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■^-' '• ■r > -■- > ; AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. YoL. in. No. 19.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1869. [WnoLE No. n. Elégant DeGorated Marble Mantels, ■r^Tn_ exact représentation of tho choicest Foroign and .^tiquo Marbles, such as SIENNA, BEOCADELLE, VEED, ANTIQUE, GALWAY, and every Colored Marble in the known world. Also S T AT U A R Y. Black, Engraved in Gold, and Inlaid Marble Mantels of the most elaborate patterns. Also MAEBLE WAINS- COTTING, Inlaid. Also FUENITUEE TOPS, &c., &c. MIDDLEFIELD FIEE & BUILDINO STONE CO., 1269 Broadway, bet. Slst and 82d Streets, New York. HEATING APPARATUS. "^ATIONAL STOVE WOEKS, Manufacturers of BANFOED'S PATENT CHALLENGE HEATEES, Bet in Brick ob Portable. THE IMPEOVED NEW YOEK FIEE-PLACE HEATEE, AND THE CHALLENGE KITCHEN EANGES. Those building houses should examine thèse beforo pnr- ebaslng. 289 & 241 WATEE STEEET, N, Y. HOT AIR FURWACES. T H. SBIONDS, 53 CLIFF ST., N.^Y. Cnlvcr's Patent Furnaces. Simonds* Patent Furnaces. Hot-Air Register and Ventilator. "li/rACGEEGOE'S IMPEOVED HEATING FUENACES, COOKING KANGES, CAULDEONS, BATHS, AND JAPANNED WAEE, H. METCALP, 117 Beekman street, New York. E. MONEUSE. L. DUPARQUET. NOS. 28 & 30 GEEENE STEEET, NEW YOEK, MANUKACTUBBRS OF TUE Impérial Frencli Cooking Ranges and Broilers, for Hotels, Restaurants, Steamers, Hospitals, and Pri¬ vate Résidences. ' V Copper and Tin Cooking Utensils of overy description always on hand. Carving Tables of any length and shape on hand and mode to orOo?-.-, Call ami e-tamine, or apply at the lUctory. ADAM .IIAMPTOr¥, Manufacturer or .GRATES, FENDERS, & FIRE-PLAOE HEATERS, ISTo. 60 GOLT) STRKET, (Bet. Fulton and Beekman ^Sts.) New Yobk. Estdbiis7ied, 1836. T>AEEY & LANE, FUENACES AND EANGES, METAL CORNICES AND EOOFING, Cor. 59th Strect and 8d Avenue, New Yoek. Van note»& son, Orato, Fcnder, and Fire-JPlace Heater MANUFACTUEEES. 434 Canal Stbeet, neab Vaeiok, Nkw Yobk. W. M. Van Note. . • A. 8. Van Notb. pi ONOVEE & WOOLLEY, GEATE, FENDEE, ^^ AND FIEE-PLACE HEATEE Manupaotubebs •wnoi.EaAi,E and bétail, ■ NO. 86S CANAL STKEET, NEW YOEK Jas. S. Conovee, Jab. L. Woollet, 141 West 58d Btreot. ' 122 West SSth stroet. B SMITH, MANUFACTUEEE OF AND « dbalbb in GRATSS, FSNASRS, AND IMPEOVED FIEE-PLACE HEATEp's. 313 Grand Street, near Mott Street, New Tork. JOHN lîORTO]¥ & CO., GAS FIXTURE ITIANIJFACTURERS, NOS. 233 & 235 CANAL STEEET, OpposrrE TO Eaele's Hotel, New Yobk. EDMUND B. BRADY, 213 East 2Ctii Street. (Near 8d ave.) PïijDMBERS' MATERIAIiS. Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead, Lead Encased, Block Tin Pipe, Iron Drain Pipe and Fittings, Slnks, &c., Bath Tubs, Boilers, Brass Cocks, and Pamps, Gas Pipe and Fittings, At MANUFACTUBEBS* PslOBS. PHŒNIX COACH & LIGHT CARRIAGE .. MANUFACTOEY. Coi". State «Se JBoerujoa sts., Brooklyn. D. DALYa Pkopkeetor. WM. B. WALTERS. LONG ISLAND STEAM PLANING, MOULDING, SCEOLL-SAWING, AND TUENING lïLLL. Doors, Sashes, and Blinds Of all descriptions on hand, and made to order at l«w prices. ' " Coe. Baltic and Powebs Sts., Bkooklyn. S. FÂllRER & CO., 212 Grand St., New York. MannCictnrers of HlOn AND LOW PEESSUEE * ^ ' STEAM-HB ATÏNG APPARATUS, For warming and ventilating Hotels, Private Résidences, G7iurc7ies, Schools, Stores, Factones, Steamers, t&e. STEAM FITTING. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. *' Send for Illustrated Catalogue." J. &R. LAMB, Church & Gothic FURNITURE, Ecclesiastical Décora¬ tions, Etc^' 59 CARMINÉ ST. J^Î.B.—Sixth Ave. Cars pass thfe Door. IMPEOVED STABI.E FIXTURES n s«: (S >* t è ■3 O BEND FOE ILLUSTEATED CATALOGUE. J. W. FISEE. 120 NasKun Street, NEW YORK Manufacturer of ORNAMENTAL, IRON IVORJS, IRON STABI.E FIXTUKES, ofthe most approved designs. IRON AND WIRE RAILINGS, inCAN- SARD ROOF, CRESTINGS» COPPER "WEATHER VANES, Seç,, Sec. All the aboYO are offered at reduced rates. \