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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 8, no. 184: September 23, 1871

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AND. BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. YIII. NEW YORS:, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 187L No. 184. ^5¥HITMEY & IR®«E1SS, MANUFACTDBERS OF Bronze Door-Knobs, Buffs and Locks, .Atna DEAI.EBS IN 3E3C-A. Et 33 "^^^V «A. ^^ 229 THIED rAVE., -NEW TOEK. * ■ JEstithates given. HOUSE PAINTERS, Wttovaiovs, ttc. rjj . SPECIAIi, DESIGNS EOR Church Furniture, etc, X»X8 15JEtOA»WAir, ,, New. York. . r i Union Garpet-Gleaning Machine. 9 East 19th St., bet. Broadway and Pifth ave.. New York. (Established ialSSl-.y^Carpeta taken up, cleaneii, ixnd re- laid. Every Carpebcleaned by this Machine is cleaned under the personal supcryision of the Proprietor. Carpets are thoroughly this Machine free from all dust and moths. Carpets careful ly packed and preserved from the moth and kept on storage on reasonable terms. No charge for 9artage to any part of the city. Orders by post promptly attended to. A. N. HANKINSON, Proprietor. FSEirCH WINDQW GLASS AND Embossing Establishment, 1366 & 1368 BI?.OAD"^AY, Between 3"th and 38th streets. NEW ANB ELEGANT DESIGNS OP EMBOSSED WORK CONSTANTLY. ON HAND. Also, Samples of Ground, Cut, Stained, and Enamelled Class. GLAZma PEOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. DAVID N. SMITH & BRO., Proprietors. G-* S* SJLX9^I*0!H,D PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL PLASTERER, I'J'tli street and 7tli Ave., New TTorfe. Centre Plowers, Trusses; Pendants, Medallions, Cornice and Panel Enrichments, etc. " ■ Contracts to any extent taken in all parts of the conntry. N.B.—All country orders boxed and carefully packed, Jobbmg and repairing of every description done at the shortest notice. ." Box 162, Mechanics AKD Tbaders' Exchange. LUMBER OF EVEEY DESGEIPTION, FOE SHIPPING OE DOMESTIC USE, AT WHOLESALE OB RETAIIi. CORNER OP WEST 29th STREET & llTH AVENTTE. 14 SOUTH WILLIAM STREET. MANUFACTURERS' AHD BUILDERS' FIRE INSURANCE CO. CASH CAPITAL, ... . $200,000. Principal Office, No. 207 BROADWAY. Branch OfQces, No. 890 Third Avenue, and Avenue C, cor. 7th St. Insures against loss or damage by fire on the moat reasonable terms. EDWARD V. LOEW, President. J. JAY NESTELL, Secretary. JOHN TRIMBI/IE: & SON, Mahogany & Lumber Dealers, llTH AVENUE, COK. 24th STREET. Walnut, Oak, Ash, Cherry, Cedar, Butternut, Maple. . ■ THE ~~~ HATES SKYLIGHTS ARE MADE IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE FORM, AND OE THE MOST EFFECTUAL GONSTRUCTION. Are now in use on many of the finest Buildings in New ■ " York and other Eastern cities. Illustrated Sheet and Catalogue on appli¬ cation. 75 EIGHTH AVENUE. ABRAHAM DOWDNEY, CONTRACTOR, Nos. 205 and 207 East 61st Street, Will estimate for the exca.yation of Rock and Earth, and the filling of sunken lots. Building Stone and Sand fur¬ nished........................... - NATHANIEIi ROE, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, 200 VARICK : STREET. Houses let and rents collected in all parts of the city. Prize EncaustiG and Mosaic Tiling. The imdersigned begs to call attention to the TUes manu¬ factured by T. & R. BOOTE, Burslem, StafEordshire, Eng¬ land, for which they have been awarded Prize Medals in all the World's Fairs ever held. "T. & B. BOOTE, by their patent process, are making ENCAUSTIC AND PLAIN FLOORING- TILES of the hardest texture and the finest tints (equal to Enamel tints), which can be inlaid any depth, ensuring durability, and at a much cheaper rate than hitherto charged." .'?For Churches, Entrance H.alis, Vestibules, &c., &c." Designs and Estimates supplied without charge, and ex¬ perienced Pavers sent to snit purchasers. A large assorted stock always on hand." Samples can be seen at the office of EPWARb BOOTE, '78 Mliirray Street, IN'e-w York. Marble men supplied at low rates.- Wells',Patent,and,aU,other.kinds of Copper and Gal¬ vanized Iron.' Not an accident in 20 years. American Fence Co. Fence; H. fe Browii's"Always Cool;" Stove Lifters and Stove Dainpers at wholesale and retail. MARTIN WELLS & CO.V General Agents,^. 55 Day Sti New York; or, 36 Elison St, Paterson, N.J. LUMBER AT WHOLESALE, . ALSO, LAHGB MANUFACTUBERS. Orders filled direct from Canada, Michigan, Chicago, and Oswego, via water or rail. PENNSYLVANIA LAND AGENCY. NO. 62 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. No. 311 WfOnut St., I No. 1 Albany Terrace, PhUa. I" London. Special attention given to purchase and sale of Pennsyl¬ vania Lands. Geological Reports and Surveys made. Tax¬ es paid. Titles examined. A. KliABSR, Steam Marble & Marbleizing Worics, NOS. 134 AND 136 EAST 18TH STHEET, New ITorlc. , ^ BET. THIRD AVE. AND IRVING- PLACE. Mantels, Grates and Fenders, TS(ronuments,"Tiead-stone8, Floor-Tiles, Marble Counters, and Wainscoting for'Hotels' and Banks, etc., etc. 1193 Broadway, Apollo Buildiiig,' Importer of the best and heaviest grades of PORTLAND SEilENT. The attention of Architects, Engineers, and Builders ia called to this superior Cement. . EDIVARD E. QUIMBY. aUIMBY'S IMPROVED LIGHTNING RODS, use CHAMBBRS STK££T. -J^^m &<« These Rods have never in any instance failed to afTord perfect protection from Lightrdng to"the buildings upon' which they have been placed. WALTER R. WOOD & CO., Quarrymen and Wholesale Dealers in - OMo Buildiift^ ^tone AND GRINDSTONES, From the Berea and Amherst Quarries. Office, Nos. 283 and 285 FSONT STBEET, Walter R. Wood. Near Roosevelt Street, Chas. P. Williams. NEW YORK. CES &?;^AREROOMS SOUTH .UNION SqUABE.