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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 3, no. 65: June 12, 1869

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1 J AND BUITOlîBS' GUIDE. Vol. m. No. 18.] . NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUN-E 12, 1869. [Whole No. 65. J. Johnson, Jr,, Auctioneer, ,, JÎrOHNSON & MILLER, AUCTIONEERS, T* AND REAL ESTATE BROKEUS, No, 25 Nassau Street, corner of Cedar, New York, ^?~ City and Country Real Estate nt Public and Pri¬ vato Sale, Loans on Mortgage negotiated, Auction Sales of Furniture, Stocks, Merchandise, &c, LTUESDAY, JUNE 15, at 11 o'clock,'on tho premises at Clarence ville, L, I, Great^coutinuation siile of the babmco of the NOSTRAND FARM LOTS, Two hundred Lots, were sold to delighted bnyers . at the first auction, when the storm compelled the auc¬ tioneer to adjourn the sale of the'balance-of tho property (about 200 parcels in ali, with the hpuse*) until Tuesday, June 15. The sale will be absolute in every particular. Every lot offered will po.sitively be sold ivitbout limit. The property is spleudidly situated, not further from the NewYork City Hall than Harlem, skirted by four rail¬ roads, nll of which stop on the farm. The facilities for reaehing the city are excellent. Commutation only $48 per annum. Communication constant. Surroundings first- class. Chances for a great rise in value, greater than on a ny other property in the vicinity of New York, A new dépôt has boen erected at Clarencevillo at a cost of $3,500. A dummy has just been contracted for which will rdn hourly by the property, Refreshments in abundance, and a large tent will be provided. Free tickets over the South Sido Railroad will be issued to ail respectable persons, ex¬ cept boys, by JOHNSON & MILLER, No. 25 Nassau st., N. Y,, No. 15T Montague st., Brooklyn, or JOHN ELLIOT No.. 34.Broadway, Williairisburgh. lIOW TO GO ! On morning of sale cross Roosevelt st Ferry or Division ave. Ferry from foot of. Grand, st., by 10 o'clock, a.m'. Takè steam car» at foot of South Eighth st., Williàmfcburgh, nt lOJ for the ground. Persons living in tho upper part of Bushwick can take cars at Bushwick ave., at 10:20 a.m. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 23, ' On the premises, ■ ■ . Great and Alj^solnte Sale, of 100 magnificent VILLA P LOTS at ISLIP, L. I.; adjoining the Great South Bay Full particulars hereafter, A D, MELLICK,"JR., & BRO,, -^^-*- • Auctioneers and Dealers in New Jersey Real Es¬ tate, No. 26 Pine streot, Now York, Descriptive List» issued without charge, complète vrith timo tables, couimutations,. maps, and detailed descrip¬ tions of the towns and villages, and the property'oiTered for sale. , AUCTION SALE of 70 VILLA PLOTS, at PLAINFIELD, N, J,, .-.-H (Kno\yn as tho Raymond Property), On WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, ' at 1 p. m., on the premiBos. Thèse lots are well located at the base of the Blue Range of Mountains, fronting on the main road to Scotch Plains, and in the midst of flne rési¬ dences occupied by New-Yorkers. No suburban town is more favorably known than Plainfield, situated as it is about one hour from New York, on the Central Railroad of N. J., the most popular roiid in New Jersey, and in a most beautiful section of country. It is r.ipidly filliug up with a population of New York familles. Spécial train from the foot of Liberty st., at 11 a. m., on the day of sale. Lunch on the arrivai of the train. For railroad passes, maps, and full particulars, apply at the office of the auc¬ tioneers. No. 2G Pine st., New York. ■ O. H. Pierson, Auctioneer. BY A, D, MELLICK, Jr., & BEO,, AUCTIONEERS AND DEALERS IN NEW JERSEY REAL ESTATE. No. 2C Pine street, New York, CONTINUATION SALE OF. 100 VILLA PLOTS AT AVENEL, N, J., one hour from New York by the N, J, R, R., nnd l^^mile» from Rahway. The HEAVY RAIN of the IOth inst. hav¬ ing made it necessary to again adjourn the salo, It will, if tho day prove fair, be continued ONTHÉ14THIN8T., v when every lot put up will be positivelysold to the high¬ est bidder, as no bidding will be allowed on account of the owners. Thèse.Iota are situated on elevated ground,-as high as the church steeples in Rahway, and command ex- tensive viows of Staten Island and tho Orange Mountains. R. R. tickets given out for the IOth will be good for the 14th. A train will leave the foot of Courtlandt st. at 2 p,m. on tho day of sale. For railroad passes, maps, and full particulars, apply at the office of the Avenel Association, No. lOT Broadway, and No. 61 Montgomery st.. Jersey City, and to the Auctioneers, No. 26 Pine st., New York. S. FÂRKER & CO. IHSI^ C^ X n^ 3ES lES 3ES. s, 212 Grand St., New York. Manufacturers of HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE STEAM-HE ATING APPARATUS, For warming and ventilating Hotels, Private Résidences, .G7mrc7ies, Sclwols, Stores, Factories, Steamers, &c. STEAM F ITT IN a. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. ' " Send for Ulustrated Catalogue," BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. DIAICBLE MAI^TËLS. roR THE cheapest and best' GO TO ^VM. F. c. DEIVIKE'S MARBLE AVORKS, Corner of De Kalb and Nostrand Avenues, BROOKLYN, t^py" Jobbing promptly attended to. FISHER & BIRD, Steam Marble Works, 97, 99,101,103 & 105 East Houston St., Vermont Marble Y'ards, 2G0, 202 and 2M Elizabeth Street. ^.7^'JnS. bX." } NEW YORK. Importers, Dealers and Manufacturers of Foreign and American Marbles. Ecclesiological Decorators, and Work¬ ers in Granité, Brown, Nova Scotia, Caen Stone, and Scotch Granité. Marble Mantels, Grates and Fendcr.s, Monuments, Cemetery Vaults, Chtirch Altars, Fonts, Tab¬ lets, Communion Tables, and Mi'rble Counters. Marble Floor Tiling. ^~ ESTIM.VTES AND DRAWINGS UPON APPLI- CA'l'ION. MARBLE MANTELS AT §16, AT THE BROOKLYN STEAM MARBLE AND SLATE WORKS. Buildèrs and others are invited to cail and examine our stock of MARBLE AND MARBLEIZED MANTELS, as they nre. without doubt, the best and cheapest to be had eitUer in Kow York or Brooklvn. THOMAS'CARSON .fe CO., T &. 9 East Warren st., near Court st. WILLIAM J. & J. S. PECK, BE.VLERS IN AI.I, KINUS OF MASONS' BUILDINO MATERIALS, LIME, LATH, BRICK, CEMENT, PLA.STEP^ HAIR, Ao. Foot oi' Tiiii'.tietii Street, Noutii Rivek, Foot ofSi-rino Strekt, N, R,, • Foot ok Forty-ninth Street, E. R., ant> Mechanic»' AND TUAnERS' EXCIIANGE, NO. 61 LlBERTY St^ BoX 3S, N-EW YORK. A THE BIGELOW BLUE STONE COMPANY. A, B, KELLOGG, AGENT, Minées, MANUFAcnrèERs and WiiOLESAiE Dbalbbs ik NORTK RIVER BliUE STON£, * MALOEN, ULSTER CO., AND 14 PINE ST^ N. T. Fl-igRing, Curbing, Gutters, Silis, Lintels, Tiling, etc., shipped to allparts ofthe United States & Sonth America. LL BUILDERS especially those who réside in Brook¬ lyn, should examine tho be.iutifuland select stock of MARBLE UAlfTELS ■ Or Eveey Description, Now on Exoteition at 103 FLATiiusn Av., cor. of Atuintic Av., and 689 Paci¬ fic St>, Brooklyn, Call and e.xamine before pnrchasing elsewhere. IMPROVED STABIiE FÏXTIJKES n •3 o SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE.' THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE RECEIVED letters-patent, dated Afav 25th„ 1860, for their im¬ provement in the fronts of bnifdings, and are prepared to grant licenses to founders intending to make good work, Apply to onr Patent Attomey, T. D. Stbison, 5 Tryon Row, New York. JOHN ALEXANDER, NATH. J. BURCHELL. The undcrsigned i» prepared to constmct fronts on thi» plan in the best manner and at the shortest notice. Ho» a stock of patterns and macliinery for finishing. Apply at the Foundry, corner of Quay and Washington streets, Greenpoint. JOHN ALEXANDER. J. &R. LAMB, ^ Church & Gothîc FURNITURE, Ecclesiastical Décora¬ tions, Etc., 59 CARMINE ST. N.B.—Sixth Ave. Cars pass the Door.