This aecilon Includes all recorded ConTcyancaa, Ulscallaneoui Conveyances. MortKases, AaslKnmsnts of MortKases and S^t^*^
Uortgagrea and Mortgage Extensions, Leasss, Auction S&lea^ Voluntary Auction Sales, Advertised Leeal Sales, Foreclosure 8»ltj
Judgments In Foreclosure Suits, Lis Pendens, Mechanics' Liens, Satlsfled Mechanics' Liens, Attachments, Chattel Mortgages Affectl^
Real Estate, Building Loan Contracts, Wills and Real Estate Appraisals In the Borough of Manhattan.
No. 15
SEPT. 28, 29, 30, OCT, 1, 3, 4.
Beekman pl, 16 (5:1301-38). ws, 19 s SOth, 19
x90, 4-sty & b stn dwg; Helen M Mills, Gales-
burg, Mich, widow Prank Mills, to John D
Murphy, 16 Beekraan pi; mtg .$12,100; SeptlO;
Sept30'21; A$5,30()-10.800 (R S .$12). O C & 100
Canal st, 440-44; see Vestry, 12-16.
Ciuuubers 8t, ISZ; See Warren, 52.
Cherry st, 421 (1:260-42), as, 175.7 w Jack¬
son, 25.1x02.7x25.1x93.6, 2 & 3-sty bk stable:
Kauffmau & Lewenthal Realty Co to Saml
Krasilovsky, ;j3li Henry st, & Dave Krasilov-
sky, 530 Barbey, Bklyn ; mtg $9,625; Octl'21;
A$.5,500-15,00O (R .S $10). O C & 100
CUnton st, 160 (2:346-40), es, 150 n Grand,
25x100, 6-8ty bk tnt & strs ; Jacob Levy & ano
to Jacob & Dorothy Kramer, 1266 47lh, Bklyn ;
mtg $21,800; PM mtg $7,200; Sept30; Octl'21:
A$23,000-37,500 (R S $15.50). O C & 100
Clinton st, 175 (1:313-25), W8, abt 150 8
Grand, 25x100, 5-sty bk tnt & strs; Cath L
Harris to David D Weinberger, 60S W 139;
B&S; AL; Sepl27; Sept30'21; A$21,00n-31,000
(K S $28). nora
Delancey st, 190 (2:343-35), ns, 92.4 w Ridge,
22x100, 5-8ty bk tnt & strs & 4-sty bk rear loft
bldg: Wra Chilvers, REP, to Frances I Brooks,
TRSTE Fredk Beadel, plff; FORECLOS, ------;
Sept2S; Sept29'21; A$15,000-20,000 (R S $24).
Duane at, 209 (1:142-24), na, abt 30 e Wash¬
ington, 25x29, 5-sty bk loft bldg: Alphonse
Freund et al, heirs M.irtha Freund, to Prank
Rosenberg, 317 E 18; mlg $10,000; SeptlS; Sept
29'21; A$13,500-17,dOO (R S $14), O C & 100
Duane st, 209; Frank Rosenberg to Wm R
Altman & Alex Slater, 277 Bway ; ratg $19,000;
Sept27; Sept29'21. nora
East 8t, 26 (2:319-^2G), ws, 179 s Rivington,
21x100, 4-sty bk loft bldg; Mary W Champion,
Rome, N V, to Chas P Champion, 2^22 W 23-
undivided RT&I; June7; Oct4'21; A$4,000-8,-
000 (R S $2.50). O C & 100
Essex at, 7 (1:297-27), ws, 94.8 n Division, 20
x87.6. 4-sty bk storage; Loring N Parnum lo
Max Pein, 420 Grand, & Fred Fein, 234 Divis¬
ion ; mtg $13,000; Octl; Oct3'21; A$19,0n0-32,0()()
(K S $18). O C & 100
Ft Charles pl, 26-30 (8:2215-494), ss, 279 sw
Marble Hill av, 50x70x50.5x64.11, vacant; Jos
Sinsheimer to Edw F Hararael, Mt Vernon, N
Y, & Leo Peibel, 3248 Kingsbridse av; B&S;
Sept24; Sept2S'21; A.$5.,'-j00-5.500 (R S $5). nom
Ft Charles pl, 26-30; Edw F Hammel, Mt
Vernon, NY, et al to Alexander Bldg Corpn,
280 Madisou av ; mtg $5,000; Sept27; Sept28'21
(R .S $2). nom
Greenwich 8t, 620-620>^; see Washington,
Greenwich st, 04% (1:53-40), wa, 20.11 n Rec¬
tor, runs W93.6xnl5.2xw2.2xn3.8xe95.7 to st xs
19.1 to beg; AT to alley 5 ft wide (now closed)
in rear, 4-sty bk tnt & sirs: Sarah L Merrell,
Morristown, NJ, et al, TRSTES under deed of
trust, et al to Broadway-John St Corpn 20li
Bi\-ay: June21; Sept2S'21; A$47,00O-5O,00O (R S
$22.00). 87,000
Greenwich st, 94'/:, same prop; Doris R
Humphreys, heir Geo W Taylor, to same; un¬
divided right; Sep 120; Sept28'21 (R S $5). nora
King Ht, 42 (2:519-18), ss, 270.1 e Varick, old
line, 20x100, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Olindo D'Anna
to Vincenza Lanza, 52 King. & Alphonsus A
Brugnoli, .52 King; Octt; Oct3:21; A$10,500-
12,500 (R S $bi. â– 0 C & 100
Leonard st, 11 Sl 13 (1:170-52), ns, 138.9 e
Hudson, runs e50.2xn91.5xw25.5xs—xw25.7xs—
X862.6 to bei;, 1-sty bk garage: Theresa Villa-
mena to Dioadto Villaraena, 204 E 116; PM
ratgs $------; B&S; Junel8; Sept30'21; A$33,0U0-
45,000. gljt
Leroy 8t, 129-39: see Washington, 599%-601.
MadlHon 8t, 333-36; aee Scammel, 24.
.Monroe st. It (1 :'253-104), SS, 125.10 e Cath.
24.9x.-)2.10x24.10x55..5. 5-sly bk tnt & sirs;
Julius Kaplan to Milia Auzeloni, 136 Cherry;
uitf,' .$12,000; Sept27; Sept30'21; A$9,000-15,0OO
(R S $5.50). O C & IOO
.Murray st. 6 (1:124-21), ss, l.'>3.4 w Bway.
25x75.4x25x75.'2. 5-sly stn loft & str bldg; Ar¬
row Holding Corpn to 6 Murrav St Corpu, 358
0 av: mtg $.58,750; SeptSO; Octl'21; A$68,0OO-
7.5,000 (R S .$20.65). O C & 100
New st, 42-44 (1:24-19), es, abt 210 s Ex¬
change pl, 49.9x48.4x43.7x49.8; Elmore D Dier,
-irdmore. Pa, to 42-44 New St Corpn, 42 New ;
mtg $89,000: Sept27; Sept28'21; A$140,000-190,-
1)00 (R S $10). nom
.Scanunel st, '24 (1:267-19), nec Madison st
1 Nos 3:53-35), 41x95.7x35.3x96, 6-aty bk tnt &
strs: Annie Helfat, Rockaway Park, NY, to
Benj Coheu, 630 W 172; ratg .$56,000; Octl: Oct3
â– 21; A.$27,000-6.5,000 (R S $10.50). O C & 100
Vestry st. 12-16 (1:221-6), ns, 161 w Canal,
runs w75xu38xnw44xn24x8e50xne89 lo Canal
(Noa 440-44) X8e75xsw74xa25 to beg, 7-3ty bk
loft & atr bldg; re mtg; Mutual Life Ina Co
of N Y to Rector, &c, Trinity Church, 187
Pulton; Sept27; Oct3'21: A.$80,000-180,000.
o c & ion
Wadsworth ter (S:2170-pt It 336). wa. IOO n
190th, 102x84x98x84, vacant; Crimson Realty
Co to Docliii Realty Corpn, 74 Bway; Sept27;
Oct4^21; A.1:------$------ (R S $35). O C & 100
WushinKton st, 599yo-«01 (2:602); also LE¬
ROY ST, 129-39; also GREENWICH ST, 620-
620'/'': asn rents; Le Roy Holding Co to Tawas
Co, 29 W 34 ; Sepl29: Sept30'21. nom
Warren st, 52 (1:136-10), ns, 125 e West
Bway, 25x175.10 to Charabers (No r22), 2-5-
sty stn lofl & atr bldgs; Jereraiah P Donovan,
Bklvn, lo 52 Warren St Corpu, 50 Warren;
ralg $115,000; Octl'21; A.$83,0(I0-105.000 (R S
$25). O C & 100
3D st, 285 E (2:373-63), ns, 146 e Av C, 21.Sx
96x21.8x96.2, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Edwin B
King, Warrenton, Va, to Morris Beck, 71 Av
D; ralK $7,000; Sept2S; Octl'21; A$9,000-ll,000
(R S $0). nora
OTH St. 52 W (2:572-16), ss, 202.7 e 6 av, 24.11
xH3.ll, 3-sty bk atudio & 2-stv bk rear studio;
Helen Morria. Bklyn, to Wra De L Dodge, 51 W
10; Septin; Oct3'21; A$ll),00O-24,O0O (R S $27).
O C & 100
lOTH St. i:{9 W (2:611-69), ns, 1.54 e Waver¬
ly pi, 22x95, 3-aty bk tnt & stra; Josephine L
Mount, et al, to Arthur J Blank, 2781 Bain¬
bridge av, Bronx; Sent30: Ocll'21; .\$9,.500-15.-
000 (R S $15). uora
lOTH st, 142 W (2:610-47), S3. 125 e Waverly
pl, 25x'.)5, 4-sty bk tnt, 1-sty ext: Ellen A
Callanan to Jaraes J Callanan, 142 W 10; ralg
$------; Nov2'20; Sept29'21: A$ll,000-20,000 (R S
$8). O C & 100
UTH st, 347 E (3:921-24), na, 101.0 w 1 av,
22.6x103.3, 4-sty bk home; Adolph Huiiau to
Alex Nemolowsky, Archbishop of the Ruasian
Orthodox Catholic Church of North Araerica,
15 E 97; B&S; CaG; Sept21; Sept30'21; A$15,-
000-20.000. nom
14TH st, 249 W (3:764-11), na, 190.2 e 8 av,
24.2x103.1, 4-sty stn tnt & atrs; Louis Berni to
Eugeue J Schaefer, 249 W 14; Septl7'17; Sept
30'21; A$20,00n-24.000 (R S $1). nora
UTH st, 249 W; Eugeue J Schaefer to 32
Tier St Corpn, 30 Bay, City Island, N Y; Sept
30'21 (R .S .50c). O C & 100
16TH St. 201 E; see 3 av, 1G7-69.
18TH st, 327 W (3:742-21), ns, 334.4 w 8 av,
21.10x92, 3-sty & b bk dwg; Alfred A Gray to
Helena O'.Sullivau, 80 Jane; mtg $4,000; Sept
29'21; A$10,5()0-14,500 (R S $11.50). O C & 100
18TH st W. sec 9 av; see 9 av, 122.
19T1I St. 410-18 W (3:716-46-47), ss, 225 w 0
av, 28.4x92, 2-4-sty bk tnts; Marie V Sherman,
Stamford, Conn, et al, to O S J Realtv Co, 09
Nassau; AL; Sept22; Sepl29'21; A$15,50"0-19,000.
19TH st, 426 W (3:716-51), ss, 325 w 9 av, 25
x92, 4-sty stn tnt; .Marie V Shermau, Stara¬
ford, Conn, et al, to O S J Realtv Co, 99 Nas¬
sau: AL; Sept22; Sept29'21; A$10",500-13,500.
22D St. 328 E (3:927-39), ss, '245 w 1 av, 25x
'.17.6. 4-stv bk tnt & sirs; Franklin Burr to
John C .Malone Co, 166 E .56; Sept30; Octl'21;
A$12,0()0-13,500 (R S $10). uora
•24TH st, 146 W (3:800-15), ns, 250 e 7 av, 25
xUS.9, 4-sly bk loft & str bldg; Jacob Lewis,
Bklyu, to Ray Silberraan, 169 Hewes st, Bk-
â– |yn ; ratg .$45,000 & mtg of $4,000 which shall
be merged in the fee; SeptlO; Sept28'21; A$26,-
1)00-40.000 (R S $1). O C & 100
24T1I st, 437 W (3:722-17), ns, 329.2 e 10 av.
20.10x98.9, 3-sty & b bk dwg ; Ida M Cerimedo
to Oscar Eckl, 4.35 W 24; ratg .$9,700; Sept29;
.Sept:i0'21: A$11.000-30,000 (R S $13). O C & 100
27TH st, 133-7 E; see Lex av, 99.
29TH St. 342 W (3:752-69), sws, abt 320 e 9
nv, 18.9x98.9, 3-sly & b stn dwg: Fiuley M
Foster lo Mary A Hynes, 300 W 29; ralg $9,-
onO; Sept29; Sept30'21; A.$9,300-14,500 (R S
$8.50). O C & 100
31 ST St. 119-23 W; see 32d, 116-22 W.
32n st, 9 E (3:862-10), ns. 2-20 w Mad av.
25x98.9, 5-stv atn tnt & strs; also 32D ST, 11
& 13 E (3:862-11), ns, 170 w Mad av, 50x98.|9,
12-sty bk hotel: A$16S,000-355,nno; Allele Hert¬
er, Easthampton, N Y. to De Jav Hotel
Corpn. 135 Bway; B&S; mtg $275,000; Sept7;
()ct3'21 IR S .$140). O C & 100
32D St. 11-13 E; see 32d. 9 E.
;r2» Bt, 11 & 13 E (3:802-11), ns, 170 w Mad
av, .50x98.9, 12-sty bk hotel: Albert Herter,
Easlhainploii, N Y, to .4dele Herter, his wife,
Easthauiploii, N Y; B&S; Cal!; mtg $225,000;
.\pr29 ; Oct3'21; A$168,l)00-3.55.000. nom
32D St. 227 E (3:913-14). na. 287.6 w 2 av, 12.6
X9S.9, 3-sly & b stn dwg; Elvira C Black et al
to Dorothy Abbott, 2'27 E 32; Septl2; Sept29'21;
.4.$5,400-7,.50O (R S .$8). nom
32D St. 116--23 W (3 :S07--2.S), ss, 2(H.2 w 6 av,
70.10x197.0 to :51st (Nos 119-2:i), 16-sly bk loft
& sir bldg; Winter Realties. Inc, to Winter &
Wilkea, Inc. 2299 Bwav : B&S: CaC,; mtg $------;
Scpt29-21; A.$.-'.70,(K)0-1.50o.000 (R S 50c). nom
32D st, UG-23 W (3:807-28), aa, 204.2 w 6 av,
70.10x197.(1 lo 31st (Nos 119-23), 16-sty bk loft
& str bldg; Cuyler Realtv Co to Winter Real¬
ties, Inc, 2-299 Bwav; ratg $9.50.000; P.M ratg
.$5:57,500: Sept28; Sept30'21; .^$370,000-1,150,000
(R S $nS7..5()). 0 C & 100
4(ITH st, 316 E (3:045-47), ss, 2-25 e 2 av, 25x
98.9, 5-sly bk till & sirs; David B Heira to
.Willie (irosiii. 10.-52 2 av; ratg $14,000; SeptSO;
Octl'21 : A$S,on()-15,0(IO (R S .$3). nom
43D st, 333 W (4:1034-15), nes, 350 e 9 av, 25
xlOO.4, 5-sty bk tnt & strs ; Stephanie A Porter
widow, to Emilio del Sera, Florence, Italy; P
Livingston fell. 158 E 03: James D Tell. US E
."14; (iertrude P Bishop, Mt Kisco. N Y. & Wald
en Pell, 7 Wall; QC; AT&I; ratg $------; Oct
9'18; Ocl4'21 ; ,\.$22,()00-34.(l(l0 (R S $1). nom
431) st, 4.5!) W (4:10.-:;-«i, ns, 125 c 10 av, 25
XlOO.l. 4sty atn tnl & 3stv bk rear tut; Grace
B Miller to Wm C Miller, 4.59 W 43; QC; Sept
29; Sepl30'2l : .\$16,000-2S,0()0. nom
40TH st, lOG-108 W (4:998-38-39), ss, 120 w 6
av. lOxlOO..!, 4-sty bk loft & sir bldgs & 4-8ty
s(n dwg; Edith R, wife of Henry Lustig, to
Chas Geoly, 110 W 40: B&S; ratg $55,000; PM
ratg $31,000; Sept27; Sepl29'2l; A$90,(K)0-108,000
(R S $5(1). O C & 100
SOTH st, 405 E (5:1.362-3), us, 39.1 e 1 av,
19.5x80, 3-sty & b stn dwg; Harold A Knauff,
heir August Knauff, to Louise Knauff, Rock¬
ville Center, L I; QC; Sept27; Sept,30'21; A
$5.0I)0-S,0()(). nom
SOTH Bt, 41)5 E; Louise Wilcox et al. heirs
August Knauff, to same; QC; Sept27'20; SeptSO
"21. nom
50TII St. to.'i E; Louise Knauf, 231 Ocean av,
Rockville Centre. L I, widow, to Celia Lent,
935 2 av: Ullg .$5,000; Sept29; Sept30'21 (R S
$5). 100
50T1I Bt, 518 W (4:1078-44), ss, 275 w 10 av,
25x100.5, 5-8ty bk tnt & atrs; Edw B Jackson
to Bernard Renzy, 77 Lolls, Bklyn; ratg iflO,-
000; I'M ratg $4,200: Sept29; SeptS0'21; A.$12,-
000-21,000 (R S $7.50). nom
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