Index to Vol. XCII of the
JRecord"aridr Guide
For Manhattan and the Bronx Auction Sales, Conveyances, L/sases, Mortgages and Projected Buildings
NOS. 2364 to 2389
The following- is the semi-annual
Index of Volume XCII of the Record and
Guide, containing complete lists of the
Auction Sales, Conveyances, Leases,
Mortgages and Buildings Projected in
Manhattan and Bronx during the last
six months of 1913. Th.ose wishing to
keep a file of past six months for per¬
manent reference should see that all
the numbers are complete and have
them bound. Cost of binding. $3.50 per
volume. A suitable temporary binder,
holding one volume, can be obtained at
the office, 115 to 119 West 40th Street:
price, one dollar.
The Record and Guide is now pub¬
lished in two sections; Section One
containing auction sales and projected
buildings. Section Two containing con¬
veyances, mortgages and leases.
The folios on both sections start with
page one continuing consecutively up
to the end of the volume.
In order that there may be no con¬
fusion all auction sales folios are pre¬
ceded by an asterisk (•) and all pro¬
jected buildings folios are preceded by
a dagger (t). These marks indicate
that these folios will be found in Sec¬
tion One. all folios not so marked will
be found in Section Two.
Auction Sales.
The • before any folio indicates an
auction sale, which will be found in Sec¬
tion One.
are distinguished by numbers without
having signs attached thereto. In many
instances there will be found streets, etc..
Indexed under pages which, on being ex¬
amined, show at once that they are not in
their proper order according to our cus¬
tomary alphabetical and numerical ar¬
rangement. A further examination will
disclose the fact that while the properties
appear more prominently under the other
street descriptions, they nevertheless ex¬
tend to the streets, etc., indicated by the
Index, and having a frontage on same
have been included in the paging, and it
will necessitate a somewhat more thor¬
ough search than usual to locate it. The
Leases, Mortgages, Auction Sales and Pro¬
jected Buildings are indexed in a similar
manner to the plan followed with the
The figures in parenthesis denote that
the transaction on the page given is
Leasehold, an assignment of lease or a
lease running for a short or long term of
years. This explanation is made so tl^t
subscribers searching for transfers in tee
can at once distinguish between the form¬
er and the latter without referring to the
pages mentioned.
Figures preceded by capital letters are
mortgages, said capital letter indicating
the first letter of the name of the mort¬
All the mortgages are indexed against
the street or avenue in which the property
is located, and memoranda added to en¬
able searchers to find the particulars in
â– â– The Record and Guide." See "Example."
The streets and avenues are so subdivided
that very few references are necessary.
All readers of "The Record and Guide" are
aware that the mortgages appear weekly
in alphabetical and numerical order. This
publication of an index against property
completes the information which those In¬
terested may require.
Projected Bulldinss.
The t before any folio indicates a Pro¬
jected Building, which will be found In
Section One.
Nagle av, from Broadway to Elwood..
153. H 158, (186), K 187, 269, t690,
Page 867. an auction sale, will be found
Pages 153 & 169 conveyances will be
found ... t » J
Pages 158-187 mortgages will be found
Page 1S6. a lease, will be found
Page 690, plans tor a new building, will
be found
Auction Sales, Conveyances, Leases.
Mortgages and Projected Buildings.
NOTE.—Longitudinal streets, roads and places,
such as the Bowery, Boulevard, Broadway, etc..
which run parallel with the various avenues, will
be found In alphabetical order among the
Academy, from Sherman av to Bway..43,
44, L 51, P 85, P 86, 182 (272), t732,
Allen, from Division to Canal. 230. C 237,
(259), (294).
Hester to Grand. . (272).
Broome to Delancey..W 85. 190, R
194. 210. 221. (246). "eSl.
Delancev to Rivington. . (4S), 60.
RIvington to Stanton.. (6). (137). 142,
L 146. 183, F 194, 252, E 260, (272).
Stanton to Houston. . 190. (193). 290.
Apthorp^s la..43. M 50. H 86, 210, B 226, S
261. R 285. R 295.
Arden..B 49. P 49, 162. O 167.
Ashley. .R 101.
Astor pi, from Bway to 8th..211, 212.
Attorney, from Division to Grand..H 120,
M 167, L 237.
Grand t.o Broome. .O 110, I 295.
Delancev to RIvington. .14, 26, 132,
tl92, 220, 268.
RIvington to Stanton. . (224).
Stanton to Houston..M 34, 152, 290,
A 295.
Bank, from Greenwich av to 4th..43, 58.
107, (259). •1092, 'llSl.
4th to Bleecker. .76, 152, 172, D 260.
Hudson to Greenwich..S 138.
Barclay, from Bway to Church. . (193),
Church to West Bway.. (6), M 275.
West Bway to Washington .. 280.
Washington to West..(236), S 237,
Barrow, from Washington pi to Bleecker
..116, 221, 290.
Bleecker to Bedford..76. 'I'T.
Bedford to Hudson..242, •717.
Battery pi. from Bway to Greenwich..
Greenwich to Washington.. (224).
Baxter, from Park row to Park..F 128.
(137). G 138, F 295.
w s. Leonard to Franklin. .26.
e s. Bayard to Canal..D 100.
Canal to Hester..152. 268.
Hester to Grand..T 237.
Bayard, from Chrvstie to Bowery.. (215),
L 216.
s s. Bowerv to Mott..l24, (204), C 205.
n s. Elizabeth to Mott..220. 291.
Mulberry to Baxter..D 100.
Beach, from W Bway to Varick..*310.
Beaver, from Bway to Broad..G 157.
William to Hanover. . (193).
Hanover to Pearl..U 120.
Bedford, from Downing to Carmine..T
Carmine to Leroy..26, 182.
Morton to Commerce. .42, 43. H 49.
Grove to Christopher. .14, ^49.
Beekman, from Park row to Nassau..211,
Nassau to William.. 58. (283).
Pearl to Water..14. P 19.
Beekman pi. from 49th to 50th.. 200.
50th to 51st..26, G 34, 58, B 6S, 152.
Benson. .94.
Bethune. from Greenwich to Washington
..26. 42, C 49, B 194.
Bleecker. ns. from Bowery to Lafayette..
231. 242, S 247.
s s. Bowerv to Mott..^90, 154. 'SIO.
n s. Lafayette to Bway. .W 237.
s s, Crosby to Bway..(127J, (214).
Mercer to Greene..211.
Wooster to W Bway..95, 106, B 110,
Thompson to Sulllva-n. . (84), 124.
Sullivan to Macdougal. . 132.
n s. Macdougal to Minetta la..P 19.
F 85.
n s, Minetta to Carmine. . (294).
e s. or n s. Cornelia to Jones. . (204).
w s. Morton to Commerce. . (176).
w s. Commerce to Barrow. . (48), H
Barrow to Grove..221.
Grove to Christopher.. 42.
10th to Charles. . (193), E 295.
Bond, from Bway to Lafayette.. (110).
Lafayette to Bowery..162, 232, 242,
Broad, from Pearl to Water..94.
Broadway al. .(84).
Broome, from Tompkins to Mangln..26.
Mangin to Goerck..2. 42. 58. 132, 252.
Goerck to Lewis. . (224). A 260.
Lewis to Cannon..76. 142. ^266.
Willett to Pitt..210. 278. ^820.
Pitt to Ridge..W 85, 278.
Clinton to Suffolk. .42.
Norfolk to Essex..L 68. S 128. (272).
Essex to Ludlow..C 295.
Orchard to ,411en..O 34. (235).
Eldrldge to Forsyth. .162, J 167, (185),
S 186, J 186. S 260. E 273.
Forsvth to Chrystie. .172. (176).
Chrvstie to Bowery..132. 200. 252.
Bowerv to Elizabeth.. 230. I 295.
Mott to Mulberry.. (84), 162, 278, •543.
n s. Mulberry to Lafayette. . (100).
Lafayette to Crosby..P 49.
Bwav to Mercer..190.
Thompson to Sullivan. .106.
s s. Sullivan to Varick..l52.
Canal, from East Bway to Division 76.
Division to Ludlow. . (156). (259).
Orchard to Allen.. (214). 230. C 237, V
Eldrldge to Forsyth. . (48). (84). (176).
Forsyth to Chrystie. .tl91. 252, N 260
Chrvstie to Bowery.. (193), M 238,252,
C"2G1, tll49.
Bowerv to Elizabeth. . (156).
Elizabeth to Mott..201. B 23i.
Mott to Mulberry.. (48). S 225. L 284.
D 284- ,,,.,
Baxter to Centre. . (16i)-
Lafayette to Bway..77. (100).
s s. Church to West Bway..242
s s. West Bway to Laight..l82, H 186.
n s. Hudson to Renwick..L 34.
Greenwich to Washington. .58, C 68,
Cannon.' from Grand to Broome.. (18),
Delancev to' RIvington. .S 19, 132, 242,
RIvington to Stanton. .V 167.
Stanton to Houston.. 14, W 19. S 215,
R 2S4
Carlisle, from Greenwich to Washington
Carmine, from Bedford to Varick..l82.
Catherine, from Division to East Bway..
Henrv to Madison .. (127). t556.
w s, Madison to Oak..190
e s Hamilton to Cherry.. (137), (24b).
Cathedral pkway. n s. from 5 to Lenox
avs..tl92. 269. W 274. 291.
n s 7 ti 8 avs..O 186, 269, tll50.
n s 8 to Manhattan avs..D 51.
s s. C P W to Col av..(246)
n s, Ams av to Bway.. (294).
s s. Ams av to Bway. .2. B 7. S 186.
Cedar, from Pearl to William..42, 106, R
Washington to West.. (167).
Centre Market pi.. (84). ti ict
Centre, from Franklin to White..H 157.
Chambers, from Bway to Church..R 273,
Church' to W Bway.. (272). K 273.
Charles, from Greenwich av to Waverly
4th'to''Bfe'ecker'.K 176. (214). 242. 243.
Greenwich to Washington. .232. 280,
Charlton,'from Hudson to Greenwich. . 153.
'1181. ... . ,, c„
Greenwich to Washington. .M 68.
Chatham sq..l53. 230.
Cherokee pi..182. ,
Cherry, s s, from Dover to Roosevelt..
n s,^ Roosevelt to New Chambers. .190,
James V Oliver.. (84), 94, D 100, D
n l^^Oliver to Catherine (84) 200
n s. Catherine to Market. .(137), b
186, (194). F 194. B 225. (246).
n s. Pike to Pelham..l24
Rutgers to Jefferson..76. 220, 224
Jefferson to Clinton.. 16. '224, C 261.
269, C 273.
Clinton to Montgomery. .N 273.
Montgomery to Scammel. .R 205, K
Scammel to Jackson..F 225.
Jackson to East..76. wav-
^•''â– •'^'°e?l'v"^'"p/'"?7"^ •f[^^T'iâ– 83.''290'.° '"^^
waverly pl to 4th. R 120. (214).
s s. Bleecker to Bedford. .210. G 215.
n s. Bleecker to ""^son. 116. R 1|0.
Hudson to Greenwich..H 120, 200, m.
Greenwich to Washington .. (67).
Washington to West..164. (16.). U
,__Key explalntne the signs used wlU be found on page 3.