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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 2, no. 34: November 7, 1868

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. IL] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1868. [No. 34. JOHNSOIf & MILLER, AITCTIONEERS, AND REAL ESTATE Bl'.OKEUS, No. 25 Nassau Street, corner of Cedar, New York. ^" City and Country Real Estate at Public and Pri¬ vate S.ile. . ' Loans on Mortgage negotiated. Auction S;jles of Furniture, Stocks, Merchandise, &c, TUESDAY, NOA'EMBElt 10. At 12 o'clock, at Exchinige Salesroom. No. Ill Broadw.iy, GItKAT AND ABSOLUTE SALE. TWO HUNDUIDD Sl'LENDID EIGUTEEETII AVARD BltOOKLYN LOTS. ALSO. 40 EAST NEW YOItK LOTS ON MILITARY PAUADE GROUND.—Tlie above lots are .ill flnelv located; 40 of them are ou BUSH¬ AVICK AA^ENUE BOULEVARD, couiprising tlie entire fronts of two blocks pn the north and south sides, between Hull and Furman streets. The remainder are situ.itcd on HULL, AVILLIAM, .ind FURAIAN STREETS, in the inimedi.ite vicinitv of BROADAVAY and tlie liOULE- VAUD AND Plt(3P0SED RIDGEWOOD PARK. THE EAST NEW YOi.'K LOTS ARE ON BROAD- AVAA^ A^VN SINDRKN, SNEDIKER, AVILLIAMS AND ALABAMA AVENUES. 3S"Tliis sale, wliicli will be PERE.MPTORY, will afford one of the best opjiortunities yet ollered for investment in choice Broolilyn Property. Maps are now ready at oflices of the Auctioneers, No. 25 Nassau street. New Yorlc, and No. 157 Montague street, Brooklyn. AVEDNESDAY, NOA'"EMBER 11. At 12 o'clock, at Excliange Salesroom, No. Ill Broadw.iy. ABSOLUTE SALE HY ORDER OF AD.MLNISTRA- TORS OF A^VLUABLE NEW YORK PROPEUTY, TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. AVEST FORTY-THIRD ST., south side, 3i25 feet east of Eleventh iivenuc, 2 lots e.ich, 25x100. AVEST FORTY-FOUltTII SI'., south side, 2T5 feet east of Eleventh av., 2 lots, each 25.vl00. Also VALUABLE MANUFACTURING PROPERTY ON EAST TWENTIETH ST., NEW YORK, only one block from East River. EAST TWENTIETH ST., south side, beginning 214 feet 8 inches of Av. A, a large and massive brick buiidiiig, built in tlie most substantial manner, 71 ft, 3 inches front, and 92 feet deep. EAST TWENTIETH ST., south side, and EAST NINE¬ TEEN I'll ST., north side, adjoining tho above on the westerly side, two splendid vacant lots, each 23,9 by half the block. THURSDAY, NOA'^EMBER 12. At 12 o'clock, at E.vchange Salesroom. No. Ill Broadway. GREAT SALE OF NEWTOWN LOTS—254 A^VLUA- BLE LOTS FINELY SITUATED IN NEAVTOWN, L. I., within a few minutes' walk of TAVO DEPOTS, and in the IMMEDIATE vicinity of Churches, Schools, &c. Time from Thirty-fourth street, -SO minutes. The lots arc all on high ground and command line views of the surroiin(linj country. There is no situation lu the vicin?'^-/ of New York more accessible ordesintble lor suburban residences. Terms easy. Maps are now ready at oflices of Auctioneers, No. 25 Nassau St., New York, or No. 127 Montague St., Brooklyn. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17. At 12 o'clock at E.vchange Salesroom, No. Ill Broadway, New-York. POSITIATS AND PEREMPTORY. VILLA PLOTS. VII.LA PLOTS. A^LLA PLOTS. GREATEST SALE IN THE HISTORY OF REAL ESTATE. 1,095 CHOICE PROSPECT PARK LOTS. NEAR THE GRAND EASTERLY ENTRANCE, AT AUfJTION. Let every one call at the oflices of the Auctioneers, se¬ cure a map, and e.xamine the property. THE LOTS ARE SPLENDIDLY LOCATED ON FRANKLIN PLACE and AVASHINGTON PLAGE BOULEVARDS (each of which is one hundred feet w-ide, with a proposed park through the centre). JEFFERSON PLACE, CEDAR STREET, EAST NEAV YORK, PERRY, ROGERS, and CANARSIE AVENUES, and BEDFORD ROAD. THE LOCATION-FOR A^LLA BiTES is one of the finest in the vicinity of the ME¬ TROPOLIS. It is nearer and far more accessible to NEAV YORK- CITY HALL than CENTRAL PARK. It can bo reached by several different lines of RAILROADS, FINE IMPROVMENTS are going np in the vicinity, EVERY LOT AVILL BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF PRICE. Such an opportunity to purchase FIRST-CLASS REAL ESTATE has never before been presented. Terms easy. Maps-at oflices of Auctioneers, No, 25 Nassau street. New York, ot No. 15''. Montague street, Brooklyn. j^" This valuable property, comprising 5 lots, being situated only one block- from the East River, at a point where large vessels may discharge ciirgoes, is very desira¬ blo for manufacturing purposes. luimediate possession of premises will be given. Terms easv. ALSO GREAT AND ABSOLUTE SALE OF VALUA¬ BLE BROOKLYN PROPERTY, SY ORDER OF THE ADMINISTRATORS, TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. FIRST ST. AND SOUTH SI.XTH ST., n. e. cor, four valuable lots for mauufacturiiig purposes. SOUTH SIXTH ST. AND DUNHAil PLACE, s. w. cor., one lot. NORTH FOURTH AND FIFTH STS., s. w. cor., two v.iluiible lots and building. STEUBEN ST., e. s., four lots, 283 feet north of De Kalb av. ItlVER ST., n. s., 79 feet west of Lee av.. 6 lots. CLASSON AA'. AND PAKK AA""., two lots. ALSO, VALUABLE LOT.S ON TO.M PKINS AV., e. s., between Floyd and Stockton sts., eight lots. FLOYD ST., n. s., five lots and gores, 100 feet cast of Tompkins av. FLOA'D ST., s. s., 13 lots. 90 feet of Tompkins av. STOCKTON ST., n. s., 13 lots, 90 feet e. of Tompkins av. TOMPKINS AA""., e. s., 25 feet s. ot Stockton St., four lots. STOCKTON ST., s. s., 90 feet east of Tompkins av., 1 large lot, 34.\:10(>. ALYRTLE AV., 10 lOts, n. s ,bct. Madison and JelTerson sta., including the valuable Madison av. corner. JEFFERSON ST., e. s., 94 ft. n. of Myrtle av., 3 lots. FLU.SH1NG AV.. n. s., 40 feet e. of Classon av., two storv and cellar FRAME HOUSE, 23.K30; has gas and water: lot 23.vS0. CLASSON AV. AND RIVER ST., s. e. cor., two story and basement brick HOUSES, each 14x33 ft.; water, gas, &c.; lots U.xlOO. Terms liberal. Maps of all tho above property now ready at No. 25 Nassau St., N. Y., and at No. 157 Monta¬ gue St., Brooklyn. TOSEPH A, LEVY, AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKER. Houses and Lots for sale and to lease. ' LIFE, accidental, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE EFFECTED. Mortgiiges negotiated and Titles searched. JOHN TRAGESER, M-A-NUFACTUREK OF PLUMBERS' COPPER MATERIALS, AVHOLESALE AND RETAIL. COPPEP^AVORK OF ANY DESCRIPTION MADE TO ORDER. No. 447, 449, 451 and 453 AVist Twenty-sixth Street, Between Ninth and Tenth Avenues. CHARLES H. HASWELL, CITY STJETETOE AND CIYIL ENGINEER. .. OFFICE, 0 BOAVLING GREEN, ) • New York. CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY. LEWIS E. WOOD, Auctioneer. By a. D. MELLICK, Jk,, & Bro,, Auctionecirs and Dealers in New Jekpey Real Estate, 20 Pine Stbeet, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER lOxii, 1S08, ABSOLUTE SALE OF 200 VILLA PLOTS AT CRAN- FORD, 16 miles from New York by the C. R, R, of N, J, These Lots are handsomely situated. on an elevation com¬ manding fine views of the mountains and the surrounding counlry, and wthin five minutes' walk of the Railroad Station. Cranford ia a growing town, 45 minutes from New York, and 4 miles from Elizabeth; and is well sup¬ plied with good Churches, Schools, and Stores. A special train will leave the foot of Liberty street on the day of the sale at 11 a.m. Refreshments served ou the grounds before the sale. For Railroad Passes, Maps, and Ml particulars, apply at the office of the Auctioneers, "26 PINE STREET, ROOFING, &c. JOHN FYFE, PRACTICAL SLATE AND METAL ROOFER, 225 AVest 19tu Stkeet. between 7th and Sth Avenues, New Y'ouk. Slate and Metal Roofing done in any pirt of the U. S, FOR FLAT OR STEEP ROOFS, FIRE-PROOF, AVEATHER-PROOF Sc UNDECAYING, Now being used on the finest .structures, Inpoiised iiv Sixty-Five Insurance Companies, Price half that of other Standard i:oofings. All New AVork warranted Fice Years. Water-Tight Floors Made Avitli Plastic Slate. EDWARD VAN ORDEN Sc CO., 41 Liberty Strce't, New York, Manufacturers of Roofing ^latcrials, Two-Ply Felt, Floor deafening. Tin Boofs Coated and Warranted. JOHX GALT, WHOLESALE SLATB DEALER, RED, GREEN, PURPLE, BLACK, AND VARIE¬ GATED ROOFING SLATES From all the best quarries in VEmio.vT k Pennsylvania. General Office, 21 & 23 Tenth Avence, New Yobk. Send for Clrcnhr, Warrek's GRAVEIi ItOOFIWG. ABBOTT A; CO,, Proprietors for Long Island. Stable Floors made AVater- Tiglit. Tin Roofs Coated with Elastic Cement, Ollicc, No. 9 Court street. Kuoiii 11. Brooklyn. Orders also received at the AVarren Roofing Co.'s office, 112 John struet. New i'ork. BUILDEES' SUPPLIES. ARNOLDS, MARTIN & CO,, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LIME, CEMENT, BUICK, PLASTER, NORTH RIVER BLUE STONE, Ac, &c &c AValks Flagged, and Flagging relald on reasonable terms, FOOT OF 91ST ST., E. R., NEAV YORK. <. jrders received at No. 51 Liberty street, from 12 to 2, Mechanics and Traders' Exchange, Box. 72. "iV/rARBLEIZBD SLATE AND DECORATED 1»X MARBLE MANTELS. A large stock always on hand. T, B. STEAVART, 005 Sixth avenue, bet, 35th and 36th streets. MARBLEIZED SLATE MANTELS FROM OUR OWN QUAliRIEi, Boxed ready for shipment, HUDSON RIATEB SLATE CO, 25 Park Row, New York. ^ILLIAM S. CARR & CO., Manupactfeebs of Patent Water Closets, PLUMBERS' MATERIALS, 149,151,153,155, and 157 Centre street, comer of Copiil, NEAV YOBK,