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Real Estate Regord AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. YIL NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 18?!. No. 150. Published Weekly by THE REAL. ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. ......TERMS. One year, in advance......................56 00 All communications should be addressed to c. "w. s^v-e:jgt. 105 Bro.vdwat. cor. OF Pink Street. TUE Record is regularly maUed to subscribers every Friday night at eleven o'clock, and should be deUvered by the Post Office authorities on Saturday morning early. Any subscriber not receiving' his paper in due season may rely upon it that the fault is entirely with the carrier, and a complaint lodged either ivith the Post Office authorities or at,the Record office wiU remedy the irregularity. Any carrier deUvering the Rhcobd later than Saturday morning is remiss in his duty. ANNEXATION AND RAPID TRANSIT. The annexation of Westchester county to the city of New York seems to involve also the question of rapid transit. It is said by those favoring annexation that it is worse than foUy for the city of New York to lend her capital or advantages to any scheme which contemplates the renioval of any of her citizens beyond her own boundairies; It is claimed that, should a steam road be built, by which a person could travel from the city to Harlem river in twenty minutes, thousands upon thousands would not stop at Harlem river, but would quickly es¬ cape into the regions of Westchester, and thus, while earning their li-ving in New York, would contribute their taxes and the beautifying of their homes to the adjoining county. One thing is certain, that the New York of the fu¬ ture, with its three million of inhabitants, must possess a lai^er area than her present boxmd- aries indicate. La this coimeotion we have the following from Albany, taken from a morning paper : The question of rapid transit between New York and Westchester promises to assume a tan¬ gible shape.' After full and free consultation with members of both houses Senator Grenethas prepared a bill to haimpnize the conflicting opinions,-winch will,' he thinks, meet with general approval Its prmcipal feature is that it proiddes for the cutting through the block bounded 'by Broadway and Fourth avenue—a space of 100 feet or more—for a grand railroad avenue, to iron: in as direct a Ime as possible from Chambers street to the Harlem river, and thence into some central point in Westchester county, and to lay upon the surface six or more tracks for the transfer of way passengers by horse power. Over this surface road, which vriU not interfere with the passage of pedestrians or officials from side streets'acros^, will be a sub or elevated avenue of the same width, and sufficient tracks to runi-as many fast steam trains from one end of the,island to smother as may be required.:. The bill will also drive from the city all the present steam roads aiid estab¬ lish a central depotf or them at the terminus of tins avenue "in Westchester. At this depot the steam roads must have their terBaihus and run their passengers and freight down to the city on this elevated avenue. It will also pro'vide for the bonding of the counties of New York and Westchester to raise money to complete the work. GOSSIP. We learn that the Board of PubUc Parks have had laid before them a proposition to establish a HaU of Relics in the Central Park. The design is to collect and preserve specimens of all such histories, records, maps, manuscripts, papers, picture-s, arms, accoutrements, costumes, utensils, furniture and other relics marking the rise and progress of the city of New York as shaU serve to illustrate its history and perpetuate the memories of its earUest days. This is a very good, indeed, a grand idea. We have a Historical Society, it is true; but we see in tho measure proposed something that the present generation has long needed— namely, a museum, affording a familiar household and general history of the earlj' days of the metropoUs of the nation. The Board of Public Parks wiU be doing a public good by giving the, matter an early and earnest considera¬ tion___A committee appointed by citizens of Morrisania to visit Albany, with a view of urging upon the Legislature the passage of a bill for the annexation of the toVm of Morrisania to the city and county of New York, met a simi¬ lar committee appointed by citizens of 'VVest Farms, at Tre¬ mont, on Tuesday evening, for the purpose of conferring with the latter in regard to carrying out their object in the most effective manner. Some slight modifications of the bUl now before the Legislature were suggested and agreed upon, to present for the consideration of the gentlemen having charge of the biU at Albany. The joint committee of Morrisania and West Farms will proceed to Albany on Monday, with numerous signed petitions in favor of the an¬ nexation scheme___The Chicago Heal Estate and Building Journal says:—^There is nothing particularly flattering in the condition of the real estate market to-day. Holders do not seem to be anxious to act, while buyers are not ready to crowd business. Every one seems to be waiting for something, which is, probably, suitable weather, and the further advance of the season. It is too early for those who contemplate buUding to do anything yet, even if they had made their selection of sites. Until the middle or lat¬ ter part of February these persons wiU not urge matters, and .speciUators vrill abide the action of the class referred to. KECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN NEW YOEK CITY. NOTE.—The Uen pubUshed last week against property on 2d av. and 54th' st. should have read 9th av. and 54th st Jan. 24 A AV., B. s. (Nos. 28 and 30), bet. 2d&3dBts. Danl. Becker, Jr., agt. Robt. CrBolton.................. $787 00 23 Centre st., e. s. (No. 168). J. T.