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Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. VII. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY IS, isti. No. 13.3. Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. One year, in advance....:.................$6 00 All communications should be addressed to • C TV. STVETGT, 106 Broadway, cos. of pink Street. No receipt for money due the REAL ESTATE Recor'^ wiU be acknowledged unless signed by one of our regular coUectors, Henry D. Smith or Thomas a: Cdmjiings. AU biUs for coUection wUl be sent from the office on a regu¬ larly printed form. , r Patent binders for preserving the RECORD can be had at the office, or wiU be sent to any address in the city upon the receipt of one doUar. t THE BROADWAY WIDENING. If one is to take the report of the 2f. T. Tribune as to the interest manifested by property-owners in regard to their rights being invaded by the Broadway widening, the conclusion will be naturally arrived at that all the howl and fuss made about frauds, illegal assessments, etc., is all bosh, and, strongly reminds one of the three tailors of Tooley street. We append the fuU re¬ port of the meeting copied from the Tribune:— Citizens professing to be anxious to defend their legal rights in connection with the Broad¬ way; widening, met last evening in Lyric HaU. The meetingwas called to order at 8:45, the foUowing persons .being, present:. J. Mansfield Davies, lawyer; his law partner, Mx. CoiEn ; Gen. Davies, cousin to J. Mansfield Davies; H. P. Mann, la-wyer; three young real estate agents-; three citizens who declined to give their names; and four reporters. J. Mansfield Davies then read a long report, evidently care¬ fully prepared, and arguing that "no legal steps can be taken tintU the passage of the act of repeal, and the time appointed for the pay¬ ment of awards and assessiiients; but when that time comes, persons whose interests are affected can act either individuaUy or in combi¬ nation." H. P. Mann said.that.the Broadway, widening must, eventually, be settled by the Courts, and he did not think the biU before the Legislature was constitutional, or, in other wo^ds, he be- Ueved that those who had recei-yed awards were not entitled to them. THE SEVENTH AVEWUE PAVEMENT. The property-owners on Seventh avenue have good grounds for complaint, and are clearly in the right in their opposition to the .confirmation of the enormous assessment of §450,000 for the paving of that avenue from 14th to 59th street with the Stafford wooden pavement. The cost of this experiment to property-holdera on that avenue is just §650 for each lot of twenty-five feet front, which is certainly paying pretty weU for the fun of viewing from one's front windows heavily loaded trucks passing in line all day long, and which bid> fair to entirely .wear out the pavementin.less than three years. Thepaving of this avenue,' and aU' other avenues for that matter which run up and down town, and which are centre lines of tra,vel, is something whichi properly, should be, borne by ,the city at large, for the reason that the street travel on the'avenues is entirely out of proporiidh to that of the cross-strCets, and is constantly increasing ihsuch a ratio thatjin a few years'^ time, nearly every street which leads up town will require expensive re-paVing.atleast.ance.ineverytwo, years.;;,. MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN NEW YORK CITY. Feb. 10 Baxter st., s. s. (No. 20). Jno. Gal- ligan agt. —. Fanlight............ $75 00 10 Eighty-fifth st. & 4th av., n. e. cor." Michael Horan agt. —. Ken- daU.............................. 349 38 15 East Broau-wat, s. s. (No. 265). Jno. O'Donnell agt. J. H. Kosenberg... 568 00 16 Eighth AV. & 142d st., n. k cor. James B. Poole agt. Wm. Young.. 514 73 16 First av. and 47th st., n. e. cor. The American Coirugated Iron Co. agfc. Henry Eisner................ 1,035 00 16 Forty-sixth st., s. s. (Nos. 8 &, 10 E. 46th St.). H. B. &■ Edwin Smith agt. Daniel C. Van Norman....... 3,800 00 10 Fourth av., e. s., 5 houses, run- ning n. of 85fch st. Michael Horan agt. —. KendaU.................. 349 38 11 Forty-sixth st., n. s., 2 houses, com. 100 8. 2d av. Thomas Lynch agfc. Arnoux & Sheridan........... 160 00 13 Fourth av., w. s., 10 houses. Ex¬ tending from 85th st. to 86fch sfc. Archer, DUlon ife FljTin agfc. Shu- feldt Sheehan et al................. 255 00 14 Forty-seventh st. and' 1st av., n. e. cor., 150 ffc. on sfc., 100 ft. on av. The American Corrugated Iron Co. agfc. Henry Eisner............ 10,000 00 14 Same property. John J. O'Brien agt. same........................ 2,104 29 14 Same piioperty. The American Corrugated Iron Co. agfc. same___ 1,200 00 11 Ludlow St., b. s., (Nos. 16 and 18), befc. Canal and Hesfcer sts. W. G. H. Randolph agfc.---------........... 379 10 11 Laurens st. (No. 175). John Mac- ____ 433 11 kenzie agt. —. Townsend.......... 11 Same piioperty. Jas. G. Dimond agfc. Edwd. Townsend.............. 13 Same property. Rodbbold and Suchland agfc. —. Toneson........ 14 Ludlow sr., e. s., (Nos. 16 and 18). , Winfcer, Hunt & De Camp agt. Christian Voega......;........... 10 MuLBERiJY St., s; s. (No. 3). John Galligan agt. —. Rosenthal........ 16 One Hundred