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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XL NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1873. No. 265. Published Weekly bu THE REAL ESTATS RECORD ASSOCIATION. TEints. One year, m advance......................$6 00 fi AU communications should be addressed to 7 AND 9 Warken Strkut. No receipt for rooney due the RKAl. EsT.vrE RKCORI) will be acknowledged nnle.ss signed by one of our regular collectors. Henrv D. S.umt or TifO.MA.s F. Cu.m.ming.s. AU bills for collection wUl be sent from the office on a regu¬ larly printed form. SPECIAL "Notice. Architects, builders and othors who aro interested in churches and other public buildings, aro directed to the card of Messrs. Tato & Osborne, stone-cutters, whose yard is at the foot of 92d street. This firm has on hand a large and varied assortment of the finest buihling stones, and unusual fiicilities for quick, cheap and reliable work. Their Steam Diamond Stone Saw Cutter is the first over used iu this city, and givos them power to fill large orders with great de¬ spatch and accuraoy. S^otîce of Removal- The Re.vl Estate Record, in connection with the "RealEstate Recoud" Bureau of Information, wiil occu¬ py, after May Ist, for three years, a suite of offices in the new and élégant building on the southwest «orner of Broadway and Léonard Street, known as the Whiting BuUding. The Moi'tgage Gircular, published. every Wednesday, by the "Real Estate Record " Bureau of Information, 7 & 9 Warren st., shauld be in the hands of ail real estate OAvners and agents, lawyers, bankers, builders, and ail merchants who give crédits. It is the only published ofiScial list of ail chattel and real estate mortgages, and of ail assignments of mortgages recorded in the city of New York from day to day. Subscription $10 per annum. Number IV. containing a vast amount of valuable informa¬ tion, now out. Only a few copies of the first numbers are left for those who now subscribe. MECHANICS' LIENS. WET^ YORK. ApriL 7 Barclay st., n. s., .50 e. Chuech st. (being No. 19 Barclay st., and No. 24 Park pl.), S.5x the block. John Kierst agt. James H. Giles and B. H. Constance............. $32 00 10 Crosby st. (No. 1B6), w. s. Wil- liam Coulter agt. Herman D. Al¬ drich ........................... 109 47 8 Eleventh av., w. s., extg. from 34th to 35th st. John Jennings agt. Manhattan Market Co........ 18,179 63 4 FiFTIETH ST., N. S., 180 E. 2d AV., 3 hs. Frank Schmitt k Co. agt. Beekman Hill Church............ 500 00 Fifty-fourth st., s. s., .370 e. IOtii av., 2.51—. George Coleman agt. Mr. Totten...................... .50 00 Fifth .av., s. e. cou. 81 st st., 40x84 (Nos. 145 and 147 Fifth av.) Geo. Ethier agt. R. L. Cutting......... 72 30 Same FitoPEKTi". Paul Grazixoa agt. same........................ 45 50 FOUIITH AV., N. AV. COK. 59ïH ST., 17 hs. on st; John Thain and Joseph Buchanan agt. Martine & Co. and Fernando Wood. (Continuation.). 36,000 00 First .av., e. s., extg. from 41st to 42d st., 8 bs. Jacob H. Miller agt. —. Cutting and WiUiam H. Aldrich 371 00 Forty-fifth st., s. s.-, 250 e. IOth av., one honse in rear of No. 440, 25x—. Andrew Herrell and Peter Banmann agt. Michael Bischoff... 40 00 Fifty-sfventh st., s. s., 100 w. 9th av., e0.xlOO. Myndert P. Van Ordfc agfc. —. Ledoux................... 86 00 FiFTY-EIGIlTII st., S. S-, 2.50 E. WtH av., 200x100.5. Edward D. Con¬ noUy agfc. William McGrath....... 1,.S00 00 Houston st. (No. 264 E.). Charles W. White agt. Louis Kohlman.... 308 09 Jane st. (Nos. 49 and ,51), n. s., 100 Vf. Houston st. Charles Z. Taylor (Admr.) agt. James R. Taylor. (Continuation.) .................. 141 00 One Hundked and Twenty-thiud st., s. s., 140 w. Gth av., 160x—. Landon & Bontecou agt. Robert Moore........................... 1,801 00 Same fkopektv. Joseph Taylor agfc. —. Freeman................. 473 60 One Hundred and Thirty-fourth st., n. s., 180 w. 5th av., 5 hs. Dav¬ id Ryan agt. Ayres, Gafces k Han¬ son .............................. 135 00 One Hundked and Twenty-first 1 st., n. s., 175 w. Av. A, 7 hs___! One Hundked and Twenty-sec- ( ond st., B. s., 235 w. Av. A, 3 hs. J Barry k Lane agt. J. B. Haskins and George Weyer................ 1,900 00 Seventy-tiiikd st. (No. 27 E.), n. s., 25 Vf. Madison av., 2.5x—. Lou¬ is Gilbert agt. A. Châtain........ 46 50 Spking st., n. w. cok. Washington st. E. J. DeRonde and J. W. Jones agt. Charles Olmstead...... 1,640 06 Same pkopekty. Patrick McÂIan¬ us agt. same...................... 1,041 85 Seventy-fourth st., s. s., 2.50 e. 2d av., 7.5x—. James McNiff agfc. Walker k Willson................ 2,200 00 South Fifth av. (No. 98). Watson & Delapierre agt. Edward F. Snell. (Contin. to April 10, 1874.) ....... 643 00 Thikd av. (Nos. 25 and 27), e. s., 45.6 n. 8th st. George Mauer agfc. Mr. O'Connor.................... 8 12 TuiKTY'-FOUKTn ST., N. S., EXTG. 1 from llth to 12fch av...........j TniItTY-FIFTH ST., S. S., EXTG. fi-om llth to 12th av............! Twelfth av., w. s., extg. from ( 34th to 85th st.................. Twelfth av., e. s., extg. fkom 34th to 3.5th st.................J John Jennings agt. Manhafctan Market Co....................... 18,179 63 TWENTY-F&UKTH ST. (No. 323 E.), N. 6. Michael Mooney agfc. John Snowden.. (Continuation.)........ 363 75 KÎNGS COUNTY. April. 9 Lafayette av., n". s., 120 w. Elliott pl. WiUiam H. Howard agt. A. F. Bingham....................... 3 Madison st., s.»s., 250 e. Marcy av., 50.X100 (3 houses). Edward W. Carr lagt. Lawrence McCormick & L. & T. J, Henessey..................... $67 60 40 00 8 Wyckoff st., n. s., 7S w. 3d av., 220 xlOO. Joseph Bell agt. Cormick GiUespie & Lewis Colby............ 1,700 00 9 Madison st., n. s., 80 w. Ralph av., 158x100, (8 houses). Wm. Newland agt. Matfchias Hulsart k Wm. Still- waggen............................ 140 00 7 Witheksfoon st., s. w. cok. Broad- way, 25.9x63.6. John Gleciszner agt. Frederick Senfer................. 507 00 S Elm st., n. w. s., 50n. e. Evergreen av. Wm. Esmark agfc. Wm. Aîbro & John Valentine..................... 42 00 JUDaMENTS. NE'W YORK. In thèse llsts of judijments the nnnies alphabetically arranijed, and which are jlrsl on each. Une, are those