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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 7, no. 157: March 18, 1871

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Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. VII. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1871. No. 157. •■ Published Weekly by _ THE EEAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TERMS. One year, in advance......................$6 00 All communications should be addressed to C. -W. S^vVElCT. 106 Broadway, cob. of Pike Street. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by C. W. SWEET, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. No receipt for money due the Re.vl Estate Record wUl be acknowledged unless signed by one of our regiUar coUectors, Hekry D. Smith or Thomas H: Cdmmikgs. AU biUs for coUection wiU be sent from the office on a regu¬ larly printed form. Patent binders for preserving the Record can be had at the office, or wiU be sent to iiny address in the city upon the receipt of one doUar. OTJE NEW PARKS. In our last issue we alluded to the necessity of impressing upon the '' Department of Public Parks'''' the importance of hastening forward the work upon the MoKNiNGSiDE Park. We learn that the Executive Committee have recently had a meeting, and design certain small improvements and additions for the comfort of visitors at the Central Park; and that the trans¬ verse roads are to be completed and lighted with gas ; and that their attention is absorbed with new plans for the alteration of the present walks on the two squares called the " Reservoir Square " and the " Union Square; " and also that the former " Washington Square " is to be completed and opened as a Plaza. The " Bat-, tery'' Square is also to receive a building for the especial use and private accommodation of such ladies and children as may. desire to promenade there, and that a sentinel is to protect them in • the perfect and exclusive enjoyment of the house. We question whether the improvements now going on at the Battery are worth to the city much beyond the interest upon their cost. If we did not know the Commissioners, we would be induced to believe that the work on the Bat¬ tery was not really designed by any one of them, but had its origin in the mind of a prominent citizen of enormous wealth, who wiU not admit yet that Broadway extends beyond Fourteenth street; nor that a large retail trade can ever flourish'beyond that old upper boundary of what Mayor Hall has properly nained " Ancient New YorkP The population of New York has moved too far up-town to make a visit to tiie Battery an enjoyment for either ladies or chil¬ dren. Nor will it be an attraction to strangers to visit it from the hotels, as it formerly was. It win bring no visitors to our hotels; it wiU bring no custouiers to our shops ; and no families visitiiig our citywiU consider it as an attraction to be weighed and thought of in choosing a resi¬ dence. The Central Park, as an attraction, has added untold miUions to the wealth of our city. It is felt daily in a hundred trades. It brings thousands of visitors to our hotels; and we presume that one large retail house in this city could afford to pay the salaries of the Central Park police, from the profits of strangers, beyond what would have been possible without that attraction. The true policy is to go on and make the northern addition to it attractive at the earliest possible day. The legal proceedings for taking the land for the Park were all completed last year. The heavy assessments made upon the surrounding owners were paid by them last autumn, at which period the actual working of the Park ought to have commenced. The plans should have been determined on and well in hand at that period. The owners of property in this section have a fight to call upon the Exe¬ cutive Committee for action. The present and past slow progress and delay does not appear to be justified by any sound or controlling reason, and works disadvantage and loss to all the interests which it is the duty of a good administration of the Parks to protect. The Senate passed, on Wednesday last, by a vote of 22 to 5, the bill authorizing the Beach Pneumatic Transit Company to carry passengers on its line, and provides that the rate of fare, shall not exceed ten cents for any distance less than three mUes, and for aU ad¬ ditional distances two cents per mile, or any fractional part of a mile; but between the hours of five and seven A.M., and five and seven P.M.. the rate of fare for any distance shall not exceed ten cents. The: construction of the tunnel is to be under the superintendence of three engineer commis¬ sioners, consisting of Alfred W. Craven, George S." Greene, and an engineer to be appointed by the Department of Public Works. The route is to be from Bowling Green, under Broad¬ way, to Fourteenth street, thence, under Union Square, to Seventeenth street, thence, under Broadway, to its junction with Central Park and Eighth avenue, with a braiich railway from Union Square, under Fora1;h avenue, to Harlem River, and across and under the bed of said river to the northerly shore thereof. For New York Mechanics' Liens seep. 134. MECHAHICS'.LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN KINGS COUNTY. March. 14 Gates ay., s. s., 2.50 -e. Tompki^js av., 25x100. Wm. Queley agt. T. H. Treadwen & Amelia E. Bums.. $39 50 10 DeKalb ay., s. s.,102.6w. Reidav., 97.6x100, 5 houses. S. R. Kimball agt. Chas. Isbill, D. E. Mackenzie, Mr. Hunt, Cath. M. Lawrence, Mr. Wilson, & Chas. Isbill........ 425 00 14 Pacific st. and Kingston ay., s. e. cor., 100x100. Martin Healey agt. Anize& SarahL. HHl............ 455 40 14 Eighteenth st. and JOth ay., n. e. cor., 5 houses, 100x80. Jas. D. Brown agt. E. Kram & Hv. Man¬ gel.......................'........ 847^3 11 Freeman st., s. s., 425 e. Prakk- lin av.. thence w. 80x100 (Nos. 118, 122,126 Freeman St.) J.B.Wood¬ ruff agt. R. A. & H. J. & Cath. Lewis............................ 926 26 14 Fulton st., s. s., 88.4 e. Portland av., 40x—, 2 houses. Thos. Read agt. James Lewis............■..... 1,352 99 9 Catharine and Deyoe sts., s. e. cor.', 2.5x.50. M. Meyer agt. Michael Reber & Geo. MiUer.............. 20 25 9 Same premises. M. Muller agt. same parties..................... 16 75 9 Same premises. J. HAMMERBAcnER agt. same parties................. 18 75 10 Warren st., s. s., 2.53.10 e. 5th ay., 16.8x100 (No. 724 Warren). H. Sweetser agt. Mary Olney......... 80 00 11 Pulaski st., n. s., 175 e. Marcy av., 2.5x100. W. F. C. Demke agt. J. B. & Mary A Bobertson........ 100 00 11 Centre line between Wyckoff & Remsen sts., 225 w. Waterbury st., 50x.50. H. Steubing agt. T. Kranch & Nic. Seitz...................... 2,495 00- 8 Union ay., w. s., 50 s. India st., 100x100. Jno. W. Winters agt. Greenpoint Meth. Epis, Church... 745 02 15 Same premises. H. Wilson agt. L Winters & the Church above.... 448 00 14 Nostrand ay., w. s., 80 s. Monroe, 20x75., W. WUson agt. W. B. & Mary A. Wharton.............. 105 45 15 Broadway, n. e. s., 125 s. e. Huli, St., 50x100. Robert HiU agfc. C. Ederson & J. A. White........... 108 00 NEW YORK JUDGMENTS. In these Usts of judgmeiits the ruimes alphabetically arru7iged, and which are fh'st on each line, are those of the judgment debtor. March. • 10 AUen, WiUiam H.—Chas. Hobbs.... $114 77 10 Anthony, Samuel J.—W. S. CVesbie. 2,038 29 11 Andrews, James^E. Crawford...... 119 08 13 Anthony, Samriel J.—C. W. Scofield. 68 74 14 Ahrens, L—D. P. Smith............ 321 34 14 Abraham', Isaac—^Louis Berkowitz.. 303 37 14 the same---------Frederick Stich.. 245 54 15 Axt, Ada,m—Chas. Emmens........ 167 30 15 Ashler, Alexander S.—James Breath. 446 20 9 Butterworth, George^J. T. Mott... 92 96 9 Burke, Francis G.—W. B. Isham.... 234 27 9 Bowen, Edward A.—B. M. White... 107 40 Q Baker, Mary , ) CaroUne M. Pick- ^ Baker, Charles ) ney............. 1,043 19 6 Braun, H—The Germania Bank of the City of N. Y................. 848 35 9 Berrian, C. E.—Aaron Kemp....... 275 16 9 Bissingeri Jacob—^Andrew Stauf.... 309 60 9 Baldwin, E. J.—E. A. MerriU...... 533 98 10 Bingham, Liithier G. — PhUahdeir ' Stevens.......................... 1,065 99 10 Brinckmann, Henry—^Henry Clausen. 106 24, 10 Bassett, Francis, Jr.—S. M. Lederer. 314 29 10 B:ack;]S,,Jr:JB^S.Talyor.. 2,193 69