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AND'BUILD ERS' GUIDE Vol, X. ' NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER' 12, 1872. No. 239. "^Published Weekly by TIIE REili ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TERMS, One year, in advance......................$(> 00 All communications should be addressed to -7 AND 9 WABBEN STKBUT, No receipt for money duo the REAL ESTATE Rkcor-D will be acknowledged unless signed by one oE our regular collectors. Henhy D, Smith or Thojias F, Cujimings. All bills for collection will be sent from the office on a regu¬ larly printed form. B^ElfiAU OF ASSESSMENTS. OWixERS of property interested in the assess¬ ments for the following improvements are noti¬ fied that the rolls of assessments -were received at the ofB.ce of the collector of assessments, on "Wednesday, October Oth, and all payments made -within sixty days from that date are by law exempted from the charge for interest at seven per cent., which runs from the several dates of confirmation. The collector's ofaee is open from 9 A,M, to 3 P.M. B-jnlc -St., opposite Nos. 52 & 54, curbing, etc. Bank st., regulating, etc., bet. West st. and North river. Clinton and South sts., flagging north-west corner. Church St., sewers, bet. Fulton and Morris sts. Clark St., curbing, guttering, etc., Broome st. to Spring st, Hudson st,, sewer, bet. Canal and Vestry sts, Eaureng st., sewer, bet, Broome and Spring sts. Laurens st,. basins, bet. Canal and 4th sts. La-wxence st., bet. 10th av. and 129th st. Water St., sewer, bet. Gouverneur and Jackson sts. 43d St., sewer, bet. 3d and Lexington avs. 44to St., sewer, bet. 2d av. and Ea.st river. 45th St., sewer, bet. 2d av. and B.ast river. 51st St., flag^ng, from Broadway to Sth av. 5Sth St., Stafford pavement, bet. 6th and ilth avs, 59th St., trap-block pavement, bet. 10th av, and Hudson i-iver. 61st St., sewer, bet. Boulevard and 9th av. 62d st,, sewer, bet. Boulevard and 9lh av. 6fith st, and Lexmgton av., n, e, cor., basin, 73d st, and Lexington av., s. e. cor,, basin. 74th St. and Le.xiugton av., n. w. cor., basin. 7Cth St., sewer, bet. Isfe and Sd av. 123d St., sewer, bet. Av. A and 2d av. Little West 12th st. and 10th av,, ba.«in, on s. e. cor. Avenue A, sewer with branches, bet. 79tli and 8(5th sts. Lexington av. and 74th st,, basin, s, e. cor. 1st av., sewer with branches, bet. 34tli and 39th sts. 5th av., sewer, het. 49th and 50th sts. Oth av., regulating, etc.. llOtli st. to Harlem river. ' 4th av., sewer, bet. Igoth and 132d sts., with branches. 4th av,, .sewer, bet, 15th and ITtli sts, ilth av. and 47th st., basin, n. w. cor, 10th av,, sewer, Manhattan to La-.vrence st, 10th av, and 53d st., basin, n, w. cor. 10th av. and 53d st., basin, s. w. cor. GOSSIP.' In the Board of Aldermen, on Thursday List, a motion was made by Aldormaii Conover, iind carried, that all resolu¬ tions and ordinances now pending for paving aU streets running from Broadway to the North river, on a descend¬ ing grade, with Belgian or trap-block pavement, be amend¬ ed by substetiting Guidet stone pavenient therefor___The Commi-ssioners in, the matter, of the opening of 97th .and 98th street, from the Eighth ayenue to the Boulevard, have completed their estimate and assessment, and give notice, that the abstract, maps, etc, arc now deposited in the office of the Department of Public Works, there to remain until the 27th day of November, 1872, Olyjections to be made in writing to Joseph H, Toone, Chairman, at 82- Nassau street. Room No. 24. The limits of the assessment are from the north side of 9Gth street to the south side oE 98th street, between the centre line of the Boule¬ vard and the centre line of the Eighth avenue___ In the matter of the opening of the Eleventh avenue, from 59th street to the Boulevard, the Commissioners have completed their ■ estirhate and assessment, abstracts of which may be seen at the Deimrtmeut of Public Works. The limits embraced by the assessment are from north side of 42d stieet, 600 west from Tenth avenue, thence..north parallel to Tenth avenue, to centi-e line of block between 58th and 59th streets, thence east 2U0 feet to centi-e block between Tenth and Eleventh avenues, thence north .ind parallel to Tenth-avenue to centre line of block between 106th and 107tli streets, thence westerly 175 fect, thence north parallel to Tenth avenue, to south side of 12.0th street, thence westerly to a point 225 west of Eleventh avenue, thence south to centre block between 106th and lOTth streets, thence we.st to a point 400 east of Twelfth avenue, to centre line block between SSth and 59th street, thence east 200 feet, thence south parallel to Twelfth av¬ enue to north side of 42d street, and thence easterly to place of beginning. The Commissioners in the matter of the opening and extension of Madison avenue, from 124th street to the Harlem river, have completed their estimate and assess¬ ment, and give notice that the abstract, etc.,' of their proceedings is now deposited at the office of the Commis¬ sioner of Public Works, there to remain until the 15th day of November. The limits embraced by the assessment are as follows : All those lots, pieces or parcels" of land in the city-of NewYork, situate, bounded and contained within tho following limits, that is to say: On the west, by the centre line-of Fifth avenue; oh the east, by the centre line of Fourth avenue: on the north, by Exterior street or Har¬ lem river; and on the south by the centi-e line of Ei.ghty- sixth street, excepting therefrom all the land known as Mount Morris Square. Objections to be filed before the 4th day of November, with Charles Place, Esq., chah-man, at 82 Nassau street. Room No. 24. MEOHANIOS' LIENS. ^WW YORK. Oct. S Amity st., n, s, (No, 77), cok, Thompson st. Edward R, Costi¬ gan agt, Edward P. Huylar....... 9 Bowery, e. s. (Nos, 45 & 47) a-nd Christie st., w. s. (Nos. 21, 25, 27 & 29), Stadt Theatre. Michael O'- ' Sullivan agt. Hammond and Rosen¬ berg. (Continuation.)............ 4 Chambers st., n. s. (No. 181), 44.4 e. Washington st. Geo. W.' Da Cunha agt. Catharine Hall........ 5 C.\NAL ST,,.N. s. (Nos. 465 & 467), Jno, Kierst agt, —, Coleman...... 5 Eleventh AV.,W', s. (No. 731), abt. 50 s, 52d St. Wm, Murray agt. Andrew Deer. (Continuation)----- 7 East Broadway, s, s, (No, 183), bet. Jefiferson and Rutgers, Chris¬ tian Goetz agt, Mr, Barnett....... 8 Same property. Wm. Klein agt. Mr. S, Barnett................... 5 Fiftieth st., n. s, (No. 447). Theo- dore Wright agt, Michael Lapp. (Continuation,).................. 5 Poxjrty-sixth st,, n. s,, 125 e. 2d av, (2 h.), 50s—, John J. & Chas. M, Bowes agt, Wm, H. Arnox----- 5 Forty-eirst ST. (Nos, 440 to 448 inclus.). Theodore V/right agt, Carl Wilhelm. (Continuation,)... ■ 4 Forty-first st,, same property. JohnHaden,Saml. Wilson and Wm. Winans agt. Carl Wilhelm. (Con¬ tinuation. )....................... 4 Fiftieth st,, s, s. (Nos, 404 and 406 W.), Haden, Wilson &.Winans agt, Martin Karl, (Continuation.) 8 Forty-fourth St., s. s. (Nos. 334, '330, 338 and 340 W.) bet, Sth and 9th avs. J, H, Havens and J. H, Havens, Jr. agt, F, Lepoiin...... 8 Fiftieth st, (Nos, 404 & 408 W,). Michael Croghan agt, Martin Karl. (Continuation.) ------------.......... 8 Forty-first st, (Nos. 440 to 448 W. inclus.). Michael Croghan agt. Carl Wilhelm, (Continuation,),.. 9 Forty-sixth st., s, s, (No, 158 W^) . bet. 6th and 7th avs. Dav. A. Knapp agt, Mrs, Van Kleet....... 9 Fifty-third st,, n. s., 175 e. 8th av.,75x^. JohnandJas.M, Worth¬ ington agt. Trustees St, John's M, E, Church, (Continuation,).. 9 First av.^ w. s. (Nos. 605 and 607). Wares and Forbes agt, M. - A, Burnkan............,,,.,,,.,,.,. #436 61 285 00 104 64 524 37 200 00 100 00 111 00 25 00 250 00 700 00 540 00 330 00 92 25 100 00 750 00 132 19 2,100 00 109 84 10 First av., w. s., bet. 109th and 110th sts. John J. Knoppel agt. HiramMoore.................... 1,400 00 10 First av. and 11th st. , n. w. cor. "" Smith & Matthews agt. Frederick Edw. Rafter..................... 512 40 4 Houston, n. w. cor. Merger st. Alex. G. Colder and B, W. Blott agt, —. Gleason.................. 5 Howard st,, n. e. cor. Crosby st., 2.5x92. Donald and John McDonald agt. Mrs. Frazer.................. 4 Ninth av., n. e. cor, 23d st. (4 houses). Wm. O'Gorman agt. Thomas E. Foran................. 4 One Hundred and Thirteenth St., n. s., 100 e. 2d av. (Nos. 30.5'to 325 inclus.). (10 houses). Peter Brown agt. Green, Owens and Gel¬ ston............................. 7 One Hundred and Thirty-sec- ondst., n. s., 80 w. 4th av. (7 houses.)....................... One Hundred and Thirty-thibd j s. s., 80 w. 4th av. (7 houses.).. J John G. Genet agt. Mary A. Moore 4 Ridge st., e. s., bet. Broome and Delancey sts. (No. 34). Wm. H. Moore agt. John McConaughy..... 7 Second av., b. s. (No. 1046), bet. 5.5th and 56th sts. Peck and Wan¬ dell agt. Mrs. Blagee. (Continua¬ tion. )............................ 9 Seventy-eighth st., s, s, (No. 240 E.), 225 w, 2d av,, 2.5x—. Z, S. Ayres and Jas, McCandless agt. Maria A. Jahn................... 10 Seventieth st., s. s,, 120 e. Lexing- ton av, (4 houses). Patrick H. Ly¬ don agt, Wm. McEvily........... 10 Sixty-ninth st., s. s, (No, 28 E.) H'y McGuckin agt, Wm. P. Deuck- la............................... 10 Thirty-eighth st., n. s,, 375 w. 2d av,, 25x100, Jos, B, Redmond agt. Michael Gavin.................... 5 Thirty-sixth st., n. s, (No, 441 W,). The. Wright agt, Carl Wil¬ helm, (Continuation,)........... 5 Thirty-ninth st,, s. s/ (No. 43S W.). The, Wright agt. John Bec¬ ker. (Continuation.)............. 7 Thirty-sixth ST. (No, 214B.). Jno. L. Davis and Jno. B, Johnson agt. Patrick Cassidy.................. 7 Thirty-ninth st., s. s, (No. 424 W.). Jno. Haden, Sam'l Wilson, and Wm. Winans agt. —. Jordan. (Continuation.).................. 8 Thirty-sixth ST., s. s. (No. 214E.), bet. 2d .and 3d avs. George Schuf- flin agt. Patrick Cassidy......___ 8 Thirty-ninth ST., s. s. (No. 438 W.). Michael Croghan agt. John Becker. (Continuation.)................... 8 Thirty-sixtIi: ST., n. s,, 80 -w, 1st av, (4 houses), John L. Davis and Jno, B,' Jolmson agt.' T. and J. Gearty.'___...................... KINGS COUNTY. 1,000 00 12,000 00 5,356 55 113 00 556 35 2,000 00 255 59 230 00 589 50 391 99 474 12 150 00 250 00 136 20 166 00 650 00 200 00 1,044 26 Oct. 9 Tiffany pl., e.. s., 184.6 s. Harbi- son st„ 100x100. Hugh McGovern agt, Geo. R, Redman, Sam'l B. Decker, and J, S, Bowen......... $400 00 9 Butler st., s. e. cor. Brooklyn av., 240.7 to Douglass st. x350, Nos. 223, 225, 231 233, 241, and 243 Brooklyn-av., and Nos. 1112, 1114, 1120, 1122, 1128, 1130, and 113.2, Butler st. Hall & Remsen agt. Rich'd Claffev, Jno. W, Field, and - Geo, W. Mead,.,.................. 1,191 99