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10 REAL ESTATE RECORD. 46Tnst.,n. s., 204 w. 2d av., 26x100.5. Bar- G^cbers st., n. e. cor. W. B'way, 75x75. 6fti av.,w. s.,25.5 s 55th st., 50; 100.- Helen ^ bara Dudenhoaffer to Jacob Gerhardt.20.500 "f Josiah W. "Wheeler to John • P. Hig- / ScheU et aL to GUbert T. Reeder... .16,000 49Tnst.,n. s., lOOe 3d av., lOOxllS. Fred- ;^£ins..."...........................115,000'^Tii av., vn s., 100n.l22dst.,125xl01x51x eridc Knubel to Hugh Blesson.......25,000 > -cFtirch st., e. s., 25 s. AVhite st., 75x100 /100.5. Saml. Schiffer to A. G. Mandel. 18,500 ^ 51sT St., s. s. 243.9 e. 10th av., 18.£xl00.5. /{j^ part). Henry Goldsmith to Mayer IOth av., w. s., 74 s. 26th st., 24.8x72. John Woods et aL to Rose Joseph___15,700 < 'S^lElesenthal..........................10,000-'''^ /James Shanny to Peter Hefferan.....13,250 %- S3d St., n. s., 360 e. Othav., 25x1005. Strat- JSSS]^xst., w. s., 748n. Division st., 20x86.3. / fordC.H.BaUeytoEdwardMWUlet.12,500*-/Jacob Davidson to Daniel Schaefer.:. 11,500/// February 4t7i. 5Sd St., n. s., 2S5 e. 6th av., 25x100.5. Fow- GfREENwlcnst., w. s., 94 n. Christopher st., Bethtjne st., s. s., 185 e. Washington, 88.7 ler Merritt to Emanuel Uhlfelder___14.000^/25x72x22.7x81 (i part). AVm. H. MUle- - / x22.3x84.5x22. Wm. Gidney to James ^ 53d St., s. s., 245 e. 7th av., 20x93.6. John y.mann to Mary E. MUlemann..........5,000'' Barclay............................10,400*^ McKenna to Joseph SeUgsberg.......23,000 < *Ha3simond st., s. s., 150 e. 4th st., 25.10x Bedford st. No. 17—, 19.9x75x19.11x75.— . 53d St.. n. s., 77 e. 7th av., 23x25.1. John /il6. John H. White et al., Commr's, to ..-Carmine sfc., s. s.. Lots,-Nos. 149 & 150, AV. Stevens to Trustees of 33d .st. Baptist rVEUzaLuff........................,..3,600"-' Bridges' Map, 18.8x80.—118th st., n. s.. Church......................,".......nom,*'GBEEN-wicnst.,w.s., 19 n. Christopher St., ' .234 feetw. 1st av., 16.8x100.10.—119th . 55Tn St., s. s., 345 e. Oth av., 50x100.5. /%0x44x22x27x72x75 (ipart). AVm. H. . /'st., s. s., 100.10 w. 5th av., lOOx Michael Walsh to John W. Stevens.. .18,000 ' '^: MUlemann to David MUlemann.......10,000 r 100.10. Kemp Godfrey to Edward K. , . SSth st., n. s., 140.3 e. 4th av., 18.9x100.5. Lots 197,198,199, and 200, Estate of Boggs ' „,Godfrey.................nom. stamps, |25-^ George L HamUton to AVm. S. Carr. .24,000 •^' (part of premises). JohnsonL. Valentine Broadavay, s. w. cor. 51st st., 155x100.5x53 . SSth st., s. s., 321.5 w. Avenue A, 20x100.5. - /to Lucy E. Lee....................15,000 '^ x25.5x87x126. Jacob Voorhis, Jr., to John J John Baird to Thomas Connor......; 8,600-
^ Peterldn to Jeremiah Carey, et al. ■.. .42.000„/' 46.6x96. IsabeUa Mann et al. to James J 83d St., n. s., 550 e. Sth av., 25x75x102.2. jtoTH st., n. s., 233 e. Av. C, 25x94 9. Mary i 0. Conroy:.......................nom.'^^ Matthew A. AVUson to George Young. .20,800*'^ MuUer to Rose Goldsmith...........17.700-,*60th st., % s., 378.8 w. 6th av., 25x92. 86Tn St., s. s., lOOe. 10th av., 56x651 Naf- 42th st., n. s., 275 e. 5th av., 25xl20.9x25x SoutheriandM. Seely to John Abberly. 19,000 «-- tali Rosenf eld to Thos. A, Davies___45,000 i^ 126.9. J. B. Haskins (Ref.) to JuUa A 36Tn St., s. s., 193.9 e. 2d av., 18.9x98.9. 105Tn St., n. s., 131.8 e. 3d av., 17.1x100.10. / Cox et al......................,,, ..12,500-^ Thos. J. McEvUy tb James ReUly-----10,000>_^ Mary P. Gassner to Francis Jones.....4,500* 34th st., n. s., 83.4 e. 10th av., 16.8x74x24.8 36th'st., s. s., 175 e, 2d av., 18.9x98.9. - 118th St., s. s., 150 w. pth.av., 25x100.11. ^-x4.2x98.9x20.10. John Perkins to Theresa i Thos. J. McEvUy to Thomas Moore., .10,0G0'<>^ Sam''l T, Knapp to Albert Van.Winkle. 2,100 i ^' A. Anderson........................18,000 < ^42d: st., n. s., 275 w. Sth av., 25x100.4. Jas. 19th St., n. s., 473 e. Av. A, 100.10x239.6x 36th at., m s., 100 w. 7th av., 75x50. Morris ,]?. Chamberlain to Cyrus W. Price.. .13,000 ^ 140.1x75x36x193. Charles H. RandeU to / Livett to Jean.G. TorrUhon..........32,000 «^5th st., s. s., 170 w. 6th av., 20x100.5. — Jacob Weidenfeld.................40,000" 39th st., n. s., 100 w. 7th av., 133x103x135 /Fanny De Groot Hastings to Harriet S. 121st St., n. s., 98 e. Av. A, 251x252. Mar- ■ /xl03. Ch. of St: Vincent de Paul to Asy- /Sedg^vick.,.......................31,000»'' — cus Kohner to John Martin, Jr.......43,000-*^ bnn of St. Vincent de Paul..........40,000 ^Oth st., n. s., 375 w. llth av., 144x25.6. ^ ]24Tn St., S.W. cor. Othav., 35x50.5. Chas. 4iIt st., n. s., 100 e. Sth av., 20.0x98.9. /Erastus Munson to John Fitzgerald.. ...2,800 *- H. Applegate to Jaines Donnellan.....6,500*<^MichaelTeinmann to G. F. Hartmann.20,800 < .-SSth st., s. s., 295 e. 6th av., 25x100.5. Isaac ^ 124Tn St., s. w. cor. Oth av., 35x50.5. Wm. 44^n st., s. s., 200.8 e. -B'way, 20.4x100.5. > James to John W. Stevens............9,000 -* A. AVhitbeck to Chas. H. Applegate... 5,000. ^Joseph Freedman to Levi Apgar......30,000" 56th st., n. s., 225 e. Oth av., 37.7x25.2x 125Tn sti, S.W. cor. 5th av., 25.1x100. Em- 46^H st., n. s., 150 w. 3d av., 16.8x100.5. ■>34.6x25.' Robt. Aikenburgh to Hooper C. morK. Adams to Thos. C. Higgins ....5,000 <-/Henrv E. Howland to Sarah R. MiUer..4,666 i-^ Van Vorst.................... ■ ..4,000 127Tn s. s.; 4&5 w. 3d av., 22.3x99.11. Ellen glsT st.*, s. s., 187 e. Sth av., (irregular.) H. 57th st., s. s., 225 e. 9th av., 25x166.3x25.2 Van Tossel to Andrew B. WilUam.....8,500^* / H Clarke to Samuel Rosenback.......2,482 - ^ xl03.2. Hooper C. Van Vorst to Alvin J. . i55Tnst.,n. s.,250 w. 10th av., 229.10x.50. SJ'st st.,s. s., 272e. Sth av., 157.3xl58xl2.S. . "Johnson...........;........:......21,000 •^ ' -John McMuUen to Richard C, Combs. .8,000*/ Jordan Mott et aL to Heiiry R Clarke.6,000«'71st st., s. s., 405 e. 4th av., 20x100.5. Sam'l Lexington av., w. s., 60.10 n 52d st., 19.9 55th st., n. s., 050 w. 5th av., 25x200.10. / H. Rundle to Clark C. WUson.....-----6,000 ^ x60. James Ingram to Bernard M Sam- / Henry NicoU to AnnaM. Lynch......60,000<'77th st., n. s., 400 e. 4th av., 25x102.2. ter.................................22,175-^Sth St., s. s., 320 e. 6th av , 25x100.5. ' y''Thos. Moore to Thos. Murphy;......5,000^ Av. A, n. e. cor. SSth st., irregular. Wm. I 'Patrick McKenna to JohnAV. Stevens.9,000<'79TH st., s. s. 325 w. 1st av., 50x102.2. John C. AVetmore to .Joseph HiUenbrand. ..30,000v»'ij6Tn st., n. s., 375 w. Sth av., 100.5x25x H. Rogers to Edward KUpatrick......S-SOOv.," 3d av., -w. s., 125.5 n, 56th st., 25x95. Peter ^100.5x75x200.10x50 {i part), " Charles L. 85th st.. s. s., lot No. 247 Harlem Commons. j Magerto PhUip Gomprecht..........35,095./ Tiff.any to Wm Richardson...........7,800<''^ John Kelly to Frederick Schenck.....5,500^ 3d av., -w. s., 27.3 s. 76th st, 75x100. John -"^th st, s. s., 175 w. Sth av., 25x102.2.— 92d st, s. s., 450 e. 3d av., 33.2x55. Patrick .^ J. BurcheU to Joseph Stem, etal-----75,500"^ 76th st, s. s., 275 w. Sth av., 50x1022. y "ivr„.>4.«>„«..» +«T>„.™,J oi.„,.;,l„„ O r *" Bth av., w. a., 49.11 s. 132d st, 25x110. /Cath. P. Masterson to Bemd. Sheridan.2,735<]-114TH st^ s. s., 173.9 e. 4th av., 18.9x100.11, .TohnEmmonsto James W^ Bell..: _. 5,000 YBOth si, n. s., 96.8 w. 9th av., 35x100.10 Oth Henry AVeU to Joseph Murray.........nom. ■" STHav., n. w. cor. 4Cth st., 37.1x76. " Frank *May6r,' Aldermen, &c., to Catharine M. 1'14th st, s. s., 193.6 e. 4th av., 376x100.11. Squire to Benjamin C. AVetmore......nom. i y Masterson.....____...................3,650*'' Joseph Murray to Henry Weil et aL. .23,000 ^ 'Hav.,n. w.cor. 40th st, 27.1x76. Benj. " ll^TH st, n. s., 411 e. 4th av., 15.7x100. IISth st, n. s., 710 w. 6th'avi, 28x1 OOxlOx IOOth St., n. s., 200 ,e. 3d av,, 50x100. S. Liz- 7-zie Perldns et al to PeteriV.'Schmitz.5,000 "^ C. Wetmore to Annie D. Squire.......nom. 1/ Geo. W. McCoUom to P. V. AVinters.. 10,500' 100.11. Edward S. Innes to Jane G. STHav., w. s.", 26 m 148th st,. 200x32x87 9, " 114 Owen Healy to Christian Armbraster..8,500"^ lOTHav., c. s., 138 s: 34th st, 20x100. y-^ar). AV. C. Wetmore to L. J. Kelly.5,000-'142D st, 250 w. 8th av., 56, 57, 58, 59', lOOx Thomas David to EUen McGrath......2,850^^v. A, w. s., 100 n. S7th st, (uTCgular)'. / 99.11. EUza S. Conner (Ex.) et al. to ' :" - Lewis J. KeUy to AVm. C. AVetmore___nom.^/ Thos. Lamb------................... 2,400*^ Av. A, e. s., 25.2s. 122d st, 25.3x9Sx61.9x 144th st, s. s., 225 w. Sth av., 25x99.11. I 36.3x50.3x25. Jeremiah- Pangbum et al. } EUza'S. Conner (Ex.) to AVm. O'NeUl. .1,350 ' Clinton st, e. s., 20.1x71.11. WiUiam fj to Thomas Seward................. .7,400^'isT av., e. s., 75.5 n. 43d st, 25x100. John Warner to Isaac Solomon.-----........9.450"' Av. C, e. s., 48 s. Sth st, 24x93. Zacharias ? Voorhis to Isaac Rodman ...........6,300'^ Church st, e. s., 25 s. AA'hite st, 100x75 {i | FeldmuUer to Louisa Kent...........16,000 ■■^TH av., e. s., lots 113'and 114 Harlem Com¬ part), Randolph AV, Townsend .to Henry /5th av., e, s., 635 s. 29th st, 75x40. James / mons^ 50.4x103.2. John Kelly (Sheriff) to X Goldsmith..........................2,000* PursseU to Edward Morrison.........48,500*^ Elizabeth Tinker.....................1501 February 3d.