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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. Y. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1870. No. 123. Sale of Great Central Subdivision. THURSD.vy, JULY 2S, 1870. 150 Elegant Villa Plots,' COJtPRISING OVER 300 AGRESJ of the most de-simble psrtion of these SPLENDID ES- jTATES of GRAND PAItlC, consisting of 2,000 ACBES of FIK8T-CLASS LANDS, . _ IN ONE BODY, ON THE BEAUTIFUL HIGHLANDS OF WESTCHESTER CO., N. Y. ALL TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION, IN " SUBDIVISIONS AS RAPIDLY,AS THEY CAN BE DEVELOl'ED INTO ■ ELEG^VNT VILLA SITES, DESIRA¬ BLE VILLAGE LOTS, ANU HANDSOMELY ; , I.MPROVED PROPERTY. Two larfje and successful .sales of Village property have heeu held this season. The Third salo will take placej a?h.xirsclay July SS, ISrO, ,......ON THE GROUNDS. ■ THE GREAT CENTRAL SUBDIVISION-^ Consists of ISO VILLA.PLOTS fronUng on the GRAND ESPLANADE, which is 105 feet wide, with broad Drives on either side surrounding the GRAND PARK UNIVERSITr and the' GR.AND PARK'HOTEL, and in the immediate vicinity and full view of the .GENERAL THEOLOGICAL BBIIINARY, improvements. Every Lot is "flrst-class, containing from ONE to FIVE ACHES EACH and commands a magniticent view of fifty milea of Long Island Sound; a distant view of the PaUsadea of tho Hudson and the intervening hindscape, and camiot he surpassed for extent, variety, and beauty in the country. The especial attention of all who are seeking escape from the expouBive, turbnlenti unwholesome city, into QUIET, ACCESSIBLE, ECONOMICAL, ELEGANT ^ ■ SUBURBAN HOMES, is called to thia as the Fmest Opportunity over offered, near New York." The o.xtciisive improvements will all ba" completed as pro¬ posed, an^-Purchasers of Lote.will not be assessed .for the EXTENSIVE ESPLANADES, . BROAD BOULEVARDS, :■ ' ^ HANDSOME AVENUES, now in process of construction. • All ^purchasers-of $2,000 and upwards will receive a COMMUTATION PASS onthe railroad for . ■ .' ONE YE/VIl FREE. Terms of sale ns heretofore; 40 per cent, in thirty'days, 50 per cent, on-Bond and-Mortgage in thro3 years. As a guarantee if or the completion of tlio'improvement 10 por cent." of the purchase money will not be required un¬ til ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS shall have heon expended iipon the avenues, esplanades, buildings, Sic, after the day of sale. ■ - SALE POSITIVE, R.AIlT OR SHINE. No free tickets wiU he issued; but SPECIAL TRAINS wBl leave the De¬ pot of the New York aud NewHavdriR.'R.,'cor. 27th street and,4th avenue, nt 8:45 A.M-i and 10 A,M. Sale commences at 12 M. All who desire to view the grounds should take the early train. Sale begins after arrival of second train. For Descriptive PamplUuts, Maps, Circulars, and further information apply to .....ANDREW WILSON, Jr., Grand Park Ollice, No. 317 Broadway. 's. DINGEB & CO.,No. 9Pine street, imd'! - MALLORY & BLACKWELL, Evening Post BuUding, or A. J.iBLEECitEB, SON & CO., 77 Cedar st.,' 1 . E. H. LUDLOW & CO., 3 Pine st, - • L. -^"c- MULLERi.WELKINS & CO., TiPinost. .. . J ^^P"'^''"- -■■'■■ CHARLES eoULVfi^;:" MANOKACTDKER OF HIGH. AND LOW PRESSURE STEAM BOILERS, of_ieve^ description, . ^VIlOUGHT IRON .GIRDERS FOR . BUILDERS, . . TANKS, OIL STILLS, ETC., ETC.- ■ • NO. 00 JOHN STREET, BROOKLYN, NEAK BRIDGE ST. Particular attention to jobbing. FOR SALE, PIANO FORTES AT 25 PER cent less than any JIanufacturer In the City. Also Pianos and Melodeons to let. A. DAVIS,' One Hundred and Sixteenth street, between Second-and Third fa venues. Fourth house east of Third avenue.. New York. ' COURTLANDT PALMER & SON, Eeal Estate Agents, 858 BROADWAY, near 14th STREET. WOOD MOULDINGS ANU TRIMMINGS [FOR BUILDINGS. EcduccdJPricos. A LARGE AND SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT,.;; New and Elcijant Designs. ANT DESIRED PATTERN WORKED AT SHORT NOTICE. 84G Third avenue, cor. 27th tt. WHITLOCK & CO., II-INUFACTURERS OP DOORS, SASBIES, BlilNDS,'p -irOOO MOUI.I>IXGS, I&C, ' 254 and 256 Canal.Street,! S. "W. Cor. EiiU St., G. WniTLOOK, C. J. KIDD. New Yore. c. B. EBOOn. S?' t^Send for price-list. GOODWIN & DREW, HOUSE MOVERS, No. 103 WEST a5th STREET, Near the Sixth avenue, NEW YORK. PETER VAN IDERSTINE, Jr. HOBOKEN MOULDING AND PLANING MILL, Manufacturer of PIX1-: and HARDWOOD OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PL.ANING, SCROLL xVSV) RESAAVING, TURNING, &C. Newark street, near Clinton, HOBOKEN. GARRET S. woon. Of the Old Firm, ).,„,„ .v^-n™.,!^., WM. H. HARRISON, ' |- Are In my Employ. W. W. LEE holds power of Attorney. Orders from parties in New York City personally attend¬ ed to by addressing P. O. Box 128, Hoboken. "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST." Beinf,'- constructed with r'efjard to scientiflc accuracy, are used in all tests of skill hy tin; bMt pl.-iyers in the country, and in all first-class clubs and hotels. Illustrated cata- loffues of everythinfj relating' to Billiards sent hy Mail. 738 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. GEORGE A. HAGGERTY, BELL HANGER, AND FINISHER, 803 THIRD AVENUE (EAST SIDE), Bef 49Lh and SOth Sts., NEW YORK. ALL KINDS OF BRASS AND COIUTOSITION CAST¬ INGS FURNISIIKD AT THE SHORT-, EST NOTICE. ISAAC HONIG, REAL ESTATE BROKER. CITY AND COUNTRY PROPEKTY FOR SALE AITD TO LET. MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED. 25 PINE STREET. NEW YOKK. ACKERMAN & BORKEL, ilanufacturers of and Galvanized Iron Cornices Mouldings, SLATE AND METAL ROOFERS, No. 143 WORTH STREET, NEW TORK. GALVANIZED IRON GUTTERS of all sizes con¬ stantly on hand, and for sale to the trade in quantities t* snit, in lengths, or put together. ^Qmmmmsi^\m^m FOR TVAK.MINO PRIVATE HOUSES, STORES, • AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS, unsurpassed for safety, Blmplicity, economy, durability, and neatness'. This apparatus consists of a Low-Prcssnre Steam-Gen¬ erator, with wronght-iron tubes for Radiators, and can bo made to thoroughly and perfectly warm the smatlest dwelling or the largest public edifice. Owners, Architects, and Builders are referred to many hundred buildings wormed by us dnring tho past twenty years. SEE COMPLETE WORKING APPARATUS AT OUR MANUFACTORY AND STORE,'Nob. 199 AND 201 CENTRE STREET, NEW YOKK. GILLIS;.«^JG;EhQ;&:HEGAiN RICIIARD§0]V, BOYNTON & CO., MAItUrACTCr.KKS AND DBALBE9 IK BOTNTON'S EUPviSTACES, RANGES, BALTIMORE FIRE-PLAGE HEATEES School, Hall, Parlor, Oflice, Cooking-Stuves, &c., No. 234. WATER STREET, Fourth door north of Beakmaa. Nkw Tobk. John II. Auste.v, Auctioneer. JOIIIV HOKTOIV, GAS FIXTURE IWANUFACTUKER, 5620htBROADWAY,l NEW YORK, s I JOHN F. TWOMEY, REAIi ESTATE-AND I INSURANCE BROKER, No. 1524 Tiiibd AVmnr,^ Neak 86tii Stueet. Property of every description bought, sold, andexefaang- ed. House's let and rents collected in all parts of the dty. THE MOEN ASPXIAIiTIC CEMENT COMPANY, " E. S. VAUGHAN, Treasurer, 103 M.vinBX La2»b. Asphaltic Cement Patent Cellar Bottoms^ ASPHALTIC CEMENT applied to "Wet Cellars, Damp Basements, Vaults, Arches, Brick and Stone Walls, Pack¬ ing House and Stable Floors, Sic, Sic Dealers in Felt Asphaltic Cement and Grayo} Booflnc Materials, Roman, Portland and Koaenda|o Cfmpnt. ROOFS put on in the best manner at roaaonatilc catp^, and guaranteed for a term of years. York OMER MORGAN, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL BEOKEE, No. 2 Fine' Street, New Attention given to Real Estate atpiiva^ Sale. Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgage.