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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. IX. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1872. No. 203. SAFETY HOISTING MACHINERY. PATENTEES ANi) SOLE MAirtrFAOTUEEHS, ; 348 BROADWAY, New York. JPASSBJ^G^BM BLBVATOMS FORJHp'i'BLS, OFFICE ETTILDINGS, STORES,. .; APlRTf^NTS, AND PRIVATE HOUSES. The only l^chine in use combining perfect safety with smoothness,; noiselessness, rapidity of movement, and the greatest economy in the use of fuel. Safety: Hoisting Machinery for Merchandise and Freigbtj for Stores, Manufactories, Furnaces and Mines. -J8,00P now in use. ABRAHAM DOWDNEY, GONTllAGTGB, Nos. 205 and 207 East 61st Street, Will estimate for the excavation of Rock and Earth, and the tilling of sunlcen lots. -Building Stone and Saud fur¬ nished. STAI R RAi Li A SPECIALTY. cs GEO. H. FIE1.1>, is N!e\v- Ch-tircli Street, I^-e-vv "5^o^r!k (Late with iBBADLET & CDHffi&^.'^^-i^j;J:«!^^ BARD-WOOD IIANTELS TO ORDER. Prize EnGaustic and Mosaic Tiling. The undersigned begs to call attention to the Tiles manu¬ factured by ,T. & R. BOOTS, Burslem, Staffordshire, Eng¬ land, for which they have been awarded Prize Medals in all the World's Faiirs ever held. -' ' " T, & R. BOOTE, by their patent proceR.s, are malring ENCAUSTIC AND PLAIN FLOORING TILES of the hardest texture and the finest tints (equal to Enamel tints), which can be inlaid any depth, ensuring durability, and at a much cheaper rate than hitherto charged." "For Churches, Entrance Halls, Vestibules, &c., &c." Designs and Estimates supplied without charge, and ex¬ perienced Pavers sent to suit purchasers. A large assorDed stock always en hand. Samples can be seen at the office of EDWARD BOOTE, 78 nviurray Street, liTew York. Marble men supplied at low rates. ISLADE & STAFFORD, REAL ESTATE BROKEES, 33 Union Square. Lightnmg Rods. Wells' Patent and all other kinds of Copper and.Gal¬ vanized Iron. Nod an accident in 20 year.s. American Fence Co. Fence; H: B. Brown's " Always Cool;" Stove Lifters and Stove Dampers at wholesale and retail. .': MARTIN WELLS & CO., General Agents, 55 Dey St.. New Yorkj or 36 Elison St., Paterson, NiJ. J. IIOMABNE BROl\'N, REAL ESTATE, i 1280 BROADAVAY, S. E. comer 33d street, NEW YOIfK. "Loans negotiated, Houses let, and Rents collected. SKIiABER & CO., ItIAR1SI.B: TTORKS, . 217, 219, 221, and 223 WEST 5l6* STUEET, between Broadway and Sth Avenue.—Marble and Marblei/ed Kan- .tela, MonumentB, Headstones of superior workmanship, - cheapest in tho city. Second Mortgages taben.' To Loan, on New York, Brooldyn, or any property near the city, in sums to suit. First or second Mortgage wanted. A Store or Dv/elling-house aUo wanted for invest¬ ment, and cash paid. Principals apply to P. I. SWEET, Counsellor, &c., Room 20, 7 AND 9 Warren Street. SFFCIJLL NOTICE. A. €t. MATEWS & SOW, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of LUIViBER and TIMBER, Foot of EAST 28th.STREET, New Yobk, Have a lot of DRY INCH CHESNUT LUMBER for sale at a bargain either for Dealers or Consumers. PLAIN AND ENCATJSTIO, For Public Buildings and Birelllngs, AS LAID BY US IN The G ap i to I at Wa^ h i n gtonv And in numerous CHURCHES, BANKS, and DWELL¬ INGS in every part of the country. Glazed ar.d Enamelled Tiles for MANTELS. HEARTHS, WAINSCOTING, &o., and for EXTEIKIOR BEC- ORATIOiV. WEST 25th ST. AVE. 44.6 44.6 JC r>. WEST 24th ST. Desirable Manufacturing Property IFOie. S.AXiE. Five story and Basement Brick BuUcling, FORTY-FOUR FEET AND SIX INCHES WIDE, and EIGHTY FEET DEEP, (furnished with an Engine. Boiler, end. a variety of ma¬ chinery of various kind'', all ready for f.'. < ediate use), .situ¬ ate on the southerly side of 2iit1t Sf^,'' '■'xr 6th Ave. Building erected only five years .-. -, of the best and most substantial materials, and WESVl, , -IGHTED, CEN¬ TRALLY LOCATED, adapted to AN'5" '-ECHANICAL or' MANUFACTURING business, or ;,;-..'l be easily con¬ verted into a first-cla.ss Livery and SiS'i; Stable. For particulars apply to JAMES STEPHENS, 116 and llSWest 25th St., New York. 279 PEARIi ST., New York;. THE ARE MADE IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE FORM, AND OF THE MOST EFPSOTUAL OONSTEUCTION. Are now in use on many of the finest Buildings in New Yorlc and other Bastei-n cities. Illustrated Shset and Catalogue on appli¬ cation. 75 EiaHTH AVEHUE. •WAIHSCOTII^G. Hard-wood Wainscoting for One Dollar per Lineal Foot. BLACK WALNUT AND OTHER WOODS. Send for inform.ation to .. ^. . . ■ G. S. liEI^TY & COMPACT",. 724 Broadw<^5^ New Yorlr. G. B. SA^FORB, 7 PLAIN & ORNJ^MENT^L PUSTERER, 17tli Street and 7tli Ave., New^ York. Centre Flowers, Tru-wes, Pendants, Aledallions, Cornice and Panel Enriehments, etc. Contracts to any extent taken in all parts of the country. N.B.—All country orders boxed and carefully packed. Jobbing and repairing of evei;y description dune xit tbe shortest notice. Box 163, HzoHAjacs ksn TbapbrS* ExcKAXfiB. CHOUSE PAINTERS, i3ecovatov0, etc. SPECIAL DESIGNS FOR Ghurch Furniture, etc. Miillipjiliiiliayiii;;! Uew York. MANUEACTURERS' AND BUILDERS' FIRS IlffSURANCE CO. CASH CAPITAL, . . . ' §200,000. ' Prhicipal OlSce. No. 207 BROAriWAY. Branch Offices, No. 800 Third Avenue, and Avenue C, cor. 7th St. Insures ag-iinst loss or damage by Are on the most reasomible terms. EDWARD V. LOEW, President. .T. JAY N15STELT-, Secretary. HEALEY mOISr WORKS, Corner Nortb Fonrtli and Fifth Streets, BROOKLYN, E.D. Manufactory of ' . IRON WORK FOR BUILDINGS. BILLS, LINTELS, COLUMNS. GIKPEKS, AND EVERT STYLE OF RAILING. ' J. I. & J. P. HEALEY. R. W. FORBES. LUMBER OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, EOR SHIPPING OR DOMESTIC USE, AT WHOLESALE OB RETAIL. CORNER OF WIGST 29th STREET & llTH AYENtTE. 3Do■\7^3tx""tox^y3a. OfELoe^ 14 SOUTH WILLIAM STREET. WEWMAW E. MOMTROSS, Painters' and Artists' Supplies, 1366 and 1368 Bi*© ABUT AT, ' - - Between 37th and SSth Streets.-