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b::l AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. V. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1870. No. 115, EXECUTORS' SALE. V. K. ST & CO., wm sell at auction on WEDl^ESDAY, JUNE 1, 1870, at 12 m., at the Exchange Sales-room, No. Ill Broadway, by order of the executors of Isaac Dyckman, deceased, nearly .'.'•• 10 0 ACRES IN" UPWARD OF ONE THOUSAND LOTS Harlem River, 9tli and IOth. Avenues, 206tli to 211tli Streets, incliisivej and other contiguous streets and avennes, part of Tlie Dyckman tlomestead.. This splendid property is admirably located and adapted to im¬ mediate improvement. The streets and avenues through it have been permanently established by lav^. YORK CITY PROPERTY. .......There is no better place to make investments. The rapid growth of the city makes it doubtful if so magnificent a chance will ever again be offered to buyers for permanent or specu¬ lative investments. Sale positive, title indisputable, sixty per cent, on bond and mort¬ gage. Examine the property. Do not lose the chance and repent too late. For maps and descriptive pamphlets, with terms of sale and direc¬ tions to reach the property, apply to the auctioneers, 'So. 11 Pine st., or to Lockwood & Orosbt, counsel for the executors, So. 133 I^assau st.