639
Conrtlaudt av; ar't, Edward Stiehler,
291—162d st. No 765 E, 4-sIy brk aud
brownstone flat, 26.4x68; cost, $15.000;
William Walsh. 58 E 115th st; ar'ts, Kerby
'^Co. ^, , , .
289-CUuton av, w e. 70 u Elmwood pl. six
2-stv frame dweU'gs. 16,8x39.6; cost, $3,500
eacfi; Henry Scbopper, oor Clinton av and
149tb st: ar't, W C Dickerson.
281—Cliutou av. w s. 45 n Elmwood pl. 2-
sty frame dwell'g. 18.6x55.6; cost, $4,000;
ow'r, ar't and h'r, same as No 280,