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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. II.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1868. [No. 29. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. \ \ J. Johnson, .Jr., Auctioneer. BY JOHN-SON & MILLER, AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, NO. 25 NASSAU STREET, Cor. Cedar street. New York. City Residences, Stores, Lots, Country Seats, and Farms, bought, sold, rented, exchanged. Loans negotiated. Auction Sales of Furniture, &c. " TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13. At 12 o'clock, at E.vchange S.ilesroom, No. Ill Broadway, Great and Important Sale of 548 Flat- "buiiili liOts, near PROSl'ECT PARK. Particulars hereafter. Maps now ready at No. 25 Nassau street, N. Y., and No. 157 Montague street, Brooklyn. ■-^ '' TUESDAY, OCTOBER 0. \At 12 o'clock, at Exchange Salesrooms, No. Ill Broadway Tl (Trinity Building), N. Y. jjircat Sale ol" Brooklyn, Flatbnsli, and j Kast NeAV "JTorK Property. ONE HUNDRED VALUABLE BROOKLYN LOTS. ROGERS AV. AND DOUGLASS ST., south-east corner -2 lots. • SACKETT ST., BOULEVARD AND BUFFALO AV., .south-east corner—5 lots. ; BUFFALO AV. AND UNION ST., north-east corner— 8 lots. "WYCKOFF ST., north side, 260 feet west of Hopkinson !av.,—5 lots; also, 6 lots in rear of above. PUTNAM AV., south side, 120 feet west of Broadway— 1 lot. SE"VENTEENTn ST., north-east side, 280 feet north¬ west of Sixth av.—1 lot. I EIGHTH AV. AND FORTY-FIFTH ST., south-west icorner—18 lots. \ MARCY AV., west side, 80 feet south of Kosciusko ist.—8 story frame house and lot. r ALSO, ONE HUNDRED VALUABLE FLATBUSH JLOTS, FINELY LOCATED on SCHENECTADY AV., least and west sides, between Diamond and East Clarkson (Bts.—82 lots. I SCHENECTADY AV., south-east and south-west corner [of Diamond st.—16 lots. 1 DIAMOND ST., north and south sides, 100 feet east and CIO feet west of Schenectady av.—21 lots. GARDEN ST., north and south sides, 100 feet east and est of Schnectady av.—17 lots. I EAST CLARKSON ST., south side, 100 feet east and Vest of Schenectady av.—7 lots. / Also, VALUABLE EAST NEW YORK HOUSE and ^TWENTY LOTS, which must be sold on account of the iOwner removing from the State. i The substantial Brick Store and Dwelling situated on fthe south-west corner of LIBERTY and VERMONT AVS., ■iogether with five lots of ground. The building is two ittories, and contains ten rooms exclusive of the stores, '^be location is very desirable for business purposes, j BALTIC AV., norih side, entire front between Pennsyl¬ vania and Sheffield avs.—10 lots. ..... \ Tho above will furnish a fine opportunity forspecula- Ifion. BROADWAY, north side, between Alabama and Wil¬ liams ftVB.—10 lots. BALTIC AND SMITH AVS., southwest comer.—5 jots. ( Terms Liberal. Maps 'of above property now ready at Wo. 25 Nassau st„ New York, and No. 127 Montague St., Brooklyn. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8. POSITIVE SALE OF CHOICE BUSHWICK AV. : 30ULEVARD LOTS, by order of the executors of John ■ [). Keating, deceased, to close an estate. I BUSH WICK A V. BOULEVARD, north-west corner of Conselyea St.—two choice lots. T BUSHWICK. AV., BOULEVARD, north-east comer of (Conselyea st.—four choice lots. The above lots adjoin the Reformed Dutch Church, and I ire the most desirable lots on the Boulevard. Also VALUABLE IMPROVED PROPERTY ON AT¬ LANTIC ST. No. 839 ATLANTIC ST.—Three-story high-stoop brown itone basement bri'^^kHoiise, 12 rooms; all improvements ; lOuse, 25x46-lot; 90. ■ \ Also the following valuable Brooklyn lots: J DEAN ST.i'south side, 100 feet east of Washington av., four lots, only two blocks from the'Park. I BERGEN ST., south side, 206 feet west of Franklin av. _-12 lots, only'three blocks from the Park. McDONQUGH.ST., south side, 260 feet west of Patchen r.—-7 lots'-i'i:?; . : ■; -■ i--^ ".:■.■'; . :. DECATUR ST., north side, 260 feet west of Patchen nv. 1 lots. DECATUR ST., south side, 275 feet east of Patchen av. -7 lots. BAINBRIDGE ST., north' side,^275 feeteasi of Patchen av.—7 lots. ' Terms liberal. Maps of all the above property now leaiy at offices of the Auctioneers. A COUNTRY SEAT ON THE RARITAN, Consisting of 145 acres of land, A good mansion of thirteen rooms, A new farm-house, A pi-een-house and milk-house, A fine garden with fruit and other trees. One of the best in New Jersey, On the line of tho Central Railroad of New Jersey, one and a half hours from New York. Apply to A. D. HOPE, at the office of Central New Jersey Land Company, No. 103 Liberty street. New York. FOR SALE AND TO LET, Desirable property in New York and on Brooklyn Heights. EDGAR TANKER, No. 9 Pine Street. CHERRY HILL. A. D. MELLICK, Jr., Auctioneeer. By A. D. Mellick, Jr., & Bro., Auctioneers, and Dealers in New Jersey Real Estate, No. 20 Pine street. THTJRSD.^Y, OCTOBER 15, Positive Sale of 500 BUII^OING liOTS, AT CHERRY HILL, 10 JULES FROM NEW YORK, In the suburbs of Hackensack. These lots are handsomely situated on high ground, commanding extensive views of the surrounding country, are in the midst of handsome improvements, and are nn- cxceptionable in every respect. The streets and avenues are thoroughly graded, Bidewalks made, and gutters es¬ tablished. CHERRY HILL is a beautiful park of residences, 45 MINUTES FROM NEW TORK, by rail, and within 10 miles' drive of the Forty-second street Ferry. A special train on the morning of the sale, by the Eric Railroad, will leave the foot of Chambers street at 10.80 For railroad passes, maps, and full particulars, apply at th" office of the Auctioneers, \ . No. 26 PINE STREET, \ DELISSER & STOUTENBOROUGH, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Near Court St. 159 MONTAGUE STREET, Brooklyn, N. Y. WrCKOFF & LITTLE, Auctioneers, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, 151 MONTAGUE STREET, Beooklvn. J. N. WvcKOFF, Jr. Wm. MAyo Little. c. C. "WAYLAND, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE BROKER, 163 Fulton street. New York. M ACRES, IN ONE PLOT, HIGH GRADE, near cars, in tho ISth Ward, Brooklyn, for sale- Price, $34,000. 8 acres outside the city limits, $1,800 per acre. 17 acres, $1,400 per acre. M. A. RULAND & CO., 5 Beekman st., N. Y. ADRIAN H. MULLER, P. R. WILKINS & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 7 Pine street. New York. ANTHONY J. BLEECKER, AUCTIONEER. —By Antiiosv J. Bleecker, Son & Co., No. TT Cedar street. Auctioneers and Real Estaie Brokers. Sales at Auction of Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds; sales of Furniture at owners' residences; private sales of Housea, Lands, Leases, Farms, &e., &c. Houses and Stores rented. AD. MELLICK, JR., & BRO., • Auctioneers and Dealers in Now Jersey Real Es¬ tate, No. 26 Pine street. New York. Descriptive Lists issued without charge, complete with time tables, commutations, maps, and detailed descrip¬ tions of the to^vns and villages, and the property offered for Bale. ~P H. LUDLOW & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND EEAL ESTATE AGENTS. Establis7ied in 1836. Attention given to sales at Auction of Beal Estate, Stocks, Bonds, and Furniture whenever required. Houses, Stores, Lots, &c., sold at Private Sale. Lists of all our property can be hod on application st the OFFICE, NO. 8 PINE STKEET. m:one:y to lo^ist ON BOND AND MORTGAGE! At 7 per cent, for 8 or 6 years, on New York and Brook¬ lyn property, in sums over $8,000. CALLENDER, LAURENCE k CO., Real Estate Brokers, 80 Pine street, N. Y. 3yi:iNToisr»s ENCAUSTIC TILES FOR FLOORS OP PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND DWELLINGS. Garnkirlc Chimney Tops, Drain Pipe, dec. For sale by MILLER & COATES, No. 279 Pine Street, New York. ritANClS XonES, Jr. S. HASTINGS GKAIVT, REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AGENTS FOR ESTATES. Special attention given to Renting Houses. Furnished and Unfurnished; Stores, Offices, etc. Houses, Lots, and Business Property on Private Sale. Money loaned on Bond and Mortgage. 'Office, No. 194 l^vovk.Aw9.Y {opposite Bey St.). ^ JOHN MCCLAVE, ^L ESTA.TE:, No. 44 PINE STREET, NEW YORK. A correct Record of all Sales, and a perfect Map of all Lnprorements to be made on thia island, always open for inspection to Bona Fide Dealers. OWNERS OF PROPERTY ON ANY PART OP THE CENTRAL AVENUE GRAND BOULEYABD, SOUTH OF JEROME PARK, CAN FIND CASH PURCHASEI^AT THIS OFFICE. I^-NO OOiMMISSION Wir..L BE CHARGED FOR SELLING.