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Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. VoL/YI. NEW YORK, SATUEDAY, NOYEMBER 12, 1870. No. 139. ... Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. . TERMS. Ono year. In advance......................§6 00 All communications should be addressed to C. "W. S'WEJTGT. 100 Rjio.4.uw.\T, COR. OF Pine Street. The American Institute of Architects began its Fourtli Annual Session on Tuesday last, in the city of Philadelphia. The duties of pre¬ siding oflB.cer devolved upon Mr. Thomas N. Walter, President of the Philadelphia Chapter, who made the opening address. We regret that our space only admits of the folloAving short extract:— After briefly -welcoming his associates to the city of Penh, Mr. Walter said that the progress of the Institute during the past year has been decided and healthy. Its influence for gooi|J has been felt throughout the country, and its respectability as an exponent of a noble and honorable profession is all that we could de¬ sire. The difficulties encountered in the early years of our organization, arising from the vast distance intervening between the leading cen¬ tres of civilization, have been obviated by th6 establishment in our leading cities of Chapters, all of which are in accord with each other and Avith the central head, thus imparting a purely national character to the Institute, -while none of |the advantages of local organization are in any degree abridged. Four Chapters are al¬ ready established, and it is understood that three more will soon be organized. MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN NEW YOEK CITY. Nov. 10 Bboadwat, n. e. cor. 33d st. Blackstone & Ryerson agt. Mary C. L. Goodrich. (Renewal of lien.)..$10,035 15 4 FlFTY-FIKST ST. AND 9tH AV., N. E. cor. David A. Bell agt. —. Smith 220 71 5 Fiftieth ST., s. s. (Nos. 112 & 114 West). Balthazar Lauz agt. Robt. Anderson..........___.......... 50 00 7 Fourth av., w. s.,-10 houses. Ex¬ tending from n. w. cor. of-SSth st. to s. w. cor. of 86th st. Elizabeth Lowe agt.---------.....;.;.......... 1,500 00 7 First av., e. s., 10 houses, extend- ing from 56th to 57th st. Andrew Elliot agt. Terence Parley......... 295 00 4 Laurens st., av. s., 65 s. Spring st. Frederick Riehl and Philip Dugro agt. J. Bouldvires................ 218 00 10 Mercer st. (Nos. 137 and 139, Ex¬ tending to Greene st.). J. B.