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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 2, no. 46: January 30, 1869

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■AND BUILDERS' GUIDE.]rrV -N^^^^ [No. 46. GREAT SALE OF OWE EWTIRE BLOCK IN PLOTS OF Will be sold at Auction BY JAMES M. MILLER, At the Excliange Salesroom, No. Ill Broadway, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 10, at 12 o'clock. This property, Avhich is most desira- hly. located, is bounded by the Seventh- Avenue Boulevard, Eighth Avenue, and 14nh and 148th Streets. The Seventh Avenue Grand Boule¬ vard is 150 feet wide, handsomely laid out, and, upon the completion of the proposed improvements, will be the handsomest avenue in the world. It is proposed to extend the Eighth Avenue Railroad line, and the cars ■will, no doubt, soon be running past the property on that avenue. For diagrams and further particu¬ lars, lapply at the office of the Auo tion^er, No. 28 Pine Street. REMEMBER DAY OF SALE. E. A. LAWRENCE, Auctioneer. TO THE WORKINCi^EN, TRADESMEN, Capitalists, and others. AN IMMENSE AND POSITIVE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. LOTS, LOTS! PLOTS, PLOTS! 3,000 LOTS AT ISLIP, L I, This great sale of property, which is as de¬ sirable and finely located as any that the attention of the public was ever enlled to (outside of the great cities), will commence on Friday, the 5th day of February,, at 12 o'clock, at the Exchange Salesroom, No. Ill Broadway, l^Te-w York. This magn'ficeut level tract of land, which 13 beautifully laid out into streets," avenues and parks, is at the village of Islip, about 40 miles, or one and a half hours from New Tork by South Side Eailroad. Commuta¬ tion $100 per year, including ferry. Islip has every convenience of fine stores, churches, schools, and hotels, and for fifty years has been celebrated as. one of the most healthy and attractive watering places in the North. Its great hotels and large private boarding houses Avill never be able to accommodate half that come. Its attractive scenery makes it one of the most desirable sections of the country as a-place of residence. These great attractions, together with the liberal terms, conditions, and opportunities we present, should receive the especial attention of that large class of our citizens, who would avail themselves of these pleasures and privi¬ leges, provided they could be had and en¬ joyed within limited means, and to these we most emphatically say, fail not to be present at this great sale. Maps and all particulars at 11 Pine street and 96 Wall street. J. P. LEVY, Rea^sta^Broke^ JOHNSON & MILLER, AUCTIONEERS, AISTD EEAL ESTATK BE0KKU8, No. 16 Kamu Street, corner of Cedar, New Tork. ^~ Citjr nnd Country Beal Eatat« »t Public and Pri- TBte Sale. Loans on Mortpnge negotiated. Anctlon S.iles ot Farniture, Stocks, MercliandiBe, &C. J. JOnSSOlf, Jk^ Auctioneer. TUESDAY, February 2. At 12 o'clocic, at tbo Excliange Salesrooms, 111 Broad¬ way, H. Y. Particular attention is c.iiicd to the Important sales ad¬ vertised under tliis date. FTRBT—ABSOLUTE B.VLK FOB CASH OF X0T8 OPPOBIT* AND NKAB THE EASTERLY BIDE OF PROSPECT PABK. Washington Avenue—^Nearly tlie entire front, between Union and Carroll streets, will bo sold withont reserve. '^^^ order of tho owner, in small parcels, on the f;,Viaiicrnc- terms, viz.: 10 per cent, on the day of sn^ balance mi thirty days. This property is now for ♦j;,^ q^A time to be , offered at anction. Situated on AVashington avenue, fronting the Park, its future v-^me is almost beyond cal- ' cuIatioD. Also, on the same terms. Peebioent Street—7 extra deep lots situated on Pres¬ ident street, near the Pork. No posters for the abovo- sales. 'Book maps only will be issued; these can bo had by mail, or at the omces of the auctioneers. SECOND—^valuable LOTS XEAB THE ■WASniKOTOK AVK- mue entrance op tue pabk. The Entiee West front on Gkanb Avenue, be¬ tween Bergen and Stkeets.—There are sovorsl CORNERS FOR BUSINESS PUBP0SE8 OB thO aboVO plotfl. ■T'^o whole will bo positively and peremptoeily bold wiTuou? EMERVB in small parcels. See posters. For maps and it:.'1»» partlcalnrs apply at the offices of {J;^ auctioneers. THIKD—CnOIOE LOTS NEAR "^TBVSa AVENUE And TnE • OBAND FLAZa. BuTLEE Street.—NE. comer of Seventh ftvenue—Two^^ chpico lots, inclndinff the valuable comer dlrectV'^ opposite- the new Methodist Chapel now being erected. ' Butlee Street.—S. s., 94 feet cast of Seventh nvenne-:r- 7 splendid lota; ■ , j^ The above desolbed lots are in the immediate vicinitv of the best improvements around Prospect Park. Nearly 100 first-class brown-stone houses have been erected in tho neighborhood during the {fast three years. The buildine of the bridge across tho East P.iver wiU render the extel^ Bion of Flatbush avenue to its Brooklyn terminus a neces- Also, A Large Bars axd 4 CnoioE Lots ox Union Street —North side, 106 feet east from Fifth avenne. A verv de¬ sirable location. ' Also, at same time and place. Peremptory Sale op Valuable SLAUonTBR House. Stables, and Three Lots of Geound Situated ox the NOETH SIDE OF BALTIC STREET.—175 feet east of Hoyt street.. Maps and particulars at the ofHces of the auc¬ tioneers. - WEDNESDAT, February 8. At 12 o'clock, at Exchange Salesroom, 111 Broadway. PEBEilPTOEY AUCTION SALE OP 100 VALUABLE NINI- TEENTII WARD BROOKLYN LOTS. ' SPLENDIDLY LOCATED AS FOLLOWS, Mabcy Avenue and Hooper Street.-Northwest cor¬ ner. .Splendid lot. Keap Street.—North side, 160 feet cast of Marcy ave- • nue; 2 lots. - ' Hewes Steeet.—North side, CO feet cast of Marcy ave¬ nuo; 2 lots. Penn Street.—South side, 221 feet west of Morcv avenue; 2 lots. ' Hooper Street.—South side, 20C feet east of Lee avenue; 3 lots, UociPEB Street.—Sonth side, 234 feet west of Marer avenne; 2lots. ' Keap Street.—Sonth side, 2G5 feet cast of Marcy avenue; 3 lots. ^ Keap Stkeet.—South Eide, 425 feet east of Marcy avenuo; 4 lots. lIooPEi: STi:Ei:T.—North side, 425 teet east of Marcy avenue; 4 lots. Maroy Avescb and Rutledge Street—North-east corner; 3 lots. Penn St!:het.—South side, l-iO feet east of Harrison av¬ enue ; 9 choica lota. Pknn STKE;rr.—South side, 81 feet west of Lee avenue* 4 lots. * Kutledoe Street.—North side, SI feet west of Lee av¬ enue; Slots. Bedford Avenue Boulevap.d.—North-east corner of Eiver street—7 lots.