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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 11, no. 269: May 10, 1873

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE Vol. XL NEVv^ YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1873. No. 2C9. Publislied Weei-lu bij TUE REAL ESiMTE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TEllM,=i. One year, in advance......................Çfi 00 AU eoinmnnicatioiis should l)e addressed to Whiting Building. 345 and 347 Bkoadway. SuBsCEiREHS wiU pleasB bear in mind, that they should receive the Reax, Estate Record promptly on Saturday morning, as eveiy paper is sent to tlie Post office on Friday night before 11 o"clock in order that the carriers may have it for their delivery. The Superintendent of fche news, paper mail expects this and should be notified immediately through us of any neglect on the part of carriers. MEOHAINriCS' LIENS. NEIV YOilK. May. 2 BowERT, w. s. (No. 1G8), bet. Broome and Spring. Doyle k Cul¬ len agt. Bertha Rauth........... $1,.500 00 3 Catiiauine slip, s. s. (No. 4), bet. Cherry and Water sts. Heiuy Traumann agt. Winifred Hanly___ 2.58 00 2 Fourth av., n. w. cou. Piftv-Âinïh st., 17 hs. on street. John Slatterly agt. Mai-tin k Co.................. 303 5.5 2 FOUUIH AV. N. E. cou. PORTY-Fl]{ST st. (Nos. 637, 639, 641, 643, 645 Fourth av., and 101 East 41st.) John Slatterly agt. J. E. Shaw..... 770 CO 6 Fourth av., n. b. cor. Fouty- first st., 133x85. FORTV-SECOND ST., S. S., 10.5.6 E. , Fourth av., 2=^x.—. James Morrison and James Neil agt. James E. Shaw 5,347 00 6 First av., e. s., extdg. from Fouty- first st., to Forty-second st. Joseph W.|Duryee agt. Robert L. Cutting. 4,261 37 6 Fifty-ninth st., s. s., 95 e. Lex- ingtonav., 25x—. Thomas Steven¬ son agt.-----...................... 500 00 6 Fifty-eighth st., s. s., 131.4 w. 9th av., 1.5.Sx—. James Phelp agt. Wm. RusseU..................... 200 00 6 Fifty-sixth st., n. s., 850 w. 6th av., ]25x—. Frank Schwab agt. Joseph E. McCormack............ 500 00 6 Madison AV., N. w. coe. .5Sth st. Abraham & Cath. Ayers agt. -----. 573 14 6 Madison av., n. w. cor. "(Sd st., (S hs. extd. w.) John G. Jenny agt. James E. Coburn...... .......... 2 000 00 7 Ninth av. (No. 624), e. s., bet. 43d ' & 44th sts. John Williamson agt. H. A. Blott...................... 37 00 1 One Hdndred and Twelfth st., s. s., 100 E. 4th av. (6 hs.), t02.6x—. John Dugan agt. David k Mrs. Co- „ ^b"'^?^-............................. 825 00