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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 3, no. 72: July 31, 1869

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. m. No. 20.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1869. fWlIOLE No. 72. 1 rpHE UNDEESIGNED HAVING EECEIVED JL letters-patent, dated May2r)th, 1869, for their im- provement.ln tlie fronts of buil'ilings. are now prepared to grant licenses to founders and bnilders intending to màkc good work. Apply to our Patent Attorney, T. D. Stetson, 5 Tryon Eow, New York. JOHN ALEXANDER. NATH. J. BURCHELL. The undersigned is prepared to construct fronts on this plan in the best manner and at tho shortest notice. Has a stock of patterns and machinery for finishing. Apply at tbe Foundry, corner of Quay and Washington streets, Green])oint.' JOHN ALEXANDER. FOE SALE. —GATES AVENUE PEOP- erty.—^The désirable house nnd ton full lots, corner of Gates and 'Ralph avenues, 125 feet on Gates, running tlirongh to Monroe street, having a front of 200 feet on Ralph avenue ; will sell the house and four lots by itself, if desired; by sub-dividing there can be made ten lots of 20.\T5 feet each-on west side of Ralph avenue, leaving the bouse and 60x200 feet, with a frame stable and barn in the rear. Thé house is in' good ordèr; bot and cold water throughout; .every room; . bathroom.and water closets : twelve rooms besides ; garden in fine order, fully plîintcd with vegetables; an abundance of small fruit; cars pass the door; possession when desired ; will be sold on reasonable terms, as owner is going to leave town. For further particulars apply to H. D. SMITH, Oflico of " Eeal Estate Record," 106 Broadway, N. Y. A LARGE STOCK OF MARBEE AWD SEATE MANTEES, with Grates complète. Mantels shipped; no risk to purchasers. MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, &c., e.xecuted to order. Prices low. ■WATHÂN Se CO., 839 West Eighteenth St., bet. Eighth and Ninth Aves. WANTED.—A FAEM OP NOT MOEE tlian forty acres, with a plain house thereupon. Must not be more than 100 miles from this city—tho nearer the better. Cash will be paid for any place which will suit the fancy of the purchaser. Address, stating lowest cash price, J. J., World oflice. Elégant Decorated Marble Mantels, In e.\act représentation of tbe choicest Foreign and Antique Marbles, such as SIENNA, BROCADELLE, VERD, ANTIQUE, GALWAY, and every Colored Marblo in the known world. Also STATUA R Y. Black, Engraved in Gold, and Inlaid Marble Mantels of the most elaborate patterns. Also MARBLE WAINS- CÔTTmO, Inlaid. Also FURNITURE TOPS, &c., &c. MIDDLEFIELD FIRE & BUILDING, STONE Cd i*,v . "1269 Broadway, bot. Slst and 32d Streots, -- -■ New Yoek. HËATING APPARATUS. HEATERS AND RANGES. SANFORD'S PATENT CHALLENGE HEATEES," Set in Beige ob Pobtable. THE IMPROVED NEW YORK FIRE-PLACE HEATEE, '; ' BEACON LIGHT BASE-BURNER, CHALLENGE KITCHEN EANGES, NATIONAIi STOVE AVORKS, . 239 & 241 WATEE STEEET, N, Y. IIOT AIR FURNACES. THE SIMONDS MANUF'G GOMPAM. Cnlver's Patcut Furnaces. Simonds» Patent Furnaces. Mot-Air Reifistcr and Ventilator. ATACGEEGOE'S IIVIPEOVED HEATING FCRÎVACES, COOKING RANGES, Cauldrous, Batlis, and Japanned TVarc. H. METCALF, 117 Beekman street, New York. E. MONEUSE. L. DUPARQ.UET. NOS, 28 & 30 GREENE , STREET, NEW YORK, MANUFACTUREES OF TUE Impérial Frencli Cooking Ranges and Broilers, for Hotels, Restaurants, Steamers, Hospitals, aud Pri¬ vate Résidences. Copper and Tin Cooking Utensils of every description always on hand. Caivlntr Tables of an}' length and shape on hand and mado to ofjji-, Call amt e.xam'no, or apply at the factory. AI>AM ÏIArriPTON, MkNUFACrUKEB OF GRATES, FENDERS, & FIRE-PLAOÊ HEATERS, ]Sro. 60 GOLTD STRTCEIT, (Bet. Fulton and Beekman Sts.) New Yobk. Established, 1836. T>AEEY & LANE, FUENACES AND RANGES, METAL CORNICES AND EOOFING, Cor. 59 th Street and 3d Avenue, New Yoek. Van note *& son, Grate, Fcnder, and Fire-PIace Seater MANUFACTUEEES. ' 434- Canai. Steeet, neae Vaeiok, New Yobk. W. M. Van Note. A. S, Van Note. pONOVEE & WOOLLEY, GEATE, FENDEE, ^^ and FIEE-flace heater MANurACTUEEES WUOLESALE AND BETAIL. NO. 868 CANAL STREET, NEW YORK, Jas, S, Conovee, Jas. L. Woollet, 141 West 53d street. 122 West 38th streot. B SMITH, MANUFACTUEEE OF AND « DEALEE IN GRATES, FENDERS, AND mmovED FIRE-PLACE HEATEES. 213 Grand Street, near Mott Street, New York. S. FARFiER & CO., . - 212 Grand St., New York. Manufacturers of HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE steam-he ATma apparatus, For warming and ventilating'Hotels, Private- Résidences, G7iurc7ies, ScTiools, Stores, Factones, Steamers, &c. STEAM FITTING. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. - " Send for Ulustrated Catalogue." J. & R. LAMB, Church & Gothic FURNITURE, Ecclesiastical Décora¬ tions, Etc., 59 CARMINE ST. N.B.—Sixth Ave. Cars pass the Door. IMPEOVED STABIiE fixtures: 03 ^ ^t^^^ ture f-l ff^^ .a •O ^ il^^^^^i Pi * O H^t tJ A 1?^ u ^^^P (8 t-i ^' try ^^^3 oui n h SEND for ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. J. w. FISKE. 120 Nassau Strect, NEW YOKK Manufacturer of ORIVAMJENTAl, IllOiV ^VORK, IRON STABLiE laXTCRES, of the uiost approved designs. F.RON ANB WIRE RAILINGS, MAN- !e.lRI» ROOF, CRESTI.VGS, COPPER WEATHER VANES, Ac, A:c. AU the above are offered at reduced rates.