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Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. YIL NEW YOKK, SATUEDAY, FEBKUAEY 4, 1871. No. 151. ......Published Weekly by THE EEAl ESTATE liECORD ASSOCIATION. One yeal-, in advance......................§6 00 All communications should be addressed to . .100 bboauway. cok. of Pine Street. The Recoud is regularly mailed to subscribers every Friday night at ieleven o'clock, and should be delivered by the Post Office authorities on Saturday morning early. Any subscriber not receiving his paper in due season may rely upon it that the fault is entuely with the carrier, and a complaint lodged either with the Post Office authorities or at the Record office will remedy the irregularity. Any carrier delivering the RECORD later than. Saturday morning i s remiss in his duty. TIME IS MONEY. A.WORD TO ADVERTISERS. The fact that there are all sorts of raen con¬ stantly travelling around taking up the time of business men, in soliciting and boring them for advertisements for a thousand different Jrinds of publications, naturally begets a repugnance, up¬ on the part .of many people,-to the subject of advertisiug in any shape. To prevent any con¬ founding of. the business agent of the advertis¬ ing department of the Record with such bores is the object of this article. Our regular agent, Mr. W. J. Slater, who has charge of our adver¬ tising depftrtnient, is very experienced, active, en¬ ergetic, and courteously accommodating in his en¬ deavors to do business. While never descending to importunity, he is keenly alive to all opportuni¬ ties presenting themselves for making contracts, and is always willing to call a dozen times when the exigencies of business require. Any busi¬ ness manj however, upon whom he may call, should remember that his time is valuable, and he should not be put off for trivial reasons and asked to call again and again unnecessarily. Parties who do not wish to advertise can secure themselves from anything like impor¬ tunity by • informing- him immediately of, the fact. Those wishing him to call again at some particular time,, when they will have more leisure, to'talk the niatter over, will find him punctual and.accommodating; What we wish our friends to consider, is, that we do not ask advertisements through favor, but offer our columns to those for whose busi¬ ness it is' specially adapted, purely as a matter of business; and we wish no advertisements bestowed on ns as charily or for the purpose of helping us along, as we hold that, in accepting an advertisement, we confer as great a favor as we receive, .and return in full the value of the money. ' - The Real Estate Record . is now publish¬ ing its seventh volume, and it is with no small degree of pride that the projectors of the enter¬ prise state the fact that it is steadily growing in value, in circulation, and in the appreciation of those for whom its distinctive features are in¬ tended. Although this is the dullest season of the year, the Record has added some two hun¬ dred names to its subscription list since the first day of January, and now claims a cu-culation of nearly six thousand copies. The list [of specialties published in the Re¬ cord, which can be found in no other paper, gives it a circulation among all classes, and there is no kind of business to which it does not appeal. MECHANICS' LIENS. On Thursday last we received no less than seven calls from parties interested in having liens affecting their property left out of the columns of the Record. Our. answer to each and every one was the same, that it was simply impossible, and no lien would be left out under any circumstances, unless it should appear on fche docket to have been satisfied on or before Friday at 12 o c lock M. We accept six dollars per year from each and every one of our subscribers, who in return expect to receive, accurately, all information which we purport to furnish; and we trust in future all persons wiU save themselves the trouble of calling for the purpose of having any lien, judgment, transfer of real estate, or any information of any kind left out which affects the interests of our subscribers. A WORD OF CAUTION. Notwithstanding the fact that we have repeatedly cautioned parties in regard to pay¬ ing any money due the Real Estate Record to any one but our regular collector, we are oc¬ casionally in the receipt of a commtmication from some person who has allowed.himself to be swindled out of a year's subscription to the Record by some worthless fellow representing himself as authorized to receive .money. We wish all subscribers to distinctly imder- stand that no money is to be paid to any one but our regular collectors, Mr Thomas P. Cum¬ mings, or Mr. Henry p. Smith, who will, in all cases, have printed receipts made out regularly at the oflBce. No receipt not made upon one of our printed forms wUl be acknowledged in any case.' Me. Tweed, on Wednesday last, introduced a bill in the Senate to repeal the law authoriz¬ ing the widening of Broadway, and under which damages have recently been awarded to the prop¬ erty owners. This bill, if passed, will seriously affect the interests of many persons who have lately acqtiired title to propi|i±y located on the route of the proposed widening. A CARD. To THE Editor of the Re