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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 6, no. 144: December 17, 1870

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Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. VI. NEW YOEK, SATUEDAY, DECEMBEE 17, 1870. No. 144; .....Published Weekly by THE REAl .ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TEEMS. One year, in advance......................§6 00 All communications should be addressed to 106 Bro.u>way. cob. OP Pine Stbket. The Eecord is regularly maUed to subscribers every Friday night at eleven o'clock, and should be deUvered by the Post Office aufchorifcies on Saturday morning early. Any aubacriber nofc receiving his paper in due season may rely upon ifc thafc fche fault is entirely with fche carrier, and a complainfc lodged eifcher with the Post Office aufchorifcies or afc the Eecobd office wiU remedy fche irregularifcy. Any carrier delivering fche EECORD later fchan Saturday morning is remiss in his dufcy. DEPARTMENT 01" DOCKS. The Department of Docks, as at present or¬ ganized, undoubtedly commands the respect and confidence of the public to a very great degree. The Commissioners are entirely free from politi¬ cal entanglements of any kind, and are fuUy alive to the fact that the work entrusted to their direction is one destined to stand for years, af ter aU now connected with it shall have returned to dust. It is a most fortunate thing, and speaks vol¬ umes for the sagacity and good judgment of the appointments of Mayor Hall, that no scientific noodle, with just brains enough to spoil every¬ thing he undertakes, has a place on this com¬ mission. The Commissioners are all men of a practical, straightforward tnrn of mind, accustomed to business, and understand fully the wants and re¬ quirements of the conamerce of the city. Eealizing fully the need of calling to their aid some mind replete with technical knowledge, they some time ago appointed General George B. McCleUan as engineer-in-chief of the Depart¬ ment, than whom no abler engineer has a rank in the profession. It is understood tha^t General McClellan has about perfected a plan for a system of docks and piers which will eclipse anything of the Mnd now existing in any part of the world, and which embraces in its construction that want which has so. long paralyzed the real estate in¬ terests of the upper part of this island, viz.," a system of rapid transit." . Just what the plan is, it is impossible to say, but it is kriovm that it contemplates the widen¬ ing of West street, which is a matter of absolute necessity, to give accommodation to the im¬ mense traffic which now. continually creates a blockade in that thoroughfare. The bulkheads of this new system of docks, it is settled, wiU be of granite, with artificial and other stone entering largely into the "con¬ struction of the other partF. The piers wiU probably be at least 600 feet long by 100 feet broad, which will be size enough to accommo¬ date the views of the most sanguine naval ar¬ chitects in regard to the length of future steam¬ ships. Within the last twenty years the size of vessels has gradually increased from packet- ships of 500 tons to the present steamers of 4,000 to 5,000 tons. In length, steamers range now from 400 to 440 feet; but as it is well known that the greater length given steamers the more speed in comparison to the horse-power employ¬ ed, it is predicted that, within twenty years, vessels 600 feet in length will be of common occurrence. Undoubtedly, General McCleUan's plan con¬ templates a system of warehouses in connection with the docks, but of what kind it is impossi¬ ble to say. We congratulate the merchants of our city that the prospect is so bright in regard to the relief soon to be given them from dirt, disorder, waste, and the organized system of plunder now carried on by river-thieves and water-rats. PARK AFFAIRS. The Park Commissioners expect to put a rail¬ ing around the statue of Lincoln, which will be more of a than the statue itself. On this railing will be small but well- defined bronzes, exhibiting the different eras of Lincoln's life. The Commissioners expect to take away the railing of Madison Square in the manner in which they have removed that of the City Hall Park; and to widen Fifth avenue from Broad¬ way to Seventy-sixth street, as they have widen¬ ed Broadway, on the east side, from the Post- office to Stewart's store. This is a needed im¬ provement, considering how the flow of travel centres about the Fifth Avenue Hotel. They expect.also to erect a Tiandsome, but comparatively inexpensive rustic clock at the end of the Mall, at the top of the first hiU, and at the junction of the four roads, near the en¬ trance of Central Park. This is the point at which nearly every person, on entering or leav¬ ing the Park, takes out his watch, if he has any, and wants to know the time. The clock will not only be an ornament, but it will be use¬ ful to those who do not carry watches, or who, in riding, cannot look at them. It vdll be use¬ ful to the school-boys and school-girls who go skating. We are sorry, however, that the Commission¬ ers think it necessary to put a new fountain, at Fifty-eighth street. We always thought, the new ground taken was for wider entrance, and to enlarge the avenue at its very point of contact with the street. Besides, the late is a water-view oh entering, and precludes the ne¬ cessity of art. The Commissioners are engaged in widening the carriagertoad, beginning at the sharp curve at the lower end of the reservoir and leading up to the Convent. They will also widen and per¬ haps exteud the bridle-path. Within the past •month they have ciit and laid "a piath from near the Fifth Avenue entrance, croSsing the grand drive, which is exceedingly convenient. They have also removed from the terrace the building which used to destroy its appearance, and they have picturesquely replaced the house with a picturesque landing on the opposite side of the lake, and adjoining the entrance to the ramble. The laying of Fifth avenue, from Fifty-ninth to Ninetieth street, with Mcolson pavement, has drawn from the Park roads below the latter street all the fast trotters, and the sporting men; which is a great comfort and advantage to the people who do not care about very fast horses, and are especially afraid of collisions. The work upon the wall and upon the side-walk towards the entrance, at the end of the woodeii pavement, is rapidly approaching completion.— Leader. MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN NEW YORK CITY. Dec. 14 Bleecker st., n. s. (No. 105). J. H. Garrison agt. J. H. Baker...... $37 00 6C AT., E. s. (No. 116). Philip CampbeU agfc. Samuel BuchsweU- der.............................. 15 00 13 Essex st., e, s. (No. 104). Peter Seebold agt. J. J. Goeber......... 395 00 13 ElGHTT-THIBD ST., N. S., 13 HOUSES, bet. Sth and 9fch avs. Michael Gaf- fey agfc. John Doe................ .38 75 9 FiFTT-SEVENTH ST., N. S., 3 HOUSES, com. 50 e. 10th av. Michael Healy agt. John Totten.......:......... 23 50 9 Forty-first st., s. s., 6" houses, com. 398e. 2d av., and 5 houses on (New sfc.) unnamed, said st. ex¬ tending from 40fch fco 4lBt St., bet.. 1st and 2d avs. James Crow agfc. W. L. Cutting................... 1,343-14 12 Same property. Andrew Heid agfc. W. L. Cuttmg............... 180 00 13 Same property. T. & J. D. Crim- mins agfc. Esfcate of Gertrude Cut¬ ting.............................. 961 96 12 Forsyth st., w. s. (No. 15). Aekek- man & Boekel agt. R. F. Martin... 37 90 13 FiPTY-SECOND ST., s. s. (Nos. 5.52, 5.52>^, & 5.54 Wesfc). Timothy Cleary agt. J. B. Leclaire......... 800 OQ 13 Same PROPERTY. Balthazar Lang agt. J. B. Leclaire............___ 330 00 14 King st., n. s.(No. 99).' James But¬ ler agt. Wm. Lee................. ^2 06. 12 Ludlow st., e. s. (Nos. 40 & 42). Adam Wagner agt. Philip, Mfefczger. 341 OS- IS Lexington av. & 71st st., s. w. cor. Francis Muldoon agt. —. WUson.......................... 137 10 12 Madison st., e. s. (No. 32). Agker- man & Boekel agt. R. F. Martin... 150 00 12 Same property. Same agT. same. 24 70! 9 Pearl st., e. s., reae of 472. W. H. Young agt. Wm. Clinton....... 134 00 10 Twenty-eighth st., n. s. (Nos. 332 & BB2^ W.). Adolf Klaber agt. Anna Loewenstein............... 155 92 10 Thirty-third st., n. s. (No. 317 W.). A. P. Newman agt. Geo. Spencer.__....................... 771 85. 10 Thirty-fihst ST., 8. s. (No. 124). Peter Fisher agt. Jennie Frances.. 274 59 13 THIRTY-EIGHTff ST., N. S. (NoS." 441 & 443 W.). Peck & WandeU agt. Jos. Smidt...:................... 356 60 14 Twenty-sixth st.,^ n. s. (No. 41). Aiexr. McGregor agt. E. MUler.... 231 65