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1 AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. I.] SATURDAY, MABCH 28, 1868. [No. 2. PtJBTJSHED Weekly by C. W. SWEET & CO., - Boom 31 Wokld Boildimg, No. 8T Pabk Kow. TEEMS, te months, delivered............................ 3 00 I PEICE OF ADVEETIBING, llaquoro, ten lines, three months..................$20 00 II ftquarc, single insertion.......................... 1 00 Bpedal Notices, per lino.......................... 20 Business cards, per month......................... 2 00 SPECIAL AHNOTTNCEMENT, Tbo '• EEAL ESTATE RECORD AND BUILDEES" ODIDK " is published every Saturday at No, 87 Park Eow, SooQi 81, It furnishes tho following information: "L All the Real Estate Conveyances during the Aveek in W*or York and Kings Cotintiea, with the names of buyer atkd seller. 9, All tho Mortgages entered for tho same period in W»w York and vicinity. 3. Tho Jadgments entered in the two counties against (tetinqucnt or unfortunate debtors. 4. A list of the recent hankrupta throughout tbo United SUtoa. fit Full information respecting the local real eatato market. 9. A complete and accurate report of the market for bftlkUng materials. With ono exception (real estate) all tho above aro now /batBros in tlio newspaper business. It is a singular fact Itot 60 far tiie great building interest of the nation has baen. ao Inadoquatcly roprcsontod in tho periodical press. iPhii B^oord, therefore, is indlspeosabJo to the following |)09u,patlon8: Architects, Auctioneers, BuBdera,. Brick Makers and Dealers, Baokora, Bill Brokers. Oontraotors, Cement Dealers, Glue Dealers, Hardware for Honsos, Hair, Insurance Interest, Lumber Dealers, Limo Dealers, Merohanta, Metal Workers, Marble Dealers. Paint Merchanta, Plumbers, Planing Mills, Plaster of Paris, Real Estate Owners. i Slate Dealers, Window Glaaa Dealers, aad a large number of kindred occnpotions. General ad- TartiBcrs will sec the value of the Eecors as a business medium. C. W. SWEET & CO. We are happy to say that the Record has oroved quite a hit, not only in real estate and Ibuilding circles, but among business men Igenerally. It is conceded to be a neat, hand¬ some sheet, and full of valuable, nay, of indis- ipensable matter to the classes it especially laddresses. It fills a niche not occupied by [any other business paper, and affords an or¬ igan for trades which heretofore have not Ibeen able to use printers' ink in their buainesa. We shall be happy to act upon any sugges¬ tions made to us by our business friends. If there is any department that can be added to or extended for the benefit of special trades, let us know, and we shall spare neither money nor pains to perfect it. We have done better this week than we did last, and expect to improve still more next week- Already, we realize the necessity for more space. OPENIFrG OF THE BUILDING SEASON. As the frost oozes from the stiffened earth, rendering excavation possible, everyone inter¬ ested in building seems to arise from a condi¬ tion of hybernation, and, ceasing to suck their thumbs, assume a natural briskness. Pat, with his pick and spade, commences the work for the foundation, boring large holes with the rapidity of an army of moles, and creating an atmosphere of dust irritating and often impreg¬ nable. The stone mason ia just at his heels, and piles up his foundation so rapidly that it tometimes seema as though the substructure was completed ere the spade had finished its work Then down go the beams for the first floor ; a day or two of bustling hod-carriers en¬ sue, and away toward the clouds is heard the singing clang of the mason's trowel as he creeps skyward at the rate of a brick at a time. Hurry, hurry is the word—no time to be lost. Other jobs on hand. Everybody is rusheil, for the season for building has arrived, and is bur limited. This leads to a review of what is to be done this year in the matter of hoxise-build- ing, so far as statistics have been gathered up to the present time. At the office of the Superintendent of Buildings, there have been received from various architects 182 plans, representing 353 houses, some of the plans being for as many as six separate buildings. Of these, eighteen have been rejected for non¬ compliance with the buildings laws, the chief cause being an insufficient strength of walls. These plans represented twenty-four buildings, which leave the ntunber to be erected 829. This includes all classes of buildings, as foUows: of first-class buildings 41, 2d do. G4, 3d do., or tenement houses, 13; first-class stores, 7, 2d do. 4, 3d do. 4 ; school-houses, 4 ; churches, 2 ; public buildings, 20, and factories, 28 ; stables, 18. Por comparison we publish also the plans submitted and approved for the same term last year. Total number 192, comprising of first- class dwellings 20, 2d do. 37, 3d do., or tcne- m.ent houses, 90 ; first-class stores, 14; 2d do. 5, 3d do. 6; factories, 3*7; school-houses, 3; stables, 21. It win be seen that in the aggregate of plans the number this year falls shorb of the figures of last year., and that tiiere seems a general in¬ clination to invest in a better class of hotises. Last year, up to March 26, plans had been submitted for 96 tenement hotises, and 20 first- class dwellings; this year the figures stand, of the former, 13; of the other, 40; in the erection of second-class dwellings, intended for more than one family, the increase is quite as notable. But a sad falling off is noticeable in the matter of factories and workshops, which is another proof of the deplorable stagnation ex¬ isting in that branch of industry. The erection of workshops should never fall off; our popu¬ lation increases incessantly, enhancing the de¬ mand ; and only an unhealthy condition of cir¬ cumstances can tend to weaken the domestic source of supply. Another feature worthy of notice ia, that notwithstanding the great inducements offered to builders on the West side of the city, and the impetus given to move in the direction of the new Boulevard, the great majority of the buildings contemplated, will be erected on the East side, the 19th Ward seeming to be the chosen locality. This may be readily account¬ ed for on the theory that people do not caro to pay two or three or ten times as much for a plot of ground as for the house they erect upon it. The demand for small, one-family, moder¬ ate-priced houses is almost universal, and such can not be erected on the West side of the city and insure anything like a respectable return on an investment. Hence it is that while few very costly houses are built on the East side of the city, still fewer moderate priced houses arc built on the "West side. It appears almost an impossibilitjB to give any data respecting an average price for erecting buildings, as the cost of the house seems altogether contingent on the price of the lot wheron it is put. We give however a list of some of the various classes to be erected in different localities, and which may partly subserve the purpose : First-class stores. Thomas st., near Church St. Owned by Luke Otten, to cost $15,000. "William st., near Ann st.; Blrs. Thomas' es¬ tate. Dimensions, 28,4x24x103, to cost $24,000. 48 Pranklin st., 23,10x100. John C. Buttre, $35,000. 319 Peari st., 23.6x100. W. W. Thayer, §9,500. 50 & 52 Franklm st., 49.4x100. Five story warehouse, Wilham Watson, $65,000. 43 Frankfort st., 25x107,3. John Brooks, §30,000 80, 82 & 84 Bowery, 25x100. Store, factory, etc., Wm. Sheave, $20,000. First-dass dweUings. A house on 155th st., near 10th av., is to cost $3,000. No. 207 7th av., $3,500. Lexington av. and 49th st., two houses, 51.6x78x22.5x51.6, to cost $25,000; built for H. Brunges. In 54th st., near Madi¬ son av.., Mr. D. W. Berkley wiU build a house A