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STATE AND BUILDER S^ GUIDE Vol. xi. NEW YOIlK, SATUllDAY, JUNE 2], 1873. No. 275 Published "Weekly by m REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TERMS. One year, in advance...............----... $G 00 Ail communications should be addressed to Whitino Building, 345 and .347 Broab-wat. ÏHE MOETGAGE CIRCULAE. Tiio great increase in llie mimber of sub¬ scribers to tlie MorUjaye. CJircalar nécessitâtes tbe anuouncement tbat al'ter tlie first of Jnly next new snl)scribers, if tliey want back mnnbers, will bave to pay at tbe rate of |13 l^er annum. Only 25 copies of tbe first num¬ ber are now on band in tbis office, aud if any- bodj'- bas a spare lii'st number, and will bring it to tbis ofiice, we Avill pay 85 cents for sueb a copy. Tbe success wbicli attended tbe publication of tbe Morlfiaçie Circular surpasses tbe expectations of its projcctors, and en¬ courages tbem iil continually improving its usefulness, uot onl}^ to Ibose wbo liave sup- ported tlie enterprise from tbe start, but to i)ll llKise wbo now acknowledge tbe importance of sucli a publication in tbe City of New Yo k. MECHANÏOS' LIENS. NETV YORK. June lîi Bowery (Xo. 108), vv. s., Ckane et Clark agt. Bertha and B. Rauth (cont'n to Juue 13, lS7i).......... 14 Same rp.opERTV. William H.ux & Sons agt. same parties (cont'n to June 14, 1874).................... 16 Same peopektv. F. M. Thompson .agt. same parties (cont'n to June 1,5, 1874)......................... IG Same propeety. Michael IlARiii- son agt. same parties (coiit'a to June 15, 1ST4)___................ 18 Bkoadway, s. w. oor. Mth st., 95 x49.9. Johu Taj'lor agt. Domestic 18 Broadway (Nos. 1:250, 1253, 12.54, and 125(3), e. s. Dennis Broderick agt. A. C. Loomis................ Sewing Machine Co.............. ElGHTY-FIFtU ST. (NO. 225), N. S., ) 325 w. 2d av..........,.........l 18 EiGiiTY-sixTii ST. (No. 2281, s. S.. ) W. S. Anner and S. W. Miller agt. M. J. Daly and John Mead....... 12 Fifty-seventh st., n. s., 206.5 e. Ist av. (cont'n to June 12, 1874). Jo¬ seph E. Redman agt. James Flaek 13 Fifty-seventh st. (No. 227), n. s., 262 Vf. 2d av. James O'Neill agt. Thomas Jenkins.................. 16 Forty-pifth st., n. s., 260 w. 8th AV., ext'g 20 feet. John H. Edel¬ meyer agt. Christiau aud Freder¬ icka Kolle....................... Fifth av., e. s., ext'g from 46tii "1 to47thst....................... 16 Forty-sixth st., n. e. cor. oth av., ext'g on st. 125 ft.......... Forty-seventh st., s. e. cor. 5th av., ext'g on st. 125 ft.......... Marriott McKimiv afft. John T. Daly............................. Sl,294 21 1,100 00 135 00 342 00 720 93 6,929 82 1,000 00 95 57 120 00 380 00 435 85 16 FOP.TIETII ST., X. E. AND X. W. COR. ] Prospect pl..................... Prospect pl., e. and w. .s., ext'g frorn 40th to 41st st............. Forty-first st., s. e. cor. Pros- pect pl......................... Forty-first st., s. w. cor. Pros- pect pl., 6 houses............... James Crowley agt. Calvin O. BiU¬ ings ............................. 17 Fouirrii av., n. w. cor. 112th st., 13 houses (cont'n to June 17, 18T4) Daniel Slavin agt. John M. Fielder 14 Hester st. (No. 189), n. s. Asten & Throckmorton agt. John G. Vix 14 IlcDsoN st. (No. 0^57), x. w. cop.. Horatio st. Thomas IL Coppins agt. .Joseph Wilson............... 10 Same property. Jarvis Fre(;kle- tou agt.------Wilson.............. 16 Horatio st. (No. 4), s. s. Thomas Conneley agt. M. Lippman....... 18 Lexington av., e. s., ext'g prom OOth to 67th st. Johu Taylor agt. Mt. Sinai Hospital............... 14 Monroe st. (No. 18), s. s. Df.vlin 6c McKegney agt. Thomas F. Bav- ley.............................:. 19 One Hundred and Thirty-fourth st., n. s., 160 Vf. ôth av., 125x99.11. Schweitzer Mfg. Cn. agt. Thomas Farrel .and Alexander Gillespie — 12 Oxe Hundred and Twenty- eighth st., s. s., 4 houses, 215 e. 4th av. James Crowlev agt Henry P. Httnt and DtH4d To'dd............ 14 S&LLiVAN ST. (No. 220), w. s., bet. Amity and Bleecker. Joseph An¬ drews agt------Cruok......^....... 10 Seventy-fourtd st., s. s., 2oO e. 2d av. Owen Reilly agt. S. S. Walker and Andrew S. Wilson........... 19 Seventy-fifth st. (Nos. 230 and 234), s. s., bet. 2d and 3d avs., Michael Goode agt. Alexander ; John aud Sarah E. Thain......... 17 Third av. (Nos. 25 and 27), e. s. N. Y. Plaster Woi-ks agt. Owcn O'Connor......................... 17 Vestry' st., n. s., 30 w. West st. Thomas and Augustin AValsh agt. N. Y. and Oswego Midland R. R. Co.............":................. 17 Vestry st., n. av. cor. West st., 439x77. T. & A. Walsh agt. same parties........................... KINGS COUNTY. 79 00 140 50 216 63 413 55 407 02 72 00 9,500 93 194 00 1,318 88 350 00 10 50 134 00 624 00 111 00 6,136 64 2,303 91 14 Bergen st., 118 v,^ 3i) .vv., .50x50. W. H. H. Chikls and John B. Byrne .aftt. Jno. McGarry and Wm. D. Brennan ......................... 14 Macomb st., x. w. cor. 5th av., 95.9 x63, 3 houses. James Murtagh agt L. Hennessy aud Wm. B. Coop¬ er, Jr-----........................ 16 Butler st., s. s., 200 e. Smith st., 25x100. Philip Sullivan agt. L. Hennessey aud Cath. Donnelly----- 18 East Bkoadway'. s. s., bet. Pros- pect and Johnson sts., Flatbush, Roman Cath. Church Holy Cross. Bcinird Knorr agt. Anton Gram- ming and Revs. J. J. Dougherty and Jno. Laughlin................ 17 Tenth st., n. s., 165.9 w. 4Tn av., 140x100, 8 liouses. Kenyon, NeAv¬ ton & Scoville agt. Félix and Pat. Hickey aud Amos F. Eno......... 305 28 10 Madison st., s. s., 340 w. Tompkins av., 20x100. T. W. Smmm agt. Thos. Horrigan and Denis May... 700 00 18 Margaretta st., s. e. s., 231.8 n. Broadway, 108x100. George Bra¬ der agt. Thos. Hegarty and A. J. W. Laidlaw...................... ^50 00 «135 00 650 00 138 03 89 00 16 Ha:miltox av. (No. 1), x. e. cor. Ferry pl., 22x2.5x38. John Davis agt. L. Hennes.sy and Mch. Mur¬ phy.............................. 150 00 14 McDonough st., s. w. cor. Lewis av., 300x100, 1,5 houses. Robert Hill agt. Wm. Hoover and Curtiti L. North......................... 1,50 00 10 Butler st., n. s., 205.2 vi. Oth .vv., 40x100, 2 houses. Félix Galiagher agt. Thomas Phelan.............. 5.50 05 13 Evergreen av., s. w. s., 25 s. e. Palmetto st., 2.5x100. F. T. Ro¬ mans agt. Peter Roljort.sou........ 72 00 12 Flatucsh av., s. e. cor. Atlantic av., 100x100. Johu Douglu-rty agt. S. B. VreeLind................... (153 13 JUDQMENTS. NEl^ YORK. In thèse lids of judgments the nofnes alphabel'ically arranged, and ivhich are first on each Une, are those oj the judgment debtor. June 10 Atwater, Henry G.—E. L. ilcCoy... ï^lOS 85 10 Arnoux, William H.—Cornelia Liv¬ ingston ........................... 120 45 10 the same---------the same........ 1.59 00 10 Adler, Louis—F. Yl. ]\laas.......... 205 36 10 Armstrong,----------Walton Rose..... 96 92 11 Abbott, Thomas P. (impld.)—A. H. Wagner........................... 366 42 11 Adams, Gilbert—Emilie Steinbach .. 100 91 13 Allen, Arthur M., Charles D., aud Johu—W. T. Jones............... SSl 61 13 Acker, Henry C.—Tribimc Associa¬ tion.............................. 146 19 17 Andrews, Horace — Meriden Silver Plate Co.......................... .395 55 17 Anderson, Louisa—Charles Gerding. 200 11 17 Anderson, William J.—Fredk. Moyn¬ ahau ............................. 104 89 10 Bialla, H.—Amedi Gardye.......... 298 19 ,f. Barlow, Wm., alias ) y t) VmwW 131 m ^'^ William Wliile \ ^' ^^' ^"'"C^^- - ^'-'^ ^'J 10 Barton, William B.—W. M. (iambling 2,388 75 10 Bowen, AVilliam—Walton Rose..... 90 92 10 BerkoA\itz, Aljrahani—Matulce aud L. Hutter........................ 65 74 11 Eoyhau, Patriclc—AVm. Loughlin ... 43 75 11 Butler, Robert AV.—Johu Dowling.. 227 83 12 Barues, Reon—John ]\lac.sel........ 7,52 82 12 Blauvelt, Aliraham 11.—Michael Ken¬ nedy.............................. 284 39 12 Buck, Leunder—David AlcMaster... 20,937 70 12 Breuuan, AlatthewT.(Slierilï)—Abra¬ ham Schwarts............'........ 3,311 93 12 Bewle}', Thomas—F. AV. & L. C. San¬ ger............................... 139 99 13 Burke, Charles F.—Jehial Reade___ 298 80 13 Boyd, Thomas B.—L J. Solomon___ 101 84 13 Burns, Johu—Thomas Drew (surv.). 288 85 14 Barr, Thonias J.—Auguste Ferrier.. 522 32 14 Boyle, John C—Elleu Bird (Extrx.). 78 86 14 Blatchford, Samuel M.—H. T. AVing 81 13 16 Barnett, Abbie P.—D. R. Mangam .. 634 09 16 Bowen, AVilliam—Hugh McRoberts. 121 95 17 Boehm, John (impld.)—Heury AVelsh 233 06 17 Bollet, Mr.—Adolph Alexander..... 159 00 17 Bayer, Gallus—G. S. Carpenter...... 5.58 (iO 10 Carr, Jolm—AlCred Romer.......... 21 50 11 Conlin, Edward 13.—Isaac Bowen ... 201 ,50 11 Ciu-uen, Luke—P. W. Ledoux...... 600 46 11 Carie, David H. and Geo. F.—Philip Van VoUccnburgh................ 415 89 12 Coit, AVilliam A. (impld.)—Lester Braduer (Presdt.)................ 15,738 41 12 Cahn, Heury—AV. P. Douglass...... 90 00 12 Crave, Johu—Alexauder Larine..... 77 50 14 Cronogue, John—Max Steininger___ 206 2(5 1. Crow, James M. ) x> n wr_____ «no o'.- 1^ Clark, Russell A. \ ^- ^- Weaver... 099 9.^ 17 Claflin, Horace B.—J. H. V. Cockroft 103 19 17 Carpenter, Charles—Charles Schloss. 222 79