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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1869. Vol. IL] [No. 45. PHCENIX COACH So LIGHT CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. Cor. State and Boenim sts., Brooklyn. D. DALY, Proprietor. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. Adeiak H. Mullee, Auctioneer. PEREMPTORY SALE OF Part of tho Morris-Stebbins Tract., •ADRIAN H. MULLER, P. R. WILKINS & Co. , WILL SELL AT AUCTION, ON } THURSDAY, JAN. 28, 1869, at 12 o'clock M., at the Exchange Salesrooni, No. ^lU ^Broadway, New Tork, {400 VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, SITUATE OK THE Ciirand Central ATenuie, » continuation of tho Seventh and Eighth ave. Boulevards about three-fourths of a mile from Harlem Bridge, in Westchester County, on a lino with One Hundred and Seventy-fifth st., and about 1,'iOO feet from the Morrlsania and Melrose Stations of the Harlem Railroad, one-fourth of a mile from Fordham Horse Cars, making the property accessible at all hours of day or night. It is now proposed to place this portion of Westchester County under the charge of tho j Central Park Comniissioners. This property, thus situated, offers unusual inducements either' as an investment or for tho purpose of erecting suburban residences, combining the advantages of city and country. Maps at the ofl.-o of the Auctioneers, No. 1 Plne-st., New Tork. isLIP PROPERTY FOR SALE. ! ______ LOTS AT $25 EACH, FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL I INCUMBRANCES—TITLE PERFECT. Thlese Lots are situated in the beautiful village of Islip, oppoiiite Furo Island inlet, and bounded by Lnn^ Island and SJouth Side Railroads, 1)4 hours from New "i ork and Brooiklyn by either road. ApW to M. H. KEITH, 96 Wall Street, Lumber Merchants' Exchange. JjACOB BISSINGER, Q I\^EAL ESTATE AGENT,' WOffice, No. 145 SECOND STREET, CJPr. of Avenue A, NETT TORK. M Private Eesidence, 530 Sixth St., bet. Avs. A & B. f iiuSEfl Ain) LOTS BOUGHT AND BOLD, EENTS |f COLLECTED. Etc. Orden th&nkfally reaelved aad promptl/ attendai to. ADRIAN H. MULLER, P. R. "WILKINS & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 1 Pine street. New Tork. ADRIAN H. MULLER, Ahctioneek. PEREMPTORY CASH SALE OF CHOICE LOTS ON TUB SRITERSIDEJ. VENUE. [ADRIAN H. MULLER, P. R. WILKINS &Co. Will SELL at AUCTION, on TUE3DAT, JANUART 2GTn. at 12 O'CLOCK, at tho EXCHANGE SALES¬ ROOM, 111 BROADWAT, FOUR CHOICE LOTSil COMMANDING VIEWS OF UREAl IISAUTT. These LOTS are ordered to be sold eutirely FOR CASH, because the owner is arranging for a co-partnership which will require all his resources. Maps, tSsc, at their OtBce. TUESDAT, Jan. 26, At 12 o'clock, at Exchange Salesroom." GREAT SALE OF LOTS, ON EAST NEW TORK, BROOKLTN, AND HUDSON AYES., only ton minutes walk from Prospect Park. East New Tork av., s. s., 94 feet e. of Brooklyn av., 81 lots. East New Tork and Brooklyn avs., s. e. c, 5 lots. East New Tork and Hudson avs., 8. w. c, 6 lots. Hudson av., between Furnald and Webster sts., 6 lots. Fumald St., n. s., entire front bet. Hudson and Brook¬ lyn avs. Also, fifty lots at SOUTH GREENFIELD, finely located, within a short distance of CONET ISLAND RAIL¬ ROAD, on Ryder av., Paulding place, and Bergen Lane. Terms easy. Maps now ready at No, 25 Nassau St., N.T., fe and No. 15T Montague st., Brooklyn. .; AUCTIONEERS, &o. B J. Johnson, Jr., Auctioneer. T JOHNSON & MILLER, Auctioneers AND Real Estate Bkokebs, No. 25 NASSAU ST., cor. Cedae St., New Toek,^ City Residences, Stores, Lots, Country Seats, and Farms Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchanged. Loans Nego¬ tiated. Auction Sales of Furniture, etc. CHARLES D. MOTT, GENERAL AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE BROKER. FOURTH AVE., near 12oTn St. XOANS NEGOTIATED. OITT and COUNTRT PEOPERTT for SALE and to LEASE. Foe Sale—A desirable brown stone house on West 47th street, for $19,000. E. H. LUDLOW & CO. REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, Established in 1836. MoBBiB WiLKiKs, Auctioneer. OFFICE, No. 8 PINE STEEET. AD. MELLICK, JR., & BRO., • Auctioneers and Dealers in New Jersey Beal 2s-. Ute, No. 26 Pine street. New Tork. Descriptive Lists issued withont charge, complete wtth time tables, commntations, maps, and detailed deicrip* tions of the towns and villages, and the property offered for sale. r^ ILBERT & CO., REAL-whT^TE AND yjT INSURANCE BEOKEES Jc AUClOVeiEERS, BxEKitAir Hill Rbal Estate ExcHAJiui,*'^ 968 Second Avenue, comer Fifty-flrst Street, wili^it charge of Property to Soil or to Let, and Collect Rents. Insurance effected in ill first-clug companies at the lowest rates. JOHNSON & MILLER, AUCTIONEERS, -'AND REAL ESTAIS BROKERS, No. 25 Naaiaa Sireet, comer of Cedar, New Tork. E^ City and Coaut.'^r Eeai EsUte at Public and Pri¬ vate Sale. "" - ~ . Loans on Mortgagee negotiated. Auction Sales of Furniture, Stocks, Merchandise, &9. ANTHONY J. BLEECKER, AUCTIONEER, —By Anthoht J. Bleeckek, Sok &, Co., No. 77 Cedar street. Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokers. Sales at Auction of Real Estate, Stoclis, Bonds; sales of Furniture at owners' reiidences; private soles of Houses, Lauds, Leases, Farms, Ae., ix. Houses sad Stores rented. JOSEPH A. LEVY, AUCTIONEER, TtTEAT. ESTATE AND INSURANCE BKOKIE, 8 & 10 PINE STREET, - AND 1241 Beoadwat. Heoses and Lots for sale and to loaee. ^ LI7B, ACCIDHNTAL, TlT.t AJTD JIAXUni \ INSURANCB arncTiD. Mortgages negotiated sad Titles searehed. x LAWRENCE, WRIGHT & STRATTON, \ Beal Estate Brokers and General Anctioneeri,^ 11 PINE STREET, NEW TORK. Private Sales of Houses, Lots, Lenses, Parms, and Plan¬ tations. Houses and Stores Rented. Sales at Auction of Eeal Estate, Stocks. Bonds, and Merchandise. Sales of Furniture at Private Residence, when desired. Loaas Negotiated. E. a. LAWEJTNCE. p. 0. WRIGHT. E. PLATT BTBATTOV. MOSES E. CRASTO, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKER, NOTART PUBLIC AND AUCTIONEER, 8d Avenuo and 116th st. (Residence: 120th St., bet. 2d and Sd Avenues.) Attention given to renting property. All business intrusted to our oars will be promptly aad satisfactorily attended to. GEORGE C. FURMAN, Attora»y-at-Law, will attsnd to drawing legal papers, examining titles, and other law business. WYCKOFF & LITTLE, Auctioneebb, Real Estate and Insurakcb Bbokees, 151 MONTAGUE STREET. Beookltk. Office—74 CEDAE STREET, N. T. J. N. Wyokovf, Jk. Wm. Mayo Little. * A P. SMITH & BRO., REAL ESTATE • AND INSURANCE, 1304 Broadway, mnnlnr through to 599 Sixth Avenue, near 35th street. New Tokx A. P. Smith, Notary Public. H. B. Smith, Com. of Dee4s. BUTE & CO, REAL ESTATE, LOAN, AND INSURANCE, 923 BEOADWAT. Furnished and unfurnished houses for sale and to let. A descriptive list of desirable city and county property for sals and to let, will bo furnished free gratis on application by mall or otherwise. FLOCK & CAFFERTY, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 1275 Broadway, near 84th street. New Tork. ^ City and Country Property to Rent and for Sale. Eents collected. Loans negotiated. G C. WAYLAND, INSURANCE AKD REAL ESTATE BROKER, 163 Fnlton street. New Tork. DUNKIN & CO., 956 BROADWAY, NEAE Twenty-third street. New Tork, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. HOUSES FOR SALE AND TO LET in New Tork and Brooklyn. COUNTRT EESIDENCES, FARMS, ETC. LOANB NEQOTIATED.