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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 7, no. 169: June 10, 1871

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EAL Estate AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. YII. NEW YOEK, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1871. No. 169. Published Weekly by TIIE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TERMS. Ono year, in advance......................$6 00 All oommuniuations should be addressed to C. ~W. SWETGT, 7 AND 9 Warren Strkict. No receipt for money due the EEAL ESTATE RECORD AvUl be acknowledged unless signed by one of our coUoctor.s, Henry D. S.mitii or Thoaias F. Cummings. All bills for collection will be senfc from the office on a regu¬ larly printed form. NEW YORK AND THE VIADUCT KAILWAY. The N. Y. Eveiving Post, in an article on the changes likely to be brought about by the com¬ pletion of the Viaduct RailAvay, in the values of property on Manhattan Island, also directs attention to the social changes likely to be brought about through the same influence. Of late years thousands of respectable citizens have been actually driven out of New York city into the country by the high rents and extravagant rates of living, which were so in¬ ordinately high for anything respectable that there were scarcely any houses for rent any¬ where within reasonable distance of business locations which could be had by any person of moderate ineans. The Post says: The only efficient remedy for this state of things is immensely to extend the area within which comfortable city homes can be enjoyed^ If a miUion of people want to live within a district which can properly accommodate only half that number, the very rich Avill find comfortable and roomy homes at any cost; the very poor will submit to any amount of crowding and inconvenience, in order to be near their work; but the large body of men who cannot afford to live "in style," and yet want healthful, agreeable homes, are gradually driven outside of the district. They prefer even to spend some hours of each day in going to and fro, rather than to burden themselves with the cost of fashionable houses, or to crowd their families into narrow and, perhaps, pestilential quarters. But increase the size of the district within -which it is especially desir¬ able to live; make it a matter of practical in¬ difference .to city residents, whether their homes are two or six miles from their busi¬ ness ; multiply by four or five the number of sites for comfortable city homes within easy reach of the City Hall; and room is made at once in our streets for that class of citizens which we have been driving, off for ten years past to build up Long Island, New Jersey, and Westchester. Now this is precisely what New York needs. The citizens she has driven into exile are a large part of the real strength of the commu¬ nity. Among them are thousands of the most active, enterprising, and useful, especially of the younger men of busuiess. They are the citizens who are full of public spirit, zealous for honest govemment, ready to set their hands actively at work in social and political reform. They have built up villages and cities around NeAV York which, for their age, are models of taste, progress, and prosperity. The city can¬ not recall all.these; cannot, even if it were desirable, turn the tide of emigration back¬ ward ; but it can avoid strengthening it further; it can retain and perhaps even increase the present proportion of its most active and pro¬ gressive business men who choose to live within its bounds. When Harlem and Washington Heights are nearer to Chambers street than Elizabeth, New¬ ark, EngleAvood, or Flushing; when every point in New York island is made more easily access¬ ible from the centres of business than any point beyond Brooklyn or Jersey City, New York will again take the lead of aU its neighbors in rate of groAvth, as it did thirty years ago, when it seemed to have unlimited room for growth within its OAvn bounds. It Avill again be the rule for men whose work is in the city to have their homes there too. The present city limits will be rapidly filled up -with comfortable dwell¬ ings, and their oAvners avUI not long be Avithout a voice in the local govemment. in which they have so much at stake. We regard the proposed city railway as the main security of New York against that system of absentee OAvnership which has so long been the curse of Ireland, and which has already injured the political character of our city. MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN NEWYORK CITY. June. 5 Avenue A & 13th st., s. w. cob., 2 houses. Wm. De Noielle agt. M. B. Ochs.............................. $74 72 8 Eldridge st., w. s. (No. 115). Wm. Nelson, Jr., agt. I. T. Baderhop... 25 45 2 Forty-sixth st., n. s., 4 houses bet. 1st and 2d avs. James Wat¬ son agt. W. H. Arnoux........... S,350 00 2 Fifty-first st., s.' s., 2 houses com. 378 w. oth av. John Moran agt. James K Spratt............. 1,496 GO 6 Fiftieth st., n. s. (No. 313 W.), 177 AV. 8th av. EdAvard Colt agt. Ira A. AUen......................... 122 50 8 Pokty-sixth ST., s. s. (Nos. 180 to 144, inclusive). Alfred Harding agt. B. R. Codling.................... 1,565 CO 5 Grand st., s. s. (Nos. 309, 311 and 31 IK): GUberfc W. Barnes agfc. Mr. Rielly....................... 375 88 6 Houston st., s. s. (Nos. 25 and 27)j bet. Mercer and Greene sfcs. Thos. Bannon agt. Thomas Brown...... 13 75 6 Same property. James .Spink agt. Thomas Brown................... 22 00 3 Jane st., n. s. (No. 47). Adolph Klaber agt. Jos. W. Johnston..... 277 50 5 Same property. Wm. Rowland agt. same........................ 41 00 7 Same property. Kursted & Smith agfc. Wm. Johnsfcon............... 184 00 6 Leavis st., e. s. (No. 12), 150 n. Grand st. John Eisenbarfch agfc. Franz Keilbach................... 103 00 6 Same property. Frederick Schmidt agfc. same................ 38 00 6 Same property.* Anton Eisen- barfch agfc. same___............... 47 00 6 Same property. George Herold agfc. same........................ 40 00 6 Same property. Daniel Brady agfc. same........................ 30 00 6 Same property. Louis Sugnek agfc. same. .*..................... 31 00 3 One Hundred and Eleventh st. & 2d av., s. AV. cor.,