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January 28, 1911.
^ ESTABDSHED ^ M,fiR.CH 21V.^ 1868,
Communications sliould be addressed to
Vublished Ei>erg Saturday
President, CLINTON W. SWEET Treasurer. F. W. DODGE
Vlce-Pres. & Genl. Mgr.. H. W. DESMOND Secretary. F. T. MILLER
Nos. 11 to 15 East a4tli Street, New Tork City
(Telephone. Madison Square. 4430 to 4133.)
"Entered at tlic Post Office at New Yorh, A''. Y., as second-class matter."
Copyriyhted. 1911, hy The Record & Guide Cn.
JANUARY 28, 1911.
No. 2237
NEW YORK CITY architecture is to-day in an epoch-
making period. This is the opinion of European crit¬
ics, if not of American practiUoners, who may be too close to
the picture for a satisfactory view. Things are transpiring
this present year, even this present week, that tend to con¬
firm the opinion. Professor Adshead, of the University of
Liverpool, in reviewing the architecture of America in the
"Architectural Record" for Fehruary, asserts that as it "sadly
lacks composition," this can only he attained hy ownership
control in one of its many forms. At this moment a com¬
mittee of the New York Chapter of the American Institute of
Architects is about to make an award of medals for the two
best apartment houses built last year, and it may he the be¬
ginning of a public movement that will vitalize into action
the thought of the English master. The prizes will go to the
owner ol! the house in each case as a public testimonial for
what he has done as an individual in behalf of American Art.
The awards will also be a recognition of the truth of the
saying that the beautification of a city is largely dependent
on "ownership control." That the owners are beginning to
respond patriotically to this sentiment is apparent in a num¬
ber of ways. Can anyone doubt this who Judges rightly the
new commercial buildings on Fourth avenue, the elegant
new apartment houses facing the University Buildings on
Morningside Heights, or the uniformly handsome structures
that have recently been erected from one end of Riverside
Drive to the other? Of each and every architectural detail
we do not speak, only of the general effect upon citizens and
visitors. Is there any doubt, we ask, that the neighboring
owners endeavored to testify to their respect for Columbia
University in the nobility of the buildings they have just
erected, or that the builders of the million-dollar apartment
houses along our grandest avenues are expressing in the
strongest terms possible their appreciation of the public de¬
sire for improvement in the street architecture of the flrst
city of America? The improvement over the work of ten
years ago is marked. Of course, there are local conditions
and financial circumstances apart from individual disposition
that have each a certain controlling power over architectural
design, but the architects are Quite right in saying that the
honor medals belong to the owners.
ANNOUNCEMENT was made at the annual dinner of the
Building Trades' Association of the winners in the
architectural competition for the prizes the builders posted
several months ago, and which formed the motive for the
rare collection of drawings that has been on public view at
the Exchange. For New York City the nature of the com¬
petition was not only novel hut highly significant of the re¬
markable changes that have come over the building indus¬
try in the metropolitan district. The general eoutractors
in this association are men who are mostly engaged with
large works, the largest in the whole world in fact, and
ordinarily they have only a minor interest in small dwell¬
ings. Yet the prizes offered were for small dwellings and
such as can only be erected in the suburbs because of the
prescribed coat limitations, namely $2,500 and H.500. The
two hundred designs submitted were in effect two hundred
answers to the question which every homeseeker asks, what
sort of a cottage can be built in the suburbs of New York
for three thousand to five^'thousand dollars? The action of
the builders in inviting designs of this kind is a recognition
of two modern facts; first, that the interest of the majority
of men who want to build something is claimed not by such
costly buildings as are profitable on this island, but by the
private dwellings of the suburbs; and, second, that the Asso¬
ciation must take a wider view of its work, and a wider
jurisdiction than it has recently, if it means to keep pace
with the times and the growth of the city. While the multi-
family house is the logical ultimate development of residen¬
tial construction for central sections, the geographical
growth of the city will continue to be represented hy the
private dwelling, and every year takes this class of work
farther away from the city's center. Thither builders must
follow. The Association also recognized in opening the com¬
petition the advent of new materials ol! construction, for the
designs are ojily for,houses to be built of concrete blocks
and terra-cotta blocks, or by monolithic coustruction, or
with a frame of metal lath covered with cement stucco.
Wood may be used only for fioor joist, roof timbers and
shingles for the roof. And finally it is to be noted that the
prizes were awarded with the virtual assurance to the public
on the part of the Association that the houses so designed
can be built in this district for the figures stated, which,
however, do not include the cost of the plumbing, water-
supply aud heating. Without this assurance the result
would have been ot far less value, if of any vatue at all.
OVER a year ago the people of Buffalo decided by a hand¬
some majority that they would like to adopt a city
charter similar to that which is now becoming so popular
in the West. They wanted, that is, to have their city gov¬
erned by a Commission, which would combine the execu¬
tive authority now confided to the Mayor with the semi-
legislative authority now confided to the Board of Alder¬
men. The object of this type of city charter is to central¬
ize power and responsibility for the conduct of the city's
business in a few hands, while at the same time making
these powerful officials amenable to public opinion by the
device of the Recall. Charters framed along these lines have
been working with emphatic success in many Western cities,
but so far the movement in their favor has not made any
important conciuests in the East, Neither has any city
as large as Buffalo as yet adopted it, although the new
Boston charter is built upon similar foundations, and Pitts-
burgii is trying to obtain the legislation necessary for the
constitution of such a government. The Record and Guide
has always believed that a highly centralized administra¬
tive system was necessary both for the cure of municipal
corruption in this country and the more efficient conduct of
municipal business; aud it has hoped, consequently, that
permission could be obtained from the Legislature for the
application of the plan to a large Eastern city like Buf¬
falo. But the Republican majority at Albany would not
even seriously consider the idea; and we are very much
afraid that the Democratic majority of the existing Legis¬
lature will not prove to be any more complaisant. The
Democratic leaders in this city have stigmatized the Com¬
mission plan of municipal government as unmitigated Caes-
arism, and it is evident that they will be able to so
dominate legislative action at Albany. The instant dislike
which the plan excites among professional politicians meas¬
ures very accurately the extent to W'hich it will substitute
efficient popular government for a government which tends
to be inefficient aud subject to merely political influences.
THERE is every reason-to believe, however, that the Com¬
mission form of government will gradually prevail even in
the East, because a very powerful tide of public opinion
all over the country is working in its favor. Year after
year a fight will be made on behalf of the necessary legisla¬
tion, and finally the plan will be introduced by some means
or other. Already the New York Short Ballot Associa¬
tion is agitating on behalf of a general law, similar to that
which has been passed in so many Western States, which
permits cities of the third class to adopt the Commission
plan after it has been approved by a majority of the citi¬
zens of any community. The Democrats as a matter of
party policy would be very wise to pass a genera] law of
this -kind, for it is tantamount merely to an attempt to
carry out the traditional Democratic doctrine of local self-
government; and such a law would probably have a bet-