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AND BUILDERS^ GUIDE. Vol. X. NEW YOKK, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1872. No. 226. Pxiblished Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TERMS. One year. In advance......................$6 00 All coinmuiiicattons should be addressed to C. T^. S^WJSET. •7 AND 9 WARREN STBEKT. No receipt for money due the REAL Estate Recoud will be acknowledged unless signed by one of our regular collectors, Henry D. Sjiitii or Tho.mas F. Cummi.ngs. All bills for collection will be sent from the oflioe on a regu¬ larly printed form.......... MECHANICS' LIENS. NEW TOUK. July 6 ATTOTiNEr ST., E. s. (Nos. 160, 168, and 170). Bernhard Fetzer agt. G. A. Reichardt..................... $48 00 10 Amity ST., n. s. (No. 123). Frank , Schaeffler agt. Geo. M. Mittnach (continuation).................... 115 00 11 Same pitoPERTr. Hovvsek and Clearwater agt. same (continuation) 350 88 5 Bowery, w. s. (No. 168). W. E. Waring agt. Bertha Rauth........ 8i0 00 5 Broadway (Nos. 69, 71 and 73). J. and T. Donaldson agt. Edward Mat¬ thews............................ 3,550 00 8 Bowery, w. s. (No. 168). Doi'le and Cullen agt. Bertha Rautli..... 1,674 00 3 CORLEAltS ST., E. S., AND WaTER ! St., s. s. Wni. H. Decker agt.Walsh Bros.............................. 3,276 61 3 Fifth av., w. s. (No. 326). M. H. Howell agt. Williain Tracy........ 126 00 3 Fifth av., w. s. (No. 326). Arnest Seaman agt. William Tracy....... 108 70 3 Fifth av., s. e. cor. 15th st., 7.5x 150. Walter Jones agt. Mrs. Sarah R. Haight (continuation)......... 30,000 00 3 Fifty-eighth st., s. s., 100 w. 'Jth av. ext'g. 50 feet. Luke Curren agt. Wm. Winslow.................... 1,3.20 89 3 Fifty-ninth st., n. w. cor. 4th av., 22 houses, 4th av. to n. e. cor. Ma¬ dison av. John GaUigan agt. Mar¬ tin & Co.......................... 2,300 00 5 Fourth av., s: b. cok. 74th st., 102.2x180. John Coar agt. Catha¬ rine A. Bii-dsall___.............. 6,840 00 5 Fifty-first st., s. s. (Nos. 24 and ii6 West). James Devine agt. Jas. K. Spratt. (Continuation lien)... 155 00 8 Forty-eighth st., n. s., 150 e. 11th av., 50x100. William Dick agt. Owen Murphy.................... 58 97 9 First av., w. s., extending block from 109th to 110th st. P. H. Sharkey agt. -^— Moore......... 896 45 11 Forty-seventh st., s. s. (No. 150 W.). Richard Arnott agt. Henry Allen............................ 600 00 [^8 GOUVERNEUB ST., COR. MONROE, 100 on Gouverueur, and extending . whole front on Monroe st. to cor. Scammel. John Williams agt. Fre¬ derick Hock...................... 650 00 9 Same property. John Sullivan and others (separate liens) agt. Fre¬ derick Hock'..„............',..... 100 88 [9 Gouverneuk ST., cor. Monroe, 5 houses on Monroe st. and 1 on Scammel st. Hawkins & Henken agt. Frederick Hock...___....... 2,465 00 1.9 Houston st., n. w. cor. Mbiioer st. Austin Gibbons agt. Walter Jones. 88 46 9 Lexington AV., e. s. (No. 641). John Bell agt. Dr. S. Caro.............. 3,083 00 6 Mulberry st., n. e. con. Worth st. Seaman & Gaines agt. John M. Steinmetz. (Continuation lien)... 4,153 50 8 Madison st., s. s. (Nos. 218, 220 & 222). Charles Kreuder agt. Marks Rinaldo.......................... 4,616 93 9 Monroe st., 5 houses extending from Gouverueur to Scammel st. Adam Schleepelmitch agt. Fred'k Hock............................. 215 00 10 Same property. D. B. Hawkins agt. Fred'k Hock................. 1,094 67 10 Same property. Martin Fullen agt. Fred'k Hock................. 500 00 9 Madison st. (Nos. 218, 220 & 222). Adam Schleepelnutjh agt. Marx Ri¬ naldo............................. 978 00 10 Madison st., s. s. (Nos. 218, 220, & 222). D. B. Hawkins agt. F. • Marx Rinaldo................___ 1,124 45 11 Madison st., s. s. (Nos. 218, 220, 222). Ruff & Gaiser agt. Marks Rinaldo.......------............... 2,490 00 11 One Hundred and Fifteenth st., s. s., 170 e. 1st av., 2.5x100. Wilson & Gott agt. Ann H. Marshall...... 298 98 One Hundred and Twenty-first \ st., n. s., 230 w. Av. A, extending j 9 120........................-------- ' One Hundred and Twenty-se- j cond st., s. s., 275 w. Av. A, ex- | tending 50......................J J. L. Howard agt. Decker & Smith 400 00 5 Seventy-seventh st., s. s. (two houses), 180 e. 2d av. C. C. See agt. Peter Hart.................... 783 40 6 Second av., e. s., ^0.5 s. 64th st. Peck ife Wandell agt. James Gea- ghan............................. 303 70 9 Stanton st., s. w. cor. Willett St. John WiUiams agt. Mr. Giest 161 50 10 Stanton st., s. "w. |cok. VVillett St. D. E. Hawldns agt. John Geis 994 27 11 Second av., s. w. cor. 93b st., 100.10x115. John E. Wilson and Wm: O. Gott agt. T.B. Stewart.. 93 35 10 Twelfth st., n. s. (No. 537 B.). D. E. Hawkins agt. John Webber.... 2,307 27 6 West Broadway (No. 88). Sh.aw &, Patterson agt. J. M. Lawrence.. 100 00 8 Weehawken ST. (No. 11). Aenest Seaman agt. Charles Beck........ 267 56 KINGS COUNTY. July 2 Java st., s. s., 125 w. Oakland st., 2.5x100. Wm. E. Woodruff agt. Katie M. Brown.................. $134 45 5 Clinton st., s-. w. cor. Sackett St., 100x100. McFarland Pamt Co. agt. H. S. Rappelyea, J. A. Betts, andE. S.Mills................... 5,000 00 6 Greene av., n. s., 490 w. Patchen av., 60x200. Thos. Shearman agt. Felix Hiokey, Amelia E. Barns, and E. Van Voorhees................. 446 46 8. Macon st., s. w.' cob. Throop av. (5 hs.), 100x100. Stevens & Baker agt. Wm. J. McCord, B. G. Bloss, Agnes S. McCord- and Sarab J. Little............................ 453 OS 9 Decatur st., s. s., near Read av., 100x100. Robert Hill agt.' John Ball and John J. Nichols.......... 58- 56 8 Carroll st., s. s., 165.7 w. Hicks sfc., 21.10x100. James F. Mooney agt. John W. Mudgett and Wm. L. Crawford .;...................... 93 33 3 Fourth. ST., e. s., 60 s. North 7th st.^ 25x100. John Fallon agt. Mary Dorian................;„........ 3,800 00 8 Gates av., s. s., 125 e. Ralph av. (13 hs.). John Fortune agt. Thos. Doran, Mich'l Farrell, and Justus Palmer .....___................. 230 00 6 Bedford av., w. s., bet. Park and Myrtle avs. Wm. Pelletreau agt. Alex. C. Geslain and wife......... 95 .53 8 Dekalb av., n. s., 24.1 w. Vander- bilt av.. 80x88. J. H. Heroy and D. J. Marrenner agt. Thomas H. Vanderhoef and P. J. Guttierrez.. 958 00 8 Same property. S.axton & How¬ ell agt. same parties.............. 400 00 10 Madison st., n. s., 80 w. Ralph av. (18 hs.), 358x100. Patrick Mc- Entee agt. Charles E. Hulsart..... 300 00 5 Hicks st., w. s., 25 n. President St., 2.5x80. Thomas McGuire agt. Geo. R. Truman & John H. Jentzen 300 00 1 Clinton St.. e. s., 60 n. Baltic st. Alex. Carothers and W. H. Davis agt. Charles C. Markham and Lydia M. Markham........... 36 50 5 Pacific st., n. s., 275 e. New York av. Howell ife Brower agt. John McLean.......................... •^e 85 9 Gates av., n. s., 125 e. Ralph av., 250x100. Patrick H. HiU agt. Thomas Doran and Justus Palmer 1,125 00 9 South Carolina av., s. s., 80 w. Henry av., 25x100. Hilliard Jones agt. Wm. B. Baker and Julia A. Reeves........................... 175 00 3 Forty-second st., n. s., 150 w. 2d av., 80x100. John O'Hearne agt. Mary L. Spicer..........:........ 140 25 6 Fort Greene pl. (No. 106). G. N. Johnson . agt. Wm. McNaughton andWm. Sharp, Jr............... 3.58 00 10 Grand st., s. s., 120 e. Union av., 25x100. Caspar Elnaut agt. Henry R. Chamberlain and Joseph Schule 42 00 1 Monroe st., n. s.,220w. Tompkins av., 40x100. Thomas Read agt. Henrietta S. Wood............... 122 78 9 South Carolina av., s. s., 60.4 w. Henry av., 20x150. Hilliard-Jones agt. Wm. H. Baker and Wm. B. . Wilson, Jr....................... 175 00 10 Degraw st., n. e. cor. Utica av. av. Charles Schwenck agt. James W. Jackson & Jane C; Wis wall... 275 14 JUDQMENTS. NEW YORK. In these lists of jxidgmenls the names alphdbeiicnVy arranged, and xoJiich are first on each line, are those 'if the judgnient debtor. Jnly 3 Ahern, Patrick—John Leffler....... $209 68 6 Arnold, William—Herman Wagner.. 96 23 6 Alexander, William W.—J. W. & C. R.Miller......................... 443 51 8 Algie, Peter-^John Gowan.......... 317 50 8 Alberson, William H.—J. B. Thorn.. 186 78 9 AUerton, Ai-chibald. M.—W. H. Bel- den.............................. 392 69 9 Anthony, Peter C—W. O. & J. D. Mailler........................... 18197 9 Alyea, George R.—Solomon Isaacs... 181 63 10 Attwood, Daniel T.—Noah Wheaton 423 95' 3 Becker, Martin—Patrick McCabe... 23 £5 3 Backer, —. —United Confectioners' Ass'n............................ 166 63 5icttefjoS[l'«*-«-*'^........ 21*0^ 5 Blumenthal, Mr.—^Morris Schumann. 93 50 6 Burtis, Nathaniel W.—Stephen Burk¬ halter............................ 331 91 6 Bensel, James W.—Mary E. Girard. 70 25 6 Browne, Valentine—William Gross.. 491 92 8 Birdsall, Daniel C—A. R. Eno ..... 778 69 8 Bowman, George—J. S. Atwood..... 744 33 9 Bristol, Albert—Solomon Isaacs.... 181 63 9 Baker, Sarah B.—Aaron Raymond.. 1,678 83 9 Brandon, William C.—W. P. Cam¬ eron.............................. 184 83