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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 1, no. 20: August 1, 1868

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol; a.]. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1868. [No. 20. NEW ADYERTISEMENTS. J. ^W^. FISKE, JIANUFACTURER OF ORNAMENTAL IRON GOODS, BULliDERS' HAR»WARE, STABLE FURNITURE, IKON A: AVIRE Railings, Copper Weather-Vanes, Emble¬ matic Signs, etc., etc. 120 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK ' Ward, secor & ackerman, STAIR BUILDERS. AND B[ARI> WOOD IttOUIiBINGS. 390 & 392 BLEECKER ST., NEAR BANK ST., N.Y. A. ^Y, BUIDLONa, dealer in Xj X7 3VE I^ X3 :FL , COB. IITII AVE. Ss 22D STREET, NEW YOEK. Pine, Whitewood, Hickory, Chestnut, Maple, Basswood, Cherrj', Beech, Oak, Ash, Birch, Butternut, Black Wal¬ nut, etc. Terms cash upon delivery. Lumber, timber, YELLOW PINE FLOORING, AND STEP PLANK. ^Y. H. SIMOlSrSON, COR. WEST Ss BETHUNE- STREETS, NEW YOEK. John totten, PRACTICAIi STAIR BUi£bER, NO. 309 WEST 63D ST., NEAE 8TH AVENUE, N. Y. Jobbing promptlt attended to. w J. & C. 0. ALEXANDER, Mancfactubeks op IRON RAILINGS, SHUTTERS,-FIRE ESCAPES, GEATINGS, SKY LIGHTS, FLOOR LIGHTS, WIN¬ DOW GUAEDS, STOOP GATES, STABLE FIX¬ TUEES, AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDEES' lEON WOEK. 43 & 60 Wooster Street, New York. ' Broadway cars pass the door. Lumber merchants' exchange, 96 ;WAIili STREET. Open from Si o'clock,, until 5^ p.m., daily. J. L. V. K. Brown, Secretary, * M. H. Keith, Manager. J. V. DONYAN '&■ BRO., NOETH-WEST COE. 2TTH ST. & OTH AVE., CARPENTERS & BUILBERS. Alterations and repairs of every'do3crii)tion made. All. work executed on tlie most reasonable terms. '■ James V. Donvan. Silas J. Dona'an. FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY.—A.Gentle-man's Residence on the Rockawaj' road, within a mile and a half of the town of Jamaica, comprising 40 acres of first-rate land all under cultivation, with abundance of fruits of all kinds; a flower garden containing a large collection of rare and beautiful llowers, and shade nnd ornamental trees in great variety. The House, which is Lirge and commodious, h.aving all the modern improvements, and finished in the best style, contains 14 large rooms and 13 pantries, with large piazza running the whole front and side of the house; ice-house, smoke-house, carriage-house, and all necessary out-build¬ ings. This property is situated in the most beautiful and healthy part of Long Island, and only .30 minutes from the City of New York. Apply to JOHN TOTTEN, 309 West 53d street, near Sth ave.. New York. Central Avenue, GRAND drive; OWNERS OF PROPERTY ON ANY PART OF THIS FASHIONABLE BOULEVARD, South of Jerome Park, CAN FISD CASH FfJMCIIASERS AT THE OFFICE OF JOHN fflcCLAVE, NO. 44 PINE STREET. ^^ NO COMMISSIONS CHARGED FOE SELLING. FOR SALE. — AT HARLEM, HOUSE, St.ible and Dock, with 17 Lots, at the foot of 12lst and 122d streets; S of the lots fronting on H.arlem river; this is a good location for business that requires the water front. Also double house and two lots on 12Sd street, be¬ tween Second and Third avenues; Avill sell this house and the two lots for $11,000 ; good location; terms easy. In¬ qnire of WILLIAM HAEDENBEOOK, 123d street, be¬ tween Second and Third avenues. FOR SALE IN HARLEM. — A HAND- some2-stbry frame and mansard-roof house, filled in with;brick; basement and snbcellar, with all the modern improvements, on llSth st., bet. 1st and 2d aves. Woodwork and trimmings solid block walnut. The carpets, oil cloths, gas fixtures, and window shades included for $11,000. One half may remain on bond and mortgage. For further particulars apply at the offlceof EANDALL Ss POETER, ,1951 3d Avenue, Harlem. J& F. COOK, IRON WORKS, • NO. 122 WEST THIRTY-FIFTH STREET, NEAR BROADWAY, KEW YORK. Plain and Ornamental Iron Railings, Doors, Shntters, Area Grating.s, Vault, Sky and Floor Lights. All housesmith's work in general. Eepairing ond Job¬ bing promjitly executed. VREELAND & CONKLIN, PLAIN AND OENAMENTAL lEON WOEKS, BAILINGS, DOOES, SHUTTERS, GEATINGS, And Buildeis' Iron Work in General. 1356 BEOADWAY (bet. 8Grn Ss 87tii Streets), N. Y. C. Yeeeland. S. a. CoNKinr. VaNNOTE & SON, [Grate,^Fcnder, and Fire-Place Xleater MANUFACTUEEPvS. 1270 Broadway, bet. 82d & 83d Sts., and 434 Canal Street, near Varick, New York. W. M. Yan Note. A. S. Tax Note. AT. SERRELL & SON, NE\V YORK • WOOD MOULDING, SASH, BLIND, & DOOB FACTOEY, Nos. 221 to 229 West 52d Street, near BroadwaIt, New York. ■ Straight, Circntor and Elliptic Mouldings, Beads, Cas¬ ings, Jambs, &c. Panel Work of all kinds. Mouldings of any Pattern worked to any shapo re¬ quired. Turning, Carving, Scroll Sawing, &c. A. T. SERRELL. Established, 1S46. a.' vr. sebrell. J AMES DOIEG, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, 147 EAST 54TH ST., BET. LEXINGTON & THIED AVENUES, NEW YOEK. Stores fitted up. Jobbing in all its branches punctually attended to. Butchers' Blocks for sale. THE BIOELOW BLUE STONE COMPANY. A. B. KELLOGG, AGENT, ^Miners, MANUFAcrrRERS and,ux Deaies js ' ilVORTBl RIVER BtUEJ. STONE, MALDEN, ULSTER CO.,? AND. 14 PINE ST., N.kY. Flagging, Curbing, Gutters, Sills, Lintels, Tiling, etc., shipped to all parts of the United States & Sont"h America. BUILDERS' IRON WORK. A RCHITECTURAL XjL of DEPARTMENT THE NOVELTY IRON WORKS, Nos.'.77 and 83 Liibcrtj- Street, corner of Rroadivay, IV. Y., I!I AW IJ F A C T U R E Plain and Ornamental Iron-work for Buildings, Complete Fireproof Structures—Cohimn.s, Lintels, Floors, Roofs, Casings, Shutters, Vaults, Safes, etc., of Cast or Wrought Iron. Also, Iron Bridges,'Iron Piers, etc., etc.; HY. J. DAVISON, 1 WJf. W. AYRES, }-Agents. J. HEUVELMAN,) F SIEBOLD & CO., HOUSE SMITHS, • Manitfactteers of Plain Ss Orijamestal IRON RAILINGS, FIRE ESCAPES, BALCONIES, VEPjmDAHS, IRON SHUTTERS, GRADINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDEES' IE ON WOBj:'. No. 160 East Tutetv-first Street,New.York. Jobbing promptly attended to.