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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 9, no. 214: April 20, 1872

Real Estate Record page image for page ldpd_7031128_009_00000249

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REAL ESTATE RECORD 18.3 Clay st., n. a., 300 e. Union av., 75x100, ha. & Is. L. Dnbb fco Mary Kohn, of New York... .33,000 Chestnut st., s. e. a., 300 s. w. Johnson av., 25x 100. G. G. Diikes et al. to Cafcharine Murray. , G.)....-.............................300 (C. Douglass st, a. s., 129 e. Perry av., 37.6x127.6. C. S. Barker to Freelove D.Rogers........1,000 Elliott pl, e. a., 462.6 s. Hanson pl., 20.10x100. Eliz F. wife M. B. Swezey fco Emma wife of John Syms...................;...........7,800 Hancock sfc;, n. a'., 204.2 w. Sfcuyvesant av., 20.10 xlOO. Mary P. wife of J. Flood to Hubbard L. RusseU................................... .7.50 Hamilton st, w. s., 161.5 n. Park av., 100x1.50. EUen H. wife of C. C. Patten to Mary A. Hig- gin^..............:......................10,000 High sfc., s. s., 75 w. Bridge sfc., 25x100 (parfci- fcion). E. A. Hutchins to Henry Crum- mey......................................5,000 Livingston st. and Hanover pL, n. w. cor., 20x 75, h. & I. N. Cooper to Maria wife of CJhas. R. Pitt...................................6,000 LE0N.4.RD St., w. s., 60 n. Powers st, 20x75, h. ife I. T. Terry fco James Meakin, Flushing, L. I., and Henry Beales.........................3,000 Marion sfc., n. s., Lofcs 44 and 46 (Blk. 8), Hunter Ply Farm, 50x100. J. Volke to Martin F. Lindhorn................................675 Macon at., n. s., 145 w. Tompkins av., 20x100. G. M. Stevens to WiUiam P. C. Denike. (Fore¬ clos. ).......................................250 Oakland and Freemen sfcs., n. w. cor., 25x100. M. Walker fco James Law..................1,000 PiERREPOiNT St., s. s., 125 6. CUnton St., 25x100. A. Allen, Jr., to Abram AUen............25,000 Rose at., s. s., 390.4 w. Bedford av., 22.4x100. H. Ranken to Hans C. F. Gatje...........2,000 Sackett st, n. s., 99 a Hicks st, 19.10x75x1x25 • xlS.lOxlOO. M. Shearmaji to Cath. wife of John Griffen....................'..........S,.500 Sackett st, n. s., 118.10 e. Hicks st, 19.10x100, h. ife 1. M. Shearman to Cath. wife of John "Griffen...................................8,500 V-AN Dyke .st, n. e. s., 40 s. e. Richards st, 20x 80. W. W. Goodrich to John H. Von Be- bern......................................350 Warren st, a. s., 120.10 w. 4th av., 20x100, h. & 1. E. S. MiUs to Daniel A. Youngs... (B. & S.)........................................5,.500 Washington st, e. s., 78 s. Adams st, 2.5x99.6, h. Baird....................................3,500