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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE ^^YoL. IV. No. 11.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1869. [WholeNo, 89. NEW YORK STONE WORKS. Office, 45 William St., New York. Pirst Premium at the Exliibition of the American Institute, 1669. The attention of Architects. Builders, and the public is called to our AETIKICIAL STONE, iSUOWN STONE TILES, for court-yards and areas. Sidewalks, iu one piece of any length. Menolithio Flooks, for cellars, factories, and stables. House Fronts, in Brown, Nova Scotia, and Ohio Free Stone, plain and higlily ornamented. Coping, a new pattern, improved. Cubbing, any length, in one piece. Oknaments and Statues, for gardens aiid cemeteries. We guarantee the durability and strengtlj of our Arti- PictAL Stone, and refer to Alessrs. Fitzjiatrick, Donnely, Disiwow, Whitfield, Coburn,- Spnitt, builders, and many other gentlemen in the building trade. The price of our material is.from 25 to 75 pcr cent, cheaper tlian any cut stone in this market. Send for price-list to 75 William BANDMAN, HOLLMAN & CO. "VV. LAISTE &o CO., Manufacturers of 244 Water St., bet. Beekman and Peck Slip. HRAiiEY mow WORKS, Corner Nortli FourtU and FIftU Streets, BROOKLYN, E.D. Manufactory of IRON WORK FOR BUILDINGS. SILLS, LINTELS, COLUMNS, GlEDEES, AND EVEEY STYLE OF BAILING. J, I. & J. P. HEALEY. GEO. P. FOX'S SONS, No. 47 Amity St., tliree blocks from Broadwayj f> TAILORS. and Dealers in FINE FOREIGN CLOTHS AND FABRICS. SPECIALTIES: IiATEST FASHIONS, BJBST FABRICS, PERFECT-FITTING GARMENTS, LOWEST PEICES. Testimonials from celebrated citizens who have patron¬ ized our establishment will attest our claims in the above specialties. " • Save Thirty per cent, by walking three blocks from Broadway. Aiiii gariti;ents wabkanted. A. J. BLEECKER, Auctioneer. SUPEEME COUET.—IN PAETITION. PEREMPTORY SALE OP 3,300 LOTS, ■Will sell MILL SITES, VILLA SITES, AND DWELLING-IIO'JSES. FORDHAM PARK, NEAE FOEDHAM DEPOT, WESTCIIESTEE CO., N.Y. A. J. BLEECKER, SON Sl CO. at public auction, on the premises, situated near Fordliam Depot, under tho direction of PHILO T. BUQ- • GLES, Eeferee, on the 3Uth day of NO VEM15EU, 1809, at 12 o'clock noon, THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES OP LAND, the country scat of the late PETEE LOEILLAED. This magnificent property has recently been topographically sur¬ veyed and laid out by Gen. E. L. Viele, formerly Chief Engineer of the Central Park, and will be offered to the public in Lots and Villa Sites of convenient size. The mansion of the late owner, a granite structure containing thirty rooms, with stone stables, grpen-houae, con¬ servatories, graperies, gas-house, and garden, will be sold with about thirty acres of land, Airming a complete and elegant country residence. There is also upon the premises a valuable water-power, which will be sold wlt"h the niSlls and mill sites. The property-will be sold subject to restrictions against nuisances. Eighty per cent, of the purchase money may remain on mortgage for a term of years. For maps and information, apply to - A. J. BLEECKEE, SON & CO., 11 Cetlar Street; PHILO T. EUGGLES, 89 Wall Street: or G. TILLOTSON, 4G Exchange Place. DEMUTH'S PATENT CLASS LIGHTS, Patented September 22d, 18G8. EEVOLUTION IN THE SYSTEM OF ILLUMINATING OF- FICKS, BANKS, CHUECHES, EESTAUEANTS, DWEL¬ LINGS, STEAMBOATS, AND EAILEOAD CAIW; ALSO • FOK SIGNAL LIGHTS AND LAKTEENS. INCREASED LIGHT OF EXQUISITE SOFTNESS. BEAUTIFUL COITIBIT^ATION OF COI.ORS. Augmented Translucency without Transparency. IF Fli.\CTUUED, CHEAPLY EEPAIUED. See articles in "Scientific American," Oct. 16 and 2.3, ISC!). For further particulars address VICTOR E. MAUGER, 110 Reade St- N. T. ACKEREVSAN & BORKEL, Manufacturers of and Galvanized Iron Cornices Mouldings, SLATE AND METAL ROOFERS, . No. 143 WORTH STREET-, NEW YORK. GALVANIZED lEON GUTTEES of all sizes con¬ stantly on hand, and for sale to thu trade in quantities to suit, in lengths, or put together. John H. Austen, Auctioneer. HAZARD, APTHORP & CO., Real Estate Broilers and Auelioneers, 110 Broadway, New York. Will sell at auction, at the Eeal Estato Salesroom, 111 Broadway, every description of EEAL ESTATE, CITY AND COUNTEY. Nbw Yokk Ofkioe. 110 Broadway; Boston Office, Boston Post Building; Nf.wport, Bei.levke Avenue. THE UNDEKSIGNED HAVING RECEIVED letters-patent, dated May 2.oth, 1869, for their im¬ provement In the fronts of-buil'dings, are now prepared to grant licenses to founders and builders intending to mako good work. Apply to our Patent Attorney, T. D. Stetson, 5 Trj-on Eow, New York. JOHN ALEXANDER. NATH. J. BUECHELL. The undersignediis prepared to construct fronts on this plan in the best manner and at the shortest notice. Has a stock of patterns and machinery for finishing. Apply at the Foundry, corner of Quay and Washington streets, Greenpoint. ■• JOHN ALEXANDEE. City ov Nrw Yoek, Department or Financk, ) Bureau of tub Eeceiver or Taxes, \ CouKT-HousE, Park, f No. 82 Chambers street, November 5,1869. ) TO TAXPAYERS.—NOTICE IS HEREBY given that one per cent, will be added to all taxes unpaid on the 1st December; also, an additional one per cent, on December 15. On all taxes remaining unpaid on January 1, interest at the rate of twelve per cent, per an¬ num, calculated from the day the books were received by the Eeceiver of Taxes to "the d.iy of payjient, will Ixj added. No money will be received after two o'clock, p..m. Office hours from S to 2 p.m. BEENAED SMYTHE, Eeceiver.