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Real estate record and builders' guide: Index: v. 11 and v. 12

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ATE RECORD-I TO !î YOLS. XI. AND XII. FOR THE PuLLIC LÏBUÂRY APTO.P!, LITNOX AND TILBEN FCUNDATIONS R 1824 L CONVEYANCES OF EEAL ESTATE, ISTew Yoi-k City, 1873. AIbauyst...llO Aeademy st.. .27, 40, 51, 75, S50, 445 Allen st.. .64, 1(57, :ï01, 338, 350, 373, 398, 408 Amityst...l5, 75, 167. 531 Ann st .. 306 Attornèy" si;.. .80, 179, 190, S05, 206, Îi3l, 277, 389, 373, 408, 425 Bank sfc.. .179, 217, 252, 398, 425 Barclavst..,132.301, 435 BaiTow 5t.. .40,12ÎJ, 134, 167, 190 Baxter st.. .40, 64, 341, 377, 314, 35-0, 509, 531, 578 Bayardst...377. 435 Beaver st... 14(5, 166, 317, 331 Beach st.. .110, 562 Beafordst...9S. 134,15() Beekinaust...S6, 241, 499 Betliimest...509, 531 Bleeclcer st,..15, U4, 99, 110, 122, 317, 363, 408, 417, 454 BloomiTig-dale road.. .241, oâG, 314, 5S3 Boltoaroad...27, 563 Bond 3t... 110, 134,317 Boulevard, 59t.h to 69th e^t.. .134, 156, 373, 454, 583 Boulevard, G9tli to SOth st.. .98, 99, 190, 265, 301, 803. 435 Boulevard, 80th to 93d .st. ..37,167, 179, 341, 336, 573 Boulevard, 93d to lOL'd Bt.. .27, 217, 331 Boulevard, 10.2d to IlOtli st.. .338 Boulevarfl. llOth to 13l8t st.. .435 Boulevard. ISlst to 132d st.. .75, 86, 301, 542 Boulevard, 133d to 144tb st...40, 64, 75,110,134, 231, 341, 326, 363, 445, 499, 509 Boiùevard, I44th to 156th st...l32,156, 231, 341, 350,363,475,531,583 Boulevard, 157th to teraûnation.. .3, 37.191, 563 Bowery...l5, 51, 122, 167. 179. 190, 317, 331, 373, 465, 475 Bowerv, New.. .314 Broad st...326 Broadway, above ÎGOtïi si... 15,17, 37,40, 190,436, 50.2'/583 Broadway...75, liO, 122, 150, 167, 179, 217, 331, 252, 365, 377, 289, 314, 350, 378, 499, 543,554, 563,573.583 Broonxe st...40, 64, 51, 99, 110, 146, 156, 167,179, 305, 306, 317, 331, 241, 253, 265, 326, 398, 417, 425, 435, 445, 454, 475, 531, 531, 541,543, 573, 583 (Jst...206 Canal st. ..37, 51, 217, 365, 326, 417, 499, 509 Cauuou st...I5, 37, 133, 156, 206, 317, 353. 408, 417,509 ■ 1 > - -, Caroline -it... .80 Carminé .st...51, 86, 167, 454, 465,499, 554,573, 583 Calharme st. ..51 Cedarst.,.341, 465 Centre st.. .51,' 99,167, 317, 3S1, 341, 265, SOI Chambers st...l79 Charles st.. .3,134,167,179, 217, 314, 445,475, 486, 563 ■ ' ' ? 1 1 Cbarltoirst...î5, 37, 499 Chatliam st.. .40, 373, 314 Cherry st.. .3, 53, S6, 99,146,190,206, 317, 331, 341, 352,373,4^8,480,542,573 Christopber st.. .37, 75, 111, 206, 241, 277,289, SOI, '314,336,531,583 ' gy-3tie st.. .3, 27, 64, 75, 111,133, 167, 317, 241, 850.363,373,445,454,509 .reh st.. .317, 389, 301, 435, 435, 543 CIiffst...64, 341, 573 I Clinton st.. .64, 317, 331, 336, 509, 583 j Corneliast., .15,146, 206, 317,314, 326 ! Coenties slip...3 I Columbia st.. .86,123, 191, 331, 241, 378, 509 i Commerce st...l34 Cooper st.. .40,51, 317, 318, 486 I Cortlandt8t...40 I Crosbyst...99,190, 217 i Croton st...l34 i • j Delaneeyst...l5, 51, 64, 75, 86, 99,133,134,179, ! 206. 217, 231, 265, 277, 301, 314, 33B, 373, 454 ! Dey st...217, 231 i Depe3'St.erst...317 ; Division st...40, 75, 123, 167, 317, 331, 341, 389, i 510, 542, 583 I, 191 i Downin^ st.. .381, 350 '\ Dover st...231 ; Dry Dock st...454 i Duane st...3, 111, 146, 386, 531, 543 I Dyckmanst...51,64, 353 I Dyckman homestead.. .51, 64, 331, 352 \ EastBroadwav...51, 64, 111, 133, 156, 231, oi\, ' 336, 350,' 363, 386, 435, 454, 531,563, 583 i Eldridgest.,.75, 111, 167,191,206,317, 377,389, 301, 326, 350, 373, 398 Elizabethst...l5, 40, 111, 132, 156, 167, 231,341, 365, 377, 336, 350, 373, 499, 531, 531 Elmst...40, 99, 306, 314, 380 ^ Ell\voodst...331 Emerson st... 16, 27, 40, 51, 52, 76, 191,231,241, 373,486 Essexst...S6, 99, 191, 317, 231, 341, 336, 435, 445, 499,543 \ Ferry st...373 i Forsyth st.. .15, 64, 75, 179, 306, 277. 338, 839, 350, 408,486,554,57'3 . » ; . ; Frankforfc st., .167, 317, 341, 389, 486, 554 ■ Franklin st...341, 554 • Front st.. .37,146,156, 167,180, 217, 377, 350, 435, 454,531,573 ^ = > \ Fulton st.. .64, 317,417, 531, 554 ; Gansevoort st.. .306, 408 i Gay st...465 : Goerclv st. ..817, 301, 314, 435, 465, 574 : Goldst...3S9 ' Goiiverneur slip...336 : Gouverneur st.. .64, 217, 365, 336 : Grand st.. .15, 64,156, 191, 317, 253, 326, 454, 531, 583 Great Jones st.. .331, 363 Greene st.. .15,133,180, 317, 377, 405, 554 Greenwich st.. .15, 27, 75, 86, 99,134,167,317,241, ^ 377. 378, 314, 398, 435, 445, 475, 521, 562 GroTest...l5,573 - ' > i Hamilton st.. .3, 27, 40,167,180,191, 435, 465, 531 Hamînondst...l5 Hanoverst.,.168 Harrison st.. .40, 206, 241, 265 , Hawtbo'riae st...40, 86,180, 217 I Henry st.. .3,15, 51, 64, 75, 146,156, 167,180, 241, 326, 386, 445, 510, 531, 562, 583 ' j Hester st., .99,156, 167, 265, 301, 326, 338, 445 ■ Hillside st...37 ! Hoboken st.. .180 ! Hopper'slane...499 Heratio st.. .51, 318, 486, 510 Houston st., East.. .64,134,191,217, 218,232, 341, 253, 265, 278, 389, 326,338, 339, 350, 417] 435, olU^ Oui Howardst...64, 306, 338 Hubert st.. .15, 318, 301 Hudson st.. .37, 75, 86,146,167,180,191, 317, 301, 326,454,499,554,583 ' ' . ' '. Isham st.. .86 1 Jackson st...37,133 ! James st...3, 27, 233, 408 ! James slip.. .15, 531 i Janeat...206, 233, 445 I Jay Bt.. .40 ; Jeffersonst...l9l, 408 i John 8t.. .3,167, 218, 232, 338, 350 i Jones st.. .475 j E:ing6t...lS0,191 Kingsbridgeroad...37, 28, 40, 86, 180, 193, 218. I 341,378,301,436,521 ' ' ' ' ' j Laighfc st...15,111, 303, 499 I Lawrence st.. .206 I Léonard st.. .40,123,167, 475, 554, 583 i Leroy st.. .3,111,107,180. 206, 336, 531 i Lewis st.. .167, 180, 389, 826, 386, 417, 486, 583 j Liberty st.. .51, 363, 435, 554 1 Lispenard st...574 j Macdougal st. ..64, 75,146, 218, 252, 326, 350, 4Sé,' i 563,574 » f . » ; , j .87, 40, 86,111,180,191, 218,341,365, I 278,350,363,417,510 Maiden lane.. .146, 318, 232, 499 Mangin st.. .180. 338, 486, 510 Manhattan st.. .65, 75,167, 306, 278, 510 Marion st.. .15, 75, 86, 314 Market st., .363, 454, 510 Mercer 6t...326, 542 Minetta lane... 373 Montgomery st., .156, 233, 563 Morton st.. .40, 51, 218, 253, 365, 398, 531 ■ Murray st...301 i '^''^^^IIX t-r^^' ^^^' '^1' "^5' ^-IS, 232, 289, 338, oo4, 574 . Nassau st...353 New st 336 338 ^''""&;-âh^;SCii '"'■'''■ ^"- ^'. *^. NorthMoorest..,265 Oakst...27,318,343, 801 . .. Oliver st... 373, 554 • - Orcharast...l5, 51, 64, 75, 86, 99, 111, 122, 134 156, ^3, 353, 3l4, 336, 'SSO,' 378,' élt 486; Park st.. .86, 99, 353, 425, 486 r Pearl st . .146,167,180,191, 318, 332,389, 314, séfc 420, 5o4 ' . ' ' -u;?r. PierNo. 44...314 " Peck slip...465 Pen-y st.. .378, 389, 839, 417,583 : :