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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. YIL NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1871. No. 163. Published Weekly b>/ THE REAL ESTATE BECORD ASSOCIATION. TEEMS. Ono year, in advance......................§6 CO All communications should be addressed to 106 BnOAliWAY, COK. OK PiXR STBKET. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by C. W. SWEET, In the Oflice of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. We shall print next week, from the pen of a gentleman thoroughly conversant with the sub¬ ject, and who has made the question of pine lumber interests the study of his Iif e, an article embracing a most exhausting review and thor¬ ough synopsis of the market throughout the United States, as at present ruling, together with the future prospects of the same, based on the source of supply, all of which is taken from carefully compiled statisfaics and private infor¬ mation, sifted and arranged from data, obtain¬ able only by those very largely interested in the question. ABOVE .FIFTY-NINTH. In our last issue we gave a narrative account of some of the incidents from which mainly originated the idea which resulted in creating the public place now legally known on the city map as the Central Park. This idea has given birth to a large amount of improvements in the upper part of the city, an abstract narrative of which has been care¬ fully prepared by H. B. Bacon, of this city, and was read by him in an address delivered at the fourth meeting of the West Side Association. We extract from it the following short his¬ torical sketch, which wiU show how the duties devolved ugon. the Park Department were gradu¬ ally extended, until a large portion of our island has come under its protection: — "The first legal mention of what is known as Central Park is found in the Act of the Slst July, 1853, which declared that all that parcel of land situated between .59th sfcreet and lOCth street, Fifth Avenue and Eighth Avenue, should be a public place. Messrs. William Kent, Michael Ulshoeffer, Luther Bradish, Warren Brady, and Jeremiah Towie, were appointed the Commission¬ ers of Estimate and Assessment, on the 17th November, 1853, and their report was corrfirmed on the 5th of February, 1856. By Act of 1857, this public plat;e was entitled Central Park, and placed under the management of a board of eleven Com¬ missioners, composed of the following gentlemen: Roberfc J, Dillon, James E. Cooley, Charles H. Russell, John F. Butterworfch, John A. C. Gray, Waldo Hutchins, Thomas C. Fields, Andrew H. Green, Charles W. Elliot, Wilham K. Strong, and James Hogg. _An act of 1859, extended the park to 110th street, its present area. In the same year it was enacted that the number of members com¬ posing the Board of Commissioners should not be more than eleven, or less than seven. In 1864, Seventh Avenue, norfch of llOfch street, came under the control of this Board of .Commission¬ ers, and Manhattan Square was incorporated into the park. In .1865, they were directed to lay out all that portibn of the island north of 15oth streefc, to regulate and widen Sixth Avenue, north of 110th street, and to lay ont and regulate the grand Boulevard, or Public Drive. In 1866, they were directed to Jay Out and regulate the Avenue St. Nicholas, to extend and widen Manhattan street, and to make the 59th street circle. "In 1S67, exclusive power was given them to lay out and establish streets,' avenues, roads, public squares or places, of such width, extent, and direc¬ tion as to them seemed best; also to designate what part or parts of existing streets, avenues, roads, public squares or places should be discon¬ tinued; also to widen any streefc,_avenue or road now laid out, and to alter and amend the grade of any street, avenue or road retained by them, and to establish new grades for all other streefcs, ave¬ nues or roads- laid out by them, within that parfc of the city situated between 59th street and 155th street. Eighth avenue and the Hudson River, and also within a space three hundred and fifty feet in width surrounding Central Park. In 1868 was ap¬ proved their plan for new piers and bulk-head lines in the Hudson River, from 55th street to Spuyten Duydl Creek, and on both sides of Spuyten Duyvil Creek and the Harlem River, from the Hudson River to the hue of Third Avenue. In 1869, they were directed to lay out certain portisas of West¬ chester County contiguous fco fchis island, and to devise plans for transit across or under fche Harlem River and Spuyfcen Duyvil Creek. In 1870 the new charter conferred upon the Deparfrrsent cf Pubhc Parks all the rights and powers enjoyed by the Board of Commissioners of the Central Park, extended their jurisdiction over all the parks, squares, and public places in, the city, and placed it under the charge of a board consisting of five members." THE MASSETSFOE BTTILDING MATERIALS. The volume of trade in the aggregate is not of unusual magnitude, and probably consider¬ ably less than last spring; but, as compared with a few weeks ago, there is a decided improve¬ ment, and the markets generally are settling into better shape. The supplies offering are fair and of good quality as a rule ; and prices, though stUl a little high in some cases, especially where manufacturers and producers have effected combinations, seem to have reached a point where the fluctuations are not likely to amount to much, and buyers, in consequence, operate with greater confidence, though the feehng of caution has become too universal among all classes of merchants during the past year to ad¬ mit'of laying'in stocks greatly in excess of known wants. It appears to be very generally believed, however, that, in the face of reduced rents and depreciated values, real estate im¬ provements will be pushed with considerable vigor, and a large amount of material consumed during the coming summer, capitalists looking upon this as the safest investment, even though no immediate profit accrue, in view of the rather shaky condition of affairs in financial and com¬ mercial circles, and the absence of relief from legislative action. MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN NEW YOEK CITY. April. ai FOKTT-FIRST ST., S. S., 6 HOtTSES, com. about 398 e. 2d av., and 5 houses in rear. Hugh O'Neill agt. AValter L. Cutting................ f 83 CO FiFTT-KINTH. ST., S. S., COM. 225T 21 w. sth av., running 50..........| Fifty-eighth st., n. s., com. 2ih { w. 5th av., running 50..........J Hugh O'Neill agt. Peter Alger et al. 123 CO 22 Fortt-sixth st., s. s., 12 houses, com. 220 e. 7th av. Chas. R. Har¬ vey agt. G. H. Cudling........... 720 00 25 Fifty-ninth st., s. s., com. 175 w. of Plaza, running 80. Michael & David Roche agt. J. P. Martin.... ^1 GO 25 Fifty-ninth st., s. s,, 175 w. 5th av., running 75. Wbod & Wil¬ liams agt. Peter Algie et ah....... 301 00 26 Jane st., n. s, (No. 51). Baetine & McKenna agfc. James R. Taylor... 1,130 00 26 Jane st„ n. s. (No. 49). Same agt. same............................. 245 00 25 Madison AV. ANiJ79TnsT., n. e. cok., 102 ft on av., 78 ft. on st. Thos. Hagan agt. David Green et al.___ 1,100 00 25 One Htjndeed and Fifth st., s. s., 15 houses, commencing about 100 V7. 2d av. Bnnting & Blakslee agt.. J. D. Moore...................... 375 00 24 Thirty-eighth st., s. s. (No. 448 W.), between 9th and 10th avs. Ross ife Coyle agfc. Fred'k Brievogel 2,000 00 24 Same rnoPEKTy. Thomas Cogans agfc. same........................ 200 00 25 TntKTY-SEVENTH ST., s. s. (Nos. 530 and 532 W.). Lyon & Houston agt. J. K. Spratt...................... 389 00 27 Twenty-fourth st., n. s. (No. 323 E.), between 1st & 2d avs. Mich'l Mooney agfc. John Lowden___.... 363 75 MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IS KINGS COUNTY. Apnl. 19 Warren st., s. s., 105.5 w. Pijery av., 100x131. Patrick Juhan agt. Chas. Whitlock and Amelia E. Bums............................ $261 00 Gates av., s. s., 250 e. Tompkins"] .,, av., 25x100..................... I Gates av., s. s., 200 w. Thboop f av., 75x100.....................J Wm. Quealey agt. Rufus K. Hardy and Amelia E. Bums............. 39 50 23 Lewis av. and Hart st., n. w. coh. (3 houses), 100x150. J. J. Dowd agt. Jno. S. McLain and Kennard Buxton.......................... 326 23 Gates av^, s. s., 200 w. Throop I 04 av., 75x100.....................I Gates av., s. s., 250 e. Tompkins { av., 25x100........?............1 Owen McAher agt. Rufus K. Hardy and Amelia Burns................ 150 00 24 Warren st., s. s., 165.5 w. Perry av., 100x131. M. Costello and P. DUlon and P. Smith and O. Lemon agt. Chas. Whitlock and Ameha B. Burns..,,,,.,............,..,,.., 102 00 20 Halsey st., s. s., 200 e. Theoop av., 200x110 (10 houses). R. Dinnmg- ton agt. R. Bailey and Hannah S. and 6. H. Chamberlain and J. P. Rust..........'................... 39 CO 20 Wyckoff st. and Vanderbilt av., n. w. cor. (9 houses). P. Gosson and Thos. Monohan agt. P. H. Car- hn and G. W. Mead and Annie Livermore and P. H. Donnelly.... 439 50 ,24 Alabama AV., w. s., 170 n. Atlan- tic av., 50x100. Chas. Halstead agt. Jas. Sheehan and Roger Clan¬ cey........ _...................... 283 41