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Wlift^. AND BUILDERS' GUIDE Vo<^;iV.: No. 5.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1869. [WhoeeNo. 83. A. J. BLXIUCKER, Auctioneer. - LOmr.L.iLIlD ESTA-TE. SUPREME COURT. —IN PARTITION. PEREMPTORY SALE OF 3,300 LOTS, MILL SITES, VILLA SITES, AND DWELLING-HOUSES, AT NEAR FORDIIAM DEPOT, "WESTCHESTER CO., N. Y. A. J. BLEECKER, SON&CO. "Will sell at puhlic auction, on the premises, situated near Fordham Depot, under the direction of PHELO T. EUG- GLES, Referee, ou the 26th day of OCTOBER, 1869, at 12 o'clock at noon, THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES OF LAND, the country seat of the late PETER LORILLARD. This magnificent property has recently been topographically sur¬ veyed and lai . out by Gun. E. L. Viele. formerly Chiel Engineer of tho Centril Park, and will be offered to the puhlic in Lots and Villa Sites of convenient size. ' ........ The mansion of tlie late owner, a granite structure containing thirty rooms, with stone stables, green-house, con¬ servatories, graperies, gas-house, and garden, will bo sold witl) about thirty acres of land, forming a complete and elegant country residence. There is also upon the premises a valuable water-power, which will be sold with the mills and null sites. - . . "^ ' ..... The property will be sold subject to restrictions against nuisances. Eighty per cent, of the purchase money may remain on mortgage for a term of years. For maps and information, apply to A. J. BLEECKER, SON & CO., 11 Cedar Street; PHILO T. EUGGLES, 89 Wall Street; or G. TILLOT80N, 46 Exchange Place. J. JouNSON, Jr., Auctioneer. JOHNSON & MILLER, AUCTIONEERS AND EEAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 25 Nassau Street, corner of Cedar, New York, ^~ City and Country Real Estate at Public and Pri¬ vate Sale. Loans on Mortgage negotiated. f. Auction Sales of Furniture, Stocks, Merchandise, iac. MONDAY, October 18. At 12.80 o'clock, on the premises. Six Eoads, RAH WAV, N. 3. GRE.\T ADJOURNED SALE. On this occasion. 200 lots (including the most desirable property) not offered at the last auction sale, will positively be sold, without limit or reservation, to the highest bidder. Free excursion and collation.- Maps and railroad passes at the office of the Auctioneer,^ 25 Nassau street, N. Y. "WEDNESDAY, October 20, At 12 o'clock, on the premises at BOSCOBEE., Cruger's Station. GREAT HUD ON RIVER SALE THE FINEST PROPERTY EVER OFFERED. EACH SITE CO.MMANDS A SPLENDID RIVER VIE"W. SALE POSITIVE AND "WITHOUT RESERVE BoscouRL (beautiful wood) is situated at Cruger's Sta¬ tion, on the Hudson, 35 miles from New York. It consists of 200 acres, subdivided into plots of from 1 to 3 acres, by a most^^yporienced landscape gardener. All acquainted with Hudson River scenery admit that thero is no point on the river which affords more e.ttended and enchanting views than these highlands opposite Uaverstraw Bay. The property, bounded by tho Hudson, with its beautiful knolls and high plateaus, is unequalled for gentlemen's residences. It is proposed to change the name of Cruger's Station to Boscobel, which has i.een the name of the Post- otlice for years, and plans are on loot for building a new and commodious depot, which shall be attractive in all its surroundings. There are twelve trains a day at present stopping at this station, aud tho time to Peekskill. five miles above, by express trains, is one hour. Tho distance from the lower part of the city is becoming lessened in time by more rapid trains, the Elevated Railway, itc. aud the wiser business men are selling out and retiring before the encroachments of the city (which advances up-town with wonderful strides), and settling themselves above Tarrj'town. This property will be sold at auction, absolutely, aud without reserve, to the highest bidder, on the 20th inst. We invite business men who desire to secure a site on the Hudson, as well as those who look for a most profitable'investment, to examine It before the sale. All who wish to attend this sale win leave their names at the office of the auctioneer, and free railroad passes will be sent to them. James M. Miller, Auctioneer. BY JAMES M. MILLER, OFFIGE, 28 PINE STREET. THUESDAY, October 14, At 12 o'clock, at the Exchange Salesroom, 111 Broadway', "Will he sold under the direction of D. P; Ingbarah, Jr., Referee, One Lot of Land, north side, known as No. 5 Ashland place (late Perry street) being 22 ft. 6 in. front by 98 ft, 4 in. on the North side. TUESDAY, October 19, At 12 o'clock, at the Exchange Salesroom, 111 Broadway, "Will he sold under the diiection of D. P. Inoraiiav, Jr., Referee, Two Lots of Land north side of Sixty-eighth street, distant 63.9 west of Broadway; Lot 86 feet front by SO.Sdeep. John H. Aitsten, Auctioneer. HAZARD, APTHORP & CO., Real Estate Brokers and Auctioneers, 110 Broadway, New"irorl£. Will sell at auction, at the Real Estate Salesroom, 111 Broadway, every description of EEAL ESTATE, OITT AND COUNTEY. New York OrricE. 110 BROAnwAv; Bostok Office, Boston Post Building; Newport, Bellevue Avenux. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RECEI"VrED letters-patent, dated May 25th, 1869, for their im¬ provement in the fronts of buildings, are now prepared to grant licenses to founders and builders intending to mako good work. Apply to our Patent Attorney, T. D. Stetson, 5 Tryon Eow, ISew York. JOHN ALEXANDER, NATH. J. BURCHELL. The undersigned is prepared to construct fronts on this plan in the best manner and at the shortest notice. Has a stock of patterns and machinery for finishing. Apply at the Foundry, corner of Qu.iy and Washington streets, Greenpoint. JOHN ALEXANDEE. O. H. Pierson, Auctioneer. BY A. D. MELLICK, JR., & BRO.,. Auc¬ tioneers and Dealers in New Jersey Reiki Estate, No. 26 Pine Street, New York. IMPORTANT SALE or TWO HUNDEED "VILLA PLOTS AT CLINTON PLACE, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY, By order of James Demarest, Esq^ ■ On TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, at 12 M. . The sitnation of this property is among the finest In the vicinity of Newark, being on Clinton place, within seven minutes' walk of Clinton avenue, on which run the Irving- ton horse-cars, and only two miles from the Eailroad Station in Newark. The Peapack Railroad will have a station very near this property, which must tend to very much enhance its value. Very beautiful and extensive views, extending from the Oronge Mountains to Long Island. There will also be sold on the same day the HAND¬ SOME AND ATTRACTIVE RESIDENCE OF JAMES DEMAREST, Esq., situated as above, and being one of the most desirable country seats in the vicinity. Large double house, 20 rooms.'with all the improvements; grounds comprise six acres, bt-autilully shaded and im¬ proved, coach house, stable, gardener's house, kc,