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ND BUILDERS' GUIDE Vol. X. NEW YOliK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 18v2. No. 23L PuUisfml Weekly by TI[g REAL mun RECORD ASSOCIATIOiV. TEllMS, One year, in advance......................§6 00 All communications should be addressed to c. "W. s"wee;t, 7 AND 9 Warren Strkkt. No receipt for money due the RE.^L ESTATE RECORD will lie acknowledged unless signed by one oE our regular collector.^ Hknry D. S.urrir or Tho.mas F-. Cummings, All bills for collection will be sent from the office on a regu- lai-ly printed form. MECHANICS' LIENS. KSV/ YORK. Aug, 10 Av, B, N. E. COR. 6th ST. (No; 93 Av. B&6016thst.), 25x100. John Kehoe agt. Frederick Schmidt.... 13 Broome st., n. s. (No. 5.50), 150 e. Varick st. Thomas Mulligan agt. William Conkliii.................. 9 Cannon st., e. s. (Nos. 94, 9(i, 98). Frederick Riehl and Phil. Dugro agt. — Kinsley................... 9 Collister ST., E. s. (rear of No. 137 Hudson, st.), one house n. of Beach st. James O'Brien and Christopher "Walsh agt. John O'Nem........................... 12 Cherry st. (No. 17), bet. Dover and Roosevelt sts. Drysdale & Ray agt. J. C. Ashley............. 13 Cannon st., e. s. (Nos. 92. 94, 96, 98, 100), bet. Rivington and Stanton sts. Edmund Fitzgerald agt. Rich¬ ard Kinsley...................... 10 Eleventh AV., w. s., 75.3 s. 49th") ST., 2.5.1X—.....................I Forty-ninth st., s. s., 100 w. 11th f AV., 25x—..,,...................j Thomas Duke and John Moore agt. Dedrick Hamel................... 6 Fifty-fifth st., s. s., abt, 170 w, 3d av. Smith, Scofield & Co. agt. Cornl. Buckley (Lessee)........... 6 Fifty-seventh ST., s, s., abt. 115-vv, 1st av,, 75x^-, Peck & Wandell agt. Congregation Adas Israel..... 7 Forty-ninth ST., n, s, (Nos. 105 and 107), bet. 6th and 7th avs. Peck & Wandell agt. John Blaney....... 7 Forty-sixth st., s. s., 65e. 9th av. (2houses). P, B, Chidester & E, M, Pritchard agt,Myer Rosenthal.. 14 Forty-ninth st., n. s. (Nos. 105 & 107), bet. 6th and 7th avs. Peck & "Waiidel agt. John Blaney....... 14 Forty-ninth st., n. s. (Nos. 67, 69, 71), 329.6 e. 6th av., 60x—. R. J, Fiillam and Wm, Powers agt, Wm, - C, Lester........................ 12 Granb st,, n, e. cor, Tompkins st, (Nos, 60S, 608K, 610, 612), 75x54. John Kierst agt. John Garby..... 9 Ninth av., s, e, cor. 52d st. (No. 778), 25x100. John Kehoe agt, John Doe.............................. 7 One Httndrfd & Tw^enty-seventh St., n. s. (No. 221), 231 e. 3d av. John. Turner agt. John Aiken..... 7 One Hundred, and Twenty-sixth St., n. s. (No. 221), 270.10 e. 3d av. John Turner agt. Howard Wiley.. 8 One Hundred and Tenth st,, n.s., 218 e. 5th av,, 149x—. .James Crow agt. Hugh Meehan,,,....... $306 00 110 11 220 00 1,200 00 347 00 54 00 9,177 56 252 17 2,089 49 400 00 352 44 226 59 200 00 164 00 300 00 150 00 190 50 500 00 14 One Hundred & Twenty-seventh St., n. s., 310 w, Sth av,, lOOx—, (8 houses). Nolen & Steers agt. E. W. Gardner et al................ 800 00 14 One Hundred and Fifteenth st. , n. s., 300e. 2d av.,50x—, Andrew McKinley agt. Mrs. M. O'Connor, 150 00 6 Perry st., n. s. (No. 29). John Meyer et al. agt. Jacob Demuth,,. 346 25 14 Perry st., n. s. (No. 29), Wm, McKinley and Robert Smack agt, Mr, Demuth..................... 360 00 10 Stanton st., s. -vv. cor. Willett st, (No, 239). Philip Brander agt, John Geis........................ 500 00 12 Seventy-seventh st., s. s., about 200 e. 2d av. (2 hs.) Johann Bantz agt. Peter Harth and wife........ ISO 00 8 Thirty-third st., s. s. (No. 262 W.), about 135 o. Sth av., 20x—. John P. and Wm. R. Bell agt. Philip Harttemer................. 345 00 12 Thirty-eighth st., n. s. (No. 319 W.), bet. Sth and 9th avs. Jacob Hartman agt. John D. Hassinger.. 37 00 14 Thirty-ninth st., n. s., 220 w. 9th av. (2 hs.) James Hanlon agt. PeterP. Decker................... 210 00 14 Twelfth st., n. s. (No. 537), bet. Avs. A and B. Philip Brander agt. John Webber and Ludwig Muller........................... 240 00 KINGS COUNTY. Aug. 8 First st., n. s., 2.50 b.'6th av., 100 xlOO. John O'NeU agt. James Ir¬ win, J. A. Betts and H. S. Rappel¬ yea.............................. $470 00 0 Sixth st., n. s., 107.10 w. 7th av., 240x100. Wilbur & Dunn agt. D. Doody, L. F. Wheeler and F. M. Wheeler.......................... 1,300 00 8 Imlay st., e. s., 100 s. Verona st., 100x90. South Brooklyn Saw MiU Co. agt. Taylor & Murphy and Ea¬ gleton Mfctg. Co.................. 374 00 8 Pacific st., n. s., 100 "w. Hoyt st., 3 houses. Christian & Hughes agt. Mary A. and Sarah and William Hobday and H. C. Pierson......... 454 84 5 Hicks st., w. s., 25 n. President st., 25x80. Thomas McGuire agt. G. R, Truman and J. H, Jentzen........ 300 00 12 Fifth av, n. w, cor, 7th st,, 50x88. - Hobby, Leeds & Co. agt. W, A, Knowlcs, J. Buchanan and M. L, Mann............................ 56 95 13 Nostrand av,, n, e. cor, Monroe St., 40x90. W. H, Hall and J. D, Remsen agt, Isaac Mason......... 248 00 14 Pacific.ST., s, w, cor. Carlton av,, 220x100, 11 houses, Joseph BeU agt. T. H, Robbins and Charles Moran............................ 500 00 7 Macomb st., s, s., 375 e. 6th av,, 100x100. Joseph BeU agt, T. H, Robbins and W. B. Nichols....... 750 00 13 Putnam av., s. w. cor. Nostrand av., 100x100. Pat. Delaney agt. Davis & Coyle and Nichols & Staf¬ ford.............................. 2156 14 Macomb st., s. s., 375 e. 6th av., 100x100. Jos. BeU agt. J. S. Ruckel, T. H. Robbins and W. B, Nichols, 750 00 7 Garden st., n, s.,. 2.50.10 e. Plush- ing av. Wm. E, Chapman agt, Geo, Welch & Co. & Fred'k Oetgen 200 00 7 Kent st., n. s,, 270 e, Franklin st., 25x113.5. G. J, Roberts agt. Elvina M. Pidgeon,.,.................... 263 00 9 Pacific st., n. s., 76 w. Hoyt st., .50x100. Fowler & Fairbairn agt. "Wm. and Sarah Hobde and Henry L. Pierson....................... 1,350 00 8 South Carolina av., s-s., 60-pr. Henrj"^ st., 40x100. R. Cummings & Sons agt. W. H. Harrison and Julia A. Rseves and W. B. WUson, Jr............................... 189 07 7 Slkthst., n. s., 127.10 w. 7tii av., 200x100. P. ■ K. iHorgan and W. O'Keefe agt. Dan'l Doody and Lu- cianP, Wheeler................,. 1,430 67 JUDG-MENTS. NEljy YORK. In these lists of jxtdgments the names alphabetically ari'anged, and which are Jlrsi on each line, are tlwse of the judgment debtor. Ang. 7 Abbott, C. Henry—,T, C. Godfrey... $788 93 10 Atwood, John O.—Edwin WaUace,, 87 48 12 AUen, Susan A.—P. F. Smith...... 862 23 12 Alexander, George and Wm.—^R. W, Adams........................... 113 26 14 Allen, Robert M.—J, A. ConnoUy., 1,067 23 7 Bunting, Chas. G—Edwd. Anthony 140 19 7 Brown, Charles—Ed, B. Innes...... 146 38 7 Brady, Matthew B.—Lewis A, My¬ ers............................... 484 95 8 Bowman, G, W, P,—A, D. Chandler 376 88 8 Budlong, M, M.—Anna Burns (by Guardn.)..... .................. 16 30 9 Buchanan, Mr,—Isaac Frey........ 149 84 f. Barrett, B. F. and A. R. ) H. H. Sol- Bowman, James [ mon___ 756 96 9 Barrett, E. S.—J. D. Samson....... 210 15 10 Bent, Harriet J.—Edwin WaUace,,. 87 48 1« iruif fee^rF.^- 1 ^- ^- ^-PP- •• 87 77 12 Brion, David—Fred, Reed.......... 167 .54 13 Bennett, John—T. C. Lyman....... S8 09 13 Barry, A. F.—J. C. Holden......... 1,002 94 13 Bachran, H. J. and Sarah—George Kessler.......................... 79 55 13 Brown, PhUip — C. W. M. Fried- lander ........................... 135 84 14 Burgess, Mary E.—Alexr. HaUiday.. 112 73 14 Bowen, WUham—WUliam Gibson... 80 90 14 Barry, And. F.—J. J. Bowes....... 440 78 7 CarroU, Wm. H.—9th Ward Bank... 808 75 7 Crown, James R.—Del. Lack, and Western RaUroad................ 12,984 00 7 Christ, Samuel—BaU, Black & Co. . 271 91 7 Clark, Lewis E.—Merchants Bank... 336 51 8 CampbeU, A. R.—Jos. C. Wolff..... 39 30 8 Clonan, Patrick—James Trainor___ 72 67 9 Curran, Praincis—P. V. Husted...... 769 65 9 Conroy, Joseph—E. A. Rowland___ .534 91 9 Church, T. T. & C. Wi-McP. Smith 357 24 10 Clagstone, H. G.—Charles Monks... 131 14 10 Cassidy, J.—A. P. Arnold.......... 123 67 12 Conant, W. S.—Herman Funk...... 190 47 12 Cole, George—Ferd. Reed........... 167 54 13 Casey, Daniel—Frank Glover....... 231 65 14 Church, —. '& A.B. Steams—Clarence A. Blake......................... 538 46 14 Clark, Mr. & Mr. Farley—John Had¬ dock............................. 25 50 7 Demarest, N. L.—B. D. Schenck.... 625 04 8 Dean, Harvey N.—Samuel PhUips.. 1,189 15 8 Doying, Ira E.—George F. Vogel___ 295 74 8 Daly, Patrick — Anna Burns (by Guardian)........................ 16 30 8 Dunscomb, Samuel W.—J. C. Hasel- ton.............................. 132 81 8 Drummond, Thomas—Aaron Clark.. 388 70 12 Doyle, Thomas—Wm. Stein........ 79 20 14 Donnelly, James—J. C. Taggart___ 145 04 14 Dunn, Wm. H.—J. H. Risley....... 1,083 78 14 Daley, Owen—John Haddock......... Ill 50 14 Doyle, Cornelius------■—the same..... 26 50 9 Edwards, Charles A. — Henry N. McGrotty.........,.............. 119 72 13 Ecclesine, Joseph B. — Daniel B. : Donovan......................... 222 80 7 Fenner, Geo. W.—John McKesson.. 311 33