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T^p-T AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. IX. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1872. No. 205. SAFETY HOISTING MACHINERY. OTIS BROTHERS & CO., PATENTEES AND SOLE MABrUFAOTURERS, 348 BROADWAY, New York. JPASSBWGBR BBBVATOBS FOR HOTELS, OFFICE EmLDINGS. STORES, APARTMENTS, AND PRIVATE HOUSES. The only Machine in use combining perfect safety with smoothness, noiselessness, rapidity of movement, and the greatest economy in the use of fuel. Safety Hoisting Machinery for Merchandise and Freight, for Stores, Manuiactories, Furnaces and Mines. i5,000 nosv in use. STAI Ai Ll M GS A SPECIALTY. GEO. H. FIEILB, 15 nS'e-W" Glmrcli Street, IISTew "STork (Late with Bradley & Cukbier). BRACKETS AND SCROLLS. HABD-WOOD MANTELS TO ORDER. SLADE & STAFFORD, EEAL ESTATE BROKERS, 23 Union Square. Wells' Patent and all other Icinds of Copper and Gal¬ vanized Iron. Not an accident in 20 years. American Fence Co. Fence; H. B. Brown's "Always Cool;" Stove Lifters and Stove Dampers at wholesale aiid retail. MAETIN WELLS k CO., General Agents, 55 Dey St., New York; or 36 Elison St., Paterson, N.J. WEIVMAM E. MOMTROSS, ' Painters' and Artists' Supplies, 1366 and 1368 BROABWAIT, Between 37th and SSth Streets. SKliABER & CO., MARBILX: WORKS, . 217, 219, 221, iind 22.3 WEST 51st STIiEET, between Broadway and Sth Avenue.—Marble and Marblei/.ed Man¬ tels, Monuments, Headstones of superior workmanship, cheapest in the city. Second Mortgages taken. liUmriSIDR.—^Wanted, an active man of integrity and good habits, thoroughly acquainted vfith. the Lumber trade In New York City and Vicmity, and capable in all respects of taking the management of a yard as salesman. Apply, vrith reference and terms, to LUMBER, Albany, N. Y. Feb. 10, 1S73. M, A. WILDER, SON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND MANUFACTURKRS Op- Southern Pine, Eastern .Spruce, "White Pine. Oak, .fee. /SS Water St., cor. Tine, J\^ew Tork. M. A. WILDKB. V. A. WILPKB. CANADA LUMBER. CARBRAY & ROUTH, LUMBER COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 299 COMMISSIONERS STREET, MONTREAL ; Also at QUEBEC CHAMBERS, 10 ST. PETER'S STREET, QUEBEC, Orders solicited for Pine, Spruce, &c.', Boards, Lath, Scantling, Joist, Paving Stuff, Timber, &c., &c., Promptly an/i carefully executed. Agents for the sale and purchase of Mill Property and 'Timber Limits in Canada." 5 SPECIAI NOTICF. A. G. MATEN^ & SOM ■Wholesale and Retail Dealers in aU kinds of LUIViBER and TIBI^BER, Foot or EAST 28th STREET, New Yoek, Have a lot of DRY INCH CHESNUT LUMBER for sale at a bargain either for Dealers or Consumers. MIUTOFS TILES, PLAIN AND ENCAUSTIC, For Public Buildings and DwelUngs, AS LAID BY US IN The Capitol at Washington, And in numerous CHURCHES, BANKS, and D'^'ELL- INGS in every part of the country. Glazed and Enamelled Tiles for MANTELS. HEARTHS, WAINSCOTING, &c., and for £XTE:RI0R BJEC- OR ATION. I^ELLER & COATES, 279 PEARIi ST., IVew York. THE YLIGHTS ABE MADE IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE FORM, AND OP THE MOST EPFBCTUAL COITSTEUCTION. Are now in use on many of the finest Buildings in New York and other Eastern cities. Illustrated Sheet and Catalogue on appli¬ cation. BO. HAYES, 75 EIGHTH AVENUE. E. DUNCAN SNIFFEN, REAL ESTATE and MORT&AGE COMMISSIONER Insurances effected at very low rates, in the best of IB Companies. 8 PIIfE STREET, KEW TORK. FRANK 6. & DAVISON BROWN, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 90 BROADWAY, JV^TT TOSA'. Refer to Messrs. BROWN BROTHERS & CO., and Wit. E. DODGE, Esq. MAW I CO.'S TILES, PLAIN, ENCAUSTIC, AND MAJOLICA, Por Entrance Halls, Corridors, Conservatories, Churches, Cemeteries, Chapels, Balconies, Pire-places, Linings, Hearths, Exterior and Interior WaU Panels, Tablets, and String-Courses. Prize Encaustic and Mosaic Tiling. The undersigned begs to call attention to the Tiles manu¬ factured by T. & R. BOOTS, Burslem, Staffordshire, Eng¬ land, for which they have, been awarded Prize Medals in ali the World's Fairs ever held. "T. & R. BOOTS, by their patent process, are making ENCAUSTIC AND PLAIN FLOORING TILES of the hardest texture and the finest tints (equal to Enamel tints), which can be inlaid any depth, ensuring dm-ability, and at a much cheaper rate than hitherto charged." " For Churches, Entrance Hails, Vestibules, &c., &c." Designs and Estimates supplied without charge, and ex¬ perienced Pavers sent to suit purchasers. A large assorted stock, always en hand. Samples can be seen at the office of EDWARD BOOTE, T'S INXu.r'ray Street, I^e-w York. Marble men supplied at low rates. AGENTS IN THE UNITED STATES, S. I.. MERCHANT Sc CO., 244 EEARL STEEET, Between John and Fulton Sts., NEW YORK. _! 1 1 I_. WEST 25th ST. AVE. '-'•■ • SS 6th AVE. 7th V\/EST 24th ST. Desirable Manufacturing Property Five Story and Basement Brick Building, FORTY-FOUR FEET AND SIX INCHES WIDE, and EIGHTY FEET DEEP, (ftimished with an En^ne, Boiler, and a variety of ma¬ chinery of various kinds, all ready for immediate use), situ¬ ate on the southerly side of 25th St., near Oth Ave. Building erected only five years since, of the best and most substantial materials, and WELL LIGHTED, CEN¬ TRALLY LOCATED, adapted to ANY MECHANICAL or MANUFACTURING business, or eovdd be easily con¬ verted into a first-class Livery and Sales Stable. For particulars apply to JAMES STEPHENS, 116 and 118 West 25th St., New York. MANUFACTURERS' AND BUILDERS' FIRE INSURANCE CO. CASH CAPITAL, . . . $200,000. Principal Office, Ko. 20T BROADWAY. Branch Offices, No. 890 Third Avenue, and Avenue C, cor. Tth St. i^^ Insures agajnst loss or damage by fire on the moirt; reasonable terms. EDWARD V. LOEW, President. J. JAY NESTELL, Secretary. HEALEY mON WORKS, Corner Nortli Fourtli and Flflh Streets, BROOKLYN, E. D. Manufactory of IRON WORK FOR BUILDINGS. SILLS, LINTELS, COLUMNS. GIPvDERS, AND EVERY STYLE OF RAILING. J. I. & J. P. HEALEY. R. W. FORBES. LUMBER OF EVERY DBSCEIPTION, FOE SHIPPING OR DOMESTIC USE, AT WHOLESALE OB RETAIL. CORNER OE WEST 29TH STREET & llTH AVENUE. 13o-c^T-23."*O^C«7-XX OdBB.oo, 14 SOUTH WILLIAM STREET. J. ROMAI]!lfE: BROWN, REAL ESTATE, 1280 BROAD^VTAY, S. E. comer 33d Street, NEW YOBK. Loans negotiated. Houses let, and Rents collected.