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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. 1-5 5 Vol. V. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1870. No. 126. J. Johnson, Jr., Auctioneer. JOHNSON & MILLER, AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, Nol 25 Nassau Street, corner of Cedar, Now York.' {^~ City and Country Real Estato at Pnblic and Pri¬ vate Sale. Loans on Mortgage negotiated. Auction Sales of Furniture, Stocks, Merchandise, Sic T>ETER MURRAY, MANUFACTURER OP -*- PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL IEON EAILINGS, SHUTTERS. CEMETERY RAILINGS, BRIDLE IRONS, BUILDERS' ANCHORS, ETC.; ETC. 1(58 WEST 18TII STREET, Cor. SEVENTH AV., NEW YORK. And 85th Street, Comer of Fourth Avenne. N.B.—JOBBING of aU kinds promptly attended to on Bcasonable Terms. CHARLES COEEINS, MjVNnF.4.CTtJUF,Il OPjg HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE STEAM BOILERS, ;» of,every description, WROUGHT IRON GIRDERS FOR BUILDERS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, ETC., ETC. No. 60 JOHN STREET, BROOKLYN, NEAU BRIDGE ST. P.irticular attention to jobbing. COURTLANDT PALMER & SON, Eeal Estate Agents, 858 BROADWAY, near 14th STREET. LEANDER STONE, De.iler in PINE, SPRUCE, AND HEMLOCK LUM¬ BER AND TIMBER, BLACK WALNUT, and other Hard Woods, Oor. 54th St. and First Ave., New York. WOOD MOULDINGS TRIMMINGS Fo"r BUILDINGS. Eeducfd Prices. A LARGE AND -SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT. Now and Elegant Designs. ANY DESIRED PATTERN WORKED AT SHORT NOTICE. I. .^^. 3Ea:.^3xroi3, 346 Tliird avcnue,-:cor. 27th st. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. D& M. CHAUNCEY, 155 MONTAGUE • Street,. near Court Street, Brooklyn, Brokers in Ueal Estate and Loans. We have for salo and to rent desirable buildings and build¬ ing sites in all sections of Brooklyn. WM. »& E. A. CRUIKIJHANK, REAL ESTATE. AND" INSURANCE. OfUces: Nos. 85 & 1302 Broadway, No. 595 Sixth Avenue, New York. General management of Estates a specialty. Houses, Stores, Offices, Piers, etc., rented, and all business con¬ nected with Real Estate and Insuranco promptly at¬ tended to. Money to loan on bond and mortgages. E. H. LUDLOW & CO., REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, EstablisJied in 183G. Morris Wilkins, Auctioneer. OFFICE. No. 3 PINE STEEET. ,-AI>SIAN H. MULLER, P. R. WILKENS & jtX. CO., AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 7 Pine street. New York. HAZARD, APTHORP & CQ., Real Estate Brokers and Auctioneers, 110 Broadway, Neiv York, ^ Will sell at anction, at tho Real Estate Salesroom, 111 Broadway, every description of EEAL ESTATE, CITY AND COUNTRY. New York Offick, 110 Broauway; Boston Office, Boston Post Building; Newport, Bellevue Avenue. WHITLOCK & CO., ; MANUFACTURERS OP DOORS, SASHES, BlINDS, WOOD MOULDINGS, &c., 254 & 256 CANAL STREET, [TLOCK, 1 CiDD, V CEOait. ) C. WIIITI. C. J. KiDD, C. B. KEoait. NEW YORK. Send for Price List. ACKERMAN & BORKEL, GOODWIN & DREW, HOUSE MOVEiRS,' No. 103 WEST asth STREET,! Near the Sixth avenue, ' NE W YORK. PETER VAN IDERSTINE, Jr. HOBOKEN MOULDING AWD PLANING MILL, JIanufacturer of PINE .ind HARDWOOD 3VC <=>TJJLJiJaT.JSrC3r&y OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PL.^NINOr, SCROLL AND RESAWING, TURNING, &C. Newark street, near Clinfon, HOBOKEN. GARRET S. WOOD, of the Old Firm, ) . ,„ -„ „„-c,^„,^„ WM. II. n.vuurso.v, ' }• Are m my Employ. W. W. LEK holds power of Attorney. Orders from parties in Now York City personally attend¬ ed to by addressing P. 0. Bo.x 128, Hoboken. "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST." Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornices and Mouldings, SLATE AND METAL ROOFERS, No. 143 WORTH STREET-, NEW YORK. GALVANIZED IRON GUTTERS of all sizes con¬ stantly on hand, and for sale to the tr.ade In quantities to suit, in lengths, or put together. Being constructed with regard to scientiflc accuracy, aro used in all tests of skill by the best players in the country, .ind in all first-clnss clubs and hotels. Illustrated cata¬ logues of everything relating to Billiards sent by Mall. 738 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. • GEORGE A. HAGGERTY.. BRASS founder:! AND FINISHER, 803 THIRD AVENUE (EAST SIDE), Bet 49Lh nnd SOth Sts., NEW YORK. ALL KINDS OF Bn.\S.S AND COMPOSITION CAST¬ INGS FURNISHED AT THE SHORT¬ EST NOTICE. ISAAO HONIG, REAL ESTATE BROKER. OITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALE Aim TO LET. MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED. 26 PINE STEEET. NEW YORK. FOR WARMING PRIVATE HOUSES, STORES, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS, unsurpassed for safety, simplicity, economy, durability, and neatness. This apparatus consists of a Low-Pressnre Steam Gen¬ erator, with wrought-iron tubes for Radiators, and can be made to thoroughly and perfectly warm the sniallest dwelling or the largest public edifice. Owners, Architects, and Builders are referred to many hnndred buildings warmed by us during tho past twenty years. SEE COMPLETE WORKING APl'ARATUS AT OUR MANUFACTORY ANU STORE, Nos. 109 AND 201 CENTRE STREET, NEW YORK. GILtlS-^GEO&HEGAN RICHARDSOIV, BOYI^TON & CO., MAHnFACTUEEES ASD DIALEES IV BOTNTON'S FURNACES, RANGES, BALTIMORE FIRE-PLACE HEATEES School, Hall, Parlor, Offico, Cooking-Stoves, &c.. No. 234 WATEJt STEEET, Fonrth door north of Beekman. New Tobk. John H. AtrsTEN, Auctioneer. JOIIIV HORTOIV, GiLS FIXTURE mANUFACTURER, 620 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. JOHN F. TWOMEY, REAL ESTATE AKD INSURANCE BROKER, No. 1!J2-I Tuibd Avekok, Neak Sfirn Stbeet. Property of every description bought, sold, and exchang¬ ed. Houses let aud rents collected in all parts of the city. THE MOEN ASPHAIiTIC CEMENT C03WPANX, E. 8. VAUGHAN, Treasurer, 103 Maidex Lakx. Asphaltic Cement Patent Cellar Bottoms. ASPHALTIC CEMENT applied to Wet Collars, Damp Basements, Vaults, Arches, Brick and Stone Walls, Pack¬ ing House and Stable Floors, .tc, A:c Dealers in Felt Asphaltic Cement and Gr.ivel Roofing Materials, Roman, Portland and Rosendale Cement. ROOFS put on In the best m.inner at reasonable rates, nnd guaranteed for a term of years. HOMER MORGAN, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL BROKER, No. 2 Pino Street, New York. Attention given to Real Estate at private Sale. Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgage.