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AND BUILDEKS' GUIDE Vol. lY.- No. 4] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1869. [Whole No. 82. N^^^----------------------------------------------------------------------------------..-------------------------------------- . Adrian H. Mulleb, Auctioneer. ADRIAN H. IIHLLER, P. R. WILKINS & CO., OFFICE, No. ,7. PINE STREET. Eeal Estate at Puhlic and Private Sale. Sale of; Stocks every Wednesday and Saturday. -^ _. ADKIAN H. MULLER, PIirLIP E. W^ILKInVaD- lUAN MULLER, Jr. . , ,:.'. TUESD.\Y, Octohcr 12, At 12 o'clock jr., on the i)remiseB, ' AUCTION SALE of , ^ ^ 47 VILLA SITES, "* ' '"Comprising .. -^ . ABOUT 500 CITY LOTS ' *'■' -in the . CITY OF PLAINFIELD. NEW .JERSEY, - - ' BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED. - ' • .. . on th e PLATEAU . ^. at the foot of the ' BLUE-EANGE OF MOUNTAINS, - I being a part of tho CELEBRATED WASHINGTON PARK - PROPERTY. , , The ahove described property, situate in ■ • -WASHINGTON PARK. - - ON EOCKVIEW, MAPLE, WILLOW, MAGNOLIA, AND CEDAR AVENUES in the CITY OF PLAINFIELD, NEW JERSEY Half a mile from tho DEPOT of the CENTRAL EAILROAD. Washington Park consists of a large ti*act of land set apart by tho owners for the erection of SUBURBAN RESIDENCES, and is under the most stringent restriction AGAINST NUISANCES, . thus guaranteeing to purchasers A SELECT AND CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD. There is no property now offering in the market which combines so many advantages, or olfers to purchasers greater inducements; the principal of which aro ACCESSIBILITY. 12 trains to and from New York dally. ITS EXTRE.ME HEALTHFULNESS. Tho plateau on which it is situated being directly under tho Blue Ridge, it is sheltered from the extreme cold of winter, and has at all times a pure, bracing mountain air; is entirely free from swamp, salt meadows, miasmas, or fever and having a subsoil of gravel, is well drained, BEING IN THE CITY OF PLAINFIELD. Plainfield is a city containing some C.OOO or 8,000 inhab¬ itants, with schools having high,reputation; churches of all denominations, gas-works, and stores, where all tho necessaries of life can bo procured as cheap, if not cheaper, than in New York, thus combining.all.the advantages of tho country with the convenience of the city. EXTREME-BE AUTY and GRANDEUR OF SCENERY. SELECTNESS OF NEIGHBORHOOD, Being in the immodiato vicinity:of first-class improve¬ ments, and' with tho surrounding' property restricted against nuisances. - ■ - 13,000 TO 115,000 . SUPERFICIAL FEET In each plot, giving ample room for all necessary outbuild¬ ings, gardens, and lawn. AVENUES ■ • - • ALL ' / : -'r:- ILAID OUT,' ■ And property ready for immediat'e improvem'cht." A NEW DEPOT "'' " It^l^bout being established,'ahout 'one-quarter of-a mile fromtho premises. ."."•" TIIE TERMS OP SALE -■ WILL BE : VERY,LIBERAL. . ,....., Transportation to and from the sale (free of charge) by a special train from foot of Liberty.street, at lO.o'clock. For maps, &c., apply to the'Auctioneers, No. 7 Pine street. ■ John H. Austen, Auctioneer. HAZARD, APTHORP & CO., Real Estate Brokers and Auctioneers, no Broadway, New York. Will sell at auction, at the Real Estate Salesroom, HI Broadway, every description of REAL ESTATE, CITY AND COUNTEY. New York Office, 110 Broadway; Boston Office, Boston Post Building; Newport, Bellevue Avenue. - J. JouNsoN, Jr., Auctioneer. JOHNSON &. MILLER, AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 25 Nassau Street, corner of Cedar, Now York. ^^ City and Country Eeal Estate at Public and Pri¬ vate Sale. Loans on Mortgage negotiated. . Auction Sales of Furniture, Stocks, Merchandise, i&c MONDAY, October 11. ~ At 12 o'clock, on the'premises, Carlstadt. N.J. FREE EXCURSION! FREELUNcUl . ; . . IMPORTANT. SALE, By order of - . . F. Merkle and L. WisDiscn. 500 SPLENDID LOTS. CARLSTADT, AT MOUNT PLEAS ANT. PABK, N. J., •'■ ' -• ■ Only twelve minutes walk from BUTHERFORD PARK. Property is splendidly situated, commanding magnifi¬ cent views. Sale absolute. Terms liberal. Free tickets and maps now ready at the oificeof . JOHNSON & MILLER, 25 Nassau street, N. Y. THUESDAY, Oct. 14, At 12 o'clock, on the premises, Norwood, N.J.. ' FREE EXCURSION OVER NORTHERN ItAILROAD. GRAND COLLATION xVT NORWOOD HOTEL. THE MOST IMPORTANT SALE OF THE YEAE. 1,000 VILLA PLOTS, equal to 8,000 CITY LOTS, to be sold ABSOLUTELY AND WITHOUT EESEE"\rE to the highest bidder,' • ■ ■ REGARDLESS OK PRICE. BUYERS' OPPORTUNITY. PROPERTY ALL AROUND STATION, WITHIN A STONE'S THROW OF DEPOT, Twenty-one miles; one hour from New York, ON NEW JERSEY'S MOST POPULAR ROAD. Beautiful Cottages, Elegant Villas, Church, Schools, and Magnificent Hotel all in the Lots. GROUND GENTLY UNDULATING. Splendid Views of Palisades and Surrounding Country for Mi'es. STREETS ALL GRADED. Every Lot Ready for Use. DON'T FAIL TO GO. Secure Tickets at once; Maps and passos will bo ready Friday, October 8, at the oflice of JOHNSON & MILLER, 25 Nassa'j street. New York. Citt op New York, Department of Finance. Bureau of the Receivee op Taxes, Courthouse, Park, No. 32 Chambers street, October 5,1869. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS.—THE BOOKS for taxes on Personal Property will bo opened for payment at this office, on Thursday next, October 7. Tho books for payment of taxes on Bank Stock will be opened on Monday, October 11. Due notice will bo given when tho books for Real Estate will be ready; BERNARD SMYTH, Receiver. Board op Sopeevisobs, 1 New York County Courthouse, v October 4, 18C9. J THE COMMITTEE ON ANNUAL TAXES will meet on Thursday, tho 7th Inst., at 10 a.m., to hear applicants for correction of taxes. JOS. B. YOUNG. Clerk. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING- RECEIVED letters-i)atent, dated May 25th, 1809, for their im¬ provement in the fronts of buifdings, are now prepared to grant licenses to founders and builders intending to make good work. Apply to our Patent Attorney, T. D. Stetson, 5 Tryon Row, New York. JOHN ALEXANDER, NATH. J. BURCHELL. The undersigned is prepared to construct fronts on this plan in the best manner and at the shortest notice. Has a stock of patterns and machinery for finishing. Apply at the Foundry, corner of Quay and Washington streets, Greenpoint. JOHN ALEXANDER. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 'SAAC HONIG, REAL ESTATE BROKER. . CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO LET, MORTGAGES Pi:OCURED. 25 PINE STREET, NEW YORK. RANDELL & PORTER, REAL ESTATE AND INSUEANCE, 1051 Third Avenue (near 125th street). New York. D& IVL CHAUNCEY, 155 MONTAGUE • Street, near Court Street, Brooklyn, Brokers in Real Estate and Loans. We have for sale and to rent desirable buildings and bnild- ing sites in all sections of Brooklyn. HOMER MORGAN, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL BROKER, No. 2 Pine Street, Now York. Attention given to Real Estate at private Sale. Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgage. , THOMAS CRIMMINS & SON, CONTRAC¬ TORS. Oflice, 802 East 60th street. New Tork. . Box 142 Mechanics and Traders' Exchange. Base and Building Stone furnished. ADRIAN H. MULLER, P. E. WILKINS & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No, 7 IMne street. New York. T A. J. NEAFIE, REAL ESTATE AND INSUEANCE BROKER, 18T4 TniBD Atentte, Coenee Eionxr-SixTn Steebt, "J NEW TORK. J0MM9CLAVE,1 REAL ESTATE, TXo. 44 Pine Street, NEW TORK. JOHN P. TWOMEY, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKER, No. 1383 Tuikd Avkiub Near 87Tn Street, Property of every description bought, sold and excbaing-' ed. Houses let and rents collected in all parts of the city. Charles d. mott, GENEI\^AL AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE BROKER, Fourth ave., near 125th St., and 2$ Pine St. BOOH 4, FBOU TWELVE TO THBEI:. LOANS NEGOTIATED. CITY AND COUNTEY PEOPEETY TOE BALE AND TQ IEA«E