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D-'BUILBEBS' GUIDE. Vol, VIIL ,.\._ NE-^ YOIl[C,;SATURDA.Y, SEPTEMBEB 2, 187L ' No. 18L FETTRETGH & REMSEN, MASUFAGTUItEKS OF Bronze Door-Knobs, Buffs and Locks, AND DEALEKS IN 3E3: .^u :0. 33 "^TV -^ El. ES „ 329 THIRDrAVE/,^ NEW YORK. Estimates' given, j ^ HOUSE PAINTERS, tOccoratovs, etc. • SPECIAL DESIGNS FOR Church Furniture, etc. OTew York.______________ Mll!lilil|!i!g;illl!i!|il!!i| ' A. W. HAMi£SM§©M, Union Carpet-Cleaning Machine. ■ 9 East 19tli St., bet. Broad w.ay and Fifth ave., iSTew York. (Established in ISfil.) Carpets taken up, cleaned, and re- laid. Every Carpet cleaned by this Machine is cleaned nnder the personal supervision of the Proprietor. Carpets are thoron^hly beaten by this JIachine free fi-ora .ill dnst and moths. Carpets carefully packed and preserved from the moth and kept on storage on reasonable terms;. No charge for Cartage to any iiart of the citv. Orduvs by post promptly attended to. A. N. HANKIiSrSON, Proprietor. Enioflssiiig tstaolishisiant, 1366 & 1368 BR-OAL>"WAY, Betv^een 37th and SSth Streets. NEW AND ELEGANT DESIGNS OF ElfBOSSED WOIUC CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Also, Samples of Ground, Cut, Stained, and Enameiied Class. GLAZING PROIVEPTLY ATTENDED TO. DAVID N. SMITH & BRO., Proprietors. Li^ktmng' Rods. "Wells' Patent and all other kinds of Copper and Gal¬ vanized Iron. Not an accident in 20 years. American Fence Co. Fence; H. B.Brown's "Always Cool;" Stove Lifters and Stove Dampers at wholesale and retail. MARTIN WELLS &' CO., General Agents, 55 Dey St., New York; or, 36 Elison St, Paterson, N.J. Have Removed to their New Store, 1036 3d AVENCE, bet. 61st and 62d Sts. Houses for.r-sale and to,rent. Lots for sale, with and without Loans. Rents collected, and Money to Loan. JOHN FETTRETGH. I. B. REMSEN. LTJMBER OF EVERY DESCRIETION, FOR SHIPPING OR DOiVIESTIG USE, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. CORNER OP WEST 29Tlt STREET & llTH AVENUE. 33 o-ss^T-Ii •" •*