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■iiP AND B.UILHERS' GXJIDE. Vol. IX. NEW YOKK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1872. No. 202. SAFETY HOISTING MACHINEBY. OTIS BROTHERS ^ CO., FATEWTEES AWD SOLE Nlh OTUREKS, 348 BROADWAY, New k. PASSBNGBR BLEVATOMS FOR HOTELS, OFFICE BUILDINGS, STORES, " APARTMENTS, AND PRIVATE HOUSES. The only Machine in use combining perfect safety with smoothness, noiselessness, rapidity of movement, and the greatest economy in the use of fuel. Safety Hoisting Machinery for Merchandise and Freight, for Stores, Manufactories, Furnaces and Mines. 2,000 iio"w ia use. ABRAHAM DOWDNEY, GOMTEAGTGB, Nos. 205 and,207 East 61st Street, Will estimate for the excavation of Rock and Earth, and tlie-.filling of sunken lots; Building Stone and Sand fur, nished.' 199 Sd AVENUE, Hdt-Air Furnaces, Ranges, FIRE-PLACE HEATERS, Tin'Eoofing, Galvanized Iron Gornices, GUTTTEKS, «&c. Sole Agent for CARPENTER'S BOSTON ELEVATED OVEN RANGE. Up-Towix Depot for BEESE'S RANGE. Builders and others are invited to call and examine he- fore purchasing. Surveys for Heating made in any part of the country. CONTRACTOR FOR IRON USED IN THE C0^"STRUCT10N OF »YaflMiit UDion Depot and HaiiliaM larM, Mantifactiirers' Agent for Wrought-Iron Beams, Angle and T Iron, and Galvanized and Corrugated Sheet Iron. Keep constantly on hand a fuU assortment of the ahove; also, . MBRCHAarT IRON of every description. HEALEY IRON WORKS, Corner Ncrlli Fourtli and Fii'tli Streets, BROOKLYN, E. D. Manufactory, of lEcOU WOEK rOS BUILDIKGS, - SILLS, LINTELS, COLUMNS, GIRDERS, AND EVERT STYLE OF RAILING. J. I. & J; P. HEALEY. STAI R RAi Lilacs A SPECIALTY. ©EO. M. FIEIi®, 15 ISreMT CliTxrclx Street, ^^Tew TTorls: (Late ^^ith Bradley & Cueeiep.). BRACtCgTS AND SCROLLS. HARD-WOOD IIANTELS TO ORDER. To Loan, on New York, Brookljni, or any property near the city, in sums to suit. Pirst. or second Mortgage wanted. A Store or Dwelling-house also wanted for invest¬ ment, and ca.5h paid. Principals apply to P. I. SWEET, Counsellor, &c., Room 26, 7 AND 9 Warren Street. SFJECIAIj notxcje. AVholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Foot of EAST 28xh STREET, New Touk, Have a lot of DRY INCH CHESNUT LUJIBER for sale at a bargain, either for Dealers or Consumers. PLAIN AND ENCAUSTIC, For iPuMic SSuildings and Swellings, AS^J^ETOS^Y US IN The Capitol at Washington, And in numerous CHURCHES, BANKS, and DWELL¬ INGS in every part of the country. Glazed and Enamelled Tiles for MANTELS. HEARTHS, WAINSCOTING, &c., and for EXTTISSSIOK. 1>EC- ORA'riO.V. 279 PEARIi ST., New Yorlt. ARE MADE IN EVEEY CONCEIVABLE FORM, AND OP THE MOST SFFIOTUAL CONSTRUCTION. Are now in use on many of the finest Buildings in New York and other Eastern cities. Illustrated Sheet and Catalogue on appli¬ cation. 75 EIGHTH AVENUE. Painters' and Artists' Supplies, 1366 and 136S BROAUWAX, . Between 3Tth and-SSth Streets. MAirro-ACTTJEEBS OF Warren Range, Lawson Furnace, Stewart Stove, Jiot Blast Range, - Keeps' Side Burner. ^^^ HOUSE PAINTERS, 11 JBuoxatoxs.ctC: SPECIAL DESIGNS EOR Church Furniture, etc. Hi_________New York. ■ pJiTliif^^plg PLAIN & ORUENTAL PLASTERER, ITtli street and 7tli Ave.,' New York. Centre Flowers, Trusses, Pendajits, Aledallions, Cornice and Panel Enriohmcnts, etc. : Contracts to any extent taken in aU parts of tho country. N.B.-^All country orders hoxed and carefully packej. Jobbing and repairing of every description done at tho shortest notice. Box 163, Mecii^MCS AXD TRAi)E^^;;E2IfpASSE. ElSTABIilSME® 1843. wwmEwm^ Salesrooms §04 and §06 Fourth'Atc, New York (Young Hen's Christian Association BnildinB), Cor. Fourtli Ave. and Twenty-tliird St. R,W. FORBES. LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOIfr, FOR" SHIPPING OR domestic; USE, AT WHOLESALE OR'RKTAITj: CORNTIR OE WEST S9TII STEEET & llxH AVENUE. X> o -^Tc aa. ■■ -f;
, 14 SOUTH AVILLIAM STREET.. ' 236 Water Street,' NEWYORK. MANXrrACTUREiaS' Ain) BUlLDSRS' FIRE INSTTRAK'CE* CO. CASH CAPITAL, - .• ■. . $200,000. Principal Office,'No. 207 BROADWAY. Branch Offices, No. 890 Thu:d Avenue, and Avenue C, cor. 7th St. Insures against loss or damage by fire on the most reasonable terms. EDWARD V. LOEW, President. J. JAY NESTELL, &cre«a}-y. ■ ..„-, ., ^ NATHANIKIi XSOIB, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, • 200 >-YARICK:-STKEET. Houses let and rents collected in all'parts of the city.