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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE Vol. X. NEW YORK, SATUKDAY,' JULY 20, 1872. No. 227. Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE KECORO ASSOCLITION. TERMS, ■ One year, in advance......................$6 CO All communications should he .addressed to • -7 AND 9 WARUEN STRKKT, No receipt for money duo the ReaTj Estatk Rkcoru will be acknowledged unle.=is signed by one ot our regular collectors, Hknry B. Smith or Tiro.MAS F. Cumsiings. AU biUs for collection will be sent from the office on a regu¬ larly printed form. MECHANICS' LIENS. JTE'W YORK. July 15 Amity st, (No. .123). Peck & WAN- dell agt. Geo. M. Mittnacht....... $705 93 16 Broadway, 'w. .s. (No. 555). To¬ bias New agt. John M. Hoffinire., 80 49 15 Cannon st., e. s. (No. 96). James Mulry agt. Charles Elinzle......... 465 00 15 Cannon st., e. s. (Nos. 98 & lOO). James Miilry agt. Charles Kinzie.. 260 00 13 Elizabeth st.,. e. s. (No. 268). Noyes & Wines Corrugated Iron Co. agt. John H. Lorigan......,,. ' 38 93 13 EIGHTY--5F0UUTH ST., N. S., 79 E. StH av. Ellen 'Kennedy" and James Taylor (Exr. & Extrx.) agt, Mrs. H. N. Trask..................... 855 76 11 .ElFTY-FIUST ST., S. S. (NoS. 24 AND 26 commencing 378 West 5th av.). John Kearney aind James Kelly agt. J. K. Spratt..................... 693 23 13 FlKST a v., "W. S., EXTENDING 109Tn to 110th st. Thomas Maher agt. Hiram" Moore.................•.,, 3,084 87 13 Fourth av., w. s., extending 133d to 133d St., and 7 houses on n. s. 133d- St., and 2 on s. s. 133d st., commencing West of av, Arnold & Co. agt. Gay & Moore.......... 1,130 54 13 First av.,w. s., extending 109Tir to 110th St., extending West 150 on each st. Dean & Birdsall agt. Hi¬ ram Moore,.......,,............. 820 00 15 Fifth av., .s..e. cok., 60th st., 25x 50. Noyes & Wines Corrugated Iron Co. agt. J. N. Luhring...... 300 43 16 Fifty-eighth st., n. s., 100 -w. Lex- ington av, Wm, and Peter Jack¬ son agt; Eliza Pell.......,,....... 340 00 16 Fifty-sixth ST., s. s., 100 e. 9th av. John McDonald agt. James J. Lyons,,,..,...................... 3,300 00 17 Fifty-ninth.ST., jsr. w. cor. 4th av., 17 houses. Joseph Marren agt. E,, W. Martin, Jr, & Co......,....... 800 00 Pottrteenth ST., n. s., 120 w. 6th ■) av., extending, -w. 75............j 17 Fifteenth st., s. s., 140 w. 6th { av., extending 20.,,,............J Henry M. Simons agt. Charles Fechter........................... 4,408 86 17 Forty-fifth st., n. s., 261 w. 8th av. J. (feK. Darro-w agt. Christian KoUe.,......._....,,.,,,........,, 1,666 44 13 GotrVBRNEtJR ST., S. E. COR. MONROE st, Charles Boettger agt, Fritz Hock ,,,.,,.,,.........,......... 69 90 18 HOHSTON.ST., N. s. (No, 206 W,). M, Thompson agt. J, J. McCrum & Bro. 46 40 16 Lexin'gton av., s. b. cor. 74th st., 13 houses. C. M. Pickett agt, Warren Beman................... 17 Lexington av., "w. s. (No. 120). Wm. H. Moore agt. Edward B. Poote... 13 Madison st., s. s. (Nos. 318, 220 & 2,23). Ernst & Stockinger against Marx Rinaldo.................... 12 Same property. Chas. Boettger agt. Marx Rinaldo................ 16 Monroe st., n. s. (No. 63). Whit- lock & Co. agt. D. W. Orpheus___ 16 Madison st., s. s. (Nos. 318, 220, & 222). Walter T. & J. R. Klots agt. Marks Rinaldo............... 17 Same property. Wesd^vlin Ble- sor agt. Marks Rinaldo........... 11 One Hundred and Fifteenth st., s. s., 170 e. 1st av. John B. Wilson & Co. agt. Ann H. Marshall....... 13 One Hundred and Twelfth st., n. s. (3 houses), 150 w. Lexington av. John J. Bowes &' Bro. agt. James S. Dale.................... 13 One Hundred and Tvventy-sev- enth St., s. w. cor. 7th av. John J. Bowes & Bro. agt. J. S. Dale.,, 17 One Hundred and 'J^iiirteenth st. , n. s. (Nos. 307 to 325 E.) (10 houses) Herman WUle agt. Green Gilson and owners...................... 18 One Hundred and Twenty- eighth St., s. s., com. 390 e. 4th av., running 75. Hagrave & Van Nos¬ trand agt. Henry P. Hunt etal... Seventy-fourth s. s., 9 houses, 1 running west of Lexington av. and 13 houses running east of 18 Lexington av...................I Lexington AV., 3 houses, on b. s., running south of 74th st., and 3 houses on west side,running south of 74th st......................^ Matthew Crogan agt. Warren Be¬ man.............................-. 13 Stanton st., s. w. cor. Willett st. Chas. Boettger et al. (3 liens) agt. John Geis, or Theis.......... 13 Twelfth st., n. s. (No. 537 E.) Francis Cook agt. John Webber... 13 Thirty-ninth n. s. (3 housks), 220 w, 9th av. Thomas Hagan agt, Peter P. Decker.................. 15 Twelfth st., n. s. (No. 537 E.). Thos. Fallen agt, Muller & Webber 15 Same property. Joseph Amber- ger agt. Muller & Webber......... 17 THIETr-FOUKTH ST., N. S., 60 E. StH av. J. & R. Darrow agt. John Doe............................. KINGS COUNTY. 283 00 133 46 1,967 79 29 90 260 98 1,730 00 ISO 00 398 98 460 00 2,243 33 100 61 4,000 00 15 HaYWARD ST., N. E. COR. LeE AV., 5 houses. W. J. Hosford agt. G. H, Chamberlain and Wm, H. Mott,., 50 40 17 Union av,, e, s., 50 n. Frost st. James Burke agt. Thos. Sheffield., 160 00 11 Sixth st., s. s., 157 e. Sixth av., 40 xlCO. William Murray agt. P. W, Doremus and James Van Brunt,,, 114 39 17 Bainbridge ST., s. s., 170 e. Patch- en av., 37x100. Aug. Market agt. George S. Weeks................. 93 56 JUDGMENTS. NElSr YORK. 3,900 00 68 65 368 00 680 00 51 25 83 25 247 90 July 13 "Madison st., n. s., 105 e. Patchen av.-^ 100x100. James Howard agt, W, A. Hyde et al., A. J, Bartow andO. Hulshart.................. #600.00 16 Van Bueen st,, n, w, cor. Patchen av., 100x100. C. B. and Daniel Scott agt. J. S. Brundage........; 918 33 17 Sands st., n. s., 30 from Carroll st. Kate L, Drummond and R. H, Heasman agt. Walter Long and John M. Clancey................. 80 96 11 Carlton AV., w. s., 81 s, St. Mark's- place, 40x100. Lawrence McCor¬ mick agt. James Dunn..,,..,..... 500 00 11 Magnolia st., n. s., 350 w. Central av., 140x65, irreg; Hall & Remsen agt. Emory O, HaU..,........,,.. 313 00 13 Wyckoff st., n, s,, 200 w, Nevins st. John and Albert Morton agt. E. K. Rdbbins, Helen Martense and JohnD.Pfince.-,,.... .....,,,„.. 350 00 III these lists of jxulgmenla the names alphfdtelically arranged, and rohick are first on each line, are those of the judi/meni debtor. July 13 Atwell, Wm. C, Jr.—G. P. HaU.... $37 19 16 Alwaise,? Jno. T.—Edward A. Rich.. 649 GO 11 Brady, Jno, A.—Lawrence Winthei- mer.............................. 3,261 99 11 Bishop, M. K.—Theo. SchrofF....... 265 35 11 Bruns, John—Diederich Westfall,,,, 544 01 11 Bjorkman, Justin—Robt. Courtney,. 2,973 94 11 Bache, A. J. —W. A. Coit........... 2,251 59 11 Bird, Prank—Phinney Ayres........ 537 09 11 BuUock, Thos. O.—Jas. R. Smith.,. 104 73 13 Bradley,. Henry—W, A. HaU........ 103 78 13 Birdsall, A. B.—W. R. GUbert..... 736 79 13 Bennett, John—Theo. W. Myers___' 868 74 12 Braunsdorf, J. E.—H. A. Coit...... 332 11 13 the same---------W. A. Coit...... 88 03 13 BoUard, L.—J. E. Bristol.,,",....... 303 97 13 Bulman, John—John Marron....... 95 93 15 Baldwin, DaiVl A.—Mary D. Bryan, 10 00 15 Bar, John—W. H. Jones............ 95 34 15 Bruns, Jno. H —A. P. Wagner,,.., 170 80 I.'" Barrygoanite, Henry—^R. Beatty___ 133 41 16 Birdsall, D. C—S. E. NeUer......... 334 05 16 Braunsberg, C. R. V. — Dorothea Stebbins......................... 443 83 16 Bate, John J.—J. P, Lewis......... 197 74 16 Beyrich, Richd, W.—Cornelia Moul- ton.............................. 160 50 16 i^f ^°?' lu^^ ^ i D. McMasters.,., 1,170 07 Bolrath, Theo. ) ' 16 Beman, V/arren—A. R. Wetmore,,. 293 23 17 Birnbaum, Zach, & Christina—Jo¬ hanna Walsh,.................... 53 50 11 Curtis, Geo. M.—G. H. Taylor...... 437 44 11 ChurchUl, Thomas—W. L. ChUds.,. 45 92 11 Cruger —&— Freeman—J, W. Salter 777 73 11 Chittenden, Jared—J. A. Eastman,, 811 23 13 Clapp, Geo. M,—WiUiam Stott...... 438 23 12 Cook, M. E.—Meyer Kleebergh..... 123 59 12 CofBn, Wm. H.—Tristram CofiBn___ 488 90 13 Chapman, John—Diederich WestfaU 294 94 15 Crowley, Jeremiah—^Peter Pinley----- 318 37 15 Corwin, Wm, S.—Sth Nat, B'k of New York....................... 1,301 10 16 Church, T. T. & C. W.—Emanuel EisiiJg........................... 610 68 16 Cairo, Paul—John Ritter........... 71 10 16 Christie, Jonathan S. — Nat. Park Bank, N. Y...................... 5,066 66 16 Cook, Benj, F.—James Mason...... 57 66 17 Cahill, Margaret—F. E. Barnes..... 403 27 17 Chapman, Jeremiah—T. & H. Hoyt, 251 54 17 CuUestine, George—Edward Kane,, 341 S7 17 Chase, George K, (ImpL)—G..M. Burbank......................... 1,390 59 17 Cotter, John—Nolan & Steers....... 1,105 14 17 Clark, Lewis E.—Black River Bank. 334 09 17 Craft, WilUam—S. H. Stuart, Jr... 543 93 17 Chase, George K. (ImpL) -^G. M. Burbank.................^....... 2,847 66 11 Dorsav, Jos. B.— T. A. R. Webster. 110 26 11 Dickinson, C. P.—W, M. Lloyd------ 2,634 18 . 11 Dinnen, Peter—T, E. AUen......,., 102 77 13 Daly, L.—Meyer Kleebergh......... 123 59 18 Donelly, Michael—Edward Eyan^.,. 120 30