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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. V. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1870. Nc J. Johnson, Jr., Auctioneer.. TOHNSON & MILLBR, ATTCTIONEERS ^ AND REAL ESTATE BliOKBRS, No. 25 Nassau Street, corner of Oedar, New Tork. ^~ City and Country Eeal Estate at Public and Pri¬ vate Sale. Loans on Mortgage negotiated. Auction Sales of Furniture, Stocks, Merchandise, &c. TOHNSON & MILLER'S SPECIAL TBAIN FOR NEW BRUNSWICK, Will leave foot of Cortlandt st ON WEDNESDAT, AUG. 10, 1870, At 11.10 o'clock a.m. COLLATION AND BAND OF MUSIC, UNDER FINE . . TENTS, ON ARRIVAL, AfieB wliicli B^ 6p irifi MOST DESIBABLE LOTS EVER OF¬ FERED WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDERS, REGARD¬ LESS OF PRICE. THE VAN NUISB FARM, Situated almost in the centre of, and on the highest ground, In the city, with excellent surroundings; streets all graded, and every lot reidy for immediate use, must prove a pro¬ fitable investment to pnrchasers at the coming salo. Livingston av., bounding the farm on the south, and Remsen ay;j nlrinirig licaf its northerly line, .ire each fino, wide thoroughfares. Powers, Howard, Talmadge, Ward, Law¬ rence, and Fulton sts., all laid down on the City Map, arc . opened, graded, and run through the property. A volume could easily be written of the ad v.antages of New Brunswick as a place of residence. Situated on the Raritan River, In the finest agricultural portion of the State, the cost of living is fully 20 per cent less than in New Tork or any of its adjacent cities, while its communication with the Metropolis is constant by 23 daily train.s. No pl.ice in West¬ chester County can be so readily reached, and at so low rates of commutation, viz.: $85 per annum. New Bnins¬ wick contains a population of 20,000. It has water and gas. Rutgers College, at which hundreds of oiu- most pop¬ ular divines, literary and public men, received their scho¬ lastic education, is within sight of the property to be sold, as arc also.20 Churches, scores of Grammar and Free Schools, etc., etc. •The coming sale ^viU afford the best opportunity over of¬ fered to secure lots aud plots at reasonable prices in the most select portion of the city. Half the purchase-money may remain on mort'^atre. TITLE UNQUESTIONABLE. SHOULD THE WEATHER PROVE STORIT THE SALE WILL TAKE PLACE THE NEXT PAIR DAT. For information, Maps, and Railroad Pa.sscs, apply to JOHNSTON & MILLER, 25 Nas.sau St., New Tork, or to RUTSEN HARDENBURGH, No. 139 George St., New Brunsmck, N. J. ■pETER MURRAY, MANUFACTURER OF -*- PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILINGS, SHUTTERS, CEMETERT RAILINGS, BRIDLE IRONS, BUILDERS' ANCHORS, ETC., ETC. 168 WEST ISth STREET, Cor. SEVENTH AV., 2ST3W TORK. And SSth Street, Comer of Fourth Avenue. N.B.—JOBBING of all kinds promptly attended to on Reasonable Terms. €HARLE§ COIililMS, ILUTOFACTDRER OF t HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE STEAM BOILERS, of every description, WROUGHT IRON GIRDERS FOR BUILDBRS TANKS, OIL STILLS, ETC., ETO. No. 60 JOHN STREET, BROOKLTN, NEAR Bridge St. Particular attention to jobbing. LEANDER STONE, Dealer in PINE, SPRUCE, And hemlock lum¬ ber AND TIMBER, BLACK WALNUT, and other Hard Woods, ppr. 54t^ St. and First Ave., New York. COURTLANDT PALMER & SON, Real Estate Agents^ 858 BROADWAY, near 14th STREET. WOOD MOULDINGS TRIMMINGS f'oR BUILDINGS. Reduced Prices. A LASaE AWD SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT. New and Elegant Designs. AWT DESIRED PATTERN WORKUD AT SHORT WOTIOE. 34G Third avenue, cor. 27th st. WHITLOCK & CO., SrAXUFACTtJRERS OF DOOliS, SASHES, BLINDS, '.WOOD MOULDINGS, &c.,!ij 254 & 256 OANAIi STREET, C. WHITLOCK, ) NEW TORIC C. .7. Kidd, V | C. B. KKOoit. ) Send for Price List. 5 GOODWIN & DREW, HOUSE MOVE RS, No. ]08 WEST 35th STREET, Near tho SLxtli avenue, NEW YORK. PETEll VAN IBERSTINE, Jr. HOBOKEN MOULDING AWD PLAWIWG MILL, JIanufacturer of PINE and HARDWOOD 3M OXJIj33I3XrC3-Sj", OP EVERT DESCRIPTION. . PLANING, SCROLL AND RESAWING, TURNING, &C. Newark street, near Clinton, HOBOKEN. GARRET .s. -WOOD, of the Old Firm, ) a^„ ,•„ ^„-n,__,„„ AVM. II. iiARRi.SO.v, ' j- Are m my Employ. vr. vr. LEE holds power of Attorney. Orders from parties in New Tork City personally attend¬ ed to by addressing P. 0. 'Box 128, Hoboken. "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST." m ^fpaiMiii ^iiii^nw iiif7>iiEi'Trii ttfefcAdi B»1 i i 1 Being' constructed with regard to scientific accuracy, are used in .ill tests of skill by the best pl.iyers in the country, and in .ill first-class clubs and hotels. Illustrated cita- logues of everything relating to Billiards sent by Mall. 738 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. GEORGE A. HAGGERTY. BRASS FOUNDER!. AND FINISHER, • 803 THIRD AVENUE (EAST SIDE), Bet. 49th and 50th Sts., NEW TORK. ALL KINDS OF BRASS AND COMPOSITION CAST- (INGS FURNISHED AT THE SHORT-J EST NOTICE. TSAAC HONIG, REAL ESTATE BROKER. X CITT AND COUNTRT PROPERTT FOR SALE AND TO LET. MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED.? fl 125 PINE STEEET. NEW YORK. ACKERMAN & BORKE Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornices Mouldings, SLATE AND METAL ROOFERS, No. 143 WORTH STREET, NEW YO GALVANIZED IRON GUTTERS of all sizes stantly on hand, and for sale to the trade in qnantiti( suit, in lengths, or put together. iL;OW^;^PRES:SURE>< FOR WAR.MINO PRIVATE HOUSES, STORES, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS, unsurp.issed for safety, siraiilicity, economy, durabilit} and neatness. This apparatus consists of a Low-Pressure Steam Gen¬ erator, with wrought-iron tubes for Radiators, and can be made to thoroughly and perfectly warm the smaUest dwelling or the largest public edifice. Owners, Architects, and Builders are referred to many hundred buildings warmed by ns during tho past twenty years. SEE COMPLETE WORKING APPARATUS AT OUR MANUFACTOKT AND STORE, Nos. 199 AND 201 CENTRE STKEET, NEW TOKK. GILt.^^GEO&HEGAN RICIIARDSOIV, BOYXTOIV & CO., lIA^-UKACTCKEnS ASD DEALEES IX BOTNTON'S FUENAOES, . RANGES, BALTIMORE EIRE-PLACE HEATEES School, Hall, Parlor, OlBco, Cooking-Stoves, &c.. No. 234 WATER STREET, Fonrth door north of Beekman. Nsw Toss. JoHK n. AusTEx, Auctioneer. JOIIIV HORTON, GAS FIXTURE MANUFACTUKER, 630r.BROADWAY, NEW TORK. JOHN F. TWOMEY, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKER, No. 1524 Tuied Avekux, j Neak SOth Stkeet, *■ * Property of every description bought, sold, and exchang¬ ed. Houses let and rents collected in all parts of the dty. THE MOEN ASPHAIiTIC CEMENT COOTPANY, E. S. VAUGHAN, Treasurer, 103 Matdex Laws. Asphaltic Cement Patent Cellar Bottoms. ASPHALTIC CEMENT applied to Wet Cellars, Damp Basements, Vaults, Arches, Brick and Stone Walls, Pack- in? House and Stable Floors, &e.. Sec Dealers in Felt Asphaltic Cement and Gnavel Roofing Materials, Roman, Portlancl and Rosendale Cement. ROOFS put on iu the best manner at reasonable rates, and guaranteed for a term of years. HOMER MORGAN, REAL ESTATE AND GENEEAL BROKER, No. 2 Pine Street, New' Tork. Attention given to Real Estate at private Sole. Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgage. ?