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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 5, no. 129: September 3, 1870

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. V. NEW YOEK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1870. No. 129. JUST OUT. THE MODERN THINKER, AN ORGAN FOR THE MOST ADVANCED SPECULATION IN Philosophy, Sociology, and Religion. CONTENTS: Egotisms......i.The'Edltor. The Last Word about Jesus— John Fiske. Bling "Wealth Coming— D. Goodman. Tho Positivist Problem— Frederic Harrison. What of tho Future? The Future of Marriage— as a Factor in Sociology^— D. G. Croly. The Sexual Question Boicntifio Propag.ition— John U. Noyes. Bcligion and Soienco. (A Review of Herbert Spon- cer).... ..Prof.- J. D. Bell. What wo Bolievo (A Dia- l_ logue..............------— Sublimated (A Poem)— F. O. F. Good nad Evil—Thoir Ori¬ gin.. . .Prof. Atidre Poey. Comte's Insanity— Prof. Andre Po'iy. The Subjection of Women— Auguste Comte. Rebuilding the Temple— Salem Butcher. Love Life o£ Auguste Comte —Jennie June Croly. Lucio. (A Novelette.) j__ Tiioughts of a Flower J Clotilde de 'Vaux. The Scientifio Basis of Or¬ thodoxy— Francis Gerry Fairfield. Social Reconstruction^ Albert Brisbane. D. GOODMAN, Editor and Publisher. NEW TORK: American News Company, 119 &121 Nassan St. 'i RETAIL PRICE, §1.50. OPINIONS OF THE PEESS. ., {^lomtho N. T. Times.) ■ This publication will attract very general atijntion, not only on account of tho ability of the writers engaged upon it, but also from the character pf the work to which tho editor has addressed himself. * * Mr. D. C Croly's article on tho "Future of Marriage" will make some people's hftir stand on end. * * Altogether this journal will make a sensation. 'From, the Brooklyn Eagle.) This is a magazine of explosives against the religions and civilizations of the century. •(From tho TTorM.! Tlio Modern Thinker is the most peculiar and tmiqne of publications. * ♦ One might describe it as a magazine filled with intellectual and spiritual nitro-glycerine. * * It is as agreeable to the eye as its oontcuts are stimulating to the mind. (^ova. the Standard.) * * We would like to seo the M. T. succeed, for bold thought in this country is sadly in need of nu organ for its expression. (From the Boston Advertiser.) The Modem Thitiker, if encouraged, Trill tmcloubtedly be of service in stimulating thougltt. • (From the .Boston Porf.) * ■'= So much advanced thought in print is. sometMng extraordinary. * * It is a specimen of fine^iireBS-work and vigorous writing. THE BUTLER LIFT EXERCISE: BRIEF, THOROUGH, HARMONIOUS Substitute for Gymnastics, Ilorscback, &c. Independent of weather, requiring no change of dress, graduated in its application. It invites and obtains a habit of daily e.xer- cise of the whole body, that accomplishes cures not before expected by such means,- and whero medicinos have failed. Rheumatism, Neuralgia,, Slceplossnosa, Indi-: gostion, Cold Fo3t, Weak Back, nre uniformly benefited. Rooms, 113 Broadway, and 20 E. 2-lth St. J. W. liEAVITT. BRADLEY & CURRIER, W h.olesale IDealers in ; DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, MOULDINiGS, WINDOW GLASS, Office, Uo. 44; ;Warehouses, 38, 44,46, 50 & 52 DEY STREET, Send for MontJdy -Price Current. E. A. BEADLEY. G.I C, CURRIER. C. VREELAND, PLAIN AND ORNAJnSNTAL IRON WORKS, RAILINGS, DOOBS, SHUTTERS, GRATINGS, ■ And BuUders' Iron Work in general. No. 1350 BRO.VDWAT, (Bet. SOth and 37th Sts.) D. VREELAND, Superintendent. NEW YORK. FOR SALE.—THE HOBOKEN MOTJLDINa and Planing 31111, situated on Newark, near Clinton street, Hoboken, N. J. The undersigned offers the .ibove mill for sale. To a practical man, with capital, this is a good opportunity to enter into the business. No charge mode for good will—simply the value of real estate, stock and machinery contained on said premises. Parties desir¬ ing to purchase aro invited te call a'nd examine the same or address a note to box 128 Post Office, Hoboken. PETER ViV:N IDERSTINE, Jr. COURTLANDT PALMER & SON, Eeal Estate Agents, 858 BROADWAY, near 14th STREET. WOOD MOULDINGS AND TRIMMINGS FOR BUILDINGS. Reduced Prices. A LARGE AWD ^SUPERIOR'ASSORTMENT. New and Elegant Designs. ANT DESIRED PATTERN WORKED AT SHORT NOTICE. I. jBk.. :B:.A.3>jro3E!, S40 Third avenue, cor. 2Tth at. GEOEGE A. HAGGERTY. HANGER, AND FINISHKR, 803 THIRD AVENUK (EAST SIDE), Bet. 49th and SOtli Sts., NEW'TORK. ALL KINDS OP BRASS AND COMT'OSITION CAST¬ INGS PURNISHED AT THE SHORT¬ EST NOTICE. TO TIMBEE AND LTIMBEE DEALEES. THE COLUMBIA SOUTHERN LAND ACENOY« 33 PARK ROW, ROOM 19, Has somo of the cheapest Tellow Pine nnd other timber lands that arc to bo found in the South. They are located on, and in tho immediate vicinity of, navigable streams, and are heavily timbered. Some have saw-mills upon them, while others have fine water powers. They arc worthy of inspection, and we invito nil who feci interested in this business to give us a call, and exam¬ ine for themselves. A. ROUX & SON, 827 and 829 BROADWAY. FACTORT: IGl, 163, and 1G5 West IStli St. Wood Mantels, Mirror Frames, WAINSCOTma, doors, CErLINGS, , AND FLOOES. ' ''' Designs and estimates furnished. ISAAO HONKJ, REAL ESTATE BROKER. CITT AND COUNTRT PROPERTT FOB BALK AND TO LET. MOllTGAGES NEGOTIATED. 25 PINE STREET. NEW TOEK. ACKERMAN & BORKEL, Manufacturers of and Galvanized Iron Cornices Mouldings, SLATE AND METAL ROOFERS, No. 143 WORTH STREET, NEW YORK GALVANIZED IRON GUTTERS of all sizes con stantly on hand, and for sale to tho trade In quantities t* suit, in lengths, or put together. FOR WARAIING PRIVATE HOUSES, STORES, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS, unsurpassed for safety, simplicity, economy, durability, nnd neatness. This apparatns consists of a Low-Pressuro Steam Gen¬ erator, with wrought-iron tubes for Radiators, and can ba mado to thoroughly and perfectly warm the smallest dwelling or the largest public edifice. Owners, Architects, and IJuildors are referred to many hundred buildings warmed by us during the past twenty years. SEE COMPLETE WORKING APPARATUS AT OUR MANUFACTORT ANO BTOP.E, Nos. 109 AND 201 CENTRE STREET, NEW TOKK. GILytSi^(>EO;(>HE:GAN JOHIV IIORTO]^, GAS FIXTURE mANUFACTUREB, 620 BROADWAY, NEW TORK.