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REAL ESTATE RECORD AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1868. Vol. L]. [No. 22. LAWYERS. T PECARE, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, 229 BEOADAVAY, EOOM 15. Titles carefully searched; having had 16 years' experi¬ ence. Charges very moderate and satisfactory. BF. McCAHILL, ATTORNEY AND • COUNSELLOE-AT-LAAV AND COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, 692 Third Avenue and 454 Sixth Avenue. Titles carefully examined, and Law business in general attended to. Loans negotiated, and Mortgages bought. JOHNW. BENNETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND NOTAEY PUBLIC. No. 290 Broadway, Eoom No. 1. Eesidence, 128d st., be¬ tween 2d and 3d av. All bnsiness entrusted to his care promptly attended to. Titles searched, and abstracts carefully prepared. Subscriptions and advertisements for the Real Estate Record received by him at his residence in Harlem. MISCELLANEOUS. EANDELL & PORTER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, 1951 Third Avenue (near 125th street), New York. R C. FERGUSON REAL ESTATE, HI BROADAVAY, TRINITY BUILDING BASEMENT. (EooM E.) N.B.—Particular attention given to negotiating loans on Bond and Mortgage. WC. KIDNEY & CO., REAL ESTATE • AND INSUEANCE BEOKEES, 520 Third Avenue, corner 37th street. New York. BADE.;-'I'>.':.■ ;.■ I\^ ' Cb'' m ab .Benedict brothers' Up-town New Store, 691 Broadway, Between Amity and Fourth Streets. FINEST WATCHES JEWELRY, AND SILVER WARE. KEEPERS OF THE CITY TIME. AGENTS FOR THE AMERICAN AVALTHAM AVATCHES. ■ : .■ '.- - '' ' James. Mclaughlin. & co. PliUMBERS &. eASFlTTXlRS, 125TH STREET & STH AVENUE. Stores and D\velling8 in City and Country fitted up Vfith all the modern improvements. II.Jab. McLaughlin. Huoh McCormick. JOHN MCCLAVE, No. 44 PINE STREET, NEW YORK. A correct Record of aU Sales, and a perfect Map of aU Improvements to be made on this island always open for inspection to Bona Fide Djealers. OAVNERS OF PROPERTY ON ANY PART OF THE CENTRAL AATENUE GRAND BOULEVABD CAN FIND CASH PURCHASERS AT MY OFFICE. J^-NO COMMISSION CHARGED FOR SELLING- SASHES, AND BLINDS. J. B. HAELOW, No.. 2 NEAnOTS STEEET, BKOOKLYN, N. Y. One door from junction of Fulton and Flathush Avenues. WC. ROGERS & CO., MERCANTILE • STATIONERS Ss PRINTERS, 26 John street. New York. AVe are now prepared to estimate for anything embraced In the following branches of our bnsiness : Blank Books of every description, from a Memorandum to the most complicated form of Account Book. Stationery of every variety, AVholesale and Retail. AVedding Orders particularly solicited. Lithography in every style of the art. Copper Plato Engraving and Printing. Type Printing in all its branches, fi-om a Bnsiness Card to ft Book. Embossing, or p]ain and fimcy Stamping on Paper. Cutting Dies for Crests, Monograms, &c. Seal Presses of all kinds. Cancelling Stamps on hand or made to order at Manu¬ facturers' Prices. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP.— Notice is hereby given that the copartnership of Doieg and Rintoul is by mutual consent this day dis¬ solved. James Doieg will continue the business, and is hereby authorized to settle the affairs of the firm. JAMES DOIEG. ROBERT RINTOUL. New Yobk, August 1, 1868. IN THE MATTER OF THE COLUMBIAN COAST WRECKING COMPANY.—Notice is hereby given that the subscriber has been appointed by the Su¬ preme Court of the State of New York, held in the City and County of New York, Receiver of the estate, funds, and effects of the Columbian Coast AVrecking Company, pursuant to the provisions of the revised statutes. orNew York, entitled " of the Voluntary Dissolution of Corpora¬ tions." All persons indebted to the said Company are to render an account of all debts and sums of money owing by them and to pay the same to the said Receiver by the loth day of August ne,\t, at the office of Messrs'. Condert Brothers, counsellors at law. No. 49 AVall st, in the City of New York. All persons having in their possession any property or effects of the said Company are to deliver the same to the Receiver by the said day at the same place; all the creditors of the Company are to deliver their res¬ pective accounts and demands to the said Receiver by the 15th dav of August, ISGS, at the same place, and all per¬ sons holding any open or subsisting contract of the said Columbian Coast AVrecking Company, are to present the same in writing and in detail to such Receiver at the same place by the first day of August, 1868, JAMES M. SAVEENY, Eeceiver. CORPORATION NOTICR—Public Notice is hereby given, to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all Houses and Lots, improved or unimproved Lands affected thereby, that the followtng Assessments have been completed and are lodged in the office of the Board of Assessors for examination by all persons interest¬ ed, viz.: Ist. For paving New Street, from AVall to Beaver Streets, with Ni"olson pavement. 2d. For paving Murray Street, from Broadway to AVest Street, \ylth Nicolson pavement. 8d. For paving Rector Street, from Broadway to th» Hudson River, wth Nicolson pavement. 4th. For paving £.vchange Place, from Broad Street to Hanover Square, with Nicolson pavement. The limits embraced by such Assessment, include all the several Houses and Lots of Ground, vacant Lots, pieces and parcels of Land, situated on Ist. Both sides of New Street, from AVaU Street to Bea¬ ver, and to the e.xtent of half the block on the Intersecting streets. 2d. Both sides of Murray Street, from Broadway to AVeat Street, and to the e.xtent of half the block on the inter- sectin^strcets. 8d. Both sides of Rector Street, from Broadway to the Hndson River, and to the extent of half the block on the in tersecting streets. 4th. Both sides of E.xchange Place, from Broad Street to Hanover Street, and to the extent ofhalf the block on the intersecting streets. All persons whose interests are affected by the above named Assessments, and who are opposed to tne some, or either of them, are requested to present their oMectlons in writing, to one of tbe undersigned, at their ofnce. No. 82 Chambers Street, Basement New Court-Honse, within thirty days from the date of this notice. JACOB F. OAKLEY, ) Boar^ JOHN D. OTTIAVELL, J- of ISAAC O. HUNT, j Assessors- Office, Board of Assessors, New Conrt-Honse, August 6L 1868. CORPORATION NOTICK—PubKc Notice is hereby given to the owner or owners, occupant or oc¬ cupants of all houses and improved or nnimproved lands, affected thereby, that the Ibllowing Assessments have been completed, and are lodged in the office of the Board of As¬ sessors for examination by all persons Interested, viz: First. For paving Canal street from Broadway to West street with stone blocks. Second. For regulating ond grading Sixty-fifth street from Eighth avenue to Hudson River, and settingcnrb and gutter and flagging sidewalks of the same from Eighth to Tenth avenops. The limits embraced by such assessment include all the several houses and lots of gronnd, vacant lots,-pieces and parcels of land sltuat'd on First. Both sides of Canal street from Broadway to AVest street, and also both sides of 'the intersecting streets to the extent of •half the block either way from Canal street. Second. Both sides of Sixty-fifth street from Eighth avenue to Hudson River, and also both sides of the inter¬ secting streets to the extent of half the block either way from Sixty-fifth street. AU persons whose interests are affected by the ^bove- namcd Assessments, and who are opposed to the same, or either of them, are requested to present their objections in writing to Jacob F. Oakley, Chairman of the Board of Assessors, at their office. No. 32 Chambers street, Base¬ ment New Court-House, within thirty days from the date of this notice. JACOB F. OAKLEY, 1 JOHN D. OTTIWELL, J-Board of Afsejsors. ISAAC 0. HUNT, ) Office Board of Assessors, New Court-Honee, Jnly 81,1868.