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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. IV. No. 1.] NEW YOEK, SATDEDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1869. [WholeNo. 79. ■ John H, Austen, Auctioneer. HAZARD, APTHORP & CO., ^■lal Estate Brokers and Auelionecrs, 110 Broadway, New YorR. Will soil at auction, at the Heal Estate Salesroom, 111 Broadw.iy, every description of EEAL ESTATE, CITY AND COUNTEY. New York Ofkice, 110 Broadway; Boston Offiof, Boston Post Building; Newi'ort, Bellevue Avenue. J. JoirNSON, Jr., Auctioneer. JOHNSON & MILLER, AUCTIONEERS AND EEAL ESTATE BEOKEES, No. 25 Nassau Stroct, corner of Cedar, New York. C^" City and Country Eoal Estate at Public and Pri¬ vate Sale. Loans on Mortgage negotiated. Auction Sales of Furniture, Stocks, Merchandise, &c TUESDAY, Sept. 21, at 12 o'clock, on the premises, great and positivo sale of FIVE HUNDEED ELEGANT VILLA PLOTS, 8ituate
OFFICE, No. 3 PINE STEEET.", ' JOSEPH A. LEVY, ' AUCTIONEER, REAE ESTATE,. —AND— ' ^ GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER. No. 7 PiNB Street. ~ , '* A D. MELLICK, JR., & BRO., -C\.» Auctioneers and Dealers in Now Jersey Eoal Es¬ tate, No. 26 Pino street. New York. Descriptive Lists issued without charge, complete with time tables, commutations, maps, and detailed descrip¬ tions of tho tewns and villages, and the property offered for sale. DRAIN & WATER PIPE, &c. STONE y^j!^ iTS A largo assortment of the best Steam-Pressed Vitrified Stone Drain and Sewer-Pipe, from 2 to 18 inches in diameter, in two and three feet lengths, with the proper fittings, constantly on hand,''and for sale by NOEEIS & MILLEE, ManufacUirers, Successors to NOAH NOEEIS & SON, at Nos. 229, 231, & 233 Emt Alst at., NT. MANHATTAN POTTERY. W. D. STEWART, PROPRIETOR, Office, 541 West 18th St., near 11th Ave., N. Y., A LARGE assortment OP VITEIFIED DEAIN AND SEWEE PIPE, SMOKE AND HOT-AIE FLUE PIPE, FIEE BEICK ETC., ETC. IS Ali AlflAlVBER WORKS, Depot, foot of "West 11th St., IT. Y. GLAZED STOEE SEWER PIPE ALL SIZES. FEOM 2 TO 24 INCHES DUMETEE FOEDEAINING,SEWEEING, & VENTILATING, CONDUCTING HEAT, SMOKE, &o. riRE BEICK OF EVERY DESCEIPTIOlf. WILLIAIVI NELSON, Jr., Importer and Wholesale Dealer in SEWER AND DRAIN PIPE. Office, 24 Old Slip; Yard, 14th st. and Av. D. Contractor to Croton Aqueduct Boaid.